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of 20

While preparing a patient for an esophagogastroduoenoscopy (EGD), the nurse should implement
which intervention?

A. Inform the patient of the administration of a pre-procedure sedative.

B. Instruct the patient to be on a clear liquid diet for 24 hours before the procedure.
C. Instruct the patient that eating and drinking is permitted immediately after the procedure.
D. Administer a preparation to cleanse the Gl tract, such as Golytely or Fleets PhosphaSoda.

of 20

The nurse is assessing a patient with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) who is experiencing
increasing discomfort. Which patient statement indicates additional patient education about GERD is

A. "l eat three meals a day and have a bedtime snack."

B. "l quit smoking several years ago, but I still chew gum."
C. "l take antacids between meals and at bedtime each night."
D. "l sleep with the head of my bed elevated on 4-inch blocks."

# 3 of 20

The clinic nurse will anticipate teaching a patient who has recently been
experiencing frequent heartburn related to gastroesophageal reflux disease about
which of the following?
A. Barium swallow. B.
Radionuclide tests. C.
Endoscopy procedures.
D. Proton pump inhibitors.

Of 20

The nurse is providing medication teaching to a patient recently prescribed antacids

and sucralfate (Carafate), a cytoprotective agent, for treatment of the patient's
peptic ulcer. What should the nurse instruct the patient related to spacing of these

A. Antacids 30 minutes before meals.

B. Sucralfate at bedtime and antacids before meals.
C. Sucralfate and antacids together one hour before each meal.
D. Antacids one hour after meals and at bedtime and sucralfate one hour before meals.

of 20

The nurse is administering intravenous fluid boluses at 500 mL/hr and nasogastric irrigation to a
patient with acute gastrointestinal (GI) bleeding caused by a peptic ulcer. Which assessment
finding is most important for the nurse to communicate to the health care provider?

A. Bowel sounds are hyperactive in all four quadrants.

B. The patient's lungs have crackles audible to the mid-chest. C. The
nasogastric suction is returning coffee-ground material. D. The patient's blood
pressure has increased to 1 32/84 mm Hg.
# Of 2 0
The nurse is reviewing the medical record of a patient diagnosed with chronic gastritis. The nurse
would expect to note which of the following in the patient's medical record?

A. Eating spicy foods. B. Alcohol

consumption. C. A demanding,
stressful job.
D. Helicobacter pylori infection.

of 20

A patient is hospitalized with vomiting of "coffee-ground" emesis. The nurse will anticipate
preparing the patient for:

A. endoscopy. B.
C. gastric analysis testing.
D. barium contrast studies.

of 20

A patient has just arrived on the postoperative surgical unit after having a laparoscopic
esophagectomy with graft placement for treatment of esophageal cancer. Which nursing action
should be included in the postoperative plan of care?

A. Elevate the head of the bed to at least 30 degrees.

B. Start oral fluids when the patient has active bowel sounds.
C. Notify the physician immediately about bloody NG drainage.
D. Reposition the nasogastric (NG) tube if drainage stops or decreases.
# 9 of 20

The nurse is teaching a patient recently diagnosed with hiatal hernia about life-style modifications.
Which statement by the patient indicates understanding of the nurse's teaching?

A. "l will go on a weight reduction diet."

B. "When I sleep, I will lay supine with the head of the bed flat."
C. "l should wear a tight belt to prevent the hernia from slipping upward."
D. "l will make an appointment with the surgeon for surgical repair of the hernia."

of 20 Question:

The nurse is caring for a patient diagnosed with exacerbation of ulcerative colitis who is
experiencing severe manifestations. When assessing this patient, which manifestation would the
nurse expect to find?

A. Hard, rigid abdomen. B.

Oral temperature of 1 02? F.
C. Twenty bloody stools a day.
D. Urinary stress incontinence.

of 20 Question:

A patient newly diagnosed with Crohn's disease asks the nurse what to expect in the
future. Which would be the most appropriate response by the nurse?

A. "Most patients with Crohn's disease require an ostomy to control the disease, but you can adjust
to that."
B. "You need to know there is the probability of lifelong, unpredictable periods of remissions and
C. "You can expect to lead a normal life and may have long periods without episodes of diarrhea or
other symptoms."
D. "After about 5 years, patients with Crohn's disease have a very high risk for colorectal cancer unless the
entire colon is removed."

of 20

The nurse assesses a patient with an exacerbation of ulcerative colitis is having loose
stools every 1 to 2 hours and has excoriated perianal skin. Which patient behavior
indicates teaching regarding perianal care has been effective?

A. The patient uses witch hazel to decrease rectal irritation. B.

The patient uses incontinence briefs to contain loose stools. C.
The patient asks for antidiarrheal medication after each stool.
D. The patient cleans the perianal area with harsh soap after each stool.

of 20

The nurse performs a detailed assessment of the abdomen of a patient with a

possible bowel obstruction caused by colorectal cancer, knowing which of the
following is an earlier manifestation of an obstruction in the large intestine?

A. A largely distended abdomen. B.

Diarrhea that is loose or liquid. C.
Intermittent, colicky abdominal pain.
D. Projectile vomiting that relieves abdominal pain.

The nurse has admitted a patient with acute exacerbation of diverticulitis to the
medical-surgical in-patient unit. Which order should the nurse question?

A. High-fiber diet. B.
Intravenous fluids.
C. Broad-spectrum antibiotics.
D. Bedrest with limited activities.

# 1 5 Of 20 Question:

When teaching the patient about the diet for diverticulosis, which foods should the
nurse recommend?

A. White bread, cheese, and green beans. B.

Fresh tomatoes, pears, and corn flakes. C.
Oranges, baked potatoes, and raw carrots.
D. Dried beans, whole-grain breads, and apples.

of 20 Question:

The patient diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome whose primary symptoms are
abdominal distention and flatulence is being discharged. The patient should be
taught to avoid which food item?

A. Yogurt.
B. Carrots.
C. Cabbage.
D. Bananas.
of 20 Question:

A patient is awaiting surgery for acute peritonitis. Which action will the nurse plan to include in
the preoperative care?

A. Position patient with the knees flexed.

B. Avoid use of opioids or sedative drugs.
C. Offer frequent small sips of clear liquids.
D. Assist patient to breathe deeply and cough.

# 1 8 of 20

A 76-yr-old patient with obstipation has a fecal impaction and is incontinent of liquid stool. Which
action should the nurse take first?

A. Administer bulk-forming laxatives.

B. Assist the patient to sit on the toilet.
C. Manually remove the impacted stool.
D. Increase the patient's oral fluid intake.

of 20

A patient with Crohn's disease who is taking infliximab (Remicade) calls the nurse in the outpatient
clinic about new symptoms. Which symptom is most important to communicate to the health care

A. Fever.
B. Nausea.
C. Joint pain.
D. Headache

# 20 of 20

Which patient should the nurse assess first after receiving change-of-shift report?

A. A 30—yr-old patient who has a distended abdomen and tachycardia.

B. A 60-yr-old patient whose ileostomy has drained 800 mL over 8 hours.
C. A 40-yr-old patient with ulcerative colitis who had six liquid stools in 4 hours.
D. A 50-yr-old patient with familial adenomatous polyposis who has occult blood in the stool

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