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In my freshman year of high school, I faced relentless bullying simply because of my appearance, with

taunts and physical harm leaving me injured. In the process of hiding my wounds they got infected and
made me hospitalized. Despite the pain, I found the strength to confront my tormentors and put an end
to their cruelty. But I didn't stop there. Fueled by a burning passion to be a voice for others, I launched a
determined campaign to eradicate bullying in my school. Through powerful articles, impassioned
speeches, and the creation of supportive clubs, I channeled my experiences into a force for positive
change. These challenges transformed me into a resilient, empathetic advocate who refuses to turn a
blind eye to injustice. Today, I am not just a dreamer of change; I am a fearless advocate who takes
action to make the world a better place for those in need.

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