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Literary criticism is the analysis, interpretation, and evaluation of literature.

involves examining the form, content, structure, style, themes, and context of
literary works in order to gain a deeper understanding of their meaning and
significance. Literary critics may use various approaches and methodologies to
analyze texts, including historical, biographical, formalist, structuralist,
poststructuralist, feminist, Marxist, psychoanalytic, deconstructive, and
cultural studies perspectives, among others.

Some key aspects of literary criticism include:

1. **Close Reading**: This involves a detailed analysis of the text itself, paying
close attention to language, imagery, symbolism, and other literary devices.

2. **Contextual Analysis**: Critics consider the historical, social, cultural, and

biographical contexts in which a work was produced and received.

3. **Interpretation**: Critics offer interpretations of texts, exploring themes,

motifs, character development, and other aspects of literary works.

4. **Evaluation**: Critics assess the artistic, intellectual, and emotional merits

of a work, considering its originality, craftsmanship, coherence, and impact.

5. **Comparison**: Critics may compare a literary work with others within

the same genre, period, or author's body of work to illuminate similarities,
differences, and influences.

6. **Theoretical Perspectives**: Critics often employ various theoretical

frameworks and approaches to analyze literature, such as structuralism,
poststructuralism, psychoanalysis, feminism, Marxism, and postcolonialism.

7. **Reception Studies**: Some critics focus on how literary works are

received and interpreted by readers, audiences, and critics over time.

Literary criticism plays a crucial role in shaping our understanding and

appreciation of literature, influencing literary scholarship, teaching, and the
broader cultural discourse surrounding literary texts. It helps us to engage
with literature in a deeper and more meaningful way, enriching our
understanding of human experience, society, and the human condition.

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