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Optional: Doom of Damocles: [ ]-----[ ]-----[ ]-----[ ]-----[ ]

Appendix: Randomizers!
Use the Difficulty Generator, Tag Symbol, or a d10 on the tables below to randomize
character and setting elements, and introduce or inspire unique content; this way, the game
can more easily include elements that you might not come up with on your own, the same way
other players or a GM would introduce nuance and complication you might not think of.
These can be used at any time, but I find them especially helpful during character
generation. You may want to consider implementing a method for randomizing parts of your
backstory--then, when spending your Revisions on Descriptors, you will have a richer tapestry
of ideas. For example, you might follow this pattern, using the first four tables:

Family Members: Draw Tag Symbols to generally describe family members, as a whole
or individually (and possibly use the GMA for other random character elements, from names to
virtues and vices, or even belongings and sensory information).
Childhood: Randomly select some elements to incorporate into your childhood. Explain
them, and then draw a Random Event; incorporate that as well.
Youth: Draw Tag Symbols for your Youth, and then build one or more characters as
best friends or bullies; work them into the story, and then draw for another Random Event and
incorporate it.
Coming of Age: Randomly select one or more to describe your entry into adulthood or
rites of passage. Then, create characters for one or all of your first love, a rival, or a mentor.
Keeping some or all of the characters you’ve generated so far in mind, draw a Random Event
and write it into the tale.

And then continue as you wish with other life stages: First job? College? Driven from
your homeworld? Entered the military? Consider creating your own tables and generating
some random elements, characters, and events to populate these!

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