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Schools should not teach history instead of current


Dear teachers and my fellow students

I am here today to address an issue that I feel so
strongly about. Should schools be focusing on
current affairs at the expense of history?
Who are we? We are all products of our past. Our
varied, rich, colorful, dark and bright past. We all
come with our own stories…” his-story”, “her-story”
and “our-stories”. The collection of these beautiful
stories is what makes history.
The foundations of the present and future lie on the
shoulders of the past. There is a reason as to why
we say “history repeats itself”. History is the
knowledge and study of the past. It is a collective
recollection of who we are, where we came from
and where we are heading. History is a great
yardstick to judge our progress as a society. It gives
us the opportunity to benefit from the mistakes of
the past. Where would we be today, if we didn’t
have any recollection of why the two world wars
happened and how we can avoid such disastrous
consequences for humanity? The legendary
contributions of many great scientists, philosophers
and pioneers in the field of arts, science, humanities
and medicine would be completely lost on our
generation without the support of history.

So, my friends let us become better informed

citizens of today. Let us study, understand and
develop a deep appreciation of how far we have
come and how far we still need to go as the human
My voice, although small and single today, hopefully
is one significant moment in history.
Current affairs are very important, but baseless
without the shoulders of the giants of the past.

Thank you for your time and attention today.

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