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Alexander Lien

Self defense worksheet

1. Please list the steps for managing an altercation that occurs with a patient or a

Document every detail thoroughly in chronological order, add emotional status of pt,
bystanders and oneself

Have your partner is also to document SEPARATELY without discussion between the
two of you and or other witnesses

Contact your supervisor to discuss incident and whether police should be involved and a
formal statement given

Document on PCR

If working for AHS – mysafetynet reporting

If patient was transported, alert hospital staff

2. What are the criteria for use of force to prevent commission of offense?

Everyone is justified in using as much force as reasonably necessary to prevent an offen

or to prevent anything being done that one believes would be an offense

3. What is the definition of excessive force?

By using more force than necessary to prevent an offense

4. What medical causes can result in our patients becoming violent? (pg. 91)

Diagnosis of psychosis or bipolar disorder, history of psychiatric disorder, male gender, age
younger than 35 years, below-average intelligence, no history of employment, homelessness,
and agitated behavior
5. What criteria is used to determine mental competence? (pg. 90)

The law dictates that individuals possess autonomy and self-determination, which encompass
the right to accept or refuse medical treatment
6. What are some communication strategies you can use to manage a ‘hostile patient’?
(pg. 46)

Active listening, empathy, compassion, communication,

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