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Tibaneke Lesa Keda) * Geochemistry — study of the nature and distribution of chemical elements in rocks and minerals; the application of basic chemistry to earth sciences. » Geochronology or Isotope Geochemistry Peace oR Oz-Lore UNO » Geochemistry Applied to Mineral Deposits Introduction: Historical development of eLexcaa ein, * GEOCHEMISTRY was first coined or used as a term by Christian Friedrich Schonbein , chemistry professor from University of Basel in Switzerland, in 1838. ° Used by Frank W. Clarke, the first geochemist in the modern sense of the world, of USGS in 1908 in his book, The Data of Geochemistry. * Victor M. Goldschmidt (1888-1947), University of Gottingen in Germany, correlated the mineral formation and structure to its chemical composition. eee MMe oue Rt ium Sor ete Suma el based on the compatibility of the radii and charges of the ions. Introduction: Historical development of eLearn eSia, * Victor M. Goldschmidt (1888-1947) » Father of modern chemistry and crystal chemistry Paco Ri mee suis Kos minerals according to preferred LSE Sam rie) dat] eee corel (NUIT) mineral ¥ Siderophile — iron-loving mineral SAS iTel (ero) iT emo —m ood Tire} mineral ¥ Atmophile — gas-loving mineral GHACCOPRILE™ Introduction: Goals of Gechemistry (Gunther Faure, 1998) PRM omen Time Meteo RUM eel) ole MMe) (ola 23 (111 2. To discover the causes for the observed chemical composition of terrestrial and extraterrestrial materials. 3. To study the chemical reactions on the surface of the Earth, in its interior and in the solar system around us. 4. To assemble this information into geochemical cycles and to learn how this cycle operated in the geologic past and how SMU pL Mele -Xe MLL Ro Introduction: The Universe in Geochemistry = Big Bang Theory — a model of the evolution of the universe that postulates its origin from a hot, dense mass that expanded rapidly and cooled. » Sudden appearance of a “super matter”, its rapid expansion, and dissemination. » The fundamental composition is believed to be the “quark soup” which eventually combined or nucleated to become organized into the nuclei of H and He. = Clues of “expanding universe” SMe te MRD ey ot Colcol Meo fe Mr Ms eel mello t eLD Dread le a im sol ool Ol LMU Cee) lol eager oa cry) PRC iiMa Ti eRuecuichacmcstsietio) produced at a specific wavelength when the universe was at temperatures ee ee a oie MA iecum kr tan Introduction: The Universe in Geochemistry = The “hierarchy of heavenly bodies” > Cluster of galaxies » Galaxies » Stars, pulsars, and black holes Pagel} > Satellites aC PO eel) » Meteoroids ea Om telat (9 Paolo} Ome A Introduction: The Universe in Geochemistry SCS AR i UR MLC Cb » Main sequence stars — produced by contraction of interstellar gases resulting in increase in temperature; energy production by H fusion becomes possible and thus Felker ee ela Pa eer een ee apa Mitek eal eee Pe OL eee ee aR ee tem OMe IRC TR Rac yg COC iCuRm an eRcrcRs anh i Mclas iter energy production shifted from the core to the outer shell. ~Pulsars (neutron stars), white dwarf, and black holes — end stage of stellar evolution; contraction leads to the increase in core temperature and eventually explodes to OTRO CaP lRe ccd elutes ian Introduction: The Universe in Geochemistry = NUCLEOSYNTHESIS - the theory that explains the complexation of material from the simple structure of H and deuterium (isotope of H). 1. Hand He are the most abundant isotopes in the universe PPM LN lie RRL ORS MCU ook Tort Lela Lite Lb 3. The abundances of the elements having atomic numbers greater than CURR oa aK atic dace oy Acme Raid LT of 1oe Pe URLS OU eM kane Mell are Co LAR RUlLe immediate neighbors with odd atomic numbers. 5. The abundances of Li, Be, and B are anomalously low compared to other elements of low atomic number. Introduction: The Universe in Geochemistry = NUCLEOSYNTHESIS COMM LoL Lee Celie Mole MMU cel )) Ale MU MOL CAL SLUMS Co Lae oY oC 7. Te and Pm do not occur in the solar system because alll of their isotopes are unstable and decay rapidly. 8. The elements having atomic number greater than 83 (Bi) have no stable isotopes, but occur naturally at very low abundances because they are daughters of long —lived radioactive isotopes of U and Th. Introduction: The Universe in Geochemistry Baye) * The solar nebula — diffuse mass of interstellar gas and dust. Pagel eek olds CU oi Reco BOON Lt im ore Re eM Ro selective adhesion caused by electrostatic and magnetic forces. aa aero oo OM Caer UM Rl) Leo Te RLM ee Lele eee oy Meee Melo ole A LOE COCCI atnicokmiccrs Seema eT MEU UML Ms/Ae Rod Mites A EOE er Se COI Cer Amuie " - ee CC tS cua ow a density, large. , ni Paes oe eer planetisimals composed of water, ammonia, methane, and other volatiles. Introduction: The Universe in Geochemistry Peleesty lee Ue melee) Luminosity, L (Lsun) oh iI} 3 es aT Supergiants or ry é td oa Deere ete Arg Tem Ory 40000 20000 10000 5000 2500 Sea Introduction: The Universe in Geochemistry = Meteorites - chunks of rock from space that land on Earth TMM Ul Mr Ukamacite, taenite (both Ni-Fe alloys, different crystal structures) eT area (ltl acer) erry OPlagioclase = Kinds of meteorites: Saori RASC SAS Ney Introduction: The Universe in Geochemistry MMe acre (ole ban) elm Mel Co EW MUM UMMM UML TKe] such as troilite (FeS) Types classified according to % Ni: eerie Dee ee ean eee can cee Raed Peon) Pa Noh PCC Reni elise au au nee ame Ni-Fe Types: aS ey ae Aer ecto: ees Ceo Ron Neu cece Renan Pe eo RRM Soca eB ctl hse aT od eet erento High content of volatiles, including water and non-biogenic carbon (will later show TR ea Ree ae ee as) Se Cee id Introduction: The Universe in Geochemistry Pee ieee Ma oie geod Bol Meo eeu mera arse Mums MUR oLieKracy CRC RM accor} = Stony-iron meteorites: Equal amounts of silicates and Ni-Fe alloys Many are crystallized silicates which have been brecciated, then invaded by metallic and sulfide melts Classified according to kind of silicate: > pallasite (olivine) » mesosiderite (plagioclase, pyroxene) Atomic structure and property Ce UI CU ri) 1. A nucleus at the center, containing nearly all of the mass of the atom but accounting for only one ten-thousandth of its diameter. 2. A family of electrons gathered around the nucleus, forming three- dimensional clouds that makes up the volume of an atom. Note: protons are 1825X more massive than electrons. Ba) (et: emery AOU OOK Lo ARCOM Lice ol CooL COLL characterized by a distinct combination of protons and neutrons; only about 270 of which are stable (i.e., non-radioactive). * The nucleus — composed of positively charged protons and neutrons, React me reicrs Atomic structure and property Specifics almost certainly not known (exact %, for example) but some general facts (or "rules") known. = Only 10 elements - H, He, C, N, O, Ne, Mg, Si, S, and Fe - all with atomic numbers less than 27, show appreciable abundance. Of these, H and He far outweigh the other 8. = Abundances show a rapid exponential decrease for elements of the lower atomic numbers, followed by an almost constant value for the heavier ies = Elements adjacent to Helium (i. e. Li, Be) are very low in relative abundance = Elements of even atomic number are more abundant than those of odd Piro M AU mO Nae e lel pmo MIPIM -terele tI Ate Mob Oddo and Harkins (c. 1915) and is sometimes referred to as the Oddo- tee deca = Isotopes with mass numbers which are multiples of 4 (alpha particle mass number) have enhanced abundances. = There is a pronounced abundance peak at atomic number 26 and smaller peaks at several other heavier atomic numbers (such as Oxygen) Atomic structure and property z 5 3 3 2 z é : 3 a 5 2 & UbtoaNUe OAT Oe ‘Atomic Number 2 Eliminate Oddo-Harkins effect Make y-scale more functional by normalizing to a standard Estimates of primordial mantle REE Atomic structure and property CUR Loli) SCC Liem Neues Rca komo eccrine) the repulsive forces between protons, thus binding BT SMUtro Um oe MR fet otLce RTL See CR C4 eS eM aad PO ao eR ee lg CT AR MOM UMS) aL ofa ko) Pennant SM CY RM heel (MeL) atoms of an element; to a close approximation, the number of protons plus the number of neutrons CO a TU Se CMO ME OMe Ce naturally occurring isotopes weighted in Cele ce oe MOTUS e oo Atomic structure and property CT ml) SR oo) eR oll AM uC ete ike Oe Lo CL a TUL * Isotones — nuclides having constant mass number but a different atomic number (9Be and 10B). * Isobars — nuclides having the same atomic mass (A) but different neutron number (A) and atomic number (Z). Se er emi ee neta lite lash eats tenetect) ite RNa ecco having approximately the same energy. Atomic structure and property Pe RI Sic) = Charge deficiencies that result from the substitution of ions of unequal charges must be compensated by a second substitution involving an ion having a different charge; the processes contributed to the slic mmen iiss Melle elmo lN a minerals. Adsorption = An alternative to coupled substitution in which ions are attached on the charged surfaces of small ions; *.¢% usually displayed by the clay minerals. b ce bt Ceca SUR UR MOeCuRaeRCoLLLS charge and a similar atomic radius as the major Pere neh CMAs emeCe 1y Renn zircon (ZrSiO4). Atomic structure and property Capture = This takes place when a minor element enters a crystal preferentially because it has a higher ionic potential than the ions of the major element (e.g., in the formation of feldspar crystals which may capture Ba2+ or Sr2+ un ole Mme R MCU Mie NLR MU UR mare el magma decrease during crystallization of K-feldspar. OTST) "= This involves the entry of a foreign ion that has a lower ionic potential that the major ion because it has either a lower charge or a larger radius, or STN mR M oi Me oL* NT MICRON Tae CoLe T decreases as the dffrerence in radii of competing ions increases (e.g., Rb+ for K+; l- replaces Cl- much less than Br-; and Br- and Ba2+ is less abundant in calcite than Sr2+). fe 4 Mineral Stability PSC eet eee ea oe SCuielucucha eal em aut malaicel = Unstable — possesses the highest potential energy = Metastable — requires an energy hurdle to put in the most stable form or of lower potential energy. Mineral Stability SR eS eee ge eee aac) Pere ee Omura nice Cems emcee erie "Stability fields — areas representing the range of applied pee heen hac nec ite aso Pree Se ee eee eC RR TE ene Sie Renee ee isin anes eesti feces eget Tee = Activation energy — energy required for transformation to ere na tend a en cine ee nccld ils SR er ACT eter tee Suey ac sta associated with chemical equilibrium between phases, and provides the tools for working out which mineral assemblages will be stable under which conditions. SER eee CoM ares reactions that lead to equilibrium, and the rates at which ioc Phase Diagram CE eoR SoM Re CUS nC enn RC roy or whose properties are under consideration; the system is Pe ee Rr Ty aed ta ip ape ke can eon ek ec ee ee eee a tg with the surroundings. ¥ Closed system — one that is sealed with respect to the transfer of Dea a eae ens een at ts Sate sh eee ae ec CaS CVA Meet gles ere aa Ciil oink clia rit Semicon cncknseccucn el eRe RRR Reo ea eee ea a eel Can Prete ests i Rese hae ena ure gee cea Pa ana PaCS fa eater Phase Diagram LT eta = Thermal equilibrium — all parts of the system have the same temperature; OM MoDaCo = Chemical equilibrium — the distribution of components among the phases of CAC Cenc Minne enemies ~ Disequilibrium — the diffusion rates of an element in and out of the crystal are unequal; there will be a net change of composition of each phase with time. a ee a CLC sec unin eee ueksr a crystal boundary is the same in both directions resulting in zero net flow, Cole MaroMeelire (Rov meoli Xen M LL Phase Diagram SR May * The Phase Rule (J. Willard Gibbs, 1870s) — a formula which expresses the number of phases (6) that can coexist in mutual equilibrium in terms of the number of components (C) in the system and another property of the equilibrium called the variance (F); the variance (F) is also known as the De meee kM Took CR Ces aid Phase Diagram SUCRE L Sa aa kyanite Silieanite hase, ky + sll + andl) (( component, Al,SiO;) “an iueriant equim (2 phases, ky + sil) (1 component AiSi0:) (1 phase, ky) (1 component, ASiO3) 1 dvarant condition Phase Diagram SR May » Invariant — ( variance of 0) means that the three phase equilibrium erste ele meen) pCR MCLM LER CORSM Lelaicet] (old combination of P and T. AN Rete (Te eMC te Co ire ol OMe MCR Col ROL system is only unconstrained in one direction which is along the phase Pers ela ~ Divariant — the pressure and the temperature can vary independently (two degrees of freedom) without upsetting the equilibrium phase assemblage. Phase Diagram SCR) aa * Solid ice F=SG=P2 =2; C = 1 (only H,0) P = 1 (solid) « Heating/ melting of ice F=C-P+2=1 C = 1 (only HO) P = 2 (solid & liq) TC * Triple point F=C-P+2=0 C= 1 (only H,0) P = 3 (sol, liq & vap) Phase Diagram SUR AL) aad The H,O system = Curve (Univariant) P=2, F=1 = Field (Divariant) Pei, Fa2 water va ® Triple Point (Invariant) — P=3, F=0 > oor T°C nap: /serecoreton edu/reseorch_education/equltio/phaserue ml Phase Diagram ° The Gibbs Phase Rule Application of the Gibb’s Phase Rule to a unary diagram Aluminosilicate system:} polymorphs of AI,SiO; Unary: C=1 Triple Junction (3.8 kbar and 500°C) P=3, F=0 Curve (Univariant) P=2, F=1 Field (Divariant) Pi iF=2 Phase Diagram Pa MMe enol temperatures (a curve on a phase diagram) Deane Re ha oli reer lh arolie| eparelcee)s am TO ea temperature above Rene Mo Lao completely liquid, and the maximum temperature at NaAlSisOs " (Ab component) rcent CaAl Mrs Gis ckssulso re eo RRL atta rete Anes Pema) Phase Diagram > Eutectic point - the point on a phase Celfefe eR UMS ECLA LL Son Fell eMol od (Molitor Mole MM Le lol NAA IT-18) See Sele Conte MM Cull steric eMC MU Ment Mom aoe elite ho disappears. A eutectic is an invariant point. Z z f y Peritectic point - The point on a phase diagram where a reaction takes place between a previously precipitated phase and the liquid to produce a new solid phase. When this point is reached, the temperature Tmo Urey OR Mel ode Lal Coulee] okt) invariant point. My Intermediate compound - A phase that has a composition intermediate between two other phases. Figure 2 Phase Diagram Pa ee it eae ie) ey CRN aeons aks) bl liquid with the same composition CoM we) [fe hs ‘que ao He z Pee nt pean) 5 wherein a phase melts to a ‘Temperature (*C) liquid with a composition different from the solid and Felco We Re To) lo Mole lily composition to the original solid. erste (Ma) Solvus and Hypersolvus Phase Diagram iS 2 2 e & E & KAISI,0,-NaAISi,O, System at 0.1 MPa (1 atm.) _ 1400 ‘two feldspars ‘K*-feldspar composition Ab..Or, "Na" ldspar composition Ab,Or, 71% K-feldspar Na-feldspar eas Sub-solvus Phase Diagram KAISi,0,-NaAISi,0, System at 500 MPa (5 Kbar) 1000 25% K-teldspar a g 5 = S a E 2 ~ Le > To compute the amount of solid phase: > Sum of weight fractions: = XtXsel » Conservation of mass (B): = Wo =Xwytkw, » Combine above equations: - X= » Geometric interpretation Wo-WL Ws-Wy Fraction of the solid phase, X, = Major Elements vs Trace Elements * Major elements are usually measured in percentage (either mass or molar), Cee Role sol Meo] Soo ROM RST ol RT Seu Le LA Gold and silver in electrum, >Yttrium, aluminum and oxygen in YAG, ae a Rosa cone If you change the major elements, you are essentially changing the material. If you replace the hydrogen with potassium then instead of water you will get Poe CUR mee Mel ull Mele Mel Reba Lit k umole) sgt cd {although this example might be a bit extreme). Major Elements vs Trace Elements SM CoM Mole MWR ie morsel me TMT] Mxeie Uc M eR Ce Tel meilelale MU Me LMU LM MLLo L-dopa OLR * Minor elements are everything in between. Technically, this means things between 1% and 0.1%. TiO, MnO MgO a0 NaO KO PO, oat 0.7 0.8 Mg/Md 50.5 0.7 Mg/Md 4 016 ous 0.2 0.05 1 oud 0.2 0.06 Major Elements vs Trace Elements MICRA Tui Useful for rocks in mobile belts that are no longer recognizably in their original setting Can trace elements be discriminators of igneous environment? Approach is empirical on modern occurrences Concentrate on elements that are immobile during low/medium grade metamorphism Rare Earth Elements (REE) Trace elements (<0.1 wt%) Expressed in ppm or ppb Lanthanides or rare earth elements (REEs) — La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Pm, Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Yb & Lu Platinum group of elements (PGEs) — Ru, Rh, Pd, Os, Ir & Pt Transition metals - Sc, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Co, Ni, Cu & Zn Rb, Sr, Y, Zr, Nb, Cs, Ba, Hf, Ta, Pb, Th & U EE Major Elements vs Trace Elements UCAS TUL = Incompatible elements — ions that do not fit into e ae Mola i Mle colailie Mui ols minerals precipitating in the magma at the time * ry RIN MM MC oe Melee oly ; in the residual magma; the incompatible elements are concentrated in the late-stage differentiates of magmas, including aplites dikes, pegmatites, folie Mave leet ati] Ri Te ees eter ba Cree ore toh te MIM CMU Oke Uo eo Major Elements vs Trace Elements « incompatible elements are concentrated in the Nol (Kp or D) «1 « compatible elements are concentrated in the solid Kp or D» 1 Major Elements vs Trace Elements 2 For dilute solutions can substitute D for Kp: p= Rg Where C, = the concentration of some element in the solid phase Major Elements vs Trace Elements Incompatible elements commonly — two subgroups Aire TMC patel ie [Xe (e111 ORS eu U Na Red (REE, Th, U, Ce, Pb4*, Zr, Hf, Ti, Nb, Ta) Low field strength large ion lithophile (LIL) elements (K, Rb, Cs, Ba, Pb?*, Sr, Eu*) are more mobile, particularly if a fluid phase is involved Rare Earth Elements (REE) be oN mL MMe] Rn Le Sunol table, specifically the fifteen lanthanides plus scandium and yttrium. Scandium and yttrium are considered rare earth elements since they tend to occur in the DoT eRe iRoom lie Roo DAT CoS] oe oo MA MUNe Ito McK Rola I) ALK M(t MMe CoLC Mele Rel MC CLZ ih Clee MUM Mele ROA AiR MU MCR OMT: MURS ey significant enough to support economic mineral development. Magma Composition Using Geochemistry Primitive Magma — magma derived from the mantle with Fo# 88 to 92, Mg # of 65 and above, and low Cr# Primary Magma — Primary magma are the first magma derived from primitive magma. It can be classified as parental magma. derived primarily by partial melting of the same source and have no characteristics that reflect the subsequent effects of differentiation Parental Magma — Are not necessarily primitive nor primary but Demo Tmui ete lo his(-ah te Magma Composition Using Geochemistry Rb/Sr — Signature as a function of magma assimilation process Rb is incompatible to SPL XeLMLe LL ooh MiKo} supply of parent material, you will have increasing amount of daugther element. Rb(P) > Sr .C)] In rock, Rb would be eel to Me 1ielK} you will get low 87Sr/86Sr. a eee Magma Composition Using Geochemistry Sm/Nd — Signature as a function of magma assimilation process During partial melting, Sm is Evolution curve is opposite to Rb - Sr compatible to melt compared to Nd If the magma has high value of 87Sr/86Sr and low value of 147Nd/144Nd, MT oleae undergone mixing. Magma Composition Using Geochemistry Be crea Mae tholeiitic series calc-alkaline series Magma Composition Using Geochemistry Creel Mate + Relationship of olivine and coexisting basalt/melt (Roeder and Emslie, 1970) (Fe2*/Mg)olvine (Fe2*/Mg)mett 0.3 Where Fe?* and Mg = atomic proportions of ferrous iron and magnesium Magma Composition Using Geochemistry Creel Mate + Magnesium number (Mg #) = shows the Fe:Mg in a rock Ma # f= ve jg #=|—— Mg/Fe? atomic a 100 (wt.% MgQ/40.32) ~ (wt.% MgO/40.32) + (wt% FeO/71.85) Magma Composition Using Geochemistry ceed + Lherzolite - fertile unaltered mantle + Dunite & harzburgite - refractory residuum after basalt has been extracted by partial melting Figure 10-1 Brown and Mussett, AE The inaccessible Earth: An integrated View of ts Structure and Composition. ‘Chapman & HallKiuwer. Magma Composition Using Geochemistry NiO Ce U ht) “Kilauea High NiO = manile origin = 0.40 Low NiO = g CO oi y ° 2 0.30 _-7 Fractional 85.0 87.0 89.0 Fo content (%) Magma Composition Using Geochemistry TiO2 Ce U ht) ~ O18 (deep meiting) lt ey dea Central American Volcanic Arc 10 \ MOR Derived Le NYA Oy a 4 on Ley: Ni __ (shallow melting) Derived ; N-MORB E-MORB Magma Composition Using Geochemistry Major Elemets — Harker Diagram Alfred Harker (1909) SiO, vs other major oxides One of the most common variation diagrams Crater Lake (Mt. Mazama, Oregon) — volcanic rocks winter, 2001 eee Magma Composition Using Geochemistry Major Elemets — Harker Diagram increase of SiO, = magmatic evolution Parental magma? Primary magma? Winter, 2001 eee ee ed Magma Composition Using Geochemistry Major Elemets — Harker Diagram Fractional crystallization Decrease in MgO, FeO* and CaO as SiO, increases = removal of early forming ol, px and ,,. plag from the cooling liquid MgO & FeO - mafics CaO — plag & px Magma Composition Using Geochemistry Major Elemets — Harker Diagram Al,O, Increases then decreases CaO decreases continuously, cpx possibly removing Ca but not Al Plag began to crystallize, removing both Ca and Al Winter, 2001, Pos Magma Composition Using Geochemistry Major Elemets — Harker Diagram Al,O, Increases then decreases CaO decreases continuously, cpx possibly removing Ca but not Al Plag began to crystallize, removing both Ca and Al Winter, 2001, Pos Magma Composition Using Geochemistry Tae CL CIN eS Alkaline > (ait, 001) © $0, / mass + ALKALINE: alkali basalt > trachybasalts > trachyandesite > trachyte/phonolite : basalt > andesite > dacite > rhyolite Magma Composition Using Geochemistry Major Elemets — Total Alkali vs Silica (TAS) diagram Thermal separates the subalkaline from the alkaline fields at low P * Cannot cross this divide by fractional crystallization; cannot derive one series from the other (at least via low-P fractional crystallization) Liquid Thermal Divide Sse Magma Composition Using Geochemistry BIC Tm ty Calc-Alkaline Basalt £ Ww = > oO =e - (=) o €sRbBath U K Nb Tala CeSr NdP Hf Zr SmTi Y Yb Mos tb goon ath @§ bess icon patible Magma Composition Using Geochemistry BCT CLES sample/chondrite Europium anomaly when plagioclase is a fractionating phenocryst or a residual solid in source laCe Nd SmEu Dy Er YbLu atomic number —> REE diagram for 10% batch melting of a hypothetical lherzolite with 20% plagioclase resulting in a pronounced negative Europium anomaly. From Winter (2001) Magma Composition Using Geochemistry BIC Tm tu concentrates the HREE and fractionates among them Thus if garnet is in equilibrium with the partial melt (a residual phase in the source left behind) expect a steep (-) slope in RE and HREE Table 9-1. Partition Coefficients (C2/C,) for Some Commonly Used Trace Elements in Basaltic and Andesitic Rocks Divine —Opx —Cpx — Garnet Piag —_Amph Magnet Shallow (<40 km) 001 0.022 0.031 0.042 0.07 9 0014 004 006 0012 1.83 partial melting of 001 0013 0026 0023 023 the mantle will 40 50 7.0 0955 0.04 07 100 40 © 1.45.08 have a 0.007 0.03 0056 0.001 0.148 : 5 0.006 002 0.092 0007 0082 in the residuum 0.008 003 023 0.028 0.055 0.007 005 0445 0.102 png and a 0.007 0.05 0.474 0243. }0.1/1.5" 0013 015 0.582 sted 0028 023 ose3} 656 | 0.02 5 0049 024 0542 0.023 4 004s 042 0.506 0.019 will result Rare Earth Elements Magma Composition Using Geochemistry Bice Cow tLe THO. 1% OpK 17% Cpx Lace Nd SmEu Te 60% O1 15% Opx 15% Cpx 10%PIag S7%OI 14%OpK 14% CPX 14% Get Lace Nd SmEu Te Er Yolu ee ones BS mn Magma Composition Using Geochemistry BCom tu ABrief Summary of Some Particularly Useful Trace Elements in Igneous Petrology Element Use as a Petrogenetic Indicator Ni, Co, Cr Highly compatible elements. Ni and Co - concentrated in olivine. Cr - spinel and cpx. High concentrations indicate a mantle source, limited fractionation, or crystal accumulation Very incompatible elements that do not substitute into major silicate phases (although may replace Ti in titanite or rutile). High concentrations imply an enriched source or extensive liquid evolution High field-strength elements that partition into Ti-rich phases (e.g. titanite, Ti-amphibole, Fe-Ti oxides). Typically low concentrations in subduction-related melts ‘Alter Green 1990 ge eer nn en) Magma Composition Using Geochemistry BCT CL Element Use as a Petrogenetic Indicator Ru, Rh, Pd, — Siderophiles are mostly used to study melting and Re, Os, Ir, crystallization in mafic-ultramafic systems in which Pd PGEs are typically hosted by sulfides. The Re/Os isotopic system is controlled by initial PGE differentiation and is applied to mantle evolution and mafic melt processes. Concentrates in pyroxenes and may be used as an indicator of pyroxene fractionation Substitutes for Ca in plagioclase (but not in pyroxene), and, to a lesser extent, for K in K-feldspar. Behaves as a compatible element at low P where plagioclase forms early, but as an incompatible element at higher P where plagioclase is no longer stable. Pee ee Eee eed Magma Composition Using Geochemistry BIC Tm ty Element Use as a Petrogenetic Indicator REE Myriad uses in modeling source characteristics and liquid evolution. Garnet accommodates the HREE more than the LREE, and orthopyroxene and hornblende do so to a lesser degree. Titanite and plagioclase accommodates more LREE. Eu?* is strongly partitioned into plagioclase. Commonly incompatible. Strongly partitioned into garnet and amphibole. Titanite and apatite also concentrate Y, so the presence of these as accessories could have a significant effect. ‘After Green 1990 B.D. Pavot I Geoloav 250 Ianeous Petroloay (Lec) eee ee ere Geochemical Techniques ye Nama Ul a-SCA-N KK) . XRF (X-ray fluorescence) is a non-destructive analytical technique used to ee emilee Mae lin) LeF Toe L MNe Lilo Aamo lite e4-Le Me Uma y Pe MRA Sa ctne Rice terecccum Ciaccnt: cise ered emitted from a sample when it is excited by a primary X-ray source. ‘Muti-Element Fluorescence from "Ca 2 4 Energy eV) ye Nama Ul a-SCA-N KK) © X-Ray fluorescence is used in a wide range of applications, including research in igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic petrology soil surveys mining (e.g., measuring the grade of ore) » cement production ceramic and glass manufacturing metallurgy (e.g., quality control) environmental studies (e.g., analyses of particulate matter on air filters) petroleum industry (e.g., sulfur content of crude oils and petroleum products) field analysis in geological and environmental studies (using portable, hand-held XRF spectrometers) ye Nama Ul a-SCA-N KK) ee eo) oler ule Me ol MCet (ola pans Co com ole LITMAN CoLhZd bulk chemical analyses of major elements (Si, Ti, Al, Fe, Mn, Mg, Ca, Na, K, P) in rock and sediment bulk chemical analyses of trace elements (in abundances >1 ppm; Ba, Ce, Co, Cr, Cu, Ga, La, Nb, Ni, Rb, Sc, Sr, Rh, U, Y, Y, Zr, Zn) in rock and Pe mee (Oro m Ke SR UEC bd lel DAUM Rolke (iM RCM ole Smo PP Koha ode MM Lo MMe bos relatively large samples, typically > 1 gram materials that can be prepared in powder form and effectively homogenized materials for which compositionally similar, well-characterized EB clTelelre Mele meh rellolslicy materials containing high abundances of elements for which absorption CLR Me a Ml tM or oliol lpm MUA Cea rerelo] ,e ray Diffraction X-ray diffraction (XRD) is the primary, non-destructive tool for identifying and quantifying the mineralogy of crystalline compounds in rocks, soils and Peni ee pment M eRe Cus ais diffraction pattern whose ‘fingerprint’ can be matched against a database of over 250 000 recorded phases. Modern computer-controlled diffraction systems can interpret the diffraction traces produced by individual constituents and highly complex mixtures. XRD is an essential technique for identifying and characterising the nature of clay minerals, providing information which cannot be determined -- Coli usianeutere 9 X-ray Diffraction MeN Tecan.) - characterisation of lithologies intended for radioactive waste disposal and carbon dioxide capture/storage researching changes in soil clay mineralogy with different land management practices - determining the contribution of clay minerals to the engineering eT e Lm CReLe Rolly distinguishing natural and anthropogenic sources of toxic elements in rea Cor) - providing forensic evidence providing indicators of geological history, basin maturity and low grade metamorphism Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy Atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS) is a spectroanalytical procedure for the quantitative determination of chemical elements using the absorption of CCE Hcun Ch miCeRColnickcct ceteris In analytical chemistry the technique is used for determining the concentration of a particular element (the analyte) in a sample to be analyzed. AAS can be used to determine over 70 different elements in solution or directly in solid samples Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry Lie Math p Ool') ol (toM dean STE lao Up Aa ee MSE RUM elbAlce]| technique used for elemental determinations. Ee ReCocoli Ire My ACLU RUA UO EL Talo Om element. Most samples analyzed by ICP-MS are liquid. Solid samples must Pea teiCn eee me otis eoccns eueeetee Reem Stoichiometry Important Formulas Tn mela CLT WEES RUT in grams Dole elu Ru EES) Duley ee ee mmc) ee ee 6.02 x10” 1 mol Important Formulas Cet Ll) moles of solute kg of solvent Molality =m = Moles of solute Molarity (M) = Liters of solution Te a EE kg ee eee mol m= ee eee Oe MC cones era mee ited Se a a ee aR TIT) PN ccc Si 10 AMMEN TT i Ty RTT Important Formulas Cer U LCL Mass of Solute Mass of Solution Mass of Solute Mass of Solution Important Formulas Where; C, is the initial concentration C, is the final concentration V, is the initial volume V, is the final volume M, is the initial molarity M, is the final molarity Half Life The time taken for the radioactivity of a specified isotope to fall ECM mcmedat: TUL el Um time Ah=Aoe ay Zhe hattsife final 7 2 amount initial ret is the split factor... amount After a half-life, one pound cecal a7 pound. Half Life Half-life and decay constant (Natural Log) DT CRM CS Col Co ROMs [xe ) Meio higher probability of decaying (bigger A) will lead PRR lata licy un Sener Ns After one half life, the number, N of particles drops to half of No (the starting value). So: By substituting this expression in equation (1) above, Taking natural logs of both sides gives: =In2=4,7, 0.693 Half Life ti N(t) = No(5) t N(t) =Noe? N(t) = Noe~ Se Ny is the initial quantity N, is the remaining quantity ona a rma UP aol beac Ramu vo MTS ) is the decay constant Half Life Sample Computation Using Natural Logarithm If an archaeologist found a fossil sample that contained 25% carbon-14 in comparison to a living sample, the time of the fossil sample's death could be determined by rearranging equation 1, since N,, No, and t;2 are known. Ne = 6) _ 57301n 55) _ —0.693 Half Life Sample Computation using Logarithm Problem: A Nuclear reactor produces 20kg of uranium-232. | the half life of uranium is about 70 years, how loong will it take to decay to O.lkg? ¢ Solution: 20k9 ti= 10 years i O.1kg 4 t 7 log (h) = (#1) log .(%) (70 years ) jog7 Gs 535 years Half Life Half Life Computation using Parent-Daughter ratio t=1in(+2) where f is the age of the rock or mineral specimen, J is the number of atoms of a daughter product today, P is the number of atoms of the parent isotope today, In is the natural lograithm (logarithm to base e), and 2. is the appropriate decay constant. (The decay constant for each parent isotope is related to its half-life, . In2 2 by the following expression: 1/2 = = Normalization Normalization Table 1 Geochemical data on the Paleocene carbonate sequence of Santa Elena borehole. Major oxides, Sample Depth(m) SiO, TiO, 1,0, MnO MgO CaO Ni KO , Standard 0.089 003 5.36 004 «1:72 0015 ES-17Vq Standard 0.082 2, 5 0016 1.629 0.006 ES-17 U5-60 oo1 01s 0. 007 002 57 0.13 0.05 003 0 007 007 05 0.16 0.08 005 o14 0.17 007 0 0.17 0.10 007 0.08 013 ou 0.09 013 013 oul 009 0.15 0.15 oul a eee eee eee ner Normalization Uttrabasic | j Intermediate Alkaline Normalization mudstones, ee quartz arkose. arkosic: ‘arenite: lithic arenite feldspar ren rock fragments sedimentary percent matrix <30n metamorphic Normalization tophaite phonolte basanite L owvne > 10 (otwne = 10% tophte oite Normalization Ol-Opx-Cpx Orthopyroxenite Clinopyroxenite et cedgcda haces B.D. Payot (2018). Geology 250 Igneous Petrology (Lec) [Power Point Presntation], University of the Philippines — National Institute of Geological Sciences, Diliman Quezon City, Philippines.

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