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CONG HOA XA HOI CHU NGHIA VIET NAM Doc Hip - Ty do - Hanh phic BAN TY CONG BO SAN PHAM Sé: 107/CONG TY TNHH NESTLE VIET NAM/2018 (TCCS 107:2019/NVL) I. Thong tin vé té ehire, c4 nhAn ty céng bé san pham: Tén td chitc, cd nhan: CONG TY TNHH NESTLE VIET NAM Dia chi: KCN BIEN HOA 2, PHUONG LONG BINH, THANH PHO BIEN HOA, TINH DONG NAIL, VIET NAM Dign thogi: 02513 -836601 Fax: 02513-836602 E-mail: Hh Ma s6 doanh nghigp: 3600235305 Sé Gidy chimg nhan co sé di diéu kign ATTP: 000136/2017/ATTP-CNDK / Negay cap: 13/02/2017 /Noi cap: Cue An Toan Thye Phim - B6 Y Té (déi véi co sé thude d6i tugng phai c4p Gidy chimg nh§n co sé du diéu kién an toan thc phim theo quy dinh) IL. Thong tin vé san phim: 1. Tén san phim: Binh dyng nga cdc Star Wars 2. Thanh phan -Céc chi + Binh + nap: nhya PP (than binh chtra sita va nip binh ngii céc), nhya PS (than t tiép xitc true tiép thyc phim: binh ngii céc), nhya PE (np van binh chita stta) + Muéng: nhya PP + Nap binh (bat dyng ngii cdc): nhua PS - Cac chi tiét khéng tiép xtc thyc pham: nhya PS, kim loai 3. Thdi han sir dung san phim: 3 nam tré 1én. 4. Quy cach déng géi va chat ligu bao bi: Qui cach déng g6i: 10 sin pham/thing carton ‘Chat bao bi: San pham duge déng trong tai nhya, sau d6 cho vao thing carton ‘Trang 1 5. Tén va dja chi co sé sn xuat san phdm: e6ng ty Yuanli Toys (Heyuan) Limited (China). Dja chi: 205 National Road Side, Changkeng Area, Guangdong, Trung Quéc. III, Mu nbn sn phim: Cé nhan dinh km IV. Yéu cu vé an toan thye pham: Té chite, cd nhan san xuat, kinh doanh thyc pham dat yéu cau vé an toan thye phim theo: - Quy chuan ky thuat Quéc gia sé: QCVN 12-1:2011/BYT: Quy chun ky thuat quéc gia vé vé sinh an toan déi v6i bao bi, dung cu bing nhya ting hop tiép xiic truc tiép voi thye pham (mye IL1, 11.5, 11.6) Ching t6i xin cam két thyc hién day du cdc quy dinh ciia phap luat vé an toan thyc phim va hoan toan chiu trich nhigm vé tinh php ly ca hd so céng bé va chit Iugng, an toan thy phim déi véi san phim da céng bd. ..BH.,, ngay 19 théng 09 ncim 2019. DAI DIEN TO CHUC, CA NHAN (Ky tén, ding déu) n Trung Kign Quyén truéng phong phat trién kinh doanh NBD2 Trang 2 conc TY TNHH NESTLE eee “\vieT NAM /2/ (Nhan phy cia sin pham) AS S/ BINH DUNG NGU COC STAR WAR i dung ghi nhan ciia sin phim ‘Thanh phan: -Cae chi tiét tiép xtc trye tiép thye pham: + Binh + nap: nhya PP (than binh chira sita va np binh ngii céc), nhwa PS (than binh ngii céc), nhya PE (nip van binh chira sira) + Muéng: nhya PP + Nap binh (bat dung ngii céc): nha PS - Céc chi tit khong tigp xc thye phdm: nhya PS, kim loai Théng sé ky thuat: Binh dung ngii cé ‘Ong 119,30 mm x cao 134,80 mm Muéng: dai 121 mm x réng 30 mm x cao 9 mm Huéng din sir dyng: - Phan than gém cé 2 ngin —mét ngan cé np van chita sita, ngin con lai chita ngii céc. Nap binh cé thé thao rdi dé str dung nhu mét chiée bit - Dé ngii céc va sita vio nip binh, ding mudng di kém theo bd dung cu dé thuéng thire. - Rita sach tay truéc méi lan sir dung. Khong sir dung phan thira Huéng din vé sinh, bao quan: - Khéng sir dung cac héa chat tay rita va an mén manh dé lam sach. Diing co vé sinh sach cdc héc, khe va np binh. - Trinh tiép xiic véi lira. Bao quan nhiét dQ phong. san phdm ding cho tré tir 36 thang tudi tré lén. : Trung Quéc San xudt béi céng ty Yuanli Toys (Heyuan) Limited . Dia chi: 205 National Road Side, Changkeng Area, Guangdong, Trung Qué Thuong nhan nh4p khau va ty cng bé: Céng ty TNHH Nestlé Viét Nam, Khu Cong Nghiép Bién Hoa 2, Phudng Long Binh, Thanh phé Bién Héa, Tinh Déng Nai, Viét Nam Tiéu chun sin phim s6: TCCS 107:2019/NVL, Q Trang 3 NG NGU COC STAR WAR Trang 4 Ten t6 chit, c& nhin: CONG TY TNHH NESTLE VIET NAM - ja chi: KCN BIEN HOA 2, PHUONG LONG BINH, THANH PHO BIEN HOA, TINH DONG NAIL, VIET NAM BAO CAO DANH GIA HOP QUY BH, Neéy 01 thing 10 ndm 2019 1. San phim: Binh dyng nga ede Star Wars 2. Phuong thire danh gid: phuong thite thir I-thir nghigm mau dién hinh 3. Bon vj tién hanh kiém nghigm: Incertek Vigt Nam 4. Cae chi tidu dah gid theo quy chun ky thust quée gia QCVN 12-1:201 1/BYT 7 male a aston dont (Gidi han ti aa) nat [Thin binh chia sia, nip binh nga ebe Imudng (chit ligu bing nhya PP) “Tht vie lig 1 [chi (Pb) ele 100 20 Dat 2 |eadmi (Cay ele 100 Si Bat ‘Thit théi nhiém 1 [Rimi ming (any rachip cei A a ie trong acid acotic 4% sau 30 phiit & 60°C [Luong KMnO4 sir dung trong nude cat sau 2 10 lethybenzen, n-propyl benzen) — . cr as 4_|Styren va Ethybenzen male 1 O91 Dat [Thi thoi nhiém Kim loai ning (quy ra chi) 1 1 Py bat " Terong acid acetic 4% sau 30 phi & 60°C afr i Lugng KMn04 sr dung tong nuve clit sau 1 ‘ ries ‘ug/ml 10 5 Dat 3 [anna trong nude eft sau 30 phit 5 600C| ug/ml 30 <0 at [Cam kho trong hepian sau 60 phat 6 250C_| pg/ml 240 265 Dat ‘.Kit lad: Sin phim Binh dyng agi cbe Star Wars phi hop voi: = Quy chun ky hut Quée gia 36: QCVN 12-1 a 11/BYT: Quy chuan ky thut quée gia v8 vé sinh an toin divi bao bi, dung ou bing nha tong hop tiép xtc tye ip Wye phim Nguoi dénh gid nh eta cong ty Tran Thi Tuyét Dung Chuyén vién phong dang ky sin phim fg phing phat trién kinh doanh NBD2 intertek Total Quality, Assured. VILAS 278 Testing Report /Bdo cdo Két qua Phan tich CONG TY TNHH NESTLE VIET NAM. Binh dymng ngii cSc~ STAR WARS Than binh (chita nu, siza)-nhya PP Nap binh (dung ngG céc) —nhya PP Muéng~nhya PP Binh dyng ned cdc Star wars Applicant / ref. (Khéch hang /s6 yéu cau) Information provided by applicant (thong tin duge khéch hang cung ed) Sample description (M6 té méu) Seal No (S6 niém) Source of sample (Nguén méu) Sample received on (Ngay nhan méu) Sample tested on (Nady phan tich) khong niém ‘au nhgn tir khach hang 22-Aug-2019 22-Aug-2019 Page 1 of 2 WON: FST190818993-3 Date/Ngay: 09-Sep-2019 Testing Results / Két qué phan tich pa Parameters / Chi tiéu don; | sidihen | Phuong phép | Steuer "| phat hign | phan tich 1 ‘Thi vat ligu/ Material test Lead content (Pb) (*) 11 | Neches Ps ue/e | 200 100 <20 di | QCyN 12-1: 2011/BYT ‘Cadmium content (Cd) (+) 12 Ham lurong cadimi (Cd) ne/e 5.0 $100 ss 2 | Thir thdi nhiém/ Migration test Heavy metals (as Lead) in 4% acetic 7 acid after 30 minutes at 60°C (t) QCVN 12-1: 21 | kim loai néng (quy ra.chi) trong acetic | ¥8/™! 1.0, 2011/8YT st a acid 4% sau 30 phit 6 60°C. a This ep incuting any enclosures an tachment has Bon prepared fo the excuse use an benef of he aesees ae solely forthe pupae fr which ls provi. Unless we prouie express pier writen consent apart of ths report shoul be reproduced, cstibuteao ommmonisted aay hr party. eGo nat acept ny Hai ts ‘reports used for an terrae purpose fom wie ts ntnded nor dowe ee ay ty cave to any Wh partyin respect othe aor Extent hare ey spree ‘rig, al wrk an secs performed govenedby Interte tan Tem 2 Condens Serie whlch i aalabeon request and tht: ws cones, Intertek Vietnam Limited Food Laboratory: "iO, 14, 12,13 KOT Nam Song Can Tho, Tah Thuan Area Phu Thu War, Cal Rang Dstt Can Tha ity, Vietnam rowion Tassos Fax: +88 292 391 7711 292 301 7087 mat cscanthopintrteccom Website wnintertecom / wntertekun ticve ETROIO17 ln, Page 2 of 2 ie SY a 3 intertek kK WON: FST190818993-3, Total Quality Assured. rsa Date/Ngay: 09-Sep-2019 U7 mS ISS atti viLas 278 Max limit7 Lop/ | Test Method No. / a units | 10! >a | Giot han | Result / — Parameters / Chi tiéu pony) | Sidihan | Phong phée | eae" | Ret qud phat hién | phéintich Consumption of KNInOs in distilled water after 30 minutes at 60°C () Qcvn 32-1: 22 | Luong kiMnO4 siz dung trong murée cat | He/M! | 5.0 zor/ayt | <0 2 sau 30 philt 6 60°C _ 3 | Evaporation residue/ Hém lrgng céin kho In distilled water after 30 minutes at 7 mand 3a. | 60°C") vem! | 100 | SON | stout} cto Trong nude cit sau 30 phuit & 60°C ana JEP re OY Inheptane after 60 minutes at 25°C / QQcvn 12-1: a 32 | trong heptan sau 60 phult 6 25°C vem | 100 2011/8YT . ae. Note /Ghichd: 4. This testing results only valid on tested sample/ Kt qué phan tich ch cé git trén mBu thi. 2.(*) Parameters are not accreted ISO 17025/Chi tidu chva due céng nhén ISO 17025 3. According to the test method of Microbiology the result Is expressed as less than 10 CFU/e when the dish contains no colony/ Theo Phwzang php thi cia vi sinh, Ket qué durgc bi6u th nh harm 10 CFU/g khi Khong, co khusin Ie moe tren a. k Vietnam-Cantho branch A» ‘This epofindudng any endosures nd attaches hss boon prepare othe axcusive use abet ofthe adtessoes) an sly for he pupae fr whichis provided Unless we provide exoress ir witen conser oat a this ert sheulé ba reproduce, cstibted ot canmuncated to ary Wh party we donot seat ay aby hs ‘ports wed fo an alternative pose tom whi ts intnded nar do we awe ay dy of caret at tht party espe of th report Extent where expect aera ‘wing allwerk and sercs performed overedby ntertek tandrd Terms ond Contos of Serie wich alate on request and ttn Intertek Vietnam Limited Fed taboratory: io, 11, 12,13 Phu Th War al Forman (DT Nam Song Can Th, Thanh Thuan Are, Rane Dstt Can Tho Gy, Vietnam ‘Tel: +84 292 391 7667 Fax. ¥84292 391 7711, alt escanthopinterteecom ‘Website wninertecom / wawtertekn n tective ee I2017 intertek Total Quality Assured. VILAS 278 Testing Report /Bdo cdo Két qud Phan tich CONG TY TNHH NESTLE VIET NAM Binh dyng ni cBc STAR WARS Np binh chita nutéc, sifa ~ nhya PE Binh dyng ngi céc Star wars Applicant / ref. (Khdch hang /s6 yéu cu) Information provided by applicant (th6ng tin duegc khdch hang cung céip) Sample description (M6 té méu) Seal No (S6 niém) Source of sample (Ngu’m méu) Sample received on (Ngay nhan mau) Sample tested on (Ngdy phan tich) Khéng niém Mau nhgn tir khéch hang 22-Aug-2019 22-Aug-2019 Page of 2 WON: FST190818993-4 Date/Ngay: 09-Sep-2019 Testing Results / Két qué phén tich Max limit7 No. / ae unit/ | LOD! | Test Method | cisinan | Result / pat Parameters / Chi tiéu pony | Siihan | Phang phdp | Crahan | Resule/ M | phat hién | phan tich a 1 | Thirvat ligu/ Materia test Lead content (Pb) (1) 11 | amie cn oy ule | 200 soo | <20 Qcyn 12-1: 2011/8YT Cadmium content (Cd) *) 22 | sam hong cadlii (Ca) Peet ie a = 2. | Thir thai nhiém/ Migration test Heavy metals (as Lead) in 4% acetic T acid after 30 minutes at 60°C (*) acwni2a: | 2.1 | kim logi nding (quy ra chi) trong acetic | ¥8/™! cad 2011/8YT at ie ‘acid 4% sau 30 phit 6 60°C Consumption of KMnOs in distilled water after 30 minutes at 60°C (+) acvniza: | B 22 | Long KMn04 sir dung trong mde cat | ¥8/™! | 50 2011/BYT ow if sau 30 phiit 6 60°C “This reportGncung any enclosures and attachent) has bon prepared fr the excsve use an bene ofthe adesse(s) and sally ote purpose for whi ts rove Unless we provide express pr wten conse opto ths er shuld he epogice, istBted of conmunea tod to ny thr pry, We do ot scep any aby hs feporis used tr steratve purpose Wom whitened ar da we ae ay duty of ate to ay tha prt in respect of ns opr: Excepe wae exactly agreed a ‘wing allwert and seve performs governed interek landod Terms an Contos of Se ich avlablon request ant htp./fmmn tetek comers Intertek Vietnam Limited Food Laboratory: "M10, 11, 12,13 KOT Nam Song Can Tho, Thanh Thuan Area, Phu Thu Ward Cl Rang Dstt Can Tho City, Vietnam. Tel: +86 292 391 7097 Fax. r86 292 391 7711 ait escanthowinterokcom ‘Website wsuintertekcom / waiter cine n Page 2 of 2 intertek ‘otal Quality Assured, ‘WON: FST190818993-4 Date/Ngdy: 09-Sep-2019 viLas 278 Max limit/ Lop/ | Test Method No. / oe Unit / ‘ iy | cidihan | Result / Parameters / Chi tiéu Gidi han | Phuong phap | ee sit Bonu | Snathén | phdnen’ | ‘10 | Ket qua 3 In distilled water after 30 minutes at aa | soc) vim | soo | com: 0 Trong nwéc cét sau 30 phuit & 60°C In heptane after 60 minutes at 25°C / QCVN 12-1: oe Trong heptan sau 60 phut & 25°C g/ml aoe 2011/BYT 2 Note /Ghi chi: 4. This testing results only valid on tested sample/ Két qua phan tich chi c6 gid tr trén mau tht. 2.(*) Parameters are not accredited ISO 17025/Chi tiéu chva duge céng nhén ISO 17025, 3. According to the test method of Microbiology, the result ls expressed as less than 10 CFU/g when the dish contains no calory/ Theo Phung php thr cla vl sinh, két qu3 durgc bigu thy nh horn 10 CFU/g khi khong c6 khusin lac moc trén da. This report cuding any ences and attachments) hasbeen prepare fo the excusive sean bento the atesees) and solely fr the prpse for which ts roid. Unies we provide express lr wen consent opto this eer shed be reproduced, stbuted at conmuneated to any Wed pry We do ot seep any aby he ‘reports used fran testi purpose fom whi intended px do we oe ary ay of ete to any ta arty respect ti rpor Except wnere exe speed ‘wing lwo ae serves performed s governed interek tandad Terms an Condon of Serle wich avlbleon request ana tpn treks Intertek Vietnam Limited {els s0¢ 292301 7097 Food beaten fovea 2522 712 "201 1213 FT Nam Soe Gn Tha Tas un re tat connec n Prt are ean To Cy, Vr Mets wien wantrn eine Mos2017 Page 1 of 2 intertek Total Quality. Assured, WON: FST190818993-5 Date/Ngay: 09-Sep-2019 VILAS 278 Testing Report /Bdo cdo Két qua Phan tich Applicant / ref. (Khdch hang /s6 yéu cau): CONG TY TNHH NESTLE VIET NAM Information provided by applicant Binh dyng ngii céc - STAR WARS (théng tin duoc khéch hang cung céip) Than binh (dyng nel c6c) —nhura PS Nap (chén)nhua PS Sample description (Mé té méu) 1 Binh dung ngii céc Star wars Seal No (S6 niém) 2 KhGng niém Source of sample (Nguén méu) + Mau nhan tirkhach hang Sample received on (Nady nhén méu) «22-Aug-2019 Sample tested on (Ngdy phén tich) + 22-Aug-2019 Testing Results / Két qué phén tich Max limit ' Lop/ | Test Method No. / Aa Unit / Gidihan | Result / Parameters / Chi tiéu | Gidihan | Phuong phép ae tide ane Ponvi | onat hién | — phan tich a eee 1 | Thir vat ligu/ material test Lead content (Pb) (+) iA | guanepae per vele | 200 100 <20 Cadmium content (Cd) (*) +2 | Ham wong codimi (Ca) hele ee 100. = QCWN 12-1: ‘Sum of styrene, toluene, ethylbenzene, eee 13. | n-propyl benzene mee os Ss ost Téng 56 chat bay hoi Styren and Ethybenzen / 14 | seyren va Ethybenzen mele baad = oe = au ‘his reper nduding any encesures nd attachments) hasbeen prepared forthe excsive we and beef ofthe adtessee() and sly fr the pupae for which trove Unless we provide express pr writen cnsont opr of hs epor stows be reproduced, dtibued a commaniated to ay tha party We dort sap any Hy Wt reports used fran ternative purpose fom wieh fs nende ner Go we ewe ry ty f cre to any tha partyin espect of Th part Expt ere ety speed ‘ing, al wert an secs performed governed by Intetex tant Terns an Condon Seve which savalable on quest an at Mtn intercom Intertek Vietnam Limited Tes+04 292 301 7007 Food barton fv oa4 232301 71 0,1, 1213 Nam san an he, Tra han fat eecnteeccon rn Pru ward oan Dart Can Toy, Veta Mette wnat wt roman? eve SETO2017 intertek ‘WON: FST190818993-5 Page 2 of 2 ‘otal Quality. Assured. Date/Ngay: 09-Sep-2019 VILAS 278 LoD/ Test Method . san " ut pad Parameters / Chi tiéu nk!’ | Gidihan | Phuong phép nea "| phat hién | phan tich 2 Thir théi nhiém/ Migration test Heavy metals (as Lead) in 4% acetic acid after 30 minutes at 60°C (+) QCVN 12-1: 2 | kim loai néng (quy ra chi) trong acetic | ¥8/™ | 10 2011/87T acid 4% sau 30 phit ¢ 60°C Consumption of KMnO, in led water after 30 minutes at 60°C (t) QCVN 12-1: 22 | veng kMn04 sir dung trong nuvée cat | ¥e/™ | 5.0 2011/8YT sau 30 phiit 6 60°C 3 | Evaporation residue/ Ham lugrng cin khé In distilled water after 30 minutes at aa | 6c vem | 100 | SNE | so | ao Trong nuréc c&t sau 30 phut 6 60°C In heptane after 60 minutes at 25°C / QCVN 12. 32 | Trong heptan sau 60 phat 6'25°C vefml | 200° | “aoyyerr | 2 | 265 Note /Ghi cht 4. Ths testing result i only valid on tested sample/ K&t qué phan tich ch cd ld tri tren md thi. 2.(*) Parameters are not accredited ISO 17025/Chi tau chua duigc céng aha ISO 17025 3. According to the test method of Microbiology, the result is expressed as les than 10 CFU/g when the dish contains no colony/ Theo Phuong phép thir cba vi sinh, két qua duoc bigu thi nhd hom 10 CFU/g ki khOng c6 khugin lac moc tn da ‘nie ropert ncuting ay encesares and attachments) has baa reared fer the exsive use and benef ofthe adresses) an sly fr he purpose fr which ts roid. Unless we provide express pr writen cnsent nop of his eer shoud be reproduced, dstibted a command to ay thr party We do rot sap any by fe reports used fran lernative purpose fom wih ts nena nr do we one ry at of cte tay partyin espect OF ths report Extent where soley speed ‘iin all week ad sess pefomedis governed by inet Standard Teme and Conditions of Service which avalableon request and at htm nee comer Intertek Vietnam Limited Food Laboratory: Tel: +04 292 391 7007 Fax: 04 292 391 7722 "M0, 11, 12,13 OT Nam Song Can Tho, Thanh Thuan re, Phu Thu Ward, Cal Rang Dstt, Can Tho Gy, Vietnam roman fat excnboetareccon rn east wnat wate Hace T2017

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