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Theodore C.

Baa BSME-1
Computer Engineering Department
Laboratory Activity Form

Course ES084

Course Title Computer Programming 1

Topics Covered: Sequential Flowcharting/Programming

To implement basic I/O functions and arithmetic expressions. The use of

Objectives: integer division (/) operators and some built-in mathematical operations in
a program.

Make a flowchart that prompts a customer to order 5 types of viand with a corresponding
price. Note: A 12% Value Added Tax will be charged to every customer. The teller will also
input the amount to be paid by the customer. Output the amount to be paid by the customer
as well as the change (if ever the amount given is more than the amount to be paid.

Sample Output if Applicable


name of viand1: litson

name of viand2: sinigang
name of viand3: chopchuey
name of viand4: tinola
name of viand5: paksiw

price of viand1: 350

price of viand2: 150.75
price of viand3: 125.50
price of viand4: 75
price of viand5: 50.75

Total amount to be paid = (price of

viand1 + price of viand2 + price of
viand3 + price of viand4 + price of
viand5) *(12/100)

Total amount to be
paid: 842.24
amount to be paid:

Change = Amount to be paid - Total

amount to be paid

Change: 157.76


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