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Writing a literature review on additive manufacturing can be a challenging task due to the vast

amount of research and information available. It requires thorough research, critical analysis, and the
ability to synthesize information from various sources.

Additive manufacturing, also known as 3D printing, has gained significant attention in recent years
for its potential to revolutionize manufacturing processes. As such, there is a wealth of literature
exploring different aspects of additive manufacturing, including its technologies, applications,
benefits, and challenges.

To write a comprehensive literature review on additive manufacturing, one must first conduct a
thorough literature search to identify relevant studies and articles. This involves searching online
databases, such as PubMed, IEEE Xplore, and ScienceDirect, as well as academic journals and
conference proceedings.

Once relevant literature has been identified, it is important to critically evaluate each source to assess
its quality and relevance to the topic. This involves analyzing the methodology used in each study,
the results obtained, and the conclusions drawn.

Finally, the information gathered from the literature should be synthesized to provide a coherent and
comprehensive overview of the current state of knowledge on additive manufacturing. This should
include a discussion of key findings, trends, and gaps in the literature, as well as suggestions for
future research directions.

Given the complexity of writing a literature review on additive manufacturing, it may be beneficial
to seek assistance from professional writing services, such as ⇒ ⇔. They can provide
expert guidance and support to help you navigate the challenges of writing a literature review and
ensure that your final work is of the highest quality.
A wide variety of new three-dimensional, periodically repeating unit cells were introduced, including
stretch- and bending-dominated varieties. The powder bed in SLS invariably has variation in
temperature across the bed either due to irregular radiant heating or to regions in the bed that were
scanned in previous layers. As indicated in Fig. 14, this is taken to mean high strength and accuracy.
It is the time to get scheduled into the machine shop, the time to obtain the fixtures to hold the part,
and the path planning required for tool clearance that are often the determining factors that delay
part production. Shown in Fig. 12 is a graphic of the process entitled selective laser sintering (SLS).
Many engineers in the past have made groundbreaking achievements to revolutionize the civil
infrastructure systems (CIS) industry. Compared with other processes, it has low cost and can be
used to manufacture large parts quickly. It is critical that CE principles are embedded into the new
manufacturing system before the adoption of 3DP reaches a critical inflection point in which
negative practices become entrenched. The dendritic portion anchored to the implant surface
provides a scaffold for extracellular matrix (ECM) protein components that facilitate cell adhesion
and proliferation. 3.2. Ta-Based Biomaterials Tantalum (Ta) has good corrosion resistance,
mechanical stability, and mechanical properties, and it has better biocompatibility and fatigue
resistance than traditional metal materials such as titanium, magnesium, and various alloys.
Navigating the Nuances of Additive Manufacturing Quality Control Additive manufacturing
typically has benefits for low-volume manufacturing where value can be added at a reduced cost for
similar results. The research progress in materials for tissue engineering, especially those related to
bone, is highlighted. This indirect approach requires that a binder be removed as part of the process.
Further, the discussion has been made about the various materials used for additive manufacturing
such as ceramic, polymer, composites and biomaterials. In: Dimensional accuracy and surface finish
in additive manufacturing. Coatings like paint or sealant will add thickness to the part, which may
require CAD offsets during build preparation to accommodate any critical fits. It is important to
understand that any features in contact with sacrificial supporting structures or, in some instances,
the build plate may need looser tolerance requirements than other grown features. The commonly
used metal AM process for Ti alloys is LPBF, and the samples produced by this method have a
relatively high strength as a result of the change in the microstructure. Therefore, the development of
bone scaffold materials with antibacterial or anticancer capabilities is urgently needed. We work
hand in hand with the scientific community to advance the cause of Open Access. A fine ceramic
powder is mixed with liquid monomers and a photoinitiator. Since there are numerous approaches,
these methods are presented by process rather than by historical development. Share This Story
Restricted Content You must have JavaScript enabled to enjoy a limited number of articles over the
next 30 days. These methods are required to fully unlock the geometric complexity that is the
promise of AM. The future design tool should eliminate unnecessary information in the model file to
reduce the size of the model file, for example, eliminating unimportant duplicate information, so that
it can be easily imported into the AM machines. (2) Components should be considered for structural
and multidisciplinary topological optimization. A few AM processes suitable for high-volume
throughput are being adapted to metals such as the commercial Speed3D cold spray system.
Anifantis, F. Findik Received 29 May 2012 Accepted 17 Jun 2012 Published 16 Aug 2012 Abstract
Additive manufacturing processes take the information from a computer-aided design (CAD) file
that is later converted to a stereolithography (STL) file. Machining forms—Machining forms are
used to create a near-net-shape part, which typically requires additional machining, heat and pressure
treatment, and surface finishing. He will be missed. There have been a number of recent reviews of
various aspects of AM. The device used a computer to drive a weld head and dams in building a part
layer by layer. From the perspectives of additive manufacturing technology and materials, this article
discusses a suitable manufacturing process for ideal materials for biological bone tissue engineering.
SF has received attention due to its unique properties. In addition to the degradation rate, the
improvement of the mechanical properties of Fe-based materials is also a research focus. SLS is
different from the above two methods in that its printing material is a polymer. Metallic hexagonal
honeycombs, for example, were fabricated typically by pressing pieces of sheet metal into half-
hexagonal profiles and then joining them together. In addition, defects are formed by sudden heating
and cooling within additive manufactured components. A. Emerging Technology and Risk Analysis:
Additive Manufacturing Additive manufacturing is not a new technology, but it is a rapidly growing
field with increasing prospects for additional use cases and continued growth. Synonyms: additive
fabrication, additive processes, additive techniques, additive layer manufacturing, layer
manufacturing, and freeform fabrication. To browse and the wider internet faster and
more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. The research progress in materials
for tissue engineering, especially those related to bone, is highlighted. Articles that are relevant for
our review dealing with the mechanical properties and clinical implications of zirconia were
included. Circular Economy (CE) has emerged as a paradigm shift to assist in attaining this balance.
Prototypes—Prototypes are used to test fit and function of the design. At the same time, MJ also has
some limitations, including high cost (it is one of the most expensive 3D printing technologies) and
poor mechanical properties. One of the most representative processes is stereolithography (SLA).
This paper summarises these advantages and challenges, and discusses the implications of additive
manufacturing on sustainability in terms of the sources of innovation, business models, and the
configuration of value chains. To support the realization of these new classes of parts, new
computational tools and design frameworks and methodologies are rapidly evolving. Machining
forms—Machining forms are used to create a near-net-shape part, which typically requires additional
machining, heat and pressure treatment, and surface finishing. It is expected that other similar powder
bed fusion processes that heat the powder would have similar results to SLS. Therefore, Ta alloys
have received extensive attention in the past decade and have been used in medical applications such
as femoral head necrosis treatment and coronary stent implantation. 3.3. Mg-Based Biomaterials
Magnesium (Mg) and its alloys exhibit natural degradability in addition to their good mechanical
properties and biocompatibility. These thin layers were then stacked together in a cylindrical manner
to recreate the object. For example, mixed with acrylic resins, they can be printed using
stereolithography (SLA) or digital light projection (DLP). This paper reviews the specific
applications of Rapid prototyping in the field of casting. By establishing the intrinsic relationship
between composition, process, and performance, a structure that meets the requirements is designed
according to the properties of the materials. They evaluated the effect of collagen granules combined
with HUC-MSCs on the repair of alveolar cleft bone defects and found that collagen particles
combined with HUC-MSCs were significantly better than collagen particles alone in inducing bone
repair and regeneration. At present, the osseointegration of titanium implants is a problem that
remains to be solved. In either case, it is important to document the AM-related goals and
requirements for the design to focus the design process. Parts containing multiple layers are
produced using the same repeated spreading and scanning methodologies described earlier for
powder bed AM of metals and polymers. Critical application areas include embedded electronics and
tailored microstructures for improved performance. FDM, PBF, and DED are the most commonly
used processes; they can obtain excellent performance and are more suitable for bone tissue
engineering than other AM technologies. However, low recycling rates are often observed in
conventional centralized recycling plants mainly to the challenge of collection and transportation for
high-volume low-weight-polymers in conventional centralized recycling plants. In this paper,
consideration is given to the role of one such advanced manufacturing process technology: additive
Over the past three decades, AM technologies have been widely used in biomedical fields, with
advantages such as patient-specific implants. More recently, polymer material extrusion, with a high-
end system, is also a primary method for manufacturing of polymer industrial quality parts. The
following figure shows the research results related to Ti and its alloys ( Figure 2 ). We explore the
two following overarch-ing questions to discover what specific issues they entail: (1) How can a
more distributed manufacturing system based on 3DP create a circular economy of closed-loop
material flows? (2) What are the barriers to a circular 3D printing economy. We work hand in hand
with the scientific community to advance the cause of Open Access. Although type I collagen has
good biocompatibility and osteoconductivity, it also has some limitations, including high
biodegradability, low mechanical strength, and lack of osteoinductive activity. Vat polymerization,
powder bed fusion, and high-end material extrusion can all produce relatively high strength and
accuracy and these systems are used for this application. The cut-and-stack approach was applied to
metal sheet shortly after the advent of computing. The objective of this paper is to contribute to the
structure of the scientific field residing in the intersection of AM and Circular Economy (CE), by
determining the status of its current state-of-the-art, proposing an initial typology in an attempt to
contribute to the existing efforts of structuring this rather novice research area and pinpointing
research gaps where more focus should be put, and highlighting areas with a significant potential for
added-value future research. AM technologies include vat photopolymerization, material jetting,
material extrusion, selective laser sintering (SLS), and selective laser melting (SLM) technologies
based on either powder bed fusion (PBF) technologies or direct energy deposition, or sheet
lamination based on binder jetting technologies. When many of the foundational AM processes were
patented in the late 1980s and early 1990s, architected materials were primarily limited to hexagonal
honeycombs and stochastic metal foams, and these limitations were driven primarily by the
manufacturing process. Table 2 summarizes several commonly used metal biomaterials in AM and
their advantages, limitations, and applications in bone tissue engineering. For these reasons, ceramic
and glass AM are not as advanced commercially as polymers and metals. Through the 1990s, indirect
methods were used to create AM metallic parts. If AM can be designed to deliver production quality
parts in low volumes in greatly compressed time, this revolution of the music industry might be
replicated in AM part production, and, if successful, AM part production would enable economical
lot sizes of one in some application areas. Emphasis was placed on the significance of examining
circular economy facets concerning additive manufacturing processes to establish a holistic
understanding. Photos courtesy of Fast Radius, EOS, Boeing, Cortex Cast. Springer Nature remains
neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations. Utilizing
AM in fabricating ceramics restorations is a new topic for many researchers and companies across
the globe and a good understanding of AM of zirconia is essential for dental professional. The focus
on personalization will continue to grow for applications including craniomaxillofacia l, orthopedic
oncology, spinal fusion surgeries, and total joint reconstruction. Powder bed (SLS, HP MJF, DMLS,
Binder Jetting) has a sugar-cube finish from the raw powder stock. In addition to these, the
appropriate metrology and inspection methods are recommended here for various AM processes.
Secondary processing such as tapping or reaming, installing inserts, milling, and other surface
treatments. The reason for this is the layerwise “build-up” of material only where needed, rather than
the subtraction of excessive material. Additionally, these unique parts can improve how semicap
equipment operates, thus enabling faster production and reducing the time to market for the much-
needed chips. However, high solid fractions of ceramic particles in the suspension increase viscosity
of the suspension, which reduces the flowability of the slurry and slows the time it takes to produce a
part. It was also observed if the bed surface is not heated high enough, the part will curl. This patent
entailed the use of powder spray into an energy beam to create a part. The additive manufacturing
techniques utilized to generate samples covered in this review include powder bed fusion (e.g.,
EBM, SLM, DMLS) and directed energy deposition (e.g., LENS, EBF3). Although only a limited
number of metallic alloy systems are currently available for additive. However, polymers (such as
chitosan) generally have poor mechanical properties compared to metals.
As the additive manufacturing industry is maturing, I believe we are seeing AM solution providers
deliver complete application-centric solutions comprising materials, hardware, software, and services
that are delivering tremendous efficiencies. Show more Tremendous growth has been witnessed in
the field of additive manufacturing (AM) technology over the last few decades. Share This Story
Restricted Content You must have JavaScript enabled to enjoy a limited number of articles over the
next 30 days. Directed energy deposition systems have been studied and developed by a variety of
researchers and corporations and initially patented by Ciraud in 1971 as discussed above. At present,
the AM technologies commonly used for the above polymers are FDM and SLS, and VP technology
is mostly used for photopolymers. Wohlers Associates, Fort Collins Campbell I, Diegel O, Kowen J,
Wohlers T (2018) Wohlers report 2018: 3D printing and additive manufacturing state of the industry:
annual worldwide progress report. See Full PDF Download PDF See Full PDF Download PDF
Related Papers Dentistry Journal Additive Manufacturing of Zirconia Ceramic and Its Application in
Clinical Dentistry: A Review leila nasiry khanlar Additive manufacturing (AM) has many advantages
and became a valid manufacturing technique for polymers and metals in dentistry. Additive
Manufacturing with Novel Materials ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING With NOVEL MATERIALS
The book explores practically the latest advancements and techniques in 3D and 4D printing using
innovative and unconventional materials. However, AM technologies can offer this possibility.
However, the process used to print porous bone implant materials such as titanium (Ti) alloys in bone
tissue engineering is usually the SLM process. For stereolithography of pre-ceramic polymers, the
ceramic powder and liquid monomer are replaced with a UV-curable monomer where thiol, vinyl,
acrylate, methacrylate, or epoxy groups are attached to an inorganic backbone. The most matured
Rapid Prototyping (RP) technologies are based on the Download Free PDF View PDF DESIGN
SAND CASTING PROCESS Labesh kumar Download Free PDF View PDF See Full PDF
Download PDF Loading Preview Sorry, preview is currently unavailable. Through the self-assembly
of esterified PEG (150) segments and the oxidation of sulfhydryl groups, all-PEG hydrogels with
elastic nanospheres as giant cross-linkers were prepared. Most of these techniques were introduced in
the 1990s. In the preparation of BTE scaffolds, other polymers are often used in combination with
PEG to improve the properties. The survey denotes that fused deposition modeling has received the
widespread attention of the researchers. In collaboration with Chalmers University of Technology in
Gothenburg, the process was commercialized with the founding of Arcam in 1997. US Department
of Commerce, National Institute of Standards and Technology Carson JW, Pittenger BH, JJ Inc
(1998) Bulk properties of powder. Over the past three decades, AM technologies have been widely
used in biomedical fields, with advantages such as patient-specific implants. One challenge that is
common to all indirect AM is the necessity of removing the polymer binder phase following shape
formation. Nylon 11 and 12 are the most used SLS powders for final part production as they have
large processing windows compared with other semi-crystalline polymers. A fine ceramic powder is
mixed with liquid monomers and a photoinitiator. Large research gaps in the DfMA for Dfab and
DfAM can be filled in terms of integrating them with product s. To that end, a sample of 206 papers,
published from 2014 to 2020, was retrieved from the Scopus and Google Scholar databases. A broad
diversity of literature exists regarding AM technologies for ceramic materials, which complicates the
establishment of a classification system for the current AM technologies for zirconia. In this paper,
consideration is given to the role of one such advanced manufacturing process technology: additive
manufacturing. Stratasys also has materials with somewhat higher temperature capability. Other semi-
crystalline polymers that are used in SLS include polystyrene (PS), polyetheretherketone (PEEK),
polyaryletherketone (PAEK), polyphenylene sulfide (PPS), and polyether block amide (PEBA). We
are committed to exploring and realizing the vast potential of this technology. Digital fabrication
(Dfab) and design for additive manufacturing (DfAM) practices are found in current need of further
research and development.

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