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\dr. Hort. Sci.

,2005 19(4): 22I-239

Review paper

Potassium nutrition of sweet potato

G. Byju, James George

Central Tuber Crops Research Institute, Trivandrum 695 017, Kerala, India.

Key words: Ipomoea batatas, K deficiency, nutrient interaction, potassium, sweet potato.

Abstract : Sweet potata (Ipomaea batatas (L.) Larn.) is an irnportant vegetable and food crop for humans and
an important feed for domestic animals as well as an industrial raw material for producing starch, sugar and
alcohol. Potassium is the most important nutrient element needed by sweet potato in terms of nutrient uptake
per unit area per unit tuber production. Since sweet potato is generally grown on highly weathered and leached
soils where available K status is loq management of K assumes greatest significance. This paper is a com-
prehensive review of the work done on potassium nutrition of sweet potato throughout the world and covers
aspects such as the role of potassium in sweet potato nutrition, potassium absorption during growth cycle, effect
of K on growth and yield, diagnosis of K defieiency, interaction of K with other nutrients and effect of K on tuber

1" Introduction and food crop for humans and an important feed for
domestic animals as well as an industrial material for
Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L. (Lam.); Family: producing starch, sugar and alcohol (Steinbauer and
Convolvulaceae) is an herbaceous, dicotyledonous Kushrnan, 1971; Islam et al., 1997). Sweet potato pro-
plant (2n = 90) native to Central America (Hahn and duction has many advantages over the production of
Hozyo, 1980; Horton et al., 1989). It is a perennial other crops, i.e. rapid growth, higher yield, iess fertili-
plant but is regarded for practical purposes as an annual zer and less water for its cultivation, especially under
crop with a gror.ving period of normally tlree to seven poor soil conditions (Ko et al., 1992; Kozai et al.,
inonths depending on the environment and cultivar t996).
(O'Hair, 1990). The economically impofiant paft of the
plant is the tuberous root. Although sweet potato is a
short-day plant and rvill flower in days of 11 hr or less, 2. Sweet potato utilisation
commercial varieties are vegetatively propagated. In
temperate areas, plants are propagated by slips or The succulent, starchy roots of sweet potato serve as
sprouts obtained as cuttings from tuberous root grown a staple food in many countries like Papua New Gui-
in nursery beds. In the tropics, propagation is from nea, Samoa, Tonga, Fiji, Hawaii and Cook Islands
stem cuttings taken from growing plants (Halavatau e/ (Craswell et al., L99f.Hartemink et al., 2A0A a, b).
al.,1998). Although sweet potato is chiefly regarded as energy
Sweet potato, a crop domesticated more than 5000 food, it could also serue to maintain the protein balan-
years ago, is the world's seventh most important food ce for a large portion of the population. Splittstoesser
crop after wheat, r-tce, maize, potato, barley and cassa- (1977) showed that the protein content of sweet potato
va (O'Sullivan et al., 1996 b). Yet it gives more edible cultivars ranges from 1.7 ta 11.87o on a dry weight
energy per hectare per day (201 MJ ha' dayr) than basis. Purcell et al. (1982) suggested that protein con-
wheat, rice or cassava. In Japan, the average yield of 21 tent of sweet potato can be improved through selection
t ha' of fresh tubers is equivalent in food energy to 2.94 and breeding since such a wide range of protein content
x 10' kcal ha'. This is 1.9 times the energy from a crop exists. A less explored source of nutritious food is the
of rice with an average grain yield of 4.5 t ha1 (Murata young shoot of sweet potato. Many Asian countries use
et al", l9X6). Sweet potato is an important vegetable sweet potato leaves for cooking (Gupta and Ray, 1979;
de la Pena, 1996); they are a source of vitamin A, Fe
and protein and they could serve as a supplement to
Received for publication l0 November 2004. already known and consumed green leafy vegetables
Accepted for publication 13 October 2005. (Amenyenu et al., 1998).
The dry matter of sweet potato tuber varies ftom22 Sweet potato is a food crop in the United States Natio-
to 45Va in different varieties of the crop, a major portion nal Aeronautics and Space Adminisfration's (NASA) space
of which is carbohydrate. Energy is reported to be 465 programme. NASA, through its Controlled Environment
kJ (111 kcal) 100 gr fresh tuber. Raw tubers contain 4- Life Support System (CELSS) prograrnme, is conducting
l47o s,tgar on dry matter basis. The predominant sugar research on the growth and yield of food crops under con-
is sucrose followed by glucose, fructose and maltose. trolled environmental conditions for long term manned
Starch constitutes 50-807o of dry matter of the tuber. space missions. The sweet potato is one of the eight crops
Dietary fibre is about l4%o; protein content rs 5Vo on dry selected by NASAto provide a balanced diet as part of this
weight basis (Obigbesan, 1973; Onwueme, 1978). progranlme (Moftley et al., I99I). Two cultivars most
Rural women and children often suffer from the often used in the CELSS research are 'Georgia Jet' and 'TI-
combined effects of iron and vitamin deficiency, which 155' (Mason and Cadren, 1982;llrll et a1.,1984).
could be linked to a lack of consumption of green leafy
and deep orange flesh vegetables. Because sweet pota-
to is relatively easy to cultivate, is drought tolerant, 3. Sweet potato production zones and nutrient con-
nutritious (Table 1) and available all year round, it can straints
play a major role in helping to minimize food and
nutrient deficiency problems in developing countries Sweet potato is grown in a wide range of environ-
(Amenyenu et aI., 1998). ments between latitudes 40'N and 40'S of the equator,
and between sea level and 2300 m altitude (Hahn,
Table I - Nutrientcontent of sweet potato compared with rice (fresh
1977). it is widely grown throughout the tropics and
weight basis)
warm temperate regions of the world. Out of the total
Sweet potato Sweet potato Polished area under sweet potato cultivation, 907o of the area
tuber leaf rice lies in Asia, and China alone accounts for 807o of world
Moisture (7o) 1 l.l 87.8 l2 production (Table 2). Table 3 and figure 1 report the
Energy (kJ/100g) 438 151 l 500
Protein (7o) 1.43 4.0 6.5
change in world sweet potato area and production over
Dietary fibre (Vo) 1.64 2.4 the years.
Minerals (mg/1009)
Calcium 29 37 4.0 Table2 -Area, production and productivity of sweet potato in the
Iron o.4s 1.0 0.5 world and in different countries
Phosphorus 5l 94
Potassium 260 -530 Region
Area Production Productivity
Vitamins (mg//009) (,000 ha) (,000 t) (t ha')
Vitamin A 0.011 0.18 0 World 8867 t29164 t4.51
Thiamin 0.086 0.16 0.08 China 6311 t20204 19.05
Riboflavin 0.031 0.37 0.03 Uganda 529 1894 3.58
Nicotinic acid 0.60 t.l4 3.00 Vietnam 303 1697 5.6t
Vitamin C at ll 0 Indonesia 248 1900 7.66
(References: Huett, 19761' Huett and O'Neill, 1976; Wenkam, 1983; India 141 tl14 8.33
Bradbury and Holloway, 1988; Craswell et al., 1996).

Sweet potato is also considered as a good food security 'A. Humanfood

or famine-prevention crop and an insurance against drou- Primary producrs. Dried chips; Sweet potato cubes in Philippines;
Fried sweet potato chips in Peru; Jams, Jelly, Pickle, Sauce and Soft
ght (Yuan et a1.,1964 Yamada et a1.,7986;Amenyenu el
drinks; Non-alcoholic beverage in Philippines; Canned sweet potato,
al., 1998). The Japanese used it when typhoons demoli- popular in US market.
shed their rice fields. In the densely populated semi-arid Secondary products from s/arcl2. Noodles - China, Korea, Japan
plains of eastern Africa, sweet potato is called cilera and Taiwan. Alcoholic beverages - Japan, China. Chinese alcohol
plants mainly use dried sweet potato chips as raw material; Shochu is
abana, "protector of the child". This name alludes to the
a traditional Japanese liquor made from sweet potato.
vital role it fulfills in thousands of villages, where people B. Animalfeed
depend on the crop to combat hunger. Pig and cattle feed; Fresh vines are palatable to cattle; Sweet pota-
Another important use of sweet potato is as feed. Nearly to based poultry rations have been tested by Chinese researchers.
C. Industrial products
half of Asia's production is used as animal feed. In China,
Non-fermented products. Sugar syrup - Maltose, Cyclodextrins,
most of the crop is used as animal (pig) feed and some is Malto oligo-saccharides; Pectin - from peels and trim wastes; Pig-
used in the commercial production of noodles and other ments - Carotenoids and Anthocyanins by acid hydrolysis followed by
consumff products (Koh e/ aI'19ffi:.Zaag et al.,I99l).k enzymatic treatment; Enzymes - good source of b-amylase (In US, the
entire production of b-amylase comes from sweet potato); Modified
is also used as a carbohydrate source and starch for industrial
starches - Anionic, Cationic and phosphate stabilized starches.
products like ethanol. Storage root contains about 50-79Vo Fermented products. ATcohohc beverages - dried sweet potato chips
starch and 4-l5%o sugar on a dry weight basis (Ashokan and are used for ethanol production; Citric acid - in China and Japan, citric
Nair, 1983; Lila and Bala,1987 Sen e/ a1.,199O) or7-287o acid is made from saccharified sweet potato starch and byproducts;
Monosodium glutamate - Starch to be saccharified to sugar, then con-
starch on fresh weight basis (Ravi and Indira 1999).
verted by microbes such as Brevibacterium glutanicum to glutamic acid.
Anumber of products are made from sweet potato, the Then convefted to mono sodium glutamate; Lactic acid, gluconic acid
most important products of which are summarized below.t and various amino acids could also be made from saccharified starch.
Table 3 - World sweet potato area and production over the years Soils in sweet potato-growing areas are generally
Area Production acidic and have low extractable K concentrations.
Year (,000 ha) (,000 0 Sweet potato response to K fertilizers has been repor-
t962 t2473 103536 ted in these soils under high input agriculture (Nand-
t957 r3908 n634t puri et al.,l98l; CTCRI, 1983; Byju and R.ay, 2001).
1972 14815 t24382
r977 r4334 1 38 148
Different workers have studied the nutrient removal
1982 11104 140186 from soil by sweet potato. A sweet potato crop yielding
t987 9292 135236 20 that of tuber removed I23, 15.5 and ll5 kg har N,
r993 9i 123150
P and K, respectively (Mohankumar et al., 2000).
(References: de la Pena, 1996; FAO, 1999).
AVRDC (197 5) reported that a crop yielding 30 t ha' of
tops and 22 tha' of tubers takes up 80,29 and 185 kg
har of N, P and K, respectively. Table 4 presents the
1E;0 llrl '#Area ,000 ha nutrient removal from soil by different parls of sweet
14011011 potato (O'Sullivan et al., 1997). It is clear from the
*Production '000 t
l lrl 0t: table that potassium is the element removed by sweet
potato in largest quantity compared to all other
e 800!r
nutrients, indicating the importance of this element in
I rnrrn
sweet potato nutrition"
4rl [[iD
Highly weathered, leached Ultisols and Oxisols
with relatively low total and available potassium are
often used for sweet potato cultivation. Sweet potato is
grown extensively on unlimed moderately to strongly
acidic soils, and is believed to be a crop that is well
adapted to soils of low to moderate fertility (Hahn,
Fig. I - World sweet or;; and production over the years (Sour-
1911). Although the plant produces reasonably good
ce: Data from Table "r."
yields under these conditions, due to certain adaptation
mechanisms to a low K supply, the production of high
In most developing countries the yields of sweet
and stable yields is possible only on soils well supplied
potato have remained static since the early 1960s (Hor-
with potassium or with adequate potassium fertilization
ton et al., 1989) and many countries have recorded
(Norman et a1.,1984). It is considered to be tolerant of
yield declines in recent years (FAO , 1999). The excep-
acidic soils (Howeler. 1991), a conclusion supported by
tion to this trend is China, where sweet potato yields
results of field experiments on acidic soils where sweet
have doubled since 1965, largely due to the high prio-
potato has produced satisfactory yields (Perez-Escolar,
rity given to fertilizers in agricultural development in
1911', Abruna et al., 19'79, 1982). Also, sweet potato
China (Borlaug and Dowswell,1994). Although sweet
cultivars differ in their tolerance to low levels of
potato is grown in areas with relatively high rainfall, it
nutrients (Ila'ava et a1.,2000).
cannot withstand waterlogging and is usually grown on
Although soil acidity and low soil phosphorus are
ridges or mounds; it has good drought tolerance. An
the major fertility constraints in these soils, potassium
average yield of about 20 tonnes of fresh weight per
usually becomes limiting to crop growth under conti-
hectare (equivalent to 6 tonnes of dry matter) in four to
nuous cultivation (von Uexkull, 1985). This is prima-
five months has been recorded in a number of coun-
riiy because both available and reserve potassium are

Table 4 - Nutrient removal from soil by sweet potato crop of 72 tlha (average) and 50 t/ha (high)
Nutrient Removal (kg ha') with root yield of
12 tha' 50 t ha,
Vines Total
N 52 26 26 215 110 105
P 9 6 3 38 25 IJ
K 90 60 30 376 250 126
Ca 16 3.6 12.4 65 15 50
Mg 6.5 J 3.5 2'7 t2.5 14.5
S 4.3 1.8 2.5 18 7.5 10.5
C1 18 10 8 75 +3 32
Fe 0.160 0.060 0.100 0.670 0.250 0.420
B 0.014 0.024 0.050 0.310 0.100 0.2t0
Mn 0.175 0.424 0.151 0.'730 0.100 0.630
Zn 0.062 0.036 0.026 0.264 0.150 0.110
Cu 0.037 0.018 0.019 0.1 55 0.075 0.080
Mo 0.006 0.004 0.002 0.023 0.015 0.008
(References: ACIAR monograph No. 48).
usually low in these soils (Sparks and Huang, 1985). and long distance translocation (Haeder et al., 1973;
Soil and crop management factors also contribute to the Addiscott, 1974:Haeder,7977 Biswas, 1981; Li and
occurrence of potassiurn deficiency. For example, Kao, 1985). This applies to the push side of transloca-
potassium application usually ranks far behind nitrogen tion - the formation of assimilates in the green parts of
and phosphorus (Pushp arajah, 1 985). Potassiurn uptake the plant - as well as the 'pull side' - the conversion of
by plants is similar to that of nitrogen, however, and is the translocates in the building up of the storage
usually an order of magnitude greater than that of pho- organs. The osmotic effects of the potassium concen-
sphorus (Cooke, 1985). Sweet potato consumes consi- tration, as well as more specific effects of the K* ion,
derable amounts of potassium (de Geus, 1973; Con- seem to be involved in the translocation processes. An
stantin et a1.,1975) but can produce reasonable yields expression ofthis is probably the very high and varying
in soils of poor fertility (Hiil e/ al., 1990). Potassium potassium content of the petioles of the root crops. The
removal by a sweet potato crop yielding20 t ha-t tubers petioles are much involved in translocation and conse-
is found tobe 175 kg ha,potassium (Mohankumar er quently petiole analysis is a useful indicator of the
a1.,2000). Additionally, removing crop stover from the potassium status of the crop.
field hastens the depletion of soil potassium (Piere, Storage root initiation is the result of high primary
1982; Vilela and Ritchey, 1985). Rajendran et al. cambial activity (Wilson, 1982) and potassium is nee-
(1976) reporled that the above-ground parls of tuber ded to speed up this activity in the tuberous roots in
crops result in utilization of significant amounts of which starch is stored (Hahn and Hozyo, 1984). Potas-
potassium. Through combination of the above factors, sium is also needed for cambial activity (Tsuno and
the soil eventually becomes depleted of available potas- Fujise, 1965; Ho et a1.,1966; Naix et al.,l98I; Rashid
sium. Although potassium can be replenished through and Waithaka, 1988; AVRDC, 1990). Potassium also
fertilisation, excessive fertilisation can result in lea- probably affects the activity of the starch synthetase.
ching losses (Ritchey, 1979; Sajjapongse and Rooan, When potassium is added, the activity of the enzyme,
1982; Gill and Kamprath, 1990) and in losses from the starch synthetase, increases but when it is lacking, the
luxury consumption of potassium (Brady, 1984). enzyme activity can be extremely low (Murata and
Akazawa, 1968; 1969).
Wall (1939; 1940) reported that for sweet potato
4. Role of potassium potassium is necessary for the synthesis of amino acids
and protein from ammonium ions. It is also inferred
Potassium plays many key roles in crop production. that potassium is related to protein metabolism as poin-
It increases root growth and improves drought resistan- ted out by Steward and Preston (1941) and Roberl
ce, activates many enzyme systems, maintains turgor, (1953). Thus, it is believed that protein synthesis is
reduces water loss and wilting, aids in photosynthesis expedited by a high ratio of K/N, and that this promo-
and food formation, and reduces respiration thereby tes tuber weight increase (Oommen, 1989; Ravi and
preventing energy losses. Potassium also enhances Indiva,1999).
translocation of sugars and starches, increases protein
content of plants, produces grain rich in starch, builds
cellulose and reduces lodging, and helps retard crop 5. Potassium absorption during growth cycle
diseases (Mohankumar et al., 2000).
Since root crops are mainly carbohydrate producers, To prevent soil degradation over the long term. it is
they have an especially potassium high requirement, necessary to ensure a positive nutrient balance in the
which has a special role in carbohydrate synthesis and landscape. In undisturbed environments, nutrient inputs
translocation (Jackson and Volk, 1968; Liebhart,1968; arise from the soil itself, through weathering (which is
Mengel, 1977; Sharfuddin and Voican, 1984; Li and often slow) from the atmosphere (although these inputs
Kao, 1990). Abundant potassium supply favours the are often small), and from N-fixation by free-living and
primary processes of photosynthesis. It also regulates symbiotic organisms. With human intervention, additio-
the balance between assimilation and respiration in a nal inputs come from the application of fertilizers, com-
way that improves net assimilation, a prerequisite for posts and manures. Losses from a system arise through
vigorous growth and formation of reserve assimilates. nutrient removal in harvested products and through
Tsuno (197I) and Tsuno and Fujise (1968) reported such processes as volatilization, runoff, leaching, fixa-
that a liberal supply of potassium is a key factor for tion and denitrification. (Craswell et a1.,1996). Nutrient
increasing sink capacity and photosynthesis in sweet removal is dependent both on the concentrations of
potato. They reported that high levels of potassium nutrients in the harvested product and on the yield obtai-
manuring are required to maintain photosynthetic acti- ned (Steeghs,1979, Syriac and Kunju, 1989).
vity of sweet potato leaves. The translocation of photo- Bradbury and Holloway (1988) summarized data
synthates from the green pafis of the plant is of utmost available on nutrient concentrations in sweet potato
importance for building up of the storage organs. An (Table 5). Nutrient concentration on a dry matter basis
abundant supply of potassium is needed for both short was calculated using 757o moisture in the tubers.
Table 5 - Potassium content and nutrient removal by sweet potato Table 6 - Normal potassium content in sweet potato
Nutrient removal (kg ha') with Stage of Potassium
Plant part
Concentration tuber yield ol development (7o of dry matter)
Nutrient (of dry matter) 12 t ha' 100 t ha' Petioles 40 DAP 9.5
K rn4-r4 31-43 260-360 Leaf blades 40 DAP 3.7
(References: Bruns and Bouwkamp, 1989). Tubers 40 DAP 2.1
Petiotres At harr,,est 3.7
Leaf blades At harvest )o
Considerable potassium can be removed by sweet Tubers At harvesi 1.2
p.otato tubers (up to 360 kg ha,). The halvest index of DAP= days after planting
(Refereces: Bruns and Bouwkamp, 1989).
sweet potato was found in the range 5.8-8.8 in a num-
ber of lines (Enyi, 1911;Li et al., l99l) though a con-
siderably lower value of 3.2 has also been reported ment of tubers because high leaf concentrations (above
(Yoshida et al., I970). Scott (1950) reported that most 47o') promote translocation of photosynthate from the leaf
of the potassium uptake by sweet potato vines occurred to the tuber, which is inhibitory to photosynthesis at high
in the third month of a five-month crop, and most of the concentrations.
uptake by tubers occurred in the fourth and fifth months. Greatest tuber enlargement occurs when the fenlltzer
Mukhopadhyay et al. (1993) conducted a study in West N:K ratio is low (Norman et al., 1984;Bor"rwkamp and
Bengal, India to determine the accurnulation of dry mat- Hassan, 1988). AVRDC (1975) recommended a ratio of
ter and starch and concentration of N, P and K as influen- less than 1:3, though the optimum will vary with soil C:N
ced by potassium nutrition and their partitioning arnong and N:K ratios (Godfrey-Sam-Aggrey,l976). Because of
the plant parts of sweet potato at different growth stages. the imporlance of potassium to the nutrition of sweet
Dry matter accumulation in leaf increased up to the 90th potato, responses to potassium are frequent in the tropics
day, whereas in shoot and tuber it increased gradually up (Anderson, 1974), and sometimes very high. Gollifer
to 150 days after planting, irrespective of potassium treat- (1972) obtained tuber yield increases ofup to 867o from
ments. An increasing trend of dry matter accumulation in II2kg ha'potassium in the Solomon islands.
all the plantparts was obtained up to 75 kg ha' KrO. Split According to Das and Behera (1989), with an increa-
application (half basal and remaining half 35 days after se in potassium application there was a steady increase of
planting) resulted in higher dry matter accumulation at potassium content in different sweet potato plant parts.
harvest compared to full basal application. Also, the nitrogen content of tuber, stem and leaf increa-
Kamatani (1945) observed that potassium content of sed with increases in potassium levels. Potassium helped
aerial parts reached the highest value (about 5.57o) 40 in a higher rate of nitrogen absorption by sweet potato. In
days after planting. After that it decreased, more gradual- general, nitrogen contents were higher in the stems and
ly in the late growth period, and over 27a even at the time leaves as compared to the root tubers, but phosphorus did
of harvesting. Potassium content in the petiole was the not differ significantly due to different potassium levels;
highest (>l}Vo at 40 days after planting) and in general it the vines had higher phosphorus than the tuber"
was almost twice as high as the content in the leaf blade The nutrient concentration (g kg t) in roots and vines
and stem. After planting, the potassium content in the of six sweet potato cultivars grown at three intra-row
aerial part decreased in all organs, but it increased with spacing in 1982, 1983 and 1984 at the University of
the rooting of seedlings, reached a peak about 40 days Maryland's (USA) Vegetable Research Farm is shown
after planting, then decreased again. In the petiole and in Table 7. The cultivar MD 708, which produced high
stem, the potassium content decreased remarkably in the yields of root and vine dry matter, appeared to have a
late growth stage, but in other organs, little change was low concentration of nutrient element in the roots and a
observed in the potassium content. Potassium content in high concentration in the vines. This latter finding helps
the fibrous root was the second highest following that in explain the high dry matter yields obtained. Cultivar x
the petiole in the early stage of growth, but it rapidly
decreased after that period. The content in the tuberous
root moved almost in parallel with that of fibrous root, Table 7 - Potassium content in roots and vines of six sweet potato cul-
but the former value was lower than the latter. livars
Haque et al. (1998) observed no effect of potassium K content in
on tuber initiation, but tuberisation index, tuber diameter Cultivar
and tuber weight increased with increased potassium Centennial 19.6b "t 27.2b
Jewel 19.2b 24.0 c
application. Janssen (1978) reported that the potassium Redmar 21.3 a 23.8 c
contents in the aerial part and storage roots of sweet pota- Travis 21.8 a 28.1 ab
to at harvest w ere 2.J and I .2 7o of the dry matter, respec- MD 320 19.3 b 27.4b
tively. MD 708 19.7 h 30.5 a
, Means ithin a column foliowed by the same letter or lenets are not
The normal potassium content in sweet potato at two
significantly different by DMRT (p < 0.01). Means of four replica-
growth stages is presented in Table 6. According to Tsuno tions and three years.
and Fujise (1968), potassium is important to the develop- (References: Br-uns and Bouwkamp, 1989).
intra-row spacing interactions were not significant for yielding 30 t ha' of tops and22 t ha1 of tubers takes up
potassium concentration in the roots or vines. A signifi- 80,29 and 185 kg ha1 of N, P and K, respectively
cant linear increase in the total potassium content in the (AVRDC, 1975).
plant occurred with increasing intra-row spacing of all Continuous sole cropping of sweet potato without
cultivars. The rate of increase was greater in the roots fertilizer inputs in New Britain (10 crops over five
and vines of 'MD 708' than all other cultivars. Both years) led to a yield reduction of 867o (Newton and
high total vine dry weight and nutrient concentration in Jamieson, 1968). In the highlands of Papua New Gui-
the vines contributed to the high totals observed in the nea, soil fertility deciine in sweet potato areas is rever-
vines of 'MD 708'. The increase in total root dry matter sed by growing Casuarina spp. for 10-20 years (New-
of this cuitivar alone must account for the higher total ton, 1960). Casuarina spp. are actinorrhizal nitrogen
nutrient content observed in the roots. Increase in intra- fixers (Torrey, 1982). Prior cropping with annual iegu-
row plant spacing decreased nutrient uptake per unit mes such as soybeans gave higher sweet potato yields
land area. This decrease was significant for all three than prior cropping with sweet potatoes in the Philippi-
spacings (15, 30 and 45 cm), suggesting that sweet nes (Acedo and Javier, 1980). On various soils in
potato will increase the utilization of available nutrients Papua New Guinea which had been continuously crop-
as plant spacing is reduced. ped with sweet potato for several years, large yield
Potassium increases the leaf area index (LAI) and increases were obtained by the application of either
the effect may be through its indirect influence in inorganic potassium fertilizers or organic composts
enhancing the availability of nitrogen to plants. Accor- high in potassium (Hafizuddin and Haque, 1979;
ding to Tsuno and Fujise (1964 a, b), potassium helps Bourke, 1985 a; D'Souza and Bourke, 1986; Floyd e/
to increase the photosynthetic activity by maintaining al., 1988 a; Byju et a1.,2002'1.
an optimum leaf area index and promotes the translo- Bourke (1985 a) observed that potassium fertilizer
cation of carbohydrates to the developing tubers. Fuji- increased the number of tubers per plant and mean tuber
se and Tsuno (1967) suggested that potassium contri- dry weight by seven weeks after planting. This is consi-
butes to high photosynthetic activity of, leaves, and stent with the observation of Wilson (1982) that the
Nair and Nair (1995) observed a higher crop growth period eight to 12 weeks after planting is criticatr in
rate (CGR) with application of IlO at 75 kg ha1. The tuberous root differentiation. Thus, the practical irnpli-
lack of response to applied potassium in modifying the cation is that potassium fertilizer should be applied at or
LAI and net assimilation rate (NAR) may be the reason soon after planting. Potassium fertilizer significantly
for the absence of significant variation in CGR. reduced the percent dry weight of tubers at 19 weeks
from3lVo at K0 to 32% at K3 levels. This has confir-
med the findings of earlier workers (Duncan et al.'
6. Potassium supply on growth and yield 1958; Fujise and Tsuno, 1969; Behura and Swain,1996;
Byju and Ray,2002; Byju and Nedunchezhiyan,20A4)'
Effect on yield-contributing factors Potassium ferttlizer increased total dry matter pro-
Sugawara (1938) reported that when potassium duced and the proportion of dry matter diverted to the
application is increased, tubers swell and large sweet tubers, i.e. harvest index (HI) (Byju, 2002). The increa-
pbiatoes are obtained. The most important effect of se in total dry matter production by potassium appiica-
potassium on sweet potato is that the enlargement of tion was not related to an increase in leaf area duration
ioot tubers is expedited, and even with heavy nitrogen (LAD), The indication is that potassium fertilizer
application, overgrowth of the aerial part is lessened increased tuber yield thlough an inctease in the pro-
anO trigtt root tuber yield is secured if potassium dosa- portion of dry matter diverted to the tubers (HI) rather
ge is increased. From 1940 to 1945, NPK appiication ihan any influence on photosynthetic capacity (LAD)
experiments on sweet potato were conducted at various and its influence on photosynthetic efficiency [net assi-
plices in Japan (Togari, 1948). Potassium produced the milation rate (NAR)I is unknown. Potassium at higher
greatest effect on yield among the three nutrients (Indi- levels increased LAD and excessive leaf growth was
ia and Lakshmi, 1984; Jones et al', 1977). Ho et al. suppressed, resulting in higher root yield (Hahn, 1977).
(1967) observed a high correlation (r= +0.878) Nicholaides et al. (1985) observed that totai tuber
between the yield index and the potassium content in yields were increased by applied potassium, but the
the blade 40 days after planting, and r = +0.919 magnitude of response was determined by initial soil
between the yield index and potassium content 100 potassium level.
days after planting. Tuber yield increased proportional- Potassium fertilizer increased tuber number and also
ly with an increase in potassium dosage (Chatterjee and mean tuber weight to a lesser degree (Ghuman and Lal,
Mandal, 1976). 1973 a). According to Fujise and Tsuno (1969), potas-
Sweet potato is often considered, like cassava, a sium increased photosynthetic activity of the leaves
crop assoclated with poor soils, probably because it is through accelerated respiration of the tubers. The
wei suited to sandy soils. Sweet potato has a high influenc-e of potassium in increasing tuber number may
requirement of potassium relative to nitrogen. A crop aiso increase photosynthetic activity by providing
further carbohydrate sinks, because inadequate sink Kerala, India, Nair and Nair (1992) observed the highe-
size can inhibit photosynthesis. st tuber yield at a IlO level of 75 kg ha'. Application
of a two-thirds dose of nitrogen and potassium as basal
Dffirent potassium rates on yielcl followed by application of the remaining one-third
Different workers have given different potassium dose, one month after planting, was found effective. A
fertrbzer recommendations for sweet potato, ranging dose of 50:75 N:K was found to be the optimum.
from 50 to 375 kg ha' (de Geus, 1967; Bourke, 1985 a; A study conducted by Patil et al. (1982) at the Uni-
Li and Yen, 1988; Mukhopadhyay and Jana, 1990; versity of Agricultural Sciences (UAS), Dharwad,India
Bonsi et al., 1992; Nair and Nair, 1995). Differential indicated that closer spacing (40 x 30 cm), moderate
response to applied potassium has been reported from nitrogen (75 kg har) and higher potassium levels (100
various parts of India (Varghese, 1981; Ravindran and kg ha' I(,O) produced the highest tuber yield of sweet
Bala, 1987; Elizabeth and Kunju, 1989; Antony and potato in a red sandy loam soil. Patil et al. (199A a) also
Inasi, 1990;Mukhopadhyay et a1.,1992; Nair and Nair, studied the correlation between important characteri-
1992;Byju and Ray, 2001;2002). stics like leaf area index, leaf area duration, relative
Prasad and Rao (1986) found that application of growth rate and crop growth rate as influenced by
potassium up to 75 kg ha1 KrO increased tuber yield of varying levels of nitrogen and potassium and inter-row
OP-l variety of sweet potato under red loam soils of spacing at UAS.
Bhubaneswar, India. The highest yield was obtained Rajendran et al. (1911) reported higher dry matter
with 75: 50: 50 kg ha'N, PrO. and KO respecti\/e1y. content in sweet potato with increasing dose of potas-
Varghese et al. (1987) conducted a study in Kerala, sium application. Das and Behera (1989) observed an
India to assess the influence of irrigation, nitro-een and increase in dry matter content with increasing potas-
potassium on the growth and yield of sweet potato sium rates. Padmaja and Raju (1999), in a study in
grown in summer rice fallows after second crop of Andhra Pradesh, India, reported that the potassium
paddy. The initial available potassium status u'as lorv concentration and total potassium uptake increased
(<0.2 cmol kg' K). They observed that sweet potato with increasing potassium application rates up to 40 kg
requires irrigation at IWCPE ratio of 1.2 tapproximate har. The tuber yield obtained when no potassium was
interval of 11 days) for higher tuber yield; the applica- applied was 17.7 t har while it was 28.2 t ha-l at 40 kg
tion of nitrogen and potassium at the rate of 50 k-e ha' ha1 potassium application. The potassium source, KCI
is sufficient for sweet potato grown under in^igation' or K.SO' was not shown to be significant.
Ravindran and Bala (1987) observed that u'ith increa- Seesahai and Ferguson (1998) reported that applica-
sing levels of N, P,O. and KrO, the tuber ,vield increa- tion of cattle manure, grass, coconut coir and sawdust
sed under both upland and lowland situations in Kera- offered significantly higher potassium than unamended
la, India and beyond 75:50:75 kg ha' the tuber lield soil. However, unamended soil had significantly higher
declined. potassium than coffee hull, rice hull and bagasse mix-
Elizabeth and Kunju (1989), in a studl'to determtne tures. At the end of the experiment, coffee hull had
the effect of graded levels of N, P and K on the l ield of significantly higher potassium than all other treat-
sweet potato in the reclaimed alluvial soils of Kuttanad, ments. Chicken manure, horse manure, rice hull, coco-
Kerala, India, grown in the interspaces of middle aged nut coir and grass gave significantly higher values than
(40-45 years) coconut palms, found that NPK ievei of the unamended soil. Lu et al. (2001) reported that
50:25:50 kg hal is sufficient for su'eet potato gro\\-n as almost no potassium is traditionally applied, except
an intercrop in the fertile reclaimed alluvial soils of the that contained in organic manure. Field trials and
region. However 75:75 '75 k-e ha', that -ear-e ma-rimum balanced fertilization demonstrations were carried out
tuber yield (13.76 t har) and maximum net profit (Rs. in the major sweet potato production regions of China
13, 508/- per ha), was the most economical treatment. to better understand the importance of potassium ferti-
Mukhopadhyay et al. (1992), in a study to derermine lizer on crop yield. All nine field trials showed that ade-
the effect of basal and split application of potassium on quate potassium inputs greatly increased sweet potato
growth and yield of sweet potato under an alluvial zone yields. Yields were increased by 1.6 to 21.5 t hat with
of West Bengal, India, observed that the response of potassium application (average 9.20 t62 r) with respon-
potassium fertilization was more pronounced when it ses of 5.1-50.7Vo (average 28.77o). Yield response per
was applied in splits. The highest leaf area index (8.56 kg K,O was 10.5-95.3 kg (average 43.9 kg). The study
at 90 days after planting), crop growth rate (17.65 g m' also indicated that potassium benefit was greater in
dayl between 60-90 days), tuber bulking rate Q.aB g high- than in low-yielding fields. Between the two
ha-r day-1 at t20 days after planting), number of tubers sources, KCI and K,SO* , they observed that KCI was
per plant A.81), total tuber yield (18.16 t ha r) and total more efficient in increasing yield than IISO* applied at
vine yield (22.12 t ha 1) were recorded al 7 5 kg KO ha ' the same rate. Their study found an optimal potassium
when applied in two splits. In a study to find out the rate of 150-300 kg ha' K,O.
optimum levels and time of application and uptake of Kabeerathurnma and George (1993) conducted an
nitrogen and potassium under upland conditions in experiment under controlled conditions to evaluate los-
ses of applied nutrients and to monitor nutrient rnobi- often used (Hill, 1989), with the fertilizer banded along
lity in the soil. They observed that 30-407o of avaitrable the row. The beneficial effect of split application of
potassium was found to be retained in the top 0-30 cm potassium was studied by Kuo (1972), Hossain et al.
layer. The loss was found to be less in farmyard manu- (1987) and Arima and Shibayama (1998).
re treatments due to the K. ions being retained in Bao et al. (1985), in an analysis of 392 experiments,
exchange sites of soil, and further enhanced by reten- came to the conclusion that potassium fertilizer was
tion by organic colloids. Cultivation of sweet potato very effective on sweet potato. On average, applying
subsequently without adding farmyard manure leads to 70 kg hal potash increased the tuber yield by 3.7 t.
depletion. They concluded that 50 kg ha' nitrogen with They also observed that potassium fertilizer increased
farmyard manure (which gave positive nitrogen balan- the yield of sweet potato by increasing the number of
ce and marginal gain in the soil), 25 kg ha' P,O. and 75 tubers and the ratio of large to small tubers. In an expe-
kg ha'KrO is an economic NPK combination for sweet riment on red sandy loam soils (Gowda et al", tr990),
potato. with potash applied at 40, 80 and l2A kg har as basal
Field experiments on potassium responses were or in splits at planting and 30 days later, higher tuber
conducted in Indonesia on three soil types, namely ulti- yields were recorded in these treatments as compared
sols, andisols and entisols (Wargiono, 1981). Results to application of nitrogen and phosphorus alone. Yield
from these trials showed that application of 90 kg ha t
was greatest at 40 kg ha' potash applied as basal dose.
IlO increased tuber yield significantly in the ultisols The most economic dose of potash was reported as 60
(latosol) but not in the andisols and the entisols" The kg ha' in Kerala (Ashokan et al., 1984) while in
author did not give initial soil potassium. A potassium another study Nair et al. (1995) reported maximum
fertilizer trial on a potassium-deficient red latosol (ulti- yield from sweet potato with application of potash at
sols) in Hunan Province, China showed that application 50 kg ha'. Table 9 summarises the application levels
af 76 kg ha' KrO increased fresh tuber yield from 23 t for sweet potato in various parts of the world. Under
ha.' (control) to 33 1 6n ' (JAAS and SAAS, 1982). Delhi conditions, a dose of 40 kg har KrO was reported
A summary of selected data from yield responses to by Dayal and Sharma (I993).In a study to deterrnine
potassium appiication is reported in Table 8. These data the effect of iirigation, N and K on sweet potato at
indicate that potassium supply is a critical yield-limi- IARI, New Delhi, India, the same authors (Dayal and
ting factor for sweet potato growing in the strongly Sharma, 1999) observed that increasing levels of potas-
weathered laterite soils. Sweet potato, grown in paddy sium up to 200 kg ha' K,O gave a higher number of
soils (e.g. entisols) and other moderately fertile soils roots per plant, total yield and marketable yield. Howe-
(e.g. alfisols and inceptisols), generally give greater ver, characters like plant height, number of branches
responses to nitrogen than to potassium application. and foliage weight increased up to 100 kg har KO, and
Sweet potato is widely grown as a minor season crop beyond this level of K,O a declining trend was obser-
after paddy rice on raised beds or ridges in Japan, ved for these traits.
Taiwan and southern China. It is also widely grown as
a summer crop after wheat in eastern China.
Table 9 - Potassium application levels for sweet potato
Fujise and Tsuno (1957) recommended ploughing in
potassium fertllizer to a depth of 40 cm, noting that it Country/Place K,O (kg ha,) Reference
is the deeper roots that most actively provide potassium India 50 Nat et al., 1995; Nair, 2000
for tuber growth in the late stages of crop development. Papua New Guinea 3'75 Bourke. 1985 a
Such deep placement is rarely practiced, other than by USA r00-120 Jacob and Uexkueli, 1958
Puerlo Rico 106 Landrau and Samueis, 195 I
the burial of compost under mounds in some traditional F{awaii 150 Jacob and Uexkuell. 1958
production systems. Split application of potassiurn, Egypt 106 Li and Yen. 1988
before planting and after four weeks of growth, are Taiwan i80 Jacob and Ue.xkuell, 1958
Madeira r25 Jacob and Uexkuell, 1958
Japan 100-200 Tsuno.1981
Table 8 - Effect of potassium application on yield of sweet potato in
potassium deficient laterite soils (ultisols and oxisols)
K rate Fresh tuber Reference Sreelatha et al. (1999) conducted a study to deter-
(kg/ha) yield (t/ha) mine the soil test crop response in sweet potato variety
Maura, Indonesia 014 Wargiono, l98l Kanjangad, and they observed that 10.72 kg IlO is
90 22 required to produce 1 ton of sweet potato tuber. Equa-
Maharashtra. India 012 Nwale and Salvi, 1984
tions for fertrhzer recommendations to obtain targeted
90 23
yields from soils with different test values were deve-
Hunan, China 023 JAAS and SAAS, 1982
76 33 loped based on basic data of tuber yield, nutrient
Morogoro, Tanzania 028 Uriyo, 1973 uptake and soil test values.
60 37
Crop nutrient requirement (kg tonr of tuber): KrO:
Nofih Carolina, USA 019 Purcell and Walter. 1982
76 30 t0.72
Fertiliser adjustment equation for potassium: Soils high in
available potassium status did not
FK"O = 1.700T * 1.348SK - 8.00 -41.65 with 5t respond by significantly improving the tuber yield fol-
cattle iranure where lowing added levels of potash at Coimbatore, Tamil
FK,O and SK were fertilizer IlO in kg ha-l and soil Nadu, India (Muthuswami et al., 1981). The same
K"O ii kg ha-l, respectively. The predetermined crop authors also observed that between the two sources, a
yi-eld target in t ha-l is indicated by T. schoenite source of potassium had a similar influence
. Rajput et al. (1981) found that K application at the on the yield of sweet potato as that of muriate of pota-
rate of 50 kg ha-l is optimum in vertisols. Nair and sh.
Mohankumar (1984) found that75 kg ha-l potassium is
best in acid laterite soils in Kerala, India. Ashokan er
at. (1984) studied the potassium requirement of sweet 7. Diagnosis of potassium deficiency
potato 'Chindamoni' in rain-fed uplands of Kerala,
india and found the most economic dose as 60.4 kg ha
Potassium may be redistributed readily from older
With increasing levels of potassium, the sugar content to younger pafis of the plant in times of shortage, thus
of tubers decreased, whereas the starch content increa- symptoms of potassium deficiency are likely to appear
sed. Performance of six promising genotypes of sweet first on the oldest leaves. Visible symptoms of nutrient
potato, as influenced by three levels of NPK applica- disorders in sweet potato have been reported by Bolle-
tion, was evaluated by Nayar and Vimala (1991). The Jones and Ismunadji (1963) and Spence and Ahmad
difference in tuber yield between NPK level at (1961). Ames et al. (1976), Clark and Moyer (1988),
75:50:75 and 50:37:50 kg/ha was marginal' Hill (1989) and Nam et al. (1996) provided summaries
of previously reported deficiency symptoms. Howevet,
Dffirent soil test levels the descriptions were generally not sufficient for dia-
Nicholaides et al. (1985) observed that potassium gnosis, and the data on tissue nutrient concentrations
concentration in young sweet potato leaf and petiole were mostly in a form not easily applied to tissue sam-
tissue at mid season was affected by potassium rate. pled from the field.
The maximum yield in this study for the highest yiel-
ding trial was associated with 38.1 g kg-l potassium in Index tissue
the tissue. Total yield response was obtained only in the The concentration of any nutrient is not uniform
three experiments where initial soil test K levels were throughout a plant, but varies considerably with the
<0.08 cmol 1-1, and not in those trials where initial soil type and age of the tissue. It is essential for accurate
test K levels were > 0.1 cmol l-1. Ho et al. (1968) found diagnosis that the sampled tissue corresponds as clo-
maximum sweet potato yields associated with leaf sely as possible to that for which the critical concentra-
potassium concentration >31 g kg l. Earlier studies tions were defined (Craswell et al.,1996). The selected
reported no response to potassium amendments when index tissue should be easily identified and collected in
soil test potassium levels were >0.12 cmol l-l (Duncan the field, and should also be a tissue which reflects the
et a1.,1958; Bates, 1971;Worley and Harman, I974). plant's status with respect to any given nutrient, throu-
The soil containing 0.05 cmol l-1 potassium required gh a significant change in the tissue nutrient concentra-
application of about 210 kg ha-l potassium to reach tion. Young leaves would be expected to be the most
95% relative yield, while soils with 0.08 cmol l-l potas- sensitive indicators of deficiencies of phloem-immobi-
sium reached that yield with only application of 175 le elements such as calcium (Ca) or iron (Fe), while
kg-t hu potassium. Sweet potato total yields increased older leaves should show a greatet concentration shift
with potassium application when Mehlich-l extracta- for deficiency of mobile elements, and for mineral toxi-
ble soil test pohs;ium levels were <0.08 cmol 1-1, but it cities. Therefore, in selecting a single tissue for dia-
is probable that potassium applications would increase gnosis of any nutrition disorder, a compromise must be
yields of the most marketable portion when soil test made (Blamey,1996).
potassium levels are <0.05 cmol 1.
-l In most cases, the selected tissue is a young but phy-
Nicholaides et al. (1985) was able to obserr'ue a yield siologically mature leaf. This is often identified as the
response to potassium fertilizer when potassium soil youngest fully expanded leaf blade (YFEB). O'Sulli-
tesi levels were <0.08 cmol l-1 (Mehlich-I extractant). van et al. (1996 a) identified 7-9thleaf biades as index
Results from field trials on laterite soils with low tissue for sweet potato on the basis that it corresponded
exchangeable potassium (mostly below 0.20 cmol kg-1) to relatively low concentration ratios between a defi-
indicatJd that the application of 60-90 kg ha KrO
I cient plant and a healthy plant, the leaves were old
gave a yield increase in the order of 10 t ha of fresh enough that concentrations were not changing rapidly
tuber with moderate applications of nitrogen and pho- with age, and the sample was still relatively easily
sphorus, r.e. 45 and25 kg ha-1 of N and PrO' respecti- identified in the field. As with other major nutrients,
vely (Uriyo,19"73; Wargiono, 1981; JAAS and SAAS, potassium deficiency can cause substantial growth
1982; Purcell et a1.,1982; Chandra et al., 1983; Nwale reduction before specific symptoms develop. In the
and Sclvi lqR/.\ field, symptoms often develop after two to three
months, when the expanding storage roots begin to zones are also symptomatic of magnesium deficiency.
place increased demand on potassium supplies. The magnesium deficient crops are generally pale in
Deficiency symptoms colour, and the pattern ofinterveinal chlorosis is usual-
Potassium deficiency symptoms become evident on ly more regular, with the major veins remaining green
the oldest leaves which develop a yellow chlorosis in for their entire length (O'Sullivan et al.,1996 c).
marginal and interveinal zones (O'Sullivan et a1.,1996 Sweet potato varieties such as 'Wanmun' have a
a). Brown necrotic lesions develop within the chlorotic
high level of anthocyanin pigmentation in young leaves
and stems. With potassium deficiency, the first symp-
zones, and may spread to cover the entire leaf blade.
tom noted was fading of anthocyanin pigment in the tip
Cultivars vary in the extent to which lesions spread
predominantly from the margins to interveinal zones, and young leaves, becoming a pale red-brown (O'Sul-
or are initiated in interveinal regions nearer the midrib,
livan et al., 1993). In contrast to nitrogen or phospho-
or show relatively little regard for veinal distribution. rus deficiency, potassium deficiency tends to have a
Necrosis associated with potassium deficiency is usual-
much greater effect on storage root yield than on the
growth of the tops (Edmond and Sefick, 1938; Bourke,
ly dark in colour, and the necrotic areas become dry
1985 a).
and brittle. The necrotic stage is often preceded by a
light green interveinal chlorosis affecting mature to Diagnostic soil and plant tissue tests
older leaves, and often most obvious on the leaves of The determination of a critical concentration for
axillary shoots. Interveinal areas are pale green and are potassium in sweet potato leaves is complicated by the
finely divided by the network of minor veins that retain fact that sweet potato has some capacity to substitute
a darker colour. In mild cases, this chlorosis may be the
sodium for part of its potassium requirement. In the
only visible symptom of disorder (Dowling et al., presence of sufficient sodium, a critical concentration
1996). of 2.67o potassium has been determined in the 7-9th
Potassium deficient crops tend to produce small, youngest leaf blades. In solution culture experiments
thin storage roots of poor quality. Orange-fleshed with very low sodium concentrations, the critical con-
varieties usually have a paler-than-normal flesh colour. centration of potassium was found to be approximately
Spence and Ahmad (1967), in their water culture expe- 4.OVo (O'sullivan et al., 1996 b; Barraclough and
riments, observed that from early stages there was Leigh, 1993; Ivahupa, 1997). The maximum substitu-
restricted growth with short internodes and smaller lea- tion effect seems to be achieved at relatively low
ves. Leaf blades were darker green in colour (bluish sodium concentrations (Ivahupa, 1997), as would be
green), particularly around the margin. Petioles were found in most soils. Therefore, a critical concentration
shortened and had less pigmentation at the junction of 2.67a would apply in most field conditions. This
with the lamina than in the controls. appears to be consistent with field observations of the
Interveinal chlorosis started in the old leaves begin- response of crops to potassium fefillizer.
ning at the tips of the laminae and extended around the Crop responses to potassium fertilization are gene-
margin at the sides but not quite to the bases (Cibes and rally expected at exchangeable potassium values in the
Samuels, 1957). Chlorosis also extended inwards range 0.2-0.6 cmol(+) kg-l soil, although this relation-
between the secondary veins almost to the midrib. The ship depends on the soil texture and total cation
syrnptoms finally showed up as severe general chloro- exchange capacity (CEC); sandy soils may respond
sis with dark green bands at the base of the laminae and only in the range 0.05 - 0.25 cmol(+) kgl (Landon,
along the secondary veins almost to the midrib. The 1991).In the highlands of Papua New Guinea, Good-
chlorotic bands eventually became dark brown and body and Humphreys (1986) found a positive correla-
necrotic. A characteristic and previously undescribed tion between sweet potato yield and exchangeable
symptom appeared on the under surface of leaves befo- potassium over a range of 0.2-1.0 cmol(+) kg-l soil.
re the appearance of chlorosis. Small, shiny, light
brown spotting showed up on the under surface only; Correction of potassium deficiency
the chlorosis then appeared on the upper surface oppo- Since sweet potato crops remove a considerable
site the spotting (O'Sullivan et a1.,1997). amount of potassium from the soil (approximately 8 kg
The appearance of interveinal chlorotic mottle to potassium in storage roots and vines per 1 ton ofroots),
small necrotic pits in interveinal tissue of leaves of continuous cropping without fertilization can lead to
intermediate age may resemble symptoms of mangane- exhaustion of soil potassium reserves. Potassium defi-
se deficiency. However, in the case of manganese defi- ciency occurs most commonly on sandy soils, which
ciency, the green zones around the veins are broader have a low CEC, and on oxisols and ultisols with low
and more diffuse. The absence of symptoms on the base status. Some volcanic ash soils have large potas-
youngest leaves, and the occunence of necrotic lesions sium reserves, but may have a low CEC, and therefore
on the oidest leaves indicate potassium deficiency. low available potassium and a poor ability to retain
Interveinal patches of necrosis surrounded by chlorotic added potassium.
Potassium can be added to the soil either in the form ped Ultisols in Sierra Leone, application of 200 kg ha
of inorganic fertilizers or in organic mulches and com- 1 potassium at a N:K ratio of 3 gave maximum tuber
posts. Recommendations for fertilizer additions range yield but low vine yield. High vine yield was obtained
from 50 to 320 kg ha 1 K. Organic mulches are much at a low rate of potassium (50 kg ha-l) and a N:K ratio
more bulky than inorganic fertilizers, thus requiring of 3:1(Godfrey-Sam-Aggrey, 797 6).
more labour, but the efficiency of nutrient use by the Excessive application of potassium may lead to
crop may be higher (Floyd et a1.,1988 b). D'Souza and magnesium or calcium deficiency, due to suppression
Bourke (1986) recommended an application of coffee of the uptake of these elements (Spear et al., 1978). On
pulp compost at 20 t ha-1 in the Nembi Plateau of Papua sandy soils, magnesium and calcium applications may
New Guinea. Table 10 shows the critical potassium be necessary, in addition to potassium, to maintain a
concentration in 7 -9th leaf blades. favourable balance (Duncan and Stark, 1951; Landon,
From sand culture studies Bolle-Jones and Ismu- l99l). Potassium application increased nitrogen con-
nadji (1963) observed that deficiency symptoms deve- tent in tuber, potassium content in leaf, shoot and tuber,
loped in the leaf blade at 0.507o K. They pointed out but had no effect on phosphorus content of different
that these estimates were tentative and based on the plant parls of sweet potato (Samuels, 1967).Duncan et
analysis of all the laminae of the deficient plants, a/. (1958) observed that increasing KCI rates resulted
regardless of whether the laminae showed symptoms or in higher chlorine concentrations in the vegetative tis-
not. Spence and Ahmad (1967), from their water cultu- sue, which had no apparent detrimental effect on yield
re studies using sweet potato, analysed stems and lea- or quality of sweet potato. Hence, the generally less
ves at harvesting time and observed that the critical expensive source of KCI should be economically pre-
concentration for potassium deficiency is 0.157o. ferable.
Grimme et al. (1977) reported that an increase in
potassium rate resulted in a decrease in tissue calcium
Table l0 - Critical nutrient concentration for potassium in 7-9th leaf and magnesium concentrations. It is possible that there
blades was some antagonistic effect of potassium on calcium
and magnesium in the studied variety. Godfrey-Sam-
Critical concentration Adequate range
Aggrey and Garber (1977) sampled the fourth fully
('E") (Vo) Reference
expanded leaves of sweet potato vine tips at harvest to
4.0 4.7-6.0 O'Sullivan et a|..1996 c
study the effects of timing and rates of potassium ferti-
2.3 3.0-4.3 C)'Sullivan et al.. 1993
lizers on leaf nutrients and their relationship to sweet
potato tuber yields. Potash showed significant effects
8. Interaction with other nutrients on leaf phosphorus, zinc, calcium, magnesium, K./P and
CalMg. Significant quadratic effects of the tuber
Tsuno and Fujise (1968) noticed that in the fields yields, as well as significant cubic K x timing interac-
giving high average sweet potato yield, exchan-eeable tion effect on tuber yields, were observed. There were
potassium was high in the subsoil and they conducted significant negative corelations between tuber yields
an experiment with deep placement (40 cm) of potas- and leaf nitrogen and between tuber yields and leaf
sium. They reported that potassium alone was not so phosphorus, indicating that increases in either leaf
effective but the combined application of nitrogen and nitrogen or leaf phosphorus depressed yields (Feliciano
potassium showed a remarkable yield-increasing effect. andLopez,l9l6).
Their interpretation was that shallow roots growing on In a study at Papua New Guinea, 10 sweet potato cul-
the stems mostly died in the later growth period; the tivars were grown in adjacent plots in the absence and
roots growing from the root tubers distributed deep in presence of gypsum, added at the rate of 500 kg ha-l.
the soil survived and the presence of a large amount of Amino acid analysis showed that no change occurred
inorganic nutrients at depth permitted continuous sup- in the total sulfur-containing amino acids (methionine
ply of nutrients up to the late growth stage. They further and cystine) with addition of gypsum to the soil (Brad-
observed that nitrogen and potassium together kept the bwy et aI., 1985), but there was a highly significant
roots healthy for a longer period than potassium alone. increase in the calcium content from 12.9 (2.9) to 18.4
Knavel (197I) observed that increased potassium (3.7) mg 1001 g fresh weight. This indicates that the
application decreased top nitrogen content. The nitro- uptake of minerals by the tuber depends on the amount
gen content of tuber and phosphorus content in all the present in the soil and is consistent with the conclu-
plant parts of sweet potato were found unaffected by sions of Scott and Bouwkamp (1914).
potassium application (Pandey and Jauhery, 1970; Purceltr et al. (1982) noted that the concentration of
Muthuswamy and Krishnamoorthy, 1976; Pardales et chlorine and sulfur in young sweet potato leaf and
al.,I9'/8; Purcell et a|.,1982; Preston, 1990). The rela- petiole tissue generally reflected the potassium source
tive yield of tuber and vine depends upon a balanced and chlorine as always dependent on a rate x source
supply of nitrogen and potassium. In intensively crop- interaction. No effect of potassium source was found
on any other tissue nutrient concentration, yield or qua- Table I I - Potassium and post harvest qualities of sweet potato tubers
lity. Also the SOo source was reported to have no effect
on the protein content of sweet potato roots. Jackson K level Dry matter Starch Protein
and Thomas (1960) observed that the concentration of (kg ha,) (t ha') (v") (vo)

chloride in sweet potato tops, 60 days after transplan- 0 t1.46 20.48 4.22
ting, increased from 1.8 to 10.1 g kg-l with increasing
50 14.76 22.r2 5.28
100 t8.92 22.82 4.43
KCl rates when calcium and magnesium were not limi- 150 19.80 23.03 4.43
ting. No adverse effect of chlorine was evident in the (References: Das and Behera, 1989).
study as yields increased from 3.43 to 22.02 Mg ha-l.

The varieties H-41 andH-42 had higher starch content

9. Potassium on tuber quality in tubers than the two local varieties Jankia white and
Bhubaneswar white. Soils high in available potassium
Root crops growers not only aim for high yields but status did not respond by significantly improving the
also for high quality tubers, with high nutritional value, tuber yield following added levels of potash at Coim-
and fitness for storage and processing. These require- batore, Tamil Nadu, India (Muthuswamy et a1.,1981).
ments can be summarized in the term 'quality' and vary It was also observed that between the two soufces,
for different crops and according to the purpose for schoenite source of potassium had similar influence on
which the produce is destined (Janssen, 1978).In most the starch content of sweet potato as that of muriate of
root crops and for most purposes, high dry matter and potash. Ashokan et aL (1984) found that with increa-
carbohydrate contents are basic requirements for high sing levels of potassium, the sugar content of tubers
quality. The ratio root/shoot dry matter should be high. decreased, whereas the starch content increased.
(Izawa and Okamoto, 1959; Kaddar et al., 1984; Kuo Rajendran et al. (1971) observed higher dry matter
and Chen, 1992;Konabe and Ivahupa, 1996). These content in sweet potato with increased potassium appli-
general quality criteria and many others are closely cation. Starch content in tuber gradually increased with
related to the nutrient supply for the crop, the pattern of potassium application, which was maximum at 100 kg
nutrient uptake and nutrient balance. The increased ha-1 IqO applied in two equal splits (73.9Eo). Duncan
rates of assimilation and growth caused by abundant et al. (1958) observed that increasing KCI rates resul-
nitrogen supply often result in an accumulation of pre- ted in higher chlorine concentrations in the vegetative
cursors and intermediates in the processes of carbohy- tissue, which had no apparent detrimental effect on
drate and protein formation (Leonard et al., 1948, quality of sweet potato. Hence, the generally less
1949;Lowe, l97l; Nair, 1987). Examples of this are expensive KCI source should be economically prefera-
accumulations of reducing sugars (Muller, 1964) and ble. In spite of some reports recommending the use of
of soluble amino and amide compounds in several root sulphate (de Geus, 1973), no improvement in yield or
crops. These increased contents of simple and soluble quality was evident with the use of the more expensive
organic compounds often lower the quality of the har- SSO* fertilizer. It was concluded, therefore, that chlo-
vest. Potassium was reported to help in starch and rine concentration {2.287o in the youngest fully deve-
sugar accumulation in tubers (Davidescu and Davide- loped leaf with petiole was not detrimental to sweet
scu, 1959; Ghuman and Lal, 1973 a,b). potato. Similarly Ma et al. (1986) reported that yield
The qualitative disadvantages associated with the and quality of tubers were not affected by chlorine fer-
ample supply of nitrogen needed to obtain optimum tilization at less than or equal to 190 kg ha-l.
yields are reduced if a proper balance is maintained In a trial conducted in China to determine the effect
with the other necessary nutrient elements. A good sup- of different potassium rates on sweet potato tuber qua-
ply of potassium is especially effective in controlling lity, Lu et al., (2001) found that both average tuber wei-
the qualitative drawbacks of abundant nitrogen (Win- ght and starch content, indicators of quality, increased
ner, 1966; Herlihy and Carroll , 1969). Both the absolu- with potassium rates up to an optimum of 225 kg ha-l
te supply of potassium to the crops and the N-K rela- KrO. Between the two sources (KCl and IISO*)
tionship and interactions have to be taken into account applied at the same rates, starch content of sweet pota-
(Steineck, 1974). to tubers tended to be higher with K2SO4 than with
Das and Behera (1989) conducted a study to deter- KCl. However, total starch yield was higher with KCI
mine the effect of varying levels of potassium on post treatments due to the higher fresh sweet potato yield.
harvest qualities of sweet potato (Table 11). Higher Constantin et al. (1977) observed that potassium
rates of potassium increased the protein content of application increased starch content and altered root
sweet potato varieties. The variety H-42had the maxi- shape. As potassium rate increased, the dry matter con-
mum protein content, followed by 'H-41'1, the protein tent decreased. Potassium application decreased pro-
content was more in stem than leaf and tubers. Potas- tein content and firmness of canned roots, and slightly
sium also increased the starch content of tubers. Simi- increased the crude fibre content of roots. The highest
lar results were also reported by Magoon et al. (1969). potassium rate of 140 kg ha-l reduced dry matter con-
tent by 1.87o as compared to control. Nogueira e/ a/. AMES T., SMIT N.E.J.M., BRAUN A.R., O'SULLIVAN J.N.,
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