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Navigating the Complexities of Writing a Literature Review on Sustainable Construction

Embarking on the journey of crafting a literature review on sustainable construction is not for the
faint-hearted. It requires meticulous research, critical analysis, and a deep understanding of the
subject matter. The task often proves to be daunting for many, as it demands not only a
comprehensive understanding of the topic but also the ability to synthesize diverse sources of
information into a coherent narrative.

One of the primary challenges in writing a literature review on sustainable construction lies in the
vastness and interdisciplinary nature of the field. Sustainable construction encompasses a wide array
of topics, ranging from green building materials and energy-efficient design to sustainable urban
planning and construction waste management. Navigating through this vast landscape of literature
requires careful selection and organization of relevant sources to provide a comprehensive overview
of the subject.

Furthermore, the dynamic nature of sustainability in construction adds another layer of complexity to
the task. As new technologies emerge, regulations evolve, and societal attitudes shift, staying abreast
of the latest developments and trends becomes essential. This necessitates constant updates and
revisions to ensure that the literature review remains current and relevant.

Another challenge that writers often encounter is the need to critically evaluate the credibility and
reliability of the sources consulted. With the proliferation of information available online,
distinguishing between reputable scholarly articles and dubious sources can be a daunting task.
Moreover, conflicting viewpoints and contradictory findings within the literature further complicate
the process of synthesizing information and drawing meaningful conclusions.

Amidst these challenges, seeking professional assistance can prove to be invaluable. ⇒ ⇔ offers expert guidance and support to individuals grappling with the complexities
of writing a literature review on sustainable construction. With a team of experienced researchers
and writers, ⇒ ⇔ ensures the delivery of high-quality, meticulously researched
literature reviews that meet the highest academic standards.

By entrusting your literature review to ⇒ ⇔, you can alleviate the burden of
navigating through the vast sea of literature and ensure that your work stands out for its depth of
analysis and scholarly rigor. Take the first step towards crafting a compelling literature review on
sustainable construction by placing your trust in ⇒ ⇔.
Editors select a small number of articles recently published in the journal that they believe will be
particularly. Database) or general web searches (e.g., Google, Bing). The visual RFPN shows the
paper ID ( Supplementary Materials: List of Reviewed Papers to identify the paper ID). Figure 2
shows the distribution of papers by the journal for the top 10 most published journals. Achieving
targets for global reductions in CO2 emissions will be a major. Asphalt can be produced using hot
mix asphalt (HMA) and warm mix asphalt (WMA) whereas. At the macroeconomic level, it is the
requirements to use construction projects to grow economies. Water main replacements often
coincide with highway construction making them relevant to this. Safety practices are in place to
minimize or eliminate worker fatalities and injuries. Engineer School has reworked the curriculum to
meet Air Force civil engineer needs (2014). Even in the nationally recognized Leadership in Energy
and. Ehsaei et al. (2015) discovered that through public outreach. In total, 60 papers were shortlisted
for the review process; 8 papers were duplicated and from 52 remaining papers, 7 were deemed
irrelevant. TABLE 14. DfD Strategies Identified in Literature A. All articles published by MDPI are
made immediately available worldwide under an open access license. No special. The Department of
Labor defines Registered Apprenticeship as a. IncorporateA safeA deconstructionA forA andA
reduceA riskA toA workersA byA allowingA movement,A equipmentA. We desperately need to save
the environment which is the resource of life on earth. Technical Memorandum in support of its EIS
for the State Route (SR) 520 Pontoon Construction. An effective CR approach can lead to benefits in
the following areas. AttemptA toA facilitateA deconstructionA byA embeddingA proceduralA
efficienciesA intoA theA designA andA theA constructionA. This was limited to the top
sustainability journals. The keywords that appeared in more than one cluster are called bridging
keywords and reveal the relationship between the clusters. Social sustainability matters should be
attended to during the design, planning, and execution of the construction projects. The paper
outlines the main idea behind sustainability assessment. This section provides a brief overview of the
sustainable highway construction concepts. Training, (2) Upgrade Training, (3) Qualification Training,
(4) Advanced Training and (5). Type of LIDAR giving fairly accurate estimate for earthwork or any.
Some of the main types of waste resulting from the construction include. Thus, project managers are
seen as change agents who play important role on the sustainability of an organization.
There are multiple methods that can be implemented in segmental construction, and this gives.
Technical Memorandum in support of its EIS for the State Route (SR) 520 Pontoon Construction.
Projects must prove to be economically feasible with regard to channeling and. Speed Management.
Another issue which contributes greatly to safety hazards in work zones is. Gambatese offer an
incentive-based safety rating framework, the Sustainable Construction. Regarding asphalt pavement
density, some of the recommendations. IRJET - Material Characteristics of Geopolymer Concrete
Incorporated with Fl. The scarcity of demonstration construction projects showcasing DfC benefits
may be attributed. Therefore, aesthetics have long been integral to infrastructure. This study aims to
identify the role of project management in ensuring sustainable development. Journal of
Pharmaceutical and BioTech Industry (JPBI). However, this is certainly not always true. In many.
FIGURE 3 shows the number of State DOT agencies that have initiated e-Construction practices.
Perpetual pavements contain asphalt in all the layers of the pavement and can be recycled with.
Developing such a model would assist with the management of sustainable construction projects.
Additionally, increasing the distance from the receptor can. FIGURE 14. Number of Cases with
Report Positive Direction of Economic Impact. Collins, Frank. Lambert, John. Duan, Wen Hui. The
influence of admixtures on the dispersion. Although the majority of established DfC or DfD
practices are applied primarily to vertical. Local jurisdictions may have their own traffic control
manual but it. Safety. Investment in safety training is oftentimes a low priority and in times of tight
budgets. Circularity starts with smart urban planning to optimize transportation network and
utilization of land. Sustainable business strategies are being implemented in many projects, which
has led to a recent expansion of interest in exploring the potential of integrating sustainability
dimensions in project management. Another line of work included several studies on the relationship
between delivery methods and. But in construction, there is a large dependency on man-made
materials as compared with materials from natural resources. Figure 1 shows the workflow process
involved in processing. The OSHA standard is the only enforceable rating system by. Austria and
Germany. Prowell, Hurley, and Crews, (2007) stated that the use of warm mix. It is considered that
the choice of materials (and the application of technologies in this effort) is done in the direction of
the Sustainability of the Construction Industry. This section describes the literature review method to
include the purpose, scope, definition of.
Figure 1 shows the workflow process involved in processing. The layout of the network was
determined by the Force Atlas 2 algorithm and the nodes (keywords) were sized in terms of their
eigenvector centrality. TABLE 13 describes variations or extensions of DfC. In 2011, Swarup et al
initiated work to evaluate the a??influence of project delivery attributes, such. Business statute
establishes mechanisms by which small businesses, service-disabled veteran-. The paper starts with
discussion on process and related aspects of designing energy efficient buildings. Regarding
economic wellbeing, the project control method can have an influence on time. The RFPN network,
as depicted in Figure 4, composed of 45 nodes and 518 edges, in which there was no outlier paper.
Late Merge Control. Also known as the zipper method, this strategy makes use of the full. Therefore,
aesthetics have long been integral to infrastructure. Please let us know what you think of our
products and services. There was limited literature on innovative practices. AttemptA toA facilitateA
deconstructionA byA embeddingA proceduralA efficienciesA intoA theA designA andA theA
constructionA. Consequently, project management maturity models have to also evaluate how
sustainability is included and applied in project management. Sustainable procurement isn’t just a
question of choosing the most. Continued support from the State Governments and the private sector
is essential for the success of the program. Masterson et al. (2016) estimated that around 22 million
workers in the United States are. Disassembly or Deconstructability) an extension of DfC principles
with a more specific focus on. Noise pollution can significantly decrease the health and quality of
life of those around the. Next, we imported file to Gephi to visualize the network for RFPN
analysis. The airport started with a small pilot project by installing a solar energy. Journal of
Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research (JTAER). This method uses a laser scanner
to gather distance measurements of surfaces around the device. Krogstad et al (2004), proved how
efficient LIDAR technology can be in the transportation. Visit our dedicated information section to
learn more about MDPI. Each of these methods led to cost savings, and improved environmental
outcomes through lower. Proceedings ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings,
2000, pp.557-567. In Section 4 the results are presented and discussed. In SIBC, the traffic is
unaffected on the existing bridge, while the new bridge is built on. Also, just like LEED, the project
can receive the nationally recognized tiered achievement levels.
Developing such a model would assist with the management of sustainable construction projects.
Multiple requests from the same IP address are counted as one view. FIGURE 4. Increase in
equivalent workforce resulting from the use of mobile. Fair treatment of staff, discrimination
prevention and workplace accessibility. N410293102 N410293102 IRJET- Experimental
Investigation on Concrete with different Waste Stone Aggr. Perpetual pavements contain asphalt in
all the layers of the pavement and can be recycled with. This encompasses policies that provide
opportunity to traditionally disadvantaged business. The 2006 study resulted in a series of
recommendations, lessons learned and a set of case studies. However, researchers found that Precast
pavements have. Effective work zone traffic control plans reduce congestion as much. Research
shows that companies that embrace CR are often more financially. Consumption of paper is
minimized by tracking information. The London Olympics Games (LOG) of 2012 is a notable. Cost
estimating involves predicting the approximate costs and resources needed to complete a. But the
question is how is sustainability incorporated into projects and project management. Beheiry et al
(2006) attempted to investigate the impact of organizational commitment to. Mallela (2013), also
reveal that WMA saves 15% of cost as compared to HMA. FHWA. Sustainability integration into
project and project management is rapidly taking part as a good industrial exercise and a research
topic. The two selected experiences are the United States of America and India. According to the
EIS, Alternatives 1A and 3 would have negative. The Air Forcea??s enlisted civil engineer career
field and education training plan (CFETP) is a. Olympics Games from 1968 to 2012 (Flyvbjerg and
Stewart 2012). Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology. Vol. 5. February 2007. Synergistic Effect
on Ternary Blended Cementitious System Synergistic Effect on Ternary Blended Cementitious
System IRJET - Utilization of Waste Material to Make Green Concrete IRJET - Utilization of Waste
Material to Make Green Concrete Research on Strength, Alkali-Silica Reaction and Abrasion
Resistance of Concr. As a result, unsafe traffic conditions will likely occur endangering road. The
CSIP evaluation system is intuitive and easy to interpret and allows portfolio managers to choose the
best set of projects from those available. The study further aims to make specific recommendations
on developing the standards of the project management capabilities so as to prepare the project
managers for the crucial role of achieving sustainable development in an organization and the
economy at large. Apart from the design and construction phases, sustainability should be considered
during the renovation and deconstruction phases. IRJET- Experimental Study on Engineering
Properties of Fly Ash based Geopolym. In this paper, a case study of IIT Kanpur has been presented
in detail.

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