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Writing a Literature Review on Employee Motivation and Productivity

Crafting a literature review on employee motivation and productivity can be a daunting task for
many individuals. It requires an in-depth understanding of the subject matter, a comprehensive
review of existing literature, and the ability to synthesize information from various sources. This
process demands both time and expertise, making it challenging for individuals to undertake single-

One of the primary difficulties in writing a literature review lies in the extensive research required to
identify relevant studies, articles, and scholarly works. Navigating through numerous academic
databases and journals to find pertinent information can be overwhelming, especially for those
unfamiliar with academic research methods.

Moreover, analyzing and synthesizing the gathered data presents its own set of challenges. It involves
critically evaluating each source, identifying key themes, and integrating findings to provide a
cohesive overview of the topic. This requires strong analytical skills and a keen eye for detail.

Furthermore, ensuring coherence and clarity in presenting the literature review adds another layer of
complexity. Organizing the information in a logical manner, addressing gaps in research, and drawing
meaningful conclusions require careful attention to detail and effective communication skills.

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These frameworks mostly build on the Job Characteristics Model, the Self Determination Theory, and
needs models (see Table 4 ). To examine the impact of Gender, age and years of experience on
organizational performance in the Eravurpatru Divisional Secretariat? 2. Synthesizing findings from
these meta-narratives, a meta-theoretical model for understanding cross-task motivation was
proposed. The legislative arm of government passed Act 737 in 2007 that saw the birth of the Fair
Wages Salary Commission (FWSC). Individuals with religious affiliations also tend to work harder
as the virtue of hard work is aligned with religious principles. The framework of this study considers
independent variables, dependent variables, and moderators at different levels. As most research
looking at motivation has done so at the contextual level, rather than the task level, the studies for
inclusion in the current review are somewhat scattered and heterogeneous across research fields.
Brenner P (1999) Motivating knowledge workers: the role of the workplace. It may then be the case
that in the Fang et al. (2020) article, the second task was too difficult to support restoration and that
this too was the case in the Parker et al. (2013) study. One last study, nuancing the picture further, is
another study by Fang et al. (2017). In this study, there was a U-shaped relationship between
competence frustration in a preceding course and intrinsic motivation in a subsequent course. Chan
JK, Beckman SL, Lawrence PG (2007) Workplace design: a new managerial imperative. In his
survey on equity, Greenberg ( 1988 ) distributed status symbols, like remuneration and offices,
among sales managers. The association between social relatedness and work motivation at different
levels of humane orientation. In addition to individual-level antecedents, the social context has also
been regarded to have implications for work motivation. A sharp decline in motivation can be
explained by a drop in the Job Characteristics. This will motivate people to work harder for collective
goals, contributing to the development of organizations. The findings shed light on the intricate
relationships between variables, including perfectionism, learning self-efficacy, motivation, and
cultural influences. In response to calls for methodological rigor in management literature reviews
(Bouncken et al. 2015; Fisch and Block 2018; Tranfield et al. 2003 ), we provide a structured review
of motivation research publications and how they consider workplace technologies. The last phase
was the explicit selection criteria phase, where all articles were read in full before final inclusion.
Open Access funding enabled and organized by Projekt DEAL. Today, new technologies enable an
almost seamless interaction between machines and humans and allow teams in different countries
and time zones to collaborate effectively. Depending on the conceptual framework, these mediators
range from emotional aspects and needs to job characteristics. Wright BM, Cordery JL (1999)
Production uncertainty as a contextual moderator of employee reactions to job design. This means
that the organization has to be aligned in its operation to take on the market with better products,
which are more appealing to the customers hence, the drive for innovation Emery, 2009, p. Front
Psychol. 2022;13:1004078. Larson AL, Cycyk LM, Carta JJ, Hammer CS, Baralt M, Uchikoshi Y,
Wood C. Within the framework of the Chinese education system, there exists a prevailing perception
that the attainment of English proficiency, particularly in the domain of writing, serves as a pivotal
factor in facilitating success throughout several tiers. This research endeavor pioneers a novel
exploration of the relatively unexplored significance of self-reflection in many cultural situations.
Hypothesis 5b The mediating role of self-reflection in the link between motivating variables and
writing competency will be examined among Chinese EFL learners. A multitude of empirical
investigations have been conducted to examine the complex association between self-efficacy in
learning and results in language acquisition. The correlation between perfectionism and writing skills
is of notable importance within the context of language acquisition. These authors provide insights
on the role these organizational factors play regarding employee motivation, whereas most of the
research excludes workplace technologies.
A questionnaire was also completed after the training. Yet the performance of teachers in itself
motivates management and policy makers to institute compensation packages, improved
psychological aura through enhanced working environment and job design and implementing
appropriate performance management policy for a continued performance enhancement. The
Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver ( ) applies to the data made available in this
article, unless otherwise stated in a credit line to the data. In contrast, students from collectivist
cultures may get motivation from their contribution to the collective success of the group. The
Chinese education system has seen substantial changes in order to adapt to the evolving needs of an
increasingly dynamic global environment. The association between social relatedness and work
motivation at different levels of humane orientation. Seven primary findings are crucial in this
research. They provide conceptual and practical implications for ELT materials that use illustrations
to improve international interpersonal abilities and comprehension of culture. Proficient English
writing abilities are often regarded as advantageous in a variety of professional domains, including
business, technology, academia, and the arts. Literature has identified several models of work
motivation. In the current study, this entailed a comprehensive search in relevant databases across
topic areas, in order to ensure, as far as possible, that all relevant contributions were included. Full
description Save Save Literature Review on Employee Training and Develop. With this aspect in
mind, it might be useful to rephrase our initial question as: How does workplace technology affect
employee motivation. First, as some of the results were opposite to the original propositions based on
the theoretical foundations employed, combining different concepts and approaches is necessary to
enhance perspectives of psychological needs and social issues. Subsequently, different perceptions of
the relationship between workplace technologies and motivation are reviewed. 4.1 Descriptive
analysis of the sample From the 67 publications, the earliest works are from Denise M. The model
has cross-variable variance of 52 percentage and with close to about 48 percentage unexplained as
inferred from the coefficients of both coefficient of determination ( R 2 ) and adjusted coefficient of
determination. A systematic review of language-focused interventions for young children from
culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. Job motivation is a well-documented construct
connected to several company-relevant performance outcomes. The impact of portfolio on EFL
learners’ metacognition and writing performance. Further information regarding the WVS can be
reached at the WVS website (, accessed on 14 October 2021). This finding suggests that religious
affiliation weakens the association between individuals’ competence and work motivation. Existing
research has addressed job motivation as an aggregation of the motivation for tasks, ignoring the
possibility of temporal effects where the motivation for one task affects motivation in a subsequent
task. Although a vast number of articles were screened, choices were made both in choosing the
appropriate keywords, choice of research domains, and search systems, meaning that there is always
a possibility that some studies were missed in the search process. This study seeks to shed light on
the intricate interplay between perfectionist tendencies, beliefs in one’s ability to learn, intrinsic
motivation, and writing proficiency among Chinese students learning English as a foreign language.
ICT in particular can provide smooth processes and motivate through means efficacy (12) (Eden et
al. 2010 ). Martin’s ( 2017 ) findings point in a similar direction. The association between autonomy
and work motivation at different levels of humane orientation. Which aspects of new technology
influence the individual work organization and how. Additionally, this study takes into account the
cultural components that influence reflective practice among Chinese EFL learners. In the context of
a globalized world, the capacity to communicate effectively in English is becoming more intertwined
with one’s prospects for employment. The performance standards are quantified and pegged against
an individual evaluation which is essential for employee motivation.
Moreover, it is complicated to measure social factors such as political participation. The thesis is a
literature research and thus a review by the work of others. Researchers representing this perspective
mostly based their assumptions on rigorous data and prior research results, which is also reflected by
the average JCR rating of 5.0 for these articles. The communication and interaction among people
help them grasp the government’s developmental strategies, motivating them to work harder. Search:
To capture a broad range of results, we placed no prior restrictions on the definition of motivation or
workplace-related influences. Using the baseline model in Eq. ( 1 ), the study concurrently runs the
regression with the output shown in Tables 2, 3 and 4. We thank all the basic school teachers in the
municipality who devoted time to fill and return questionnaires sent to them. Performance
management system Management of teachers and educational administrators in all levels of
education should focus on implementing basic performance management systems to continually
appraise teachers’ accomplishments. The impact of cultural norms on learning self-efficacy beliefs
may be seen via the influence of attitudes toward authority. The sample question is as follows: “My
cultural background affects my approach to writing in English.” Data analysis Structural Equation
Modeling (SEM) was employed in this study utilizing Smart PLS software. Download citation
Received: 01 July 2020 Accepted: 21 October 2020 Published: 04 November 2020 Issue Date:
February 2022 DOI: Share this article Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read
this content: Sorry, a shareable link is not currently available for this article. Of the six studies in the
sample, three studies yielded results supporting the proposed relationship between prior need
frustration and subsequent motivation. Fang et al. (2018) found that competence frustration in one
task leads to an enhanced motivation to win in a subsequent task, measured using
electroencephalogram (ERP), supporting the restoration hypothesis. It should be said that the nature
of the school setting is basically a function of internal management and leadership. Few authors
opted for a qualitative or mixed approach including thematic analyses of interviews and diary
entries. Hypothesis 1a There is a positive correlation between self-oriented perfectionism levels and
writing performance among EFL learners in China. These systems are mainly found in jobs with
creative tasks and human interaction, which are gaining in importance during the digital
transformation (Frey and Osborne 2017 ). Implementing a new tool has various consequences for
other organizational features. Brenner ( 1999 ) and Benson and Dundis ( 2003 ) provide a very clear
and holistic perspective on how technology contributes to need satisfaction. Front Psychol.
2022;13:870540. Yang Y, Schroeder F, Rodger M. Sampling technique and data analysis On the
determination of the sample size, different authors have differing views, but in most cases, the
recommendation is that it should be large. Expanding upon the hierarchical model of intrinsic and
extrinsic motivation by Vallerand (1997, 2001), this framework outlines how motivation in one task
may carry over to a subsequent task, affecting subsequent task motivation depending on the
magnitude of the previous motivational experience. In this environment, where employees must
portion out resources between multiple, differing tasks, how does motivation vary through the
workday. Mediated technologies still contain prescribed processes; however, the tool to be applied
must be chosen individually by the employee. Model fit indices, including but not limited to chi-
square, Comparative Fit Index (CFI), and Root Mean Square Error of Approximation (RMSEA),
were assessed to determine the overall fit of the structural equation model.The use of this complete
method assures the strength and accuracy of our measuring model while also offering significant
insights into the intricate relationship between several elements that impact the writing skills of EFL
learners in the Chinese setting. Other studies have found that salary levels have been the main
challenge for education managers and are the reason for the high attrition and that education planners
and managers should pay attention to the design of compensation packages. Nevertheless, the
authors made efforts to employ the measurements utilized by prior research. To examine Chinese
EFL students’ perfectionist tendencies, language learning self-efficacy, study motivation, and
English writing skills. The primary objective of this research is to address the existing disparity by
examining the complex relationship between psychological variables and writing competence while
taking into account the distinct cultural intricacies seen within Chinese educational environments.
Housand and Housand ( 2012 ) suggest mentoring networks and online group tasks to promote
cooperation. This method goes beyond the narrow study of individual components to show how they
all interact together to affect the final written product.
Motivation according to Reeve (2001) refers to the excitement level, the determination and the way
a person works hard at his work setting. Again, these publications do not explain their meaning any
further or provide specific classification. This would be a fruitful avenue for identifying additional
mechanisms through which motivation fluctuates over time. Synthesizing findings from these meta-
narratives, a meta-theoretical model for understanding cross-task motivation was proposed.
However, all 17 studies included interesting additional variables and theoretical contributions that
did not make it into the current review, which may have contributed to another narrative, had they
been included. This lack of definition can be vexing; however, as most of these publications are
reviews or theory-building papers, there is no imminent need for operationalization. Front Psychol.
2023a;14:1234905. Stoeber J. How other-oriented perfectionism differs from self-oriented and
socially prescribed perfectionism. Abstract—The current study is done to explore the relationship
between job security, organizational justice and organizational productivity with the mediating role
of job satisfaction. Discussion: This model provides an extension of existing motivational theories
elucidating temporal motivational processes. Self-determination theory (SDT) postulates that all
humans possess a variety of basic psychological needs. Luczak H, Kabel T, Licht T (2012) Task
design and motivation. Cultural variables have a crucial role in influencing the expression of
perfectionistic impulses among Chinese EFL learners. The study had to drop training and
development as factor for job motivation and proceed with the others. However, little attention has
been given to the temporal aspects of job motivation, as motivation within the work domain
traditionally has been studied as a fixed contextual phenomenon. The measurement model’s
robustness was evaluated through various statistical assessments. In the present study, authors have
reviewed the intense literature to extract all possible dimensions of motivation, having direct and
indirect impact on motivation techniques. As China actively participates in partnerships with overseas
counterparts, proficient written communication in the English language emerges as a crucial factor
for achieving success in global endeavors. Seventeen studies were identified as contributing to the
topic, and four meta-narratives were identified from these studies. She found that the design of
processes and technology use is correlated with Job Characteristics as well as with behavioral and
attitudinal outcomes. Students residing in metropolitan locations are likely to have a more
significant number of prospects for engaging in immersive language experiences. An approach to
exploit this direct connection is utilizing workplace technologies as rewards. The head teacher or
director of education as the Chief Executive needs to appreciate and recognize that results can be
obtained through people. Learn Cult Social Interact. 2023;43:100775. Guo Y, Wang Y, Ortega-Martin
JL. This paper aims to analyze the drivers of employee motivation to high levels of organizational
performance. Footnote 1 While office automation was a popular topic in the 1980s, works by Teresa
M. Janneck M, Jent S, Weber P, Nissen H (2018) Ergonomics to go: designing the mobile workspace.
Respondents without answers on the individual measures and corresponding country-level data were
excluded from the analysis. Theoretical and practical contributions This research made significant
advances in language learning, psychology, and education theory. The five items have been
redesigned according to the study’s theme. Strategic human resource management; theory and
The tendency of individuals affiliated with any religion to be demotivated is lower compared to
those who are not. This knowledge would also inform practitioners and researchers in other areas,
e.g., when ordering effects in surveys, to maximize motivation in participants. These frameworks
offer insights on interdependencies between individual, organizational, and external factors. Goal
setting is most effective when there is feedback showing progress toward the goal.. A review of
employee motivation theories and their implications for employee retention within. Thus, a well-
designed job has what it takes in getting interest of employees. It must be noted here that the safety
and the security of the employee with respect to work related hazards and other environmental
factors is considered to be a hygiene factor in workplace design. Model fit indices, including but not
limited to chi-square, Comparative Fit Index (CFI), and Root Mean Square Error of Approximation
(RMSEA), were assessed to determine the overall fit of the structural equation model.The use of this
complete method assures the strength and accuracy of our measuring model while also offering
significant insights into the intricate relationship between several elements that impact the writing
skills of EFL learners in the Chinese setting. Think Skills Creativity. 2023;101419.. Yuce E, Kruk M,
Derakhshan A. When people perceive that they are competent enough to attain goals, they generally
feel confident and concentrate their efforts on achieving their objectives as soon as possible for their
self-fulfillment. In this paper, we focus on the question of how job motivation is affected by
technologies in the changing workplace. First, we. Employee Motivation: An Empirical Review and
Focus on Future. The discussion is strongly supported by these theoretical foundations, which
provide a solid framework for understanding the results and how they fit into the larger body of
knowledge in psychology and language acquisition. For innovative behavior in particular, this
connection plays a critical role in improving work results (Seeck and Diehl 2016 ). 3 Literature
review Due to the constant growth in publications in this research domain during the past decades,
the existing literature is plentiful. To operationalize technology, they adopted a multi-dimensional
approach, taking operations technology, material technology, and knowledge technology into
account. We are also grateful to the Directorate for the secondary materials given to the team. She
shows that technologies facilitating internal information flow increase employees’ introjected
regulation and intrinsic motivation. The implementation of professional development programs
targeting cross-cultural competence and awareness is vital for EFL instructors. Their findings
revealed a significant positive link between these two variables. Competence has been considered a
significant factor of work motivation that enhances productivity and profits. Work Motivation: The
Roles of Individual Needs and Social Conditions 2.1. Work Motivation: A Conceptual Background.
This model directly correlates employee satisfaction and productivity and value creation. This paper
departs from prior studies by focusing on motivational theories and studies from the point of view of
changing workspaces in the digital era in a structured and comprehensive manner. However, some of
these factors according to some researchers can be used in understanding motivation and
performance among teachers. Self-reflection, as evaluated by the Reflective Learning Scale (RLS)
and Metacognitive Awareness (MA), demonstrates effective measurement with factor loadings
ranging from 0.88 to 0.92. The observed high loadings suggest that both the RLS and MA measures
effectively capture the underlying concept of Self-Reflection, providing evidence of participants’
engagement in reflective learning activities and their knowledge of metacognitive processes. In this
study, we define motivation simply as the act of moving people triggered by the provision of some
incentives to achieve a desired goal. South-Western College Cerasoli CP, Nicklin JM, Ford MT
(2014) Intrinsic motivation and extrinsic incentives jointly predict performance: a 40-year meta-
analysis. SYSTEMATIC REVIEW article Creating a model of cross-task motivation — a meta-
narrative review of the literature on dynamic motivation. Perfectionism, which entails an unwavering
dedication to exceedingly high standards and intensified self-evaluation, has the potential to either
help or impede achievements in academia and the professional realm. The model has cross-variable
variance of 52 percentage and with close to about 48 percentage unexplained as inferred from the
coefficients of both coefficient of determination ( R 2 ) and adjusted coefficient of determination.
One possibility for ensuring both a comprehensive understanding of and a focus on technological
aspects of the workplace is to classify them in a taxonomy. More should be done to make the
profession attain some level of autonomy in the discharge of duty to breed the next genre of
innovative educators in the municipality.

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