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Writing a literature review, especially for a conceptual framework, can be a challenging task.

requires meticulous research, critical analysis, and effective synthesis of existing literature relevant to
the topic. Crafting a literature review involves more than just summarizing various sources; it
necessitates identifying key themes, gaps, and debates within the literature to establish a coherent
framework for understanding the topic.

One of the difficulties in writing a literature review is the vast amount of available literature on most
topics. Sorting through numerous articles, books, and other sources to find relevant and credible
information can be time-consuming and overwhelming. Additionally, synthesizing disparate sources
and integrating them into a cohesive narrative requires careful planning and organization.

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challenge. Striking the right balance between including enough information to support the conceptual
framework while avoiding unnecessary detail is crucial.

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His passion for learning mathematics developed as he competed in some mathematics competitions
during his Junior High School years. First, many definitions of sustainability focus on specific
aspects of program and coalition operations. Other organizations may include consumer advocacy
groups, philanthropic organizations, businesses, and elected officials. These studies were identified
through a formal and systematic search in four databases between 2003 and 2013. As a result,
unconscious comparison will play an important role in the satisfaction of its customers. This is an
example of a sustained coalition that has sustained none of its original activities. Likewise, to
explore the pillars of the model from the point of view of young university students who show
varying degrees of entrepreneurial intention (cluster 2). Points out Errors: It points out glaring errors
and overlooked questions in your research. Community change outcomes can increase community
capacity (i.e., the community’s ability to respond to its own needs) and create health and social
outcomes (e.g., reductions in mortality, progress towards social goals). Hoboken, nj: Wiley-Blackwell;
2008. Jesson J., Matheson L., Lacey F.M. Doing your literature review: traditional and systematic
techniques. Health organizations may include academic medical centers, oral health providers,
pharmacies, and school-based health centers. Likewise, the area of “innovation” gives way to a
unique “entrepreneurial ecosystem” based on “entrepreneurial education”, “university”, “higher
education” and “academic entrepreneurship”. For the authors, student entrepreneurs also tend to get
the guidance and resources they need through these activities. The conclusion section should draw
together the key findings of your literature review and link them to your research questions. Bryson
(1988) adds that coalitions benefit from developing clear mission statements. Each of the clusters,
identified with different colours, can be observed in Fig. 5. The colours indicate the clusters and the
articles belonging to them. Explore our editorial business services. 3-minute read How to Embed a
Video in PowerPoint Including a video in your PowerPoint presentation can make it more exciting
and engaging. And. What Is a Patent? A patent is a form of intellectual property that restricts who
can copy your invention. 4-minute read How to Add Speaker Notes in PowerPoint Adding speaker
notes to your PowerPoint allows you to present with confidence while avoiding information. For a
coalition to operate effectively, messages must be accurately communicated within and outside of
the coalition. Additionally, a coalition may address a new goal to meet the requirements of a new
funder. Presented below is the concept map for the research’s conceptual framework: 5. This work
used data from the Scopus and WoS databases. Within a UBEE, for the author, each actor needs to
be connected to the other members through a constant flow of knowledge from information that
enables the overflow of entrepreneurial knowledge. The researchers categorized each CTC coalition
as active or defunct after the seed funding was withdrawn. This is a big issue for the otherwise fast-
growing store.Management wants to increase customer loyalty. Together these frameworks have
informed the CCAT’s presentation of the stages of development and implementation, core
components of effective coalitions, and the interaction of context and outcomes that impact a
coalition’s formation and success. However, we are not sure that the quantity of organic fertilizer is
the sole reason for the plant’s growth rate changes. 3. Analyze and Determine Other Influencing
Variables Consider analyzing if other variables can affect the relationship between your independent
and dependent variables 3. 4. Create a Visual Diagram or a Model Now that you’ve identified the
variables and their relationship, you may create a visual diagram summarizing them. You may
include in your inputs the profile of your respondents and the curriculum used in the online learning
platform. Structures are the formal rules and procedures that facilitate the coalition’s activities. These
coalitions are partially sustained because they are addressing at least one of their original goals. Also,
because textbooks are designed for teaching rather than research, they are unlikely to be effective in
your Lit Review.
Community linkages refer to the partnership’s ability to develop working relationships with
institutions and individuals, and incorporate direct community input. Malecki ( 2011 ) suggested the
simultaneous integration of local and global knowledge as well as internal and external. It is not only
about giving out a synopsis of existing information but also recording your interpretation of the
same. The first component is to provide stakeholders with the tools and resources they need to assess
planning, implementation, and self-evaluation of their activities. It should only take two or three
devoted sessions. This is an example of a sustained coalition that has sustained some of its original
activities. I’m doing a research project topic; stool analysis for parasitic worm (enteric) worm, how
do I structure it, thanks. This conceptual limitation and the still recent research and higher education
institutions have come to be seen as ecosystems associated with entrepreneurship. This is usually
done through the use of illustrations that are supported by a written interpretation. Box D are the
activities that are undertaken to increase the likelihood of sustainability. It’s perfectly natural to
adjust as you engage in the writing process. Reprints and permissions About this article Correia,
M.P., Marques, C.S., Silva, R. et al. Academic Entrepreneurship Ecosystems: Systematic Literature
Review and Future Research Directions. Inclusion of a wide range of literary genres and world
literatures is a further goal. The other limitation of this study is that it used two different databases to
analyse a particular topic. More often than not, different interpretations on the same subject might
change your perspective towards the same. The community context affects the project design and
implementation, the internal organizational and managerial structures and processes, and the
sustainability of the program. This framework is particularly relevant to community coalitions
because it shows that adaptation is a part of community empowerment. The conceptual model also
provides a method for evaluators to assess why some community coalitions have not been sustained
over time. They have evolved towards taking an active role in regional development and the
dynamics of local networks. A systematic review needs the definition of clear questions, criteria and
conclusions that provide new information based on the examined content. Given that the coalition’s
initial funding has ended, it may engage in a number of actions in order to sustain itself—from
creating a sustainability plan to identifying homes for programs and services. What factors affect the
satisfaction and loyalty of the boutique’s online customers. Relationships are conjectured on the
basis of the network of associations. This allows you to organize your thoughts and discoveries into
a logical totality. Both of them show concepts and ideas of your study. Research suggests that
planning for the future of the coalition is a facilitator of sustainability; therefore, the extent to which
the coalition is engaged in strategic planning will be an important factor. The theoretical framework
presents the theories, rules, and principles that serve as the basis of the research. This literature
review includes a conceptual framework that can be used to assess the sustainability of community
coalitions. A charismatic leader or highly motivated project manager may also be critical to moving
the coalition through difficult times. The ways in which these characteristics come together to shape
community coalitions can impact their effectiveness.
An annotated Works Cited list, on the other hand, is just an alphabetized list of sources with
summaries and evaluations (annotations). Conflict may result from “turf” issues (Meek, 1992), and
leadership problems and internal disagreements (Butterfoss, 2007) that affect the direction of the
coalition. Your theoretical framework defines the key concepts in your research, suggests
relationships between them, and discusses relevant theories based on your literature review. These
factors relate to the ability of the community collaborative to influence community conditions at a
point in time. The Rog et al. (2004) study of violence prevention community coalitions found that the
one variable that distinguished the three collaboratives that were expanding from others that were
not was the composition of their steering committee. The local health department has continued the
patient navigation services. Better Analysis: Since your framework will determine the methods that
you need to adopt to measure the variables of your research, you will end up analysing better. It
investigates how a writer or speaker deploys the phenomenon of language to communicate. Although
there has been this significant growth, the author points out two specific challenges to academia: (i)
development of academic programmes and specialized human resources to improve the quality of
courses and (ii) commitment by institutions to create formal academic programmes. Membership
diversity can affect whether the community coalition is sustained in the long-term. For instance,
Levy and Ellis (2006) proposed a generic framework for conducting such reviews. Pranckute, R.
(2021). Web of Science (WoS) and Scopus: The titans of bibliographic information in today’s
academic world. A coalition’s sustainability actions may not necessarily involve developing a formal
sustainability plan, but can include determining key priorities, and identifying the most effective
activities to be sustained and strategies for sustaining them. The program sought to overcome the
fragmented nature of safety net care by bringing together the major players of a community and
providing funds to address problems that could not be adequately addressed by individual providers
or organizations. Population demographics, the cultural climate in the community, overall community
attitude toward a particular issue, and precipitating events in the community are other contextual
factors that may impact coalition effectiveness (Butterfoss, 2007). The steering committee or
executive board, comprised of representatives of the member organizations, convenes regularly to
assess the goals and activities of the coalition. The primary divergence among definitions in the
literature relates to the unit of analysis—what is being sustained. Each definition is categorized as
having a primary emphasis on either the continuation of the program or coalition itself, or, the
continuation of the program or coalition’s activities and effects. This is the situation when you are
asked to investigate the existing state of research on your issue and then analyze and synthesize your
results. For example, suppose a community coalition had two original goals: reducing non-emergent
emergency department (ED) usage in the community and expanding access to health insurance. The
top nodes are the publications with the highest link strength. Unlike other coalitions, community
coalitions are catalysts or agents of change at the local level (Fawcett et al., 1995). Compared to
large-scale and state coalitions, which are positioned to impact higher-level policies, community
coalitions are more focused on the implementation of services at the local level (Butterfoss, 2007). In
other words, a research article uses expert sources as support for your thesis, whereas a Literature
Review discusses the sources. Finally, integration involves aligning the goals of the partnership with
the strategic goals of the organization using rewards and measures. Get full access to this article
Literature Review and Conceptual Framework: A Guide 1 Identify your research topic 2 Search and
select relevant sources 3 Analyze and synthesize the literature 4 Develop your conceptual framework
5 Write your literature review 6 Review. Social services organizations may include child care
providers, food aid programs, and juvenile justice programs. Faith organizations may include
churches, synagogues, and mosques. Help us by pasting the URL of some good “literature review”
for better understanding. Moreover, an increase of publications (except 2012 and 2013) shows an
increasing trend, suggesting that the subject has been progressively gaining popularity in the
academic community. Additionally, regardless of whether the coalition itself has been sustained,
some, all, or none of its activities may continue in the community. Plagiarism: Including references
without any citation, using the author’s exact phrases without making any changes, using quotes to
denote that the words belong to someone else but not giving credits to them.
Yet, the ability of community coalitions to evaluate their activities and impacts is an important factor
for coalition sustainability. Chapter 9 Methods for Literature Reviews Literature reviews play a
critical role in scholarship because science remains, first and foremost, a cumulative endeavour (vom
Brocke et al., 2009). As in any academic discipline, rigorous knowledge syntheses are becoming
indispensable in keeping up with an exponentially growing eHealth literature, assisting practitioners,
academics, and graduate students in finding, evaluating, and. For example, a sociologist might
centre their research around critiquing specific fieldwork practices. Additionally, coalition members
may view one another as competitors, which can impact member satisfaction and coalition
functioning. The lower right quadrant represents the basic themes necessary for understanding the
present study: “entrepreneurial ecosystem”, “entrepreneurial education”, “entrepreneurial university”.
The conceptual model incorporates these tenets into a framework for assessing sustainability. The
researchers identified variables relevant to collaborative sustainability: impetus for establishing the
collaborative, membership characteristics (composition, number of sectors involved, and extent of
resident involvement), the structure of the collaborative, and the focus and operation of the
collaborative. The intermediate outcomes in this model are the sustainability of the coalition, the
sustainability of the coalition’s activities, and in some cases, the expansion of the coalition. Given
that coalitions evolve over time, it is possible that activities will also change to reflect the needs of
the community or the requirements of a funder. Based on semiannual interviews with grantees and
review of questionnaires, the researchers evaluated the type of collaborations occurring. Strategic
diagram The themes in the upper right quadrant are “academic entrepreneurship” and
“entrepreneurial”. The Rog et al. (2004) study of the community coalitions through the National
Funding Collaborative on Violence Prevention found that all of the coalitions that were no longer in
operation had experienced governance challenges. This chapter included a discussion of different
definitions of sustainability in the context of programs and community coalitions and an overview of
conceptual models and frameworks that have shaped the sustainability literature. Chapter Three
provides an assessment of the current issues in the literature surrounding the evaluation of
community coalitions’ influences on health outcomes. Factors within the community context are the
political, economic, and social issues that influence the program’s sustainability. The intermediate
outcomes of the sustainability effort are those elements that could be sustained, including the
partnership itself, the activities, and the community capacities. They analysed the university of
Strasbourg’s Technology Transfer Offices (TTO) and supported entrepreneurial academic activities
over 15 years. Malecki ( 2011 ) suggested the simultaneous integration of local and global
knowledge as well as internal and external. An arrow implies that your independent variable caused
the changes in your dependent variable. You can categorise them chronologically, by publication, by
methods or themes. These characteristics include: leadership, membership, structure, operations and
processes, strategic vision, and contextual factors. Several search terms relating to phr s were used
during this process. Activities, questions, directions, exercises, and discussions are carefully stated
for you to understand each lesson. Kuratko ( 2005 ), in his study, notes that younger people have
become the most entrepreneurial generation since the Industrial Revolution. For Bischoff et al. (
2018 ), although the concrete strengths and conceptualization of UBEEs generally vary between
universities, a number of common characteristics can be identified. In isolation, each can generate
entrepreneurship but cannot sustain it (Isenberg, 2010, 2011 ). This paper is an attempt to explore the
link between language and its most creative use that is Literature. For instance, Levy and Ellis (2006)
proposed a generic framework for conducting such reviews. Your theoretical framework is based on:
Your problem statement Your research questions Your literature review A new boutique downtown is
struggling with the fact that many of their online customers do not return to make subsequent
purchases. Second, each model or framework provides a unique approach to conceptualizing
It’s best to present your conceptual framework after presenting your research question, but before
outlining your methodology. Unlike other coalitions, community coalitions are catalysts or agents of
change at the local level (Fawcett et al., 1995). Compared to large-scale and state coalitions, which
are positioned to impact higher-level policies, community coalitions are more focused on the
implementation of services at the local level (Butterfoss, 2007). The originality of this research is
directly linked to the chosen emerging theme. Victoria (BC): University of Victoria; 2017 Feb 27. As
the concepts of “loyalty” and “customer satisfaction” play a major role in the investigation and will
later be measured, they are essential concepts to define within your theoretical framework. The
presumption is that successful community coalitions will be able to identify new resources to
continue their activities and to sustain their impact in the community over time. The main procedures
of a systematic review involve: Formulating a review question and developing a search strategy
based on explicit inclusion criteria for the identification of eligible studies (usually described in the
context of a detailed review protocol). This model and framework provide an understanding of
Empowerment Theory in relation to community coalitions. The conceptual model presented in this
literature review can be used to assess the former and the latter. Limited life span foundations have
been said to set clearer objectives and focus on discrete outcomes, have a greater sense of urgency,
and have the ability to mobilize more talent because they require a limited time commitment. There is
no preconceived plan to systematically review all of the literature although this can be done. The
Conceptual Model for Evaluating Sustainability of Community Health Initiatives (Beery et al.,
2005) shows that there are three elements of a community health initiative that can be sustained: the
partnership, the partnership’s activities, and other capacity-building activities. First, they
demonstrate the importance of measuring both the sustainability of the coalition and the coalition’s
activities separately. Conceptual review papers: revisiting existing research to. Rather, the new goal is
reflective of the evolving needs of the community. Thus it is meant for both specialists and non-
specialists. The community context can affect the coalition at any stage. It is important to mention
that more than half of the articles (62) were published in the last 3 years. These authors reviewed the
existing literature on personal health record ( phr ) systems including design, functionality,
implementation, applications, outcomes, and benefits. However, a consensus definition of
sustainability has not emerged in either body of research (Shediac-Rizkallah and Bone, 1998;
Altarum Institute, 2009). However, policymakers should consider whether there is a role for the
federal government in sustaining community coalitions. Sitemap case study cover letter creative
writing presentation problem solving rewiew prompts websites tips. Are Conceptual Frameworks
and Research Paradigms the Same. The final section provides case studies of several community
coalition evaluations chosen to demonstrate how community coalitions can impact communities.
Diversity of membership refers to the different types of sectors and organizations represented in the
coalition. The 28 articles (around 25%) use a quantitative approach through data collection
techniques involving the application of questionnaires and secondary data (statistics) and eight
articles (7%) use mixed methods, namely, they use both qualitative and quantitative data collection
techniques. The vision-focus balance affects sustainability in the long-term because it reflects the
commitment of the membership to achieve the goals of the coalition. The Alexander et al. (2006)
study of community coalitions found that coalitions with a high potential for sustainability invested
significant resources in ensuring that the coalition had effective leadership and staffing. In addition
to TTOs, entrepreneurship education, either as part of the academic programme or as an extra-
curricular offering, can provide students and faculty with important knowledge to stimulate and
support entrepreneurial efforts (relationship to Cluster 2). Help us by pasting the URL of some good
“literature review” for better understanding.
In all reputable journals, peer-reviewed or refereed research is published only after it has been
reviewed by other researchers in the field. The PQF program funded partnerships of health care
professionals and other organizations to facilitate the translation of research into practice, especially
in the areas of patient safety and quality improvement (Evaluation of AHRQ's Partnerships for
Quality Program, 2006). Literature Review and Theoritical, Conceptual Framework. The researchers
categorized each CTC coalition as active or defunct after the seed funding was withdrawn. Fourth,
the model enables evaluators to test hypotheses about the effects of coalition characteristics and
capacities on intermediate and long-term outcomes (e.g., coalitions with a diverse membership are
more likely to achieve health and social outcomes than other coalitions). London: SAGE
Publications; 2006. Pawson R., Greenhalgh T., Harvey G., Walshe K. Realist review—a new method
of systematic review designed for complex policy interventions. A discussion of these characteristics
is presented below. Your contribution is to organize the concepts from the sources into a coherent
argument or narrative that incorporates your views. Stam and Spigel ( 2017 ) point out that it is the
coordination that occurs between actors and interdependent factors that enables productive
entrepreneurship in each territory. A second screen of full-text articles, again by two independent
members of the research team, ensured that the studies described phr s. Example: Thematically
Structured Review In the video below, we unpack a literature review chapter so that you can see an
example of a thematically structure review in practice. The vision-focus balance refers to the ability
of the coalition to agree on the long-term vision of the coalition, and its commitment to pursue
actions that will move the coalition toward its vision. The Community Coalition Action Theory was
used to evaluate 1,369 initiatives conducted by 11 different community coalitions with a focus on
cancer prevention. Brilliant work, well understood, many thanks I like how this was so clear with
simple language. Community coalitions may receive resources from government agencies,
foundations, businesses, academic institutions, community-based organizations, faith-based
organizations, and other organizations such as the United Way. The community context affects the
project design and implementation, the internal organizational and managerial structures and
processes, and the sustainability of the program. The second type examines the similarity and
relationship between publications, authors and keywords using co-word, co-authorship and co-
citation analyses. CTC is a program of the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services
Administration that strives to reduce adolescent problem behaviors. Audretsch and Belitski ( 2017 )
set out to develop a model that captured both regional and local systemic factors to better
understand and explain variations in entrepreneurial activity. A conceptual framework shows the
relationship between the variables of your study. Chapter Three provides an assessment of the
current issues in the literature surrounding the evaluation of community coalitions’ influences on
health outcomes. The above leads us to propose as possible future research directions. Next, validity
characterizes the degree to which the review process was conducted appropriately. While there is
none accepted definition of an EE, as Spigel ( 2018 ) points out, the most active area of interest has
been around the types of domains (Isenberg, 2010, 2011 ), components (Cohen, 2006 ) or attributes
(Spigel, 2017 ). Third, community coalitions are catalysts or agents of change at the local level,
advocating for stronger policies, influencing individual health or behavior, and delivering services,
among other activities. This question was formulated by Etzkowitz and Leydesdorff ( 2000: 110).
Third, the model emphasizes the importance of defining appropriate evaluation questions.
Governance challenges occur when the responsibilities of the steering committee are not clearly
defined, or when the steering committee overrides the rights of individual members (Butterfoss,
2007). Hayter ( 2016 ), using mixed methods, compares the composition and contribution of social
networks among entrepreneurial academics and analyses how these networks relate to the
development trajectory of university spinoffs. Policymakers may use the findings from this study to
develop standards for sustainability planning across programs and projects, to set realistic and
measurable expectations of sustainability post-funding, and to consider whether there is a role for the
federal government in sustaining community coalitions.
Alvedalen and Boschma ( 2017 ), Nicotra et al. ( 2018 ) and Stam and Spigel ( 2017 ) highlighted
the lack of a clear analytical framework to empirically explain the cause-effect relationship of EEs’
attributes and their effects on productive entrepreneurship. If a change in one of your variables leads
to a corresponding change in another, they might have this kind of relationship. As another
methodological contribution, vom Brocke et al. (2009) offered a series of guidelines for conducting
literature reviews, with a particular focus on how to search and extract the relevant body of
knowledge. On the other hand, if a community coalition is formed to conduct specific programmatic
activities and institutionalize those activities within a member organization or elsewhere, then
sustaining the coalition may not be necessary. As the literature discussed in this section reveals, some
definitions focus on sustaining the program or coalition, while others focus on sustaining the
activities and impacts of the program or coalition. Exhibit 4.1 provides an overview of selected
definitions of sustainability in the community-based health programs and community coalition
literatures. However, note that you should avoid using one-way arrows as they may indicate
causation. The relationships between students, faculty and entrepreneurs and the analysis of the
strengths and weaknesses of each can lead to the creation of a successful spinoff. It also identifies
how researchers, policymakers, and practitioners have defined and measured sustainability for
community coalitions. The PQF program funded partnerships of health care professionals and other
organizations to facilitate the translation of research into practice, especially in the areas of patient
safety and quality improvement (Evaluation of AHRQ's Partnerships for Quality Program, 2006). For
example, suppose an HCAP community coalition’s original goal was the improvement of access to
health care services for the uninsured. Our hypothesis is that the quantity of ice cream sold directly
depends on the number of sunny days; hence, there is a cause-and-effect relationship between the
independent variable (the number of sunny days) and the dependent and independent variable (the
quantity of ice cream sold). Conceptual review papers can theoretically enrich the field of marketing
by reviewing extant knowledge, noting tensions and inconsistencies, identifying important gaps as
well as key insights, and proposing agendas for future research. Thank you very much, very helpful
This is very educative and precise. If still, you need further guidance, seek the help of Literature
Review Writing Service. This is the type of conceptual framework that is usually used in research
studies. 3. Mathematical Description In this conceptual framework, the relationship between
phenomena and variables of your study is described using mathematical formulas. On the other hand,
in learning or analyzing language, people should consider literature as a way of how language is
used. Understanding the extent to which coalitions can be sustained post-funding will be important
as the federal government continues to invest in innovative community-based strategies to improve
the health outcomes of Americans. Application of Deductive and Inductive Logic: If your study is
quantitative, you apply deductive logic to it. This is an example of a sustained coalition that
sustained all of its original activities. According to Feinberg et al. (2008), such challenges include
turf battles, leader and member turnover, and shifting coalition priorities. Many systematic reviews,
but not all, use statistical methods to combine the results of independent studies into a single
quantitative estimate or summary effect size. Specifically, Butterfoss, Lachance, and Orians (2006)
found that contextual factors such as politics, the history of collaboration among member
organizations in the coalition, geography, and community readiness can impact coalition formation.
Finally, integration involves aligning the goals of the partnership with the strategic goals of the
organization using rewards and measures. Box B is planning, development, and implementation
activities. A further message is that, though all the contributors to the volume acknowledge this basic
premise, there are a variety of linguistic theories and practices at our disposal for probing the
language of verbal art. Butterfoss (2007) noted that coalitions with a diverse membership of
community gatekeepers, and professional and other grassroots organizations are most successful.
Further research will be necessary to understand how different funding arrangements impact the
sustainability of community coalitions. Finally, there are intervening and extraneous variables. Each
definition is categorized as having a primary emphasis on either the continuation of the program or
coalition itself, or, the continuation of the program or coalition’s activities and effects. This is where
you’ll present, analyse, evaluate and synthesise the existing research.

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