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Crafting a literature review on diets can be an arduous task, demanding extensive research, critical

analysis, and synthesis of existing literature. It involves delving deep into academic journals, books,
and other scholarly sources to gather relevant information, theories, and findings related to the
chosen topic.

The process of writing a literature review requires meticulous attention to detail, as it involves
summarizing, evaluating, and integrating diverse perspectives and studies. Moreover, the writer must
ensure coherence and logical flow throughout the review, presenting a comprehensive understanding
of the subject matter while highlighting gaps, contradictions, and areas for further investigation.

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Heymsfield, S. B, Harp, J. B, Reitman, M. L, Beetsch, J. W, Schoeller, D. A, Erondu, N. and
Pietrobelli, A. (2007) Why do obese patients not lose more weight when treated with low-calorie
diets A mechanistic perspective. Out of six values the primary teachers who were good performer in
classroom, school and community mostly preferred or orient social and theoretical values as compare
to that of economical, aesthetic, religious and political values. Work-role of Radiation Therapists in
the Consequences of Adaptive Radiotherap. On the other hand, Veugelers, and Fitzgerald (2004), in
their study, focused on the impact that school programs could have on the prevention of excess body
weight. Some strict vegetarians, called vegans, totally avoid eating foods from animal sources such
as milk, honey, and gelatine and do show deficiencies of calcium, vitamins A, D, and B12, and of
course, proteins. Perhaps the importance of a good diet and nutrition is not being. Reducing saturated
fat intake for cardiovascular disease: What's the evidence. High levels of folic acid contained in
vegetables and fruits such as orange juice and strawberries can mask a B12 deficiency (Gupta et al.,
2004) that can be addressed by taking yeast extract, fortified bread and cereals, and supplements rich
in vitamin B12 (FSA, 2007). Clearly, many food options on campus mirror fast-food options.
Goldman(2013) study reported that they feel as though they’re still young and invincible. How to
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studies found that gender is not a factor when it comes to fast-food. However, although
vegetarianism has been medically proved to be healthy, vegetarian communities in a country like
India have been reporting a higher incidence of heart disease, diabetes, hypertension (high blood
pressure), and obesity. They further argue that schools have an opportunity of creating policies that
could prevent obesity through promoting a healthy eating and physical activity environment, which
could lead to a reduction of obesity cases in the country. Weber, M.A. (1993) Hypertension as a risk
factor syndrome: Therapeutic implications. Download Free PDF View PDF See Full PDF Download
PDF Loading Preview Sorry, preview is currently unavailable. American Journal of Clinical
Nutrition, 85, p.346-354. Respirtory stimulants.pdf Respirtory stimulants.pdf Peripheral Vascular
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Physiotherapy assessment and management Digestants and Carminatives.pdf Digestants and
Carminatives.pdf Work-role of Radiation Therapists in the Consequences of Adaptive Radiotherap.
Guenther P., Dodd, K., Reedy, J., Krebs-Smith, S. (2006) Most Americans eat much. A healthy
weight, in turn, means fewer health problems and a lower risk of developing diabetes and heart
disease. The results obtained in comparison with the equivalent researches were observed to overlap
with the results in the Value Education Directives of MOE, the expectations of the guardians in this
regard and with the results that were specified as the most important values by the teachers. Barbie -
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Company (fr. Here is a sample balanced diet menu that might be helpful for you. The universe of the
research is teacher candidates from the Kaz?m Karabekir Faculty of Education, Ankara University in
the 2010-2011 academic year. 305 teacher candidates from 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th year class were
determined by the criterion sampling method constitute the sample of the research. Here are some
basic principles of healthy nutrition that everyone should know. Moreover, it can help reduce the risk
of such health conditions like heart disease, type 2 diabetes, cancer. People get easily offended,
fiercely protective, and respond on the offensive. In other words, stick to food that packs a
nutritional punch. References Cara, B. E; Dorota, B. P. and Ludwig, D. S. (2002). Childhood obesity:
public-health crisis, common sense cure. The inclusion of these sources in an omnivorous diet (as well
as cruciferous and leafy green vegetables) should help to mitigate this deficiency.
This excessive elevation can result in cardiovascular disease, blood clotting, dementia, Alzheimer’s
Disease, cognitive impairment and loss of bone mineral density. This eating approach is geared
toward improving your overall health and guarding you against disease. Any use of the work that
does not include an appropriate citation is banned. Generally speaking, values are the norms of
behavior which have been evolved during the course of time in the social, moral and spiritual fields.
Vegetables are classified into four groups: green and leafy, yellow, starchy, and legumes.
Consequently, a large number of the young people in the United States form the largest segment of
the population suffering from obesity. M; and Schwartz, M. B. (2009). Schools and Obesity
Prevention: CreatingSchool Environments and Policies to Promote Healthy Eating and Physcal
Activity. However, like other foods, fruits must also be taken in moderation (Thomson, 2005;
Jenkins et al., 1993). Dietary quality and nutrition in Myanmar: Past progress, current and future c.
Food Security and Nutrition in Three Spokane County Elementary Schools-A Comm. Kannel, W.B.
(1996) Pressure as a cardiovascular risk factor: Prevention and treatment. Unlocking the Power of
ChatGPT and AI in Testing - A Real-World Look, present. Work-role of Radiation Therapists in the
Consequences of Adaptive Radiotherap. It will fire up your energy levels and will make yo u feel
better. Avoid Fast Food And Sweets Eat Seasonal Foods Curb The Use Of Refined Foods Stay
Hydrated Remember About Protein Eat Different Foods Don’t Starve Yourself What Does A
Balanced Diet Look Like. This population’s source of food does not only come from on campus
vendors, but from. Following a diet high in animal fats and salt not only promotes weight gain but
also has a negative impact on your all-round well-being, as well as instigates premature aging. Role
of Regulatory authorities in Quality education, practice, and rights of. Nursing Care of Patients with
Life Threatening Conditions, High Acuity Situat. It’s so I can ascertain to the best of my
understanding, and to the best of my abilities, which of two different (though perhaps not opposing)
approaches to eating is preferable, at least with the evidence we have on the table with our current
means. The first part is a discussion of basic concepts such as the human body, how it works, the
purpose of nutrition, and the importance of health and how the human diet affects all these. High
levels of folic acid contained in vegetables and fruits such as orange juice and strawberries can mask
a B12 deficiency (Gupta et al., 2004) that can be addressed by taking yeast extract, fortified bread
and cereals, and supplements rich in vitamin B12 (FSA, 2007). Group Identity and Unhealthy Food
Consumption among College Students: the The. Moreover, they become accumulators of nitrates and
other harmful chemical compounds. Guenther P., Dodd, K., Reedy, J., Krebs-Smith, S. (2006) Most
Americans eat much. Today, the diet industry makes billions of dollars, capitalizing on people's hope
to get thin and be happy; as a result, there are hundreds of diets to choose from. However, how one
eats is also as important as what one eats. Lastly, it would be worthwhile keeping in mind that the
real purpose of good nutrition is to keep the body healthy so that it can help us do most of what we
want in life. Although a healthy nutrition plan can help maint ain a heal thy weight, studies show
that weight-loss strategies must be individualized ( 1 ). Another benefit of vegetarian diets is the
presence of dietary fibre found in the skins of fruits and the leaves and stems of vegetables and
Take into account your lifestyle when creating a meal plan for a week or month. Estradiol (E2) and
progesterone (P) values were significantly lower during the luteal phase. It is not a substitute for
professional advice or help and should not be relied on to make decisions of any kind. Jenkins,
D.J.A. and Wolever, T.M.S. (1993) Dietary fibre in human nutrition (2nd Ed.). G.A. Spiller (Ed.).
Boca Raton FL: CRC Press, p. 111-152. On the same note, Cara, Dorota, and Ludwing (2002) are of
the opinion that obesity is a public-health crisis that could be cured using common sense. The human
body is a complex, living, biological organism that is sustained by nutrients for its continued survival.
Prospective teachers are able to incorporate in their teaching cross-circular dimensions and themes,
including environmental education. It’s just not possible to control the countless variables that
contribute to human health. In contrast, the nonvegetarian group did not show significant reduction
of LH, E2, and P values during any part of the menstrual cycle.”. This review will stay within the
realms I best understand. American Journal of Health Promotion. 28(2). 80-86. Blood glucose levels
that are abnormally high or low pose a danger to the body - too much energy stored as fat or too low
energy levels that lead to fatigue or weight loss - so a high dietary fibre intake can keep the glucose
level balanced (Kannel, 1996; Fowkes et al., 1993). Cell cytoskeleton and molecular motors.pdf Cell
cytoskeleton and molecular motors.pdf GLANDS IN THE SKIN,FUNCTIONS AND
GERIATRIC PHARMACOLOGY Geriatric pharmacology is a specialized field focusing.
GERIATRIC PHARMACOLOGY Geriatric pharmacology is a specialized field focusing. Even
before the recent interest displayed in vegetarian diets in the West, there have been several well-
known advocates of the vegetarian way of life as both moral and healthy (e. Non effective teachers
showed bottom preference for Openness to reason. 3) Effective teachers and Non Effective teachers
showed no difference in their Teaching related values preferences as they uniformly assigned top
rank to Loyalty in duty and bottom rank to team spirit. Lunch: steamed mackerel 1.5 cup, cabbage
salad with peas and sunflower oil 6.5 oz. Snack: low-fat cottage cheese 1 cup with a spoon of 10%
sour cream, green apple, 1 cup of tea. In this case, they refer common sense to practicing healthy
eating habits to prevent as well as cure obesity. New England Journal of Medicine, 349, p. 1000-
1002. Many college students tend to buy items from college campus. In practice, however, recent
scientific studies (Stern et al., 2004; Foster et al., 2003; Duggirala et al., 2003) showed that the
Atkins diet improved several heart disease indicators, bringing down serum triglyceride and LDL
(bad) cholesterol levels and increasing HDL (good) cholesterol levels as compared to those who
followed a low-fat, low-calorie diet. I take an evolutionary perspective on human physiology. The
fact that supplements are needed makes me wonder what else we are yet to discover should be
supplemented due to deficiencies associated with a vegan diet. A licensed physician should be
consulted for diagnosis and treatment of any medical conditions. The result of one way ANOVA
shows that the value preference of primary teachers do influence on not only their total performance
but also on their classroom, school and community performance. A healthy weight, in turn, means
fewer health problems and a lower risk of developing diabetes and heart disease. Analyze essays’
structure, specific vocabulary, and citation styles to develop your writing skills. While the studies
here provided insight about why a lot of college students have. DevGAMM Conference Barbie -
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Quotes on Developing and Maintaining a Creative Company (fr. The only demographic aside from
gender covered in these studies was focused on.
As have people who rely on my advice, opinions and council for their health decisions. Logical
fallacies found in public discourse research paper example. Social marketing strategies as predictors
of fast food consumption among univ. Values were seen to be collected under four value groups
namely ethical, personal, social and religious, the personal values were mentioned to be acquired at
the highest frequency whereas the religious values were at the lowest. Consumption of foods from
college vendors (excluding dining halls) and near off. Since all the needed nutrients can be found in
plants, fruits, and vegetables that are allowed in vegetarian diets, a properly planned vegetarian diet
can result in improving one's health. Several research studies show that what for us would be a
healthy diet depends on many factors, such as our bodily state, age, level of activity, our lifestyles,
the antibodies we have developed in our immune systems, and even the way we were nourished
when we were still in our mother's womb and our cultural background (different people prefer
potatoes, pasta, bread, rice, or noodles with their meat). Morse, K., Driskell, J. (2009) Observed sex
differences in fast-food consumption and. Dunne, L.J. (2002) Nutrition Almanac (5th Ed.). New
York: McGraw-Hill. However, how one eats is also as important as what one eats. Unlike many
other diets (such as Atkins) that require total abstention or low quantities of certain foods with their
corresponding nutrients intake, the vegetarian diet is flexible and healthy. Goldman, 2013). The same
surveyors confided that undergoing interventions that showed. While it is true that we must eat to
live and not live to eat, the best would be to enjoy eating a healthy diet that would at the same time
help us enjoy life. The data were analyzed by using Mean, Standard Deviation and t-test. Melby,
C.L., Goldflies, D.G., Hyner, G.C. and Lyle, R.M. (1989) The relationship between vegetarian and
non-vegetarian diet and blood pressure in black and white adults. Generally speaking, values are the
norms of behavior which have been evolved during the course of time in the social, moral and
spiritual fields. Proteins also build and repair body tissues with the help of vitamins and minerals. All
these contribute to the diet's controversial nature, not only because the allowed foods put the body at
risk of heart disease and cancer. What is a healthy diet This is what doctors, scientists, and health
experts have been doing research all these years to determine. BetterMe does not provide medical
advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Atkins, R.C. (2002) Dr. Atkins' new diet revolution. Second, the two
different forms of diets are analysed, studied, and compared in a more detailed manner, using
available scientific evidence to support the arguments used. RachelPearson36 Unlocking the Power
of ChatGPT and AI in Testing - A Real-World Look, present. Kannel, W.B. (1996) Pressure as a
cardiovascular risk factor: Prevention and treatment. Accordingly, the diet was first put forward by
cardiologist Arthur Agatston and dietician Marie Almon in response to many previous diets that it
come before them with regards to a low-fat only approach to affecting health via diet. Instead of this,
load your plate with plants, vegetables, fruit, nuts, seeds, and legumes. References Cara, B. E;
Dorota, B. P. and Ludwig, D. S. (2002). Childhood obesity: public-health crisis, common sense cure.
Skldstam, L., Brudin, L., Hagfors, L. and Johansson, G. (2005) Weight reduction is not a major
reason for improvement in rheumatoid arthritis from lacto-vegetarian, vegan or Mediterranean diets
Nutrition Journal, 4(1), p. 1-15. Blood glucose levels that are abnormally high or low pose a danger
to the body - too much energy stored as fat or too low energy levels that lead to fatigue or weight
loss - so a high dietary fibre intake can keep the glucose level balanced (Kannel, 1996; Fowkes et al.,
1993). You can download the paper by clicking the button above.
Since the human body consists of some 60 trillion cells (Dunne, 2002, p. 135) that are grouped
together into organs, each with its own function and purpose, the whole body will be healthy and
able to live for a long period of time if the cells in the body are kept in good working condition.
Moreover, it can help reduce the risk of such health conditions like heart disease, type 2 diabetes,
cancer. Report this Document Download now Save Save Literature Review For Later 0 ratings 0%
found this document useful (0 votes) 2K views 4 pages Literature Review Uploaded by Arpita
Agarwal AI-enhanced description India is the second largest producer of sugarcane next to Brazil.
When asked their reasoning for purchasing fast-food off. Here are some useful tips that will help you
make healthy changes in your eating habit. The study concluded that more black students are
conscious of their sweetened beverage. Perhaps the importance of a good diet and nutrition is not
being. Let us write or edit the literature review on your topic. Non effective teachers showed bottom
preference for Openness to reason. 3) Effective teachers and Non Effective teachers showed no
difference in their Teaching related values preferences as they uniformly assigned top rank to
Loyalty in duty and bottom rank to team spirit. Several research studies show that what for us would
be a healthy diet depends on many factors, such as our bodily state, age, level of activity, our
lifestyles, the antibodies we have developed in our immune systems, and even the way we were
nourished when we were still in our mother's womb and our cultural background (different people
prefer potatoes, pasta, bread, rice, or noodles with their meat). A healthy lifestyle that’s comprised of
a balanced diet coupled with regular exercise can help reduce t he risk of chronic diseases like
obesity, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, and cancer ( 3, 2 ). Nutrition Research
study, 5% of college females reported having fast-food for dinner. About 4 million hectares of land is
under sugarcane with an average yield of 70 tonnes per hectare. To browse and the
wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. Another
study showed that the most frequently purchased dietary item on campus. On the same note, Cara,
Dorota, and Ludwing (2002) are of the opinion that obesity is a public-health crisis that could be
cured using common sense. Unlocking the Power of ChatGPT and AI in Testing - A Real-World
Look, present. Intake and sugars because of their concern of developing diabetes (Block, Gillman.
The result of one way ANOVA shows that the value preference of primary teachers do influence on
not only their total performance but also on their classroom, school and community performance. The
investigator has used a standardized tool named 'Study of Values Test (Revised Edition) constructed
by Dr. R. K. Ojha and Dr. Mahesh Bhargava' to check the level of Values in the schoolteachers.
Expansion of the vegetarian agenda is also a critic point of the paleo-diet., 2014). There are countless
definitions of what a healthy diet is. Which is better: Atkins or Vegetarian This paper is a study and
comparison of two popular forms of diets with the purpose of finding out which one isbetter for a
prolonged and healthy life. They went on to state that, “During the vegetarian diet the average
luteinizing hormone (LH) values were significantly decreased during the midcycle and the luteal
phase. This is why having a healthy diet includes adopting a healthy lifestyle with just the right
amount of activity that would neither be neither too dull nor too risky. Healthy eating and obesity
literature review sample. Role of Regulatory authorities in Quality education, practice, and rights of.
Breakfast should be comprised of complex carbohydrates, fiber, protein, and healthy fats. Journal of
the American Medical Association, 275(20), p. 1571-76. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 59,
p. 884-90.
Reducing saturated fat intake for cardiovascular disease: What's the evidence. A healthy lifestyle
that’s comprised of a balanced diet coupled with regular exercise can help reduce t he risk of chronic
diseases like obesity, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, and cancer ( 3, 2 ).
Journal of the American Medical Association, 275(20), p. 1571-76. People get easily offended,
fiercely protective, and respond on the offensive. AccuraCast Featured ( 20 ) Getting into the tech
field. Heymsfield, S. B, Harp, J. B, Reitman, M. L, Beetsch, J. W, Schoeller, D. A, Erondu, N. and
Pietrobelli, A. (2007) Why do obese patients not lose more weight when treated with low-calorie
diets A mechanistic perspective. As several have experienced, taking high-fat, high-protein meals
without getting enough starchy and sweet food sources affect the appetite (van Heel et al., 2005;
Nordmann et al., 2006; Truby et al., 2006; Zarraga et al., 2006; Maki et al., 2007; Heymsfield et al.,
2007). A licensed physician should be consulted for diagnosis and treatment of any medical
conditions. Barbie - Brand Strategy Presentation Barbie - Brand Strategy Presentation Good Stuff
Happens in 1:1 Meetings: Why you need them and how to do them well Good Stuff Happens in 1:1
Meetings: Why you need them and how to do them well Introduction to C Programming Language
Introduction to C Programming Language The Pixar Way: 37 Quotes on Developing and
Maintaining a Creative Company (fr. It gives a feeling of satiety for a long time and is also a source
of essential amino acids. A vegetarian diet is better than Atkins, but it must be planned properly with
the help of a nutritionist or professional dietician. While it is true that we must eat to live and not
live to eat, the best would be to enjoy eating a healthy diet that would at the same time help us enjoy
life. The Atkins emphasis on a low-carbohydrate diet as the secret to weight loss and a prolonged
healthy life also goes against actual experience in other countries with high carbohydrate diets and
high life expectancy, such as China and Japan (Ornish, 2004). Goldman, 2013). The same surveyors
confided that undergoing interventions that showed. Buddhism advocates vegetarianism-though, not
all its followers are vegetarian -and Jainism, a religion confined to Western India-is strict about being
vegetarian. The Lancet, 360(9331), 473-482 Hesketh, K; Waters, E; Green, J; Salmon, L. I don’t use
supplements, preferring to get what I need from real foods. Whole grains and lean protein should
also be included in your nutrition plan as well as low-fat dairy, nuts, and legumes ( 5 ). When
carefully planned, vegetarian diets can be nutritious and can even contribute to a reduction of
obesity, reduced risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, some cancers, and even diabetes. In
practice, however, recent scientific studies (Stern et al., 2004; Foster et al., 2003; Duggirala et al.,
2003) showed that the Atkins diet improved several heart disease indicators, bringing down serum
triglyceride and LDL (bad) cholesterol levels and increasing HDL (good) cholesterol levels as
compared to those who followed a low-fat, low-calorie diet. However, you should be extra careful
when following a vegetarian meal plan this eating pattern eliminates certain foods. In this case, they
refer common sense to practicing healthy eating habits to prevent as well as cure obesity. However,
how one eats is also as important as what one eats. This eating approach is geared toward improving
your overall health and guarding you against disease. Here are some basic principles of healthy
nutrition that everyone should know. BetterMe does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or
treatment. The findings reveal that male and female teachers differ on the basis of their value
patterns. Weber, M.A. (1993) Hypertension as a risk factor syndrome: Therapeutic implications.
Nutrients come from the food we eat, which the body must process before they can be used. Each
nutrient participates in at least one of the following functions: providing energy to the body, building
and repairing body tissue, and regulating bodily processes.
This is 100% legal. You may not submit downloaded papers as your own, that is cheating. Also you.
Since the human body consists of some 60 trillion cells (Dunne, 2002, p. 135) that are grouped
together into organs, each with its own function and purpose, the whole body will be healthy and
able to live for a long period of time if the cells in the body are kept in good working condition. Out
of six values the primary teachers who were good performer in classroom, school and community
mostly preferred or orient social and theoretical values as compare to that of economical, aesthetic,
religious and political values. Not to say that a vegan diet isn’t valid (we’ll explore that soon), but I’d
like the science to do the talking (I’ll just be the somewhat clumsy translator, doing the best job I
can). To browse and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few
seconds to upgrade your browser. A sample consists of 160 schoolteachers was elected by using
random sampling techniques. Generally speaking, values are the norms of behavior which have been
evolved during the course of time in the social, moral and spiritual fields. And I appreciate that some
people can be susceptible to pseudoscience, media, here-say, single person case studies, personal
opinion and rhetoric. In recent years, there have been hundreds of so-called fad diets with names
such as the South Beach, Mediterranean, or Zen-Macrobiotic diets, which are basically different
plans and combinations of the six (or less) nutrient intakes. Some include eggs, others allow fish,
some milk, and some even allow certain types of poultry. They further argue that schools have an
opportunity of creating policies that could prevent obesity through promoting a healthy eating and
physical activity environment, which could lead to a reduction of obesity cases in the country. You
can download the paper by clicking the button above. The Atkins allows unlimited quantities of
meat, poultry, seafood, eggs, and other high-fat, high-protein foods with low quantities of
carbohydrate intake, no more than 20 grams in the first two weeks, gradually adding 5 grams each
week until a maximum of anywhere from 40 to 90 grams of daily carbohydrate intake is reached.
Guenther P., Dodd, K., Reedy, J., Krebs-Smith, S. (2006) Most Americans eat much. Expansion of
the vegetarian agenda is also a critic point of the paleo-diet., 2014). Instead of this, load your plate
with plants, vegetables, fruit, nuts, seeds, and legumes. Unhealthy beverage choices are a
contributing factor to the large sugar intake. American Journal of Health Promotion. 28(2). 80-86. He
has a Bachelor of Science (Exercise and Health Science) and a Postgraduate Bachelor of Exercise
Rehabilitation Science from The University of Western Australia, with minors in Biomechanics and
Sport Psychology. Since all the needed nutrients can be found in plants, fruits, and vegetables that
are allowed in vegetarian diets, a properly planned vegetarian diet can result in improving one's
health. Remember tea, coffee, and juices do not replace water. The virtue of a vegetarian diet is that
it allows for all the nutrients that are found in natural food to be eaten. Snack: red apple and one
kiwi, green or herbal tea. What may be healthy for bush men in the forests of Africa and Papua New
Guinea (fresh worms, raw tuber roots, and boiled fish) may not be healthy for a young student living
in Europe, and vice versa. The investigator has used a standardized tool named 'Study of Values Test
(Revised Edition) constructed by Dr. R. K. Ojha and Dr. Mahesh Bhargava' to check the level of
Values in the schoolteachers. Morse, K., Driskell, J. (2009) Observed sex differences in fast-food
consumption and. One reason for low energy levels is poor nutrition. A licensed physician should be
consulted for diagnosis and treatment of any medical conditions. Several research studies show that
what for us would be a healthy diet depends on many factors, such as our bodily state, age, level of
activity, our lifestyles, the antibodies we have developed in our immune systems, and even the way
we were nourished when we were still in our mother's womb and our cultural background (different
people prefer potatoes, pasta, bread, rice, or noodles with their meat). Some strict vegetarians, called
vegans, totally avoid eating foods from animal sources such as milk, honey, and gelatine and do
show deficiencies of calcium, vitamins A, D, and B12, and of course, proteins.

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