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True or False:**
1. True
2. False (A worksheet identifies the location of a cell or group of cells, not the
spreadsheet itself.)
3. True
4. True
5. False (Data can be imported from other application software in MS Excel.)

**B. Match the following:**

1. Bar Chart - c. Species the name given to chart
2. Line Chart - e. Shows trends in data at equal intervals
3. Data - a. The entries used to plot the chart
4. Chart Layout - d. Change the overall layout of comparison among
independent items
5. Chart Name - b. Specifies the name given to chart

**C. Explain the difference between:**

1. **Relative and Absolute Reference:**
- Relative reference changes when you copy it to another cell, adjusting based
on the new location.
- Absolute reference remains constant when copied, denoted by adding a "$"
before the column and row labels.

2. **AutoFilter and Custom Filter:**

- **AutoFilter:** Automatically filters data based on user-defined criteria. It's a
quick way to filter data.
- **Custom Filter:** Allows users to set specific, customized criteria for
filtering data.

3. **Filter and Advanced Filter:**

- **Filter:** Shows or hides specific data based on user-defined criteria.
- **Advanced Filter:** Provides more complex filtering options, allowing users
to specify multiple criteria and filter conditions.

4. **Chart Area and Plot Area:**

- **Chart Area:** The entire chart, including all elements such as title, axis
labels, and legend.
- **Plot Area:** The area within the chart where data series are plotted.

5. **Ascending and Descending Orders:**

- **Ascending Order:** Arranging data from the smallest to the largest.
- **Descending Order:** Arranging data from the largest to the smallest.

**D. Answer the following questions:**

1. **What is a cell reference? Explain all three types of cell references with
- A cell reference is a combination of the column letter and row number that
identifies a specific cell in Excel.
- **Types:**
- **Relative Reference (e.g., A1):** Adjusts when copied to a new location.
- **Absolute Reference (e.g., $A$1):** Does not change when copied.
- **Mixed Reference (e.g., $A1 or A$1):** One part absolute, one part

2. **What is sorting? How many types of sorting are possible? Explain each
- Sorting is arranging data in a specific order. Two types:
- **Ascending Sorting:** Arranges data from smallest to largest.
- **Descending Sorting:** Arranges data from largest to smallest.

3. **What are charts in MS Excel? Give one advantage of using charts.**

- Charts are graphical representations of data. They make it easier to
understand and interpret complex data sets.
- **Advantage:** Charts provide a visual representation, making it easier to
identify trends, patterns, and comparisons within the data.

4. **Give some real-life examples where charts can be used.**

- Sales performance over months, quarterly financial reports, stock market
trends, survey results, etc.

5. **Write the steps for importing data in MS Excel.**

- Go to the "Data" tab.
- Select "Get Data" or "From Text" depending on the data source.
- Choose the source file or connection.
- Follow the wizard to specify import settings.
- Click "Load" to import the data into Excel.

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