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Vocabulary List

Class: Step Up-2B

Unit: 8

Tr. Hsu Wai Mon, Tr. Myat Mie Mie Min & Tr. Nway Hlaine
Find -

-Correct Pronunciation
-Example Sentence
-Some photos (if possible)
1. Problematic - (Adj)
Definition:full of problems or difficulties

Example Sentence: The teacher had

already shown the problematic example of
the sum.

Synonyms: difficult, hard, troublesome

Antonyms: easy, simple, straightforward

By Chaw Akari Soe


Meaning- a way in which something is usually done

Pronunciation- /kənˈvɛnʃn/

Part of speech- Noun

Example sentence- The convention, signed by the six states

bordering on the Black Sea, aims to prevent further pollution.
3. Proficient (Adj)

Definition : skilled and experienced in

doing something
Example Sentence : After months of
dedicated practice, she became
proficient in playing the piano and could
effortlessly perform complex musical
Synonyms : adept, experienced,
skilled, expert By Ja Seng Mai
The Word : Abbreviation
Part of speech : Noun
- Correct Pronunciation ; /əˌbriːviˈeɪʃən/ or uh-bree-vee-AY-shun

- Meaning ; An abbreviation is a shorter form of a word or phrase, often

created by using the initial letters.

- Example Sentence ; I need to buy some groceries like bread, milk, eggs, etc.,
for the weekend.

By Kyi Lin Lae


involving or creating favourable circumstances
that increase the chances of success or
effectiveness; beneficial.

Example Sentence
Lower fares make it advantageous to travel in

Similar words

By Lin Thurein Win

(7) craze (n)

Pronunciation /kreɪz/

Meaning : an activity, object, or idea that is extremely popular,

usually for a short time

Example sentence : Y2K style is crazing again in 2023.

Synonyms : trend, style, fashion

by mille
– provide or give (a service, help,
Money serves as a reward for services

- cause to be or become

Depression can render a person


May Yoon Khin

By Mi Thae Hsu Latt

9. Solely (adverb)

not involving anyone or anything else; only.

Example sentence;
The artist created the masterpiece
solely using recycled materials.

only, purely, exclusively,
just, simply, alone
(10) Vicinity ‘noun’

The area near or surrounding a particular place.

Example : The grocery store is in the vicinity of our

neighbourhood’ making it easier for residents to

Myat Phone
Lin Thiha Ko

Pronounce - suh lek tuh vlee

Meaning - in a way that involves the

selection of only particular people or

Example Sentence: She selectively

choose the ripest strawberries to
make the dessert
11. disgruntled (adj)
Part of speech - Dis-grun-ted

Meaning : Angry or Dissatisfied

Example sentences: The disgruntled customer sent a

letter to complain about their order.

12. Stock (adj)
Pronounced as [Stok]

1. Kept regularly on hand, as for
use or sale.
2. Having as one’s job the care of
concern’s goods.

1. The company had a stock dog
named Billy.
2. It is necessary to have a stock
clerk in every store.

Made by Khin May Hnin

13. Notion(n)

Pronunciation - nəʊʃn

Meaning - (1)a conception of or belief

about something (2)an impulse or desire,
especially one of a whimsical kind

For example - People have different notions about religions.

John has a notion to be a professor.

By Nyan Htoo Nay

14. Norm

Definition 1
UK: /nɔːm/
US: /nɔːrm/

Noun [C]
1. Something that is usual, standard, or often.
“In the Philippines, storms and typhoons are the norm.”
Synonyms: typicality, normality, regularity, etc.

Definition 2
2. To adjust something so that it fits the required
“Ms. Apple normed homework by giving it to her students every day.”
Synonyms: normalize, regularize, standardize, etc.

Phone Thant Ye Min

Emoticon /ɪˈməʊtɪkɒn,ɪˈmɒtɪkɒn/

a representation of a facial expression such as a smile or frown,

formed by various combinations of keyboard characters and
used to convey the writer's feelings or intended tone.

I usually use Emoticons to chat with my friends when I’m feeling like it.

17. dramatise (v)

Pronunciation : Drama-tise [ˈdramətʌɪz]

American : Dramatize
Definition : adapt (a novel) or present (a particular incident) as a play or film

Example : No one will ever believe her dramatise stories about her childhood.

Synonyms - produce, stage, perform

Shin Thant


give (someone or oneself) a different appearance in order to conceal one's

"we took elaborate measures to disguise ourselves as locals"


a means of altering one's appearance or concealing one's identity:

"his bizarre disguise drew stares from fellow shoppers"
18. Enterprise (N)

-Correct Pronunciation - en-tuh-prize

-Meaning - 1. A project or undertaking , especially a bold or complex one .

2. A business or company .

-Example sentence - Agriculture is the main economic enterprise among these


Wint Mun
19. prioritise (v) British accent - prai·o·ruh·tize
American pronunciation -prai·Aw·ruh·tize

designate or treat (something) as being very or most important.

determine the order for dealing with (a series of items or tasks) according to their relative
My easy definition: the first choice
“She prioritizes spending time with her family over other commitments”

Word family Synonyms Antonyms

● priority (n) (adj) ● compute ● cancel
● prioritization(n) ● register ● disorder
● prior(adj) ● Set up ● forget
20. paralyse (v)

a condition in which you are unable to move because of illness

My friend feels blue as her father has paralysed for month.

Tr. Sally

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