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Let`s Go Hugo

Hugo was a little bit different. He preferred walking to flying.

Instead of living on top of the trees, Hugo lived in a burrow down
at the bottom. Instead of building nests, Hugo built works of art.
Hugo was content living on the ground.
One day, Hugo was finishing his latest masterpiece when he
heard a voice. "Hey, I know that building," said a little bird.
"Really?" Hugo was overjoyed. "Yep," she said. "You can see it
from up here. It's the Eiffel Tower. We can fly there!" Oh, Hugo
realized, it was too far to walk.
"My name is Lulu," said the little bird. "Come on, I'll take you."
"I'm Hugo," he said, and then fell silent. Lulu tilted her head and
smiled. "Well, let's go, Hugo." "Um, I have to show you the park
before we go," Hugo said. Lulu thought that was a splendid idea.
Relieved, Hugo led the way. First, they ate popcorn. After they
finished eating, Lulu said, "Ready, let's go, Hugo!" "You can't fly
on a full stomach," Hugo replied. "We have to wait an hour." Lulu
agreed, and they played in the fountain instead.
After a little while, Lulu again said, "Let's go, Hugo!" But Hugo
replied, "We can't fly now, our feathers have to dry first." Lulu
agreed, and they watched a ballet instead. The show lasted into
the evening.
"It's getting late," said Lulu. "Are you ready to go?" Hugo again?
"Hugo replied, "We can't fly, it's dangerous for me to fly at night.
Let's go in the morning." Lulu yawned. She looked at Hugo at last
and said, "Okay, well, I should go home then. See you later."
Hugo's heart sank as his new friend flew away. He'd never see
the Eiffel Tower now, and what if he never saw Lulu again either?
He tried to run after her, but she was already high in the sky. It
was hopeless.
"What's the matter, little one?" It was the old owl, Bernard,
perched high up in a tree. It was late, and the owl was the only
one awake. Hugo was so tired that he blurted out without
thinking, "I'm afraid to fly."
Bernard paused and said, "Well, everyone is afraid of something.
I was afraid of the dark, but then I realized all the wonderful
things I was missing, like the moon and the stars. If you want, I'll
help you practice."
Hugo looked down at the ground, then up at the owl. It took all of
his courage, but at last, Hugo said, "Yes, please."
They practiced flying the rest of the night. There were many ups
and many more downs. When Hugo finally flew to the top of the
tree, the owl said, "Look at you go, Hugo! Good job! Tomorrow,
we'll practice more, but now, it's my bedtime."
As the sun came up, Hugo was still high in the tree. "Are you
ready?" asked Lulu, landing next to him. Hugo looked from Lulu
to the ground, far, far below. "Not really," he said, "I'm a little
Lulu smiled. "It'll be another adventure we can do together," she
said. "Except this time, instead of exploring the park, we'll explore
the sky! Oh!" Hugo hesitated. "I never thought of it like that."
Lulu stuck out her wing. Hugo took a tiny step away from the
tree, then another and another, until... "Let's go, Hugo!" said Lulu.
Hugo took a deep breath and grabbed on. Off they flew.
The Eiffel Tower was more beautiful than Hugo had ever
imagined, so beautiful he forgot to be afraid. When they got back
to the park, Hugo asked Lulu, "Where do you want to go next?"
Lulu tilted her head. "The sky's the limit," Hugo smiled and
stretched his wings out wide.
The end.
6. What did Hugo do instead of flying
Let`s Go Hugo with Lulu at first?
1. Where did Hugo live? o a) He took a nap.
o a) In a tree o b) He played in the fountain.
o b) In a burrow o c) He built a sandcastle.
o c) In the sky 7. Why couldn't they fly after playing
2. What did Hugo prefer to do instead in the fountain?
of flying? o a) They were lost.
o a) Walking o b) Their feathers were wet.
o b) Singing o c) It was too dark.
o c) Swimming 8. Who helped Hugo learn to fly?
3. What was the name of the bird o a) Lulu
Hugo met?
o b) Bernard the owl
o a) Polly
o c) A friendly dog
o b) Lulu
9. What did Lulu say to encourage
o c) Sparrow Hugo to fly with her?
4. Where did Lulu want to take Hugo? o a) "You don't need to be
o a) To the beach scared."

o b) To the Eiffel Tower o b) "It will be another

o c) To the library
o c) "Close your eyes and
5. Why couldn't Hugo fly with Lulu
right away?
10.What did Hugo feel when he finally
o a) He was hungry.
saw the Eiffel Tower?
o b) His stomach was full.
o a) Angry
o c) He forgot his wings.
o b) Sad
o c) He forgot to be afraid.

Let`s Go Hugo
Comprehension Questions:

1. Where did Hugo live?

2. What did Hugo like to build instead of nests?
3. Who did Hugo meet when he was finishing his artwork?
4. Why couldn't Hugo fly with Lulu right away?
5. What did Hugo and Lulu do while waiting to fly?
6. Why couldn't they fly after playing in the fountain?
7. Why did Lulu decide to go home?
8. Who helped Hugo overcome his fear of flying?
9. How did Bernard convince Hugo to practice flying?
10. What did Hugo and Lulu do after Hugo learned to fly?

New Vocabulary with Korean Translation:

 burrow (굴 ): an underground hole where an animal lives

 masterpiece (걸작 ): a work of art that is considered to be very good
 overjoyed (기뻐): very happy
 relieved (안심한 : feeling less worried or anxious
 perched (앉아 있는 ): sitting on a high and narrow place
 blurted out (말 튀어 나오다): said something suddenly and without thinking
 courage (용기 ): the ability to do something difficult or dangerous even though you are afraid
 hesitated (망설였다): paused or showed uncertainty before doing something
 sky is the limit 천정부지 : This is a more literal translation and means "the ceiling (sky) does
not exist". It carries the implication that potential is boundless.
 무한상상 : This means "infinite imagination," implying there's no limit to what one can

Key Words:
 Hugo, bird, fly, Eiffel Tower, park, wait, owl, practice, afraid, explore, sky
Let`s Go Hugo

True or False?


1. Hugo lived in a tree.

2. Hugo liked to fly.

3. Lulu was a dog.

4. Hugo showed Lulu the park.

5. Hugo and Lulu went to the Eiffel Tower together.

6. Hugo was scared to fly at night.

7. Bernard the owl helped Hugo overcome his fear of flying.

8. Hugo flew to the top of the tree by himself.

9. Lulu convinced Hugo that flying could be an adventure.

10. In the end, Hugo was no longer afraid to fly.

Let`s Go Hugo
(art) (walking) (little) (stretched) (Bernard) (park) (feathers)
(burrow) (scared) (limit)

Fill in the Blanks:

1. Hugo preferred ________________ to flying.

2. Hugo's home was a __________ at the bottom of the trees.

3. Hugo built works of ________ instead of nests.

4. Lulu was a ____________________ bird.

5. The Eiffel Tower could be seen from the ______________.

6. Hugo and Lulu waited an hour because their ____________

were wet.

7. Hugo practiced flying with ________________ the owl.

8. Hugo was ___________________ to fly with Lulu at first.

9. Lulu said the sky was the _______________.

10. In the end, Hugo _______________ his wings and flew

with Lulu.

Answer Sheet:
True or False Statements
1. False
2. False
3. False
4. True
5. True
6. True
7. True
8. False
9. True
10. True

Fill in the Blanks

1. walking
2. burrow
3. art
4. little
5. park
6. feathers
7. Bernard
8. scared
9. limit
10. stretched

Answer Sheet for MLM

1. b) In a burrow

2. a) Walking

3. b) Lulu

4. b) To the Eiffel Tower

5. b) His stomach was full.

6. b) He played in the fountain.

7. b) Their feathers were wet.

8. b) Bernard the owl

9. b) "It will be another adventure!"

10. c) He forgot to be afraid.

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