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Examen de Inglés - Temario

● I. Comprensión Auditiva
● II. Comprensión de Lectura
● III. Gramática y Estructura
● IV. Vocabulario
● V. Producción Escrita
● VI. Producción Oral
● VII. Habilidades de Interacción

The Magic Bookshop

Once upon a time, in a small town nestled between rolling hills and whispering
streams, there was a quaint little bookshop called "Whimsy Words." It was no
ordinary bookshop; it was said to hold secrets and magic within its dusty old

The owner of Whimsy Words was an eccentric old man named Mr. Everett. He
had a twinkle in his eye and a mischievous grin that hinted at the wonders hidden
within his store. Every day, children would gather outside the shop, eager to
explore its mysteries.

One rainy afternoon, Lily, a curious young girl with a passion for adventure,
stumbled upon Whimsy Words. She pushed open the creaky wooden door and
stepped into a world of enchantment. Books of all shapes and sizes lined the
shelves, each beckoning her to discover its story.

As Lily browsed the shelves, a particular book caught her eye. It was bound in
shimmering blue leather and glowed softly in the dim light of the shop. With
trembling hands, she reached out and pulled it from the shelf. The title read, "The
Book of Dreams."

Intrigued, Lily opened the book and began to read. Instantly, she was transported
to a magical realm where dreams danced like fireflies in the night sky. She found
herself standing in a lush meadow, surrounded by towering trees and singing

But as she turned the pages, Lily realized that the book was more than just a
story; it was a gateway to other worlds. With each page she turned, she was
whisked away on new adventures – from soaring through the clouds on the back
of a dragon to exploring ancient ruins in a far-off land.

For hours, Lily lost herself in the pages of the book, until at last, she found herself
back in the dusty old bookshop. With a wistful smile, she closed the book and
tucked it under her arm.

As Lily stepped out into the crisp evening air, she knew that Whimsy Words would
always hold a special place in her heart. For in that magical little bookshop, she
had discovered that the greatest adventures of all are found within the pages of a

And so, with a sense of wonder and excitement, Lily set off into the world, ready to
embark on her next great adventure – armed with nothing but a book and her

The end.

Audio de whatsapp de papá

Audio de whatsapp de mamá

Audio mío para mamá y papá


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