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Civil Services Preliminary Examination Cee) (—1 ca = World Organization * World Panorama © Sports and Games © Indian Panorama © Awards and Honours © Art and Culture Daa tre elated CONTENTS GENERAL KNOWLEDGE 1, World Organisation GK-1-GK-36 United Nations; Economic; Regional; Political; Scientific and Technical; Environment; Social and Human Right; Environmental Conservations; Defence Organisations; Commonwealth; SAARC 2. World-Panorama GK-37-GK-58 World Countries, Capital, Language & their Currency; World Tallest Buildings & Towers; Largest & Smallest Countries; Major News Agencies; Intelligence Agencies; Parliat Different Countries; Sobriquets; First in World; Superlatives 3. Indian-Panorama a» GK-59- Gk-88 Indian States and Union Territories; First in India; Superlatives; 65 4, Art & Culture GK-89- GK-108 Paintings; Music; Dance; Festivals; Tourism; Arts & Craft 5, Sports & Games GK-109- GK-124 Trophies; Places Associated; National Sports of Mari intries; Terms used in Games and Sports; Major Sport Disciplines; Asian Games; Hoc! ‘up; Commonwealth; SAF; Olympic; Paralympic; World Anti-Doping Agen jational Anti Doping Agency 6. Awards and Honours GK-125- GK-140 Bharat Ratna; Padma; Wa try; Peacetime Gallantry; Film; Literary; Jnanpith; Sports & Awards . Miscellaneous Abbreviations; Gory Days Census 2011: At a’Glance GK-141- Gk-160 ; Founders of Famous Newspapers/Journals; Free Study Materials Download ae & fey gure Faarge VISIT @t : WWW.SARKARIPOST, ‘The United Nations (UN) is an intergovernmental organization to promote international co-operation. A replacement for the ineffective League of Nations, the ‘World War II in order to prevent another sich conflicy, In the century prior to the UN's creation, international treaty organizations and confere bbeen formed to regulate conflicts between as the International Committee of the Hague Conventions of 1899 and calastrophic loss of life in the Firs Peace Conference establish maintain harmony between! ‘The League lacked i (then half the wo: lation) and significant major powers, including the participation US, USSR, Japan; it failed to act against the Japanese imaisi6n of Manchuria in 1931, theSecond Teolo-Ethiopian War in 1935, the Japanese invasion of Ching in 1937, and German expansions under Adolf Hitler that culminated in the Second World War The text of the “Declaration by United Nations” was drafted by President Franklin Roosevelt, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, and Roosevet aide Harry Hopkins, while meeting at the White House, 29 December 1941. Roosevelt first coined the term United Nations 10 describe the Allied countries. “On New Year’s Day 1942, President Roosevelt, Prime Minister Churchill, Maxim Litvinov, of the USSR, and T. V. Soong, of China, signed a short document which later came to be known as the United Nations Declaration and the next day the representatives of twenty-two other nations added their signatures. organization was established on 24 October 1945 aN n for colonial peoples lations was first officially used when jents signed this Declaration. One major provision for religious freedom, which Stalin approved ‘aficr Roosevelt insisted. By 1 March 1945, 21 additional States had signed ‘The United Nations was formulated and negotiated among the delegations from the Soviet Union, the UK, the US and China at the Dumbarton Oaks Conference in 194, After months of planning, the UN Conference on International Organization opened in San Francisco, 25 April 1945, attended by 50 governments and a number of non-governmental organizations involved in drafting the United Nations Charter. * ‘The first meetings of the General Assembly, with $1 zations represented, and the Security Council took place in London beginning 6 January 1946. The General Assembly selected New York City as the site for the headquarters of the United Nations, and the facility was completed in 1952. Is site—like UN headquarters buildings in Geneva, Vienna, and Nairobi—is designated as international territory. The Norwegian Foreign Minister, Trygve Lie was elecied as the first UN Secretary-General. Quick Facts Membership: 193 Member States Established: 24 October 1945 Current UN peacekeeping operations : 16 Oficial languages: Arabic, Chinese, English, Prench Russian, Spanish. ‘The first day approved by the UN General Assembly was United Nations Day, 24 October (by resolution 168 dl) of 31 October 1947). Free Study Materials Download ea & fey gare aaarge VISIT @ : WWW.SARKARIPOST, © Based on five principal organs (formerly six-the Trusteeship Council suspended operations in 1994, upon the independence of Palau, the last remaining UN trustee territory); the General Assembly, te Security Council, the Economie and Social Council (ECOSOC), the Secretariat, and the International Court of Justice. © General Assembly: 193 Member States © Security Council: 5 permanent members and 10 non- permanent The Permanent Members of the Security Council The Peoples’ Republic of China: The Republic of Franc The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland; The Russian Federation; and The United States of America Official Language of United Nations: There are six official languages of the United Nations, used in intergovernmental meetings and documents. They are Arabie, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanis ‘The UN Flag and the Emblem The UN General Assembly adopted the UN flag on 20 Oct. 1947. The white UN emblem is super-imposed om a light blue back ground. The emblem consists of the globe map projected from the North pote and embraced in twin olive branches (symbol of peace). The UN emblem was approved on 7 Oet. 1946. Aims and Objectives World Organisation The first session convened 10° January 1946 in the Methodist Central Hall Westminster in London and included representatives of 51 nations. When the General Assembly votes on important questions, a tworthirds majority of those present and voting is required, Each member country has one vote. Apart from approval of budgetary matters, resolutions are not binding on the members, ‘The Assembly may make recommendations on any matiers within the scope of the UN, except matters of peace and security that are under consideration by the Security Council, Draft resolutions can be forwarded to the General Assembly by cight committees: © General Committee ~ a supervisory committee consisting of the assembly's president, vice-president, and committee heads © Credentials Commitee ~ responsible for determining the credentials of each member 1 UN representatives First Committee (Disarmamy national Security) Second Committee (Beond ncial) . I) (adi sal ‘countries. While other organs ofthe United Nations ly make “recommendations” to member governments, the: Council has the power to make binding decisions that Ries Creed erred a The Main objectives of the UN are < a ‘Chanter Article 25. The decisions of the Council are known (1) Tomsniain peace and security in tbe wel (2) Towork together to remove peverty, diggase cy and encourage respect for each oibee's rights of basic freedom. pee, 68) ‘Todevelop trienly cations Hans Tote acanrto ey ao ese common goals. i &,> Membership > Chapter II, Article Chanter outlines the rules for L mate OS Nations is epen to all other peace: membership. loving states that accept the obligations contained in the present Charter and, in the judgment of the Organization, are able and willing to carry out these obligations. 2. The almission of any such state 1o membership in the United Nations will be effected by 2 decision of the General Assembly upon the recommendation of the Security Council Organs of the UN General Assembly The General Assembly is the main deliberative assembly of the United Nations, Composed of all United. Nations member states, the assembly meets in regular yearly sessions under a president elected from amoug the member states, Free Study Materials Download ea & fey gare aaarge VISIT @ : WWW.SARKARIPOST, a United Nations Security Council resolutions, The security ‘council beld its fist session on 17 January 1946, ‘The Security Council is made up of 15 member states consisting of $ permanent members-China, France, Russia UK, USA and 10 non-permanent members Veto Power The United Nations Security Council “power of veto” refers to the veto power wielded solely by the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council (China, France, Russia, United Kingdom, and United States), enabling them to prevent the adoption of any “substantive” resolution, as well as decide which issues fall under “substantive” ttl, The veto is exercised when any permanent member—the so- called “P5*—casts a “negative” vote on a “substantive” draft resolution. Abstention or absence from the vote by a permanent memiber does not prevent a draft resolution from being adopted, Article 27 of the United Nations Charter states: 1. Each member of the Security Council sball have one vate. 2. Decisions of the Security Council on procedural matters shall be made by an affirmative vote of nine members. 3. Decisions of the Security Council omall other matters shall be made by an affirmative vote of nine members including the concurring votes of the permanent members; provided that, in decisions under Chapter VI, and under paragraph 3 of Article 52, a party to a dispute shall abstain from voting, World Organisation Secretariat [lia Scbutinde [Uganda [Member 2012 [2021 The United Nations Secretariat is beaded by the Secretary- [Dalveer Bhandari india [Member 2012 | 2018 General, assisted by staff of imermtional evil ervan's ames Crnwiord [Ausra [Member | 2015 | 2024 avoled by Unita Nateos bates for Git merings. Wao [EEGewoginn [Russ [Menter_[ 2015 [2024 carries out tasks as directed by the UN Security Council, the ieee Laon pamaice peeemiber: | 015!) 2024: UN General Assembly, the UN Economic and Social Council, and other UN bodies. The Secretariat is headed by the Secretary-General, who facts as the spokesperson antl leader of the UN, The current Secretary-General is Ban Ki-moon, who took aver from Kofi Annan in 2007 and will be eligible for reappointment witen his first term expires in 2011. [_Seretaries-G eneral of te United Nations] [Rey Name [Country of Took Let ace origin | office I [Tiygve Lie Norway 2-Feb-46 [10-Nov-52 | 2 [Day Hanmarsigalsvedan —[0-Apr53 [18-Sep-61 3 (0 Tam [Bums BO-Nov-61 [-n-72 Rum Wath [Austria —[l-Ja?2 [Llama vier Parez do fee Ju fsa f-tan9a g Beuros Bou Teese f-tun92 |iaun97 7 of Aman (Giana [sian 97 [-Jon.07 an Ki noon [oun Korean? neuen International Court of Justice ‘The International Court of Justice (ICJ), located in The H Netherlands, is the primary judicial organ of the Nations. Established in 1945 by the United Nations te Court began work in 1946 as the successor to Court of International Justice. The ICI is composed of fifteen judgesel ine-yenr tems by the UN General As: Security ie national groups election process is set out in Articles 4-19 ofthe te. Current composition As of 9 February 2 ptnipostion of the Courts as Fallows Council from a list of people noi by in the Permanent Court of Arbit ‘Name mnality | Position | Term [Term| began | ends [Ronny Abraham [France [Presidenta | 2005 [2018 (Abdulcawi Aimed [Somalia [Vice | 2009 [2018 {Yusut [Presidenta lHisashi Owada —_[lapan [Member | 2003 [2021 [Peter Tommka [Siovakia [Member | 2003 | 2021 (Mohamed Beanouna [Morocco [Member] 2006 [2024 [Antinio Augusto [Brazil Member | 2009 [2018 (Cancado Trindade ‘Sir Christopher [United [Member | 2009 [2018 (Greenwoo Kingdom [Xue Hangin [China Member | 2010 | 2031 joan E, Donoghue [United Staes|Member_| 2010 [2024 (Giorgio Gaja al Member | 2012 [2021 Free Study Materials Download ea & fey gare aaarge VISIT @ : WWW.SARKARIPOST, ee Economic and Social Council Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) assists the General Assembly in promoting international economic and social ‘cooperation and development. ECOSOC has 54 members, all of which are elected by the General Assembly for a duree-year term, ‘The president is elected for « one-year term and chosen from the small or mid-sized powers represented on the ECOSOC. The ccurtent president of the ECOSOC is Oh Joon, UN ambassador Of the Republic of Korea. He was electel on 24 July 2015 and is the TIst President of ECOSOC. ‘Trusteeship Council {tis one of the principal orga at ensuring the fact that, in the best interest peace and security faions which armed tant and of international fn 1945 council the mission ‘ed Nations Educational, Scientific and ral Organization (UNESCO) Place de Fontenoy, Paris, France Established: 16 November 1945 Head : Irina Bokova, Members 195 member siates and 9 associate members Functions: © Mobilizing for education by providing every child, irrespective of its gender quality education asa fundamental human right © Creation of World Heritage Sites «0 support cultural diversity and protect sites oF outstanding universal value, = Pursuing scientific cooperation © Protecting freedom of expression The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) Headquarters : New York City Established: 11 December 1946 Head + Anthony Lake Members: 36 Member States Functions : ‘© Child protection from violence, exploitation and abuse along with social inclusion for disabled. © Basic education and gender equality through programmes like girls education innovation for education learning for the peace out-of-school initiative. ‘© Policy advocacies and partnership through data analysis, leveraging resources an child participation, cel World Organisation International Labour Organization (ILO) Headquarters : Geneva, Switzerland Esablished ; 1919 Head: Guy Ryder Members; 185 of the 193 member states of the United Nations plus the Cook Islands are members of the ILO Functions : ‘© Creation of international labour standards ‘© Formulation of international policies, © Techuical assistance training, ‘© Education, research and publishing activities World Bank (WB) Headquarters : Washington, DC, USA Established: July 1944 Head sim Yong Kim Members: 188 states (187 UN countries and Kosovo) Functions : © World Bank provides various technical services to the member countries Bank can grant loans to @ member country up to 20% of its share in the paid-up capital © Quantities of loans, interest rate and terms and conditions are determined by the Bank itself + Bank grants loans for a particular project duly submitted, to the Bank by the member country. ‘The International Monetary Fund (IMF) © | Headquarters: Washington, D.C. Established: 27 December 1945 > Head Christine Lagarde Members: 188 countries as Functions i Surveillance over M Badomie Policies Financing Temposary ‘of Payments Needs Combating Peerage Low-Income Counties Mobilizing Exteral Fmancing ‘The World Health Organization (WHO) Headquarters : Geneva, Switzerland Established: 7 April 1948 Head Margaret Chan, Director General Members + 194 member states Functions : © Providing leadership on matters critical 10 health and engaging in partnerships where joint action is needed; © Shaping the research agenda and stimulating the generation, dissemination of valuable knowledge © Providing technical support, catalyzing change, and building sustainable institutional capacity; ‘© Monitoring the health situation and assessing health trends, Free Study Materials Download ea & fey gare aaarge VISIT @ : WWW.SARKARIPOST, International Fund for Agricultural Development Objective (IFAD) Headquarters : Rome, Italy Established: 1977 Head : Kanayo F, Nwanze Members: 176 member statesy (174 UN members states, along with the Cook Islands and Niue) Functions : To ensure that poor rural mass have access to: = Natural resources, especially secure access to land and water © Improved agricultural technologies and effective production services. © A broad range of financial services The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Headquarters: Palazzo, Rom AAQRAED Established: 16 October ‘on ity, Canada Heal José Gyton ape ‘Members + 197 members Helpeliminate hunger, food insecurity and malnutrition. srigulture, forestry and fisheries more productive ‘sustainable, SF astral poveny “International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Wadquarters : Vienna, Austria Established: July 29, 1957 Head : José Yukiya Amano Members + 166 member states Functions : ‘= Peaceful uses: Promoting the peaceful uses of nuclear energy hy its member states © Safeguards: Implementing safeguards to verily that ruclear energy is not used for military purposes. © Nuclear safety: Promoting high standards for nuclear safety. United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) Headquarters : Vienna, Austria Established: 1966 (converted toa specialized agency in 1985) Head : Li Yong Members + 172 States, Functions : ‘Assists developing countries in the formulation of development, institutional, scientific and technological policies and programmes in the field of industrial development; © Analyzestrends, disseminates information and coordinates, activities in their industrial development; © Acts as a forum for consultations and negotiations directed towards the industrialization of developing counties; World Organisation The United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Headquarters : Madrid, Spain Established: 1957 Head ‘Taleb Rifai Members: 157 states Functions © To promote and develop sustainable tourism so as to contribute to economic development, international understanding, peace, prosperity etc. The World Food Programme (WFP) Headquarters : Rome, Italy Established: 1961 Head 2 Entharin Cousin Members: 36 member states. Funetions : © Save lives and protect livelihoods in emergencies. © Support food security and nutrition and (re) build livelihoods in fragile settings ‘© Reduce risk and enable people, communities and countries to meet their own food and nutrition needs, ‘The World Intellectual Property Organization (wiPo) Headquarters Established Head Members Geneva, Switzerland July 14, 1967 Francis Gury (Director-General) 188 member states Functions : + Promoting creative intellectual activi the warner of ehnolnyrelocd qu lgrat the developing countries World Meteorological 01 Headquarters : Geneva, Sitzeriand tating )perty to in (WMO) ‘tablished: 1950 HeadMicheljarraud (Secretary-General) Members 192/Member States and Territories Functions : ‘© Provides a frame work for international cooperation in the development of meteorology and operational hydrology and their practical application © Played unique and poweriltl role in contributing to the ssifety and welfare of humanity ‘© Under WMO, National Meteorological and Hydrological Services contribute substantially to the protection of life and property against natural disasters The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Headquarters : New York City Established + 1965 Head 2 Helen Clark Members: 177 counties Functions : The United Nations High Commis: Poverty reduction Crisis prevention and recovery Environment and Energy Refugees (UNHCR) Headquarters : Geneva, Swivertand Established: 14 December 1950 Head Anténio Guterces Members; 98 members Functions : To lead and ex-ordinale international action (© protect refugees and resolve refugee problems worldwide ‘To protect and providing humanitarian assistance to whom it describes as other persons “@Pyconcem,” including iternaly displaced persons The United Nations Eiironment Programme (UNEP) y 4 Headquarters : Nair Gy tuba Stine Head Achil oe Meme Ancien te Aitian Cie e WAssessing global, regional and national environmental » conditions and ends Developing international and national environmental instruments ‘Strengthening institutions for the wise management of the The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) Headquarters : New York City Established: 1969 Head + Dr. Babatunde Osotimehin Members: 36 countries Functions : Universal access to reproductive health services by 2015 Universal primary education and closing the gender gap in education by 2015 Reducing maternal mortality by 75 per cent by 2015, Reducing infant mortality United Nations Conference on Trade and Developmental Headquarters : Geneva, Swiverland Bsblished + 1964 Head yr. Babatunde Osotimehin Members + 194 member states: Functions : ‘To formulate policies relating to all aspects of development including trade, aid, transport, finance and technology. Free Study Materials Download ea & fey gare aaarge VISIT @ : WWW.SARKARIPOST, oa) World Organisation UN INTERNATIONAL YEARS Since 1959 the UN has designated International years in order to draw attention to major issues and to encourage international International decades action 10 aldress concerns which have global importance and [2015-2028 Jintemnational Decade for People of African ramifications Descent [2600 [international Vear for the Culture of Peace; and [2014-2024 [United Nations Decade of Sustainale Energy for International Year of Thanksgiving lare 2001 International Year of Volunteers; and (2011-2020 |Third International Decade for the Eradication of| United Nations Year of Dialogue among Civilizations; colonialism. find : [United Nations Decade on Biodiversity Inernational Year of Mobilization against Racism, Decals Actin i- Hoad catey, Racin, Aempboba and 0-00 na Nevo Dele or Des and Fh : against Desertification See eee ema [2008-2017 |Second United Nations Dégade for dhe Pradicavion International Year of Culture Heritage; and 4 International Year of Ecotourism ERA KRC Dons ncrtonal Yer of Fehr 5-26 Psndeor Roan Dac 2004 |Invernational Year to Commemoraie the Sirugele [ore 3 against Slavery and Ts Abolition: and me chira Chemobyl disaster) raisniasodel Year FREE 005-2015 [h al Decade for Action, “Water for 2005 |International Vear of Microcredit, and Inernational Yenr for Sport and Physical Education | [2005-2 tions Decade of Eaveation for (2006 |Iniernational Year of Deweris and Desertification bie: Devetiyaient.‘secoun) lmertafioaal (2008 [International Year of the Potato; and [Decade of the World's Indigenous Pe International Year of Planet Earth; and pole Inernational Year of Sanitation; and International Year of Languages 1-2010 finterational Decade for Culture of Peace an FEA Tncrratcnal Year of Hasan Rags TA INon-viotence for the Children ofthe Worl. 10 December 2008 (Human Rights Day) [Decade to Roll Back Malaria in Developing] 10 December 2009 |Countries, Particulany in Africa, international Year of Rec Second Inernational Decade for the Eradication [International Year of ‘a [of Colonialism. International Year o} 2 tri Yr’ International U.N. Week Invernat ise of Cultures | 6 March 21-27 Week of Solidarity with the Peoples Invernat ‘Youth: Dialogue and Mutual Struggling against Racism and Racial Discrimination, Understandinggesfrom 12. August 2010 (International recognized by the UN Youth Day) to 11 August 2011 + April 25 - May 2 (2009) — Vaeeination Week In The BOTT [International Year of Forests; and shines Intemational Year of Chemistry; and + May 25-31 Week of Solidarity with the Peoples of Non- Inernational Year for People of Aftican Descent Sdf-Goverting Territories, recognized by the UN 012 [Invernational Year of Cooperatives + dah wook of September - (international) Pesce Week. 22013 [International Year of Water Cooperation. + October 4-10 - World Space Week, recognized by the {201d linternational Year of Family Farming Intemational UN, [Year of Crystallagraphy © — October 24-30 - Disarmament Week, recognized by the [2615 [International Vear of Light based Technologies UN. Iimernational Year of soils © October 25-31 - International Epidermolysis Bullosa O16 [international Vear of Pulses ‘Awareness Week. BOTT |Iniernational Year of Sustainable Tourism for) © Road Safety Weck - November Development © Shark Week - Summer Free Study Materials Download ea & fey gare aaarge VISIT @ : WWW.SARKARIPOST, World Organisation UN WOMEN The United Nations agreed to the formation of a new institution named “UN Women’ on 2nd July 2010. The main objective will be the sexual/ gender equality and women empowerment The fifty-ninth session of the Commission on the Starus of Women took place at United Nations Headquarters in New York from 9 t 20 March 2015. Representatives of Member States, UN entities, and ECOSOC-accredited non-governmental, ‘organizations (NGOs) from all regions of the world attended the session. The main focus of the session was on the Beijing Deciaration and Platform for Action, including current challenges that affect its implementation and the achievement of gender equality and the empowerment of women, The sixtith session of the Commission on the Status of Women will take place at the United Nations Headquarters in New York from 14 to 24 March 2016. The United Nation organisation started or fixed the millenium, development Goal (MDG-2015) in 2000, There are eight main aims mentioned in the goa. To eradicate extreme poverty and hunger To achieve universal primary education To promote gender equality and empower women To reduce child mortality To improve maternal health To combat HIV/AIDS, malaria, and other diseases To ensure environmental sustainability To develop a global partnership for development <7 World Trade Organization ( The World Trade Organization (WTO) igythe\. international organization dealing. with Qi rul between nations, The goal isto help pe services, exporters, and importers iu Facts : Ye Location R Geneva, SM Evablished = 1 Jity Created by + Uigiiiy Round negotiations (1986-94) Membership: 161 s Head Roberw Azevedo Functions: © Administering WTO trade agreements © Forum for trade negotiations © Handling trade disputes © Monitoring national trade policies ‘© Technical assistance and training for developing countries © Cooperation with other international organizations Event: Tenth WTO Ministerial Conference (15th to 19th Dee, 2015) Place : Naivowi, Kenya Agenda: Decision on agriculture, cotton and issues related to least developed countries. Free Study Materials Download ea & fey gare aaarge VISIT @ : WWW.SARKARIPOST, Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) is a declaration adopted by the United Nations General Assembly fon 10 December 1948 at the Palais de Chaillot, Paris. The Declaration consists of thiny articles which have been claborated in subsequent international treaties, regional human rights insiruments, national constitutions, and other laws, The International Bill of Human Rights consists of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and its two Optional Protocols. % List of Articles — a ra ~~ Article 1 Right to Equatity@ “9 Ande riesdons Rape Article 3 Right tofGifepLibenty, Personal Security Aniiele 4 Freadgm from Slavery Treatment Anticle 5 Sep" “Torture and Degrading eu cognition as Person before the Law Article] Right to Equality before the Law ht to Remedy by Competent Tribunal gle 9 Freedom from Arbitrary Arrest and 10 Right to Fair Public Hearing cle 11 Right o be Considered Innocent until Proven Guilty “Wranicle 12 Freedom from Interference with Privacy, Family, Home and Correspondence Article 13 Right to Free Movement in and out of the Country Article 14 Right Asylum in other Countries from Persecution Article 15 Right toa Nationality and the Freedom to Change It Article 16 Right to Marriage and Family Article 17 Right to Own Property Article 18 Freedom of Belief and Religion Article 19 Freedom of Opinion and Information. Article 20 Right of Peaceful Assembly and Association Article 21 Right to Participate in Government and in Free Elections Article 22 Right to Social Security Article 23 Right to Desirable Work and to Join Trade Unions Article 24 Right to Rest and Leisure Article 25 Right to Adequate Living Standard Article 26 Right to Education Article 27 Right to Participate inthe Cultural Life of Community Article 28 Right to 2 Social Order that Amticulates this Document Article 29 Community Duties Essential to Free and Full Development Article 30 Freedom from State or Personal Interference in the above Rights The Core International Human Rights Instruments and their World Organisation United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) monitoring bodies ‘The United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) was established by the United Nations General [Name of the Year Monitoring) Assembly by its Resolution 2205 (XXI) of 17 December 1966 jinstrument Body. “to promote the progressive harmonization and unification of CERD —Imernation Convention} 1965 [CERD international trade law", UNCITRAL carries out its work at grea Mirna tage annual sessions held alternately in New York City and Vienna, An Forms of Racal enbersiog Discrimination UNCITRAL’s original membership comprised 29 states, [CCPRYlnteratonsl Covenant cal 1966 [ECPR ao vas expended 36 in 1973 ead again to 60 in 2008 {Civil and Political Rights ‘Member states of UNCITRAL are representing diferent legal [ICESCR [International Covenant] 1966 |CESCR | aditions and kevels of economic development, as well as jon Economic, Social and] different geographic regions. States includes 14 African states, [Cuutural Rights 1 Asian states, 8 Eastern European states, 10 Latin American IGEDAW —Jconvenion on ane] TOFD [CEDAW] mM! Caribbean wats, and 14 Westernduropean sas. [Elimination of All Forms, . Pe ; . lot Discrimination agains International Telecommunication Women Union » ad CAT [Convention against Torture] 1984 [CAT Headquarters = GeneifSyitzen land Other Cruel, Inhuman Heat + Hplin Zia, lor Degrading Treatment or Establishment ; Punishment date shared slal use ofthe rio sprum, ERC [Comention om the Right] 1989 [ERC tional cooperation in assigning satellite lor the Chita ‘o improve telecommunicaton infrastructure [caw |iemiaaar’ (Gomez) TOW CW oping world, and asi inthe development and lene Putas nee ee ecules IRights of All Migrant ‘Phe TTU isactiveinareas including broadband Internet, latest Heettea esa nner at senetntion wireless technologies, aeroraical and maritime aa et revigntion, radio astronomy, scllite-based meteorology, convergence in fixed-mbile phone, Intemet acess, dat (CPED [International — Convention| vaibe, TV broadcasting, end next-generation networks, Jor the Protection of A [Persons from Enforced Universal Postal Union (UPU) Disappearance bei Sen el aaron leadquarers : Bern, Switertan ee fee Head © Bishar Abditahiman Hussein KRG eee ried Oe ESR] Establishment; 1874 [Optional Pra ne A © It'is a specialized agency of the United Nations that lop Covi os Feomnie, coordinates postal polices among member nations, in Social apd Cutural Rights addition t the worldwide postal syst. [OP-CRPD |OptionallProtocol to the] 2006 [CRPD| * The UPU contains four bodies consisting of the Congress, [Convention on the Rights tne Council of Administration (CA), the Postal Operations lo Persons with Disabilities Council (POC) and the International Buresu (IB) ECONOMIC ORGANISATIONS Group of 20 © The G-20 was proposed by former Canadian Finance © The Group of Twenty Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors from 20 economies: 19 countries plus the European Union, which is represented by the President of the European Council and by the European Cenual Bank Their heads of government or state have also periodically ‘meet at summits since their initial meeting in 2008. Collectively, the G-20 economies comprise 85% of global ross national product, 80% of world trade (including EU {ntratrade) and two-thirds of the world population. Free Study Materials Download ea & fey gare aaarge VISIT @ : WWW.SARKARIPOST, Minister Paul Martin (ater, Prime Minister) for cooperation and consultation on matters pertaining to the international financial system. Event: Years Summit (15-16 November, 2015) Place: Antalya, Turkey Agenda: Concrete action w slrengthen the global economy, make goal growth more inclusive, enhance the resilience of intemational financial system, mobilize investment for Jong-term growth and implement previous commitments on economic reforms and labour markets. World Organisation Group of 15 The Group of Fifieen (G-15) was established at a Summit Level Group of Developing Countries in Sepemer 1989, following the conclusion ofthe Ninth Non-Aligned Summit Mecting in Belgrade. +The Group was originally founded by 15 developing countries. While there are now 18 member countries, the original name ofthe Group has been retained. + This forum was set upto foster cooperation and provide input for orher international groups, such as the World Trade Organization and the Group of Eight. Itiscomposed of counties from North America, South America, Aftica, and Asin with a common goal of enhanced growth and prosperity + The G-15 focuses on cooperation among developing countries inthe areas of investment, rade, and technology. Group of 8 © The Group of Bight is @ forum, created by France in 1975, for governments of six countries in the world: France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States. In 1976, Canada joined the group (thus creating the G7). = In 1997, the group added Russia thus becoming the G8. In addition, the European Union is represented within the G8, but cannot host or chair. “G8” can refer to the member states or to the annual summit meeting of the G8 heads of government. Event: G8 Elmau Summit (7-8 June, 2015) Place: Germany joes ay Group of 77 © The Group of 77 (G-77) was, by seventy-seven develo) signatories of the “Joint Declarati Seven Countries” issued at the end of of the United Nations Conference onrad velopment (UNCTAD) in ee Geneva (UNCTAD), Nairobi (UNEP), Paris (UNESCO), Group of 24 Headquarter: Belgrade(Serbia) Members: 24 Establishment: 1971 Free Study Materials Download ea & fey gare aaarge VISIT @ : WWW.SARKARIPOST, ‘Member countries hy Region Following is the list of members of G24: Region I (Africa): Algeria, Cote d'Ivoire, Egypt, Ethiopia, Gabon, Ghana, Nigeria, South Africa and the Democratic Republic of Congo, Region II (Latin America and the Caribbean): Argentina Brazil, Colombia, Guatemala, Mexico, Peru, Trinidad and Tohago and Venezuela. Region II (Asia): India, Iran, Lebanon, Pakistan, Philippines, Sri Lanka and Syria Objectives : To coordinate the positions of developing countries on international monetary and development finance issues and, fo ensure that their interests were adequately represented in negotiations on international monetary matters. Central Bank of West Afri ites (BCEAO) ‘west African countries which st African CFA franc currency fest African Economic and Monetary Headquarters : Dakar, Semesay Established: 1950 * The Central 4 st African States is a central active in developing financial inclusion policy jember of the Alliance for Financial Inclusion. of South American Nations(UNASUR) lishment: 2008 PHeadquarer + Quito, (Feuador) Members Objectives: © To propel regional integration on issues inchiding democracy, education, energy, environment, infiastructure, anu security and to eliminate social inequality and exclusion. 212 South Centre (organization) Formation + 31 June 1995 Headqua neva, Switzerland Membership + $2 countries Objectives: To analyze the development problems of the developing countries, encourage them to value and share their common experience and provide intellectual and policy support for them to act collectively and individually, particularly at the international level IBSA Dialogue Forum Members (nua, Brazil, South Africa) Establishment : 003 Objectives: ‘© To promote South-South cooperation and build consensus oon issues of international importance, © To increase the trade opportunities among the tree countries, as well as facilitate the wilateral exchange of information, technologies and skills to complement each other strengths. = To promote the international poverty alleviation and social development with main focus being on equitable development, ‘© Toesplore avenues to promote cooperation in broad range of areas, which include agriculture, climate change/global Warming, culture, defence, education, energy, health, information society, science and technology. social development, trade and investment, tourism and transport. G33 (Developing Countries) © The G33is a group of developing countries that coordinate ‘on trade and economic issues, It was created in order t0 World Organisation help a group of countries that were all facing similar problems, © The G33 has proposed special rules for developing countries afWTO negotiations, like allowing them to Continue to restrict access to their agricultural markets Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) Establishment: 1994 Members; 20 Headquarter: Lusaka, (Zambia) Objectives: © To facilitawe the removals of the structural and insitutional weaknesses of Member States so that they are able to attain collective and sustained development. + Promotion of peace and security in the region. OTHER ECONOMIC ORGANISATIONS OPEC The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries is a cartel of twelve developing countries made up of Algeria, Angola, Ecuador, tran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Venezuela, © OPEC has maintained its headquarters in Vienna since 1965, and hosts regular meetings among the oi ministers of its Member Countries. + Indonesia withdzew in 2008 after i became amet import gy orale std wa icy eam ber crore ike oon a pve OPEC Ios Mest (4 Decent, 20 mc: Vem e Aen ra agra Cn Che ncn cous APEC + Alin Pacis Boom mn (APEC) is a forum for 21 Pacific Rim that seeks to promote free trae and cog eOapeation throughout the Asia Pact regio © Rsablished in an in response w the growing imerdepenience of Asia-Pacific economies and the nent of regional economic blocs (auch asthe European Union and the North American Free Trade Area) in ther pats af he word + APEC works to mabe living sanfards and education levels dhough sotanable ‘oonomle rowh, ad 10 fegee a Sense Bf communis eel tn spsecton Of there inerensardug Aste Pactic Coumrcs, Meshes tceout foe approxtnacly 408 of he word's population, approximately 51% of World GDP and about 44% of wld ade OECD ‘The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development is an international economic organisation of 34 countries 1 forall Free Study Materials Download ea & fey gare aaarge VISIT @ : WWW.SARKARIPOST, oatfe progress and world 4 forum of countries committed to iwomy, providing. platform es, seeking answers to common founded in 1961 to stimalate trade. It defines itsel democracy and the, to compare jood practices, and co-ordinating problems, i domest nal policies of ts members. Ths nated in 1948 as the Organisation for : nomic Co-operation (OFEC), led by Robert fin of France, to help administer the Marshall Plan for construction of Europe after World War Il, Later, its ou twas extended to non-European states. In 1961, it ‘vas reformed into the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development by the Convention on the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, Mest OECD members are high-income economies with a high Human Development Index (HDI) and are regarded as developed countries (Chile being the only OECD member which is also a member in the organisation of developing countries, the Group of 77) Event: OECD Forum 2015, Place: Paris Agenda: Idea factories a new age and BRICS ‘© BRICS is the acronym for an association of five major emerging national economies: Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. © The grouping was originally known as “BRIC" before the inclusion of South Africa in 2010. The BRICS members are all developing or newly industrialised countries but they are distinguished by their large, fast-growing economies and significant influence on regional and global affairs; all five are G-20 members. ‘© As of 2014. the five BRICS countries represent almost 3 billion people which is 40% of the world population, with a combined nominal GDP of US$16.039 tillion (20% ‘world GDP) and an estimated USS4 trillion in combined foreign reserves. As of 2014, the BRICS nations represented 18 percent af the world economy. c future of the internet. World Organisation ‘+ Brazil held the chair ofthe BRICS group in 2014, having hosted the group's sixth summit in 2014, Russia chaired the 7 BRICS summit on 8-9 july 2015. Events: 7th annual diplomatic summit (89 July, 2015) Place: Ufa, Russia Agenda : Inaugural meetings of New Development Bank were held and BRICS contingent Reserve Arrangement were discussed. 1. To eradicate extreme poverty and hunger To achieve universal primary education To promote gener equality and empower women To reduce child mortality To improve matemal health To combat HIV/AIDS, malaria, and other diseases To ensure environmental sisainability To develop a global partuership for development European Free Trade Association Headquarter; Geneva, (Switzerland) Establishment: 1960 Members © Iceland © Licchtenstein = Norway © Switzerland Objectives: To provide a successful framework for the expansion and liberalization of trade among themselves and, with the rest of the world, E9 (Countries) Launched 1993, Members 9 a¥ + The B9 is a forum of nine coun phomed 9 achieve the gous of UNESCO'S i ANNCEFA) initiative The “E” sands for educat following nine cou Egypt, India, ndonesi representing i °9° represents the lesb, Brazil, Chins, Nigeria and Pakistan,(2] 2 world's population and 70% of the world” its. E-9 Initiative was launched in 1993 at the immit in New Delhi, India 9 Initiative has become a forum for the countries to discuss their experiences related to education, exchange best practices, and monitor EFA-related progress. Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation(BIMSTEC) Headquarters : Dhaka: Members 7 —: (Bangladesh, India, Sri Lanka, Bhutan, Burma (Myanmar), Nepal and Thailand) Establishment: 1997 Objectives: ‘= Technological and economical cooperation among, south Asian and south east Asian countries along the coast of the bay of Bengal, Commerce, investment, technology, tourism, human resource development, agriculture, fisheries, transport and communication, textiles, leather ete. have been included in it Latin American Integration Association Established 1980 Headquarters : Montevideo, Uruguay Members 113 Latin American Integration Association, Spanish Asociacién Latinoamericana de Integracién (ALADI), replaced the Latin American Free Trade Association (LAFTA; —AsociaciGn Latinoamericana de Libre Comercio), which had been established in 1960 with the aim of developing a common mates in Latin America. ALADI signed an agreement jean Community that aimed w facilitate -gration, and Mercosur (@ trade organization, co ‘of Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, andg@Unguay) Also pursued free-trade agreements ith ALADL members, Objectives ! sgulation of reciprocal trade somplementation st of economic cooperation actions contributing ‘the markets extension a Established 2 1991 Headquarters : Montevideo Members: full members (Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay and Venezuela.), 5 associated members (Chile, Peru, Colombia, Ecuador and Suriname), 2 observers (New Zealand and Mexico). Objectives : ‘To promote free transit of produced goods, services and factors of production among the member states, Coordination of macrocconomic and sectorial policies of member states relating to foreign «ade, agriculture, industry, taxes, monetary system, exchange and capital services, customs, transport and communications Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Established 21973 Members: 15 Headquacter Objectives : ‘To promote economic integration and cooperation among its members, to ensure that the benefits of integration are equitably shared, and to coordinate foreign policy. Free Study Materials Download ea & fey gare aaarge VISIT @ : WWW.SARKARIPOST, © To coordinate economic policies and development planning; devising and instituting special projects for the less-developed countries within its jurisdiction; operating as a regional single market for many of its members (Caricom Single Market); and handling regional trade disputes Organization of the Black Sea Economie Cooperation (BSEC) Establishment ; 1992 Headquarters : Istanbul (Turkey) Members: 12 Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Georgia, Greece World Organisation ©The main objectives are the conti of the cooperation berween the th a larger European context. © To foresee the possibility that the Benelux countries will cooperate with other European member States or with regional cooperation structures. The new Benelux ‘cooperation focuses on three main topies: internal market and economic union, sustainability. justice and inert affairs Bank for International Settlement (BIS) Established; 1930 Headquarters : Basel, (Switzerland) member Moldova, Romania, Russian Federation, Serbia, Turkey, Members: 60 Cetfral Banks Ukraine oe Objectives : Ps Objectives: To serve central banks in (hig Mit of monetary and * To foster interaction and harmony among the Member financial stability, w fo m fal cooperation in Stes, as well ast ecsure peace, sabilty and prosperity hone areas and 0 aggat ental bak encourasing friendly and pood-neishhoury relations in 4 sing a a primesgdbatepatfor central hanks in their the Black Sea region Paral iano * The Black Sea Trade and Development Bank (BSTDB) serving Yor trustee in connection with is an international Hance intauon that was formed ° | SME. ieeatbea 24 January 1997,[4] It supports economic development ee. Ganchg, guna, ant ly ior deepened Intemational Bank for Reconstruction projects supporting both public and private enterprises in A lopment (IBRD) qe meter counties ca HS BSTDB is govemed by the Agreement Establishing Bis Paces iskiagiea,t0 Trae a Devel Bank Und rn leis teens ty Iris an international financial institution that offers loans Taiiian:Ocean‘Hins Rasod to male ncomodeveloping couric. The IBRD provides commercial-grade or concessional (IORA) ely tui io woverelgn suet t-foal proper ht tek aioe! 789i at to improve tansporation andinasrectute, education, Members: 20 states @ Wy) Objectives: Topronge ARAEDE Foshan aslo 4 bea cate om or oom eae Tor cad mules acl si Taoins seman, ie eapeanntaraan ie Terese ownds-a feet wl oaiaaced Hew of goats; services, investment, and technology within the Indian Seonsin Benelux Established; 1944 Headquarters : Brussels, Belgium ‘© The Benelux Union is a politico-cconomic union of three neighbouring states in cental-westera Europe: Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg Free Study Materials Download ea & fey gare aaarge VISIT @ : WWW.SARKARIPOST, domestic policy, environmental consciousness, energy investments, healthcare, aecess to food and potable water, and access to improved sanitation. International Finance Corporation (IFC) Established + 1956 Headquarters : Washington, DC US Members + 184 countries It is am imtemational financial institution that offers invesement, advisory, and asset manayement services fo encourage private sector development indeveloping The IFC's stated aim is to create opparmnities for people to escape poverty and achieve better living standards by mobilizing financial resources for private enterprise, promoring accessible and competitive markets, supporting businesses and other private sector entities, and creating jobs and delivering necessary services to those who are poverty-stricken or otherwise vulnerable, World Organisation European Bank for Reconstruction and Development(EBRD) Esablishod : 1991 Headquarters : London Members: 64 Countries Objectives : © To support countries of the former Easter Bloc in the process of establishing their private sectors. +The BBRD mandates to work only. in countries. that are “committed to democratic principles”. It promates “environmentally sound and sustainable development”, and does not finance “defense-related activities, the tobacco industry, selected alcoholic products, substances banned by international law and stand-alone gambling facilities” Economie Cooperation Organization (ECO) Established; 1985 Headquarters : Tehran (Iran) Members: 10 Countries Objectives: # Progressive removal of trade barriers and promotion of inra- regional trade; Greater role of ECO region in the growlh of world trade; Gradual integration of the cconoinies ofthe Member States with the world ecounny; Development of anspor & communications iniastructur linking the Member States with each other and wit outside words Zt Economic liberalization and pivaization The ECO is an ad hoc organization und Ui a Nations Charter (Chapker VIID ee Organisation for Eénoiiie Co- operation and Development (OECD) Established: 1961 Headquarters : Paris Franke. Members: 34 sf@ committed to racy and the market economy, providing a platform to compare policy experiences, seeking answers to common problems, identify good practices and coordinate domestic and imernational policies of its members. ©The OECD cooperates with businesses, with trade unions and with other representatives of civil society Collaboration at the OECD regarding taxation, for example, has fostered the growth of a global web of bilateral tax treaties, © Ibis a forum Spr describing themselves as Latin American Economic System (SELA) Esiablished > 1975 Headquarters : Caracas, (Venezuela) Members: 28 Latin American and Carihbean countries Free Study Materials Download ea & fey gare aaarge VISIT @ : WWW.SARKARIPOST, Objectives : + To increase regional consultation and coordination forthe adoption of common positions and stratogis on economic issues in international bodies and forums and before third counties and groups of countries and + To foster cooperation and integration among the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean, + Promotion and facilitation of activites for Technical Cooperation Among Developing Countries (CDC) and training of human resources relating to international and regional trade negotiations, especially those involving govemment officials in charge of the WTO and FTAA regotiations and, in the case of the CARIFORUM countries, of the preparation of post-Lomé negotiations; Central European Initiative (CED Established; 1989 - Headquarters : Trieste (taly) (ty Members: 18 Member ria, Albania, Belarus, Bosnia ani Het Bulgaria, Croatia, CzcchiRepublio, Waly, Hungary, Macedonia, Moldova, Raa at Republic, (toy Serbia, Ukraine and Montenegro - {eneouties are memets ofthe EU, while the PMoviaeight are the Westen Batkan countries CO Yire countries of the so-called European “Qe Neihbourhood - Belaris, Ukraine and Mokdovs ting de ersis in ex SFRY (ul 2000), Serbia (or FRY) did not take part in the work of CEL Objectives : ‘= To achieve cohesion in areas of mutual terest and at assisting its non-EU member countries in consolidating their economic and social development # The straegic goal and basis of all CEL activites is: “regional cooperation tor European integration” Pacific Islands Forum (SPF) Established: 1971 Headquarters © Suva (Fiji) Members: 16 states Objectives : © To work in support of Forum member governments, 10 enhance the economic and social well-being of the people of the South Pacific by fostering cooperation between governments aud between international agencies, and bby representing the interests of Forum members in ways agreed by the Forum. © The Pacific Island Countries Trade Agreement{1S] (PICTA) aims to establish a free-trade area between 14 of the Pacific Islands Forum countries. Colombo Plan Established: 1950 Headquarters : Colombo (Sri Lanka) Members 7 Objectives: © To promote interest in and support for the economic and social development of Asia and the Pacitie: © Topromote technical cooperation and assist in the sharing and wansfer of technology among member countries; © To keep under review relevant information on technical cooperation between the member governments, ‘multilateral and other agencies with a view 1 accelerating development through cooperative effort; © To facilitate the transfer and sharing of the developmental experiences among member countries within the region ‘with emphasis on the concept of South-South cooperation, Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC) Established; 1947 Headquarters ; Nouméa, New Caledonia Members; 22 Objectives : © The SPC is @ nonpolitical, technical, and research assistance body, flling a consultative and advisory rale in matters aflecting economic and social development, and natural resources of the region ‘© Tiswork alms to develop technical assistance, professional, scientific and research support, and planning and REGION. European Union ‘ ©The European Union (EU) is a politico-econ of 28 member states are located penal in Europe. The EU operates through 2 sysf@mt Ofsupranational instiutions and intergoversmental-negoiated decisions tye nentersacs. Qe + Theinsituions are: dhe Europe Patient, the European Coun the Council @ffH@ European Union, theEuropean Commission, theCourt pp ste of the European Union, theEuropean CenirabBank, end the Court of Auditors, ©The EU has develop Je market through a standardised system of laws thatapply in all member states. + EU policics aim to ensure the free movement of people, goods, services, and capital enact legislation in justice and hone affairs, sad maintain common policies on trade, agriculture fisheries, andregional development. Association of Southeast Asian Nations(ASEAN) Established: 1967 Headquarters ; Jakarta, Indonesia Members; 10 Objectives + To accelerate economic growth, social progress, and cultural development in the region Free Study Materials Download ea & fey gare aaarge VISIT @ : WWW.SARKARIPOST, World Organisation management capability building. Programs are organized under six technical divisions: Applied Geosciences and Technology Division, Economic Development Division, Education, Training and Human Development Division, Fisheries, Aquaculture and Marine Ecosystems Division, Land Resources Division, Public Health Division, and Strategic Engagement, Policy and Ptanning Facility World Customs Organization (WCO) Established: 1952 Headquarters : Brussels, Belgium. Members: 180 custom administrations Objectives : + Playing « leading role in the discussion, development promotion and. implementation, of ‘modern customs systems and procedures : < Wiieijoaaie tone Seige evs, i Beare db Practice approaches rechized as the buss for sound Cea neg naa Macine rece + The WCO’sprimary objective isto enhance the efficiency and effect of member customs administrations, therebymassi ‘them to contribute successfully to national development goals, particularly revenue ool bers and its Wonal security, trade facilitation, community tection, and collection of wade statistics. SATIONS ‘To promote regional peace, stability collaboration and ‘mutual assistance an matters of common interest. To promote Southeast Asian studies and to maintain close, beneficial co-operation with existing international organisations with similar aims and purposes. EuropeanAtomicEnergyCommunity (EURATOM) Established: 1967 Headquarters : Brussels Members +: 28 ELI member states, 1 associated state Objectives : © A major incentive for the creation of Euratom was the desire to facilitate the establishment of a nuclear-energy industry on a European rather than a national scale. © Other sims of the community were to coordinate research in atomic energy, encourage the construction of ruclear-power installations, establish safety and health regulations, encourage the fee flow of information and the free movement of personnel, and establish a common market for trade in nuclear equipment and materials. © Currently, its main focus is on the construction of the International Fusion Reactor ITER financed under the ‘uclear part of FP7 World Organisation Arab League Established; 1945) Headquarters : Cairo Members: 22 (including Syria ) Objectives : «To draw closer the relations between member States and co-ordinate collaboration between them, 1 safeguard their independence and sovereignty, and to consider in a general way the affairs and interests of the Arab countries. + To coordinate their policy positions, to deliberate on matters of common concern, to settle some Arab disputes and to limit conflicts such as the 1958 Lebanon crisis Gulf Cooperation Council(GCC) Established; 1945, Headquarters + Cairo Members; 22 Gincluding Syria ) Objectives: © Formulating similar regulations in various fields such as religion, finance, wade, customs, tourism, legislation, and administration © Fostering scientific and technical progress in industry, mining, agriculture, water and animal resources Establishing scientific research cemters Setting up joint ventures Unificd military (Peninsula Shield Force) Encouraging cooperation of the private sector stablishing @ common currency Nordic Council Established; 1952 Headquarers : Copenhagen (Denmark) Members: 87 elected members f K, Finland, as well as from Iceland, Norway the Faroe Islan A © The Nordic Couneil i inter-parliamentary ‘and Alana, forum for co-operati 1¢ Nordic countries, © It was formed afer the)Second World War in 1952 t0 promote co-0 between the five Nordic countries. Iis first conere ‘was the introduction in 1952 of a common labour farket and free movement across borers ‘without passports for the countries” citizens, > y African Union Established: 2002 Headquarters : Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Members: 54 countries The only Afvican sate that is uot a member is Moroeco Objectives : © To achieve greater unity and solidarity between the ‘African countries and Africans, © To defend the sovereignty, territorial integrity and independence of its Member States, * To encourage international cooperation, taking due account of the Charter of the United Nations and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, © To promote and protect human and peoples’ rights in accordance withthe African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights and other relevant human rights instruments, © To coordinate and harmonize the policies between the existing and future Regional Economic Communities for the gradual attainment of the objectives of the Union © To advance the development Gf the continent by promoting research in all cular in science telecnloey. © To work with releyant am nal partners in the raicatonof pete Mes wn he pomatn of outa on Be g bd Organizationof American States 9B As was based on te general acceptance ofthe U.S. Monroe Doctrine (Dec. 2, 1823) es of the Wester Hemisphere, expecially the bat an stack upon aoe Amoco ‘ate would be red as an attack upon all. ‘Bstablished : 1889 Rao geod Members Objectives : © To strengthen the peace and security of the continent, © To promote and consolidate representative democracy, with due respect for the principle of nonintervention. © To prevent possible causes of difficulties and to ensure the pacific settlement of disputes that may arise among the member states, © To eradicate extreme poverty, which constitutes an obstacle to the full democratic development of the peoples of the hemisphere, © Toachieve aneffective limitation of conventional weapons that will make it possible to devote the largest amount of resourees to the economic and social development of the 235 POLITICAL ORGANISATIONS Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) Estabtished eatin 1996 Beijing, China Free Study Materials Download ea & fey gare aaarge VISIT @ : WWW.SARKARIPOST, Memibers : 6 Members, 6 Observers.6 Dialogue Partners,3 Guests ©The Shanghai Cooperation Organisation is a Eurasian political, economic and military organisation which was founded in 2001 in Shanghai by the leaders of China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan © These countries, excep for Uzbekistan had been members of the Shanghai Five, founded in 1996; after the inclusion of Uzbekistan in 2001, the members renamed the organisation, © On July 10, 2015, the SCO decided to admit India and Pakistanas full members, an! they are expected to join by 2016, Inter-Parliamentary Union(IPU) © The Imer-Parliamentary Union is a global inter: parliamentary institution established in 1889 by Frédéric Passy (France) and William Randal Cremer (United Kingdom). © Te was the first permanent forum for political mulilateral negotiations. Initially, the organization was for individual parliamentarians, but has since transformed into an international organization of the parliaments of sovereign sates, ‘© The national parliaments of 163 countries are members of the IPU, and 10 regional parliamentary assemblies are associate members. The IPU has permanent observer status al the United Nations and general consultative status with the Economic and Social Counc Commonwealth of Nations ‘tablished; 1949) Headquarers : Marlborrough House,London, UK Members + 53 states + The Europea y (ESA) isan ntergovernmental organisation to the exploration of space, with 2 member stae$PEStablished in 1975 and headquartered in Paris, France + ESAs responsible for setting @ unified space and related industrial policy, recommending space objectives to the tember sates, and integrating nattonal programs ike satellite development, into the European program as much as possible International Mobile Satellite Organization (INMARSAT) ‘© The International Mobile Satellite Organization (MSO) is the intergovernmental organization that oversees certain public satelite safety and security communication services provided via the Inmarsat satellites Free Study Materials Download ea & fey gare aaarge VISIT @ : WWW.SARKARIPOST, World Organisation Objectives: © The Commonwealth's objectives were first outlined in the 1971 Singapore Declaration, which committed the Commonwealth to the institution af world peace; promotion of representative democracy and individual liberty; the pursuit of equality and opposition to racism; the fight against poverty, ignorance, and disease; and free trade. © The Commonwealth's current highes-priority aims are on the promotion of democracy and development, as outlined in the 2008 Aso Rock Declaration, © The Commonwealth website lists its areas of work as’ Democracy, Economics, Education, Gender, Governance, Human Rights, Law, Small States, Sport, Sustainability, and Youth. [88] Non-Aligned Movement(NAM) BUM» group of states + The Non-Aligned Moveaient ‘which are not “as Wag Wo apis say major power bloc. As of 9072, the mdvement has 120 members, * The oon gilded in Belgrade in 1961, and was largel ifccivety India’s first prime minister, nae Indonesia's frst president Sukarno: ident, Gamal Abd} Nasser: Ghana's it -Kwame Nkrumah; and Yugoslvia’s Sideiit, Josip Broz Tito. WW the five principles were: “Mutual respect for each other's territorial integrity and sovereignty ‘Mutual non-aggression ‘Mutual non-interference in domestic affairs Equality and mutual benefit Peacetill co-existence The Inlernational Maritime Satellite Organization (INMARSAT) was established under the auspices of the International Maritime Organization by the Convention on the International Maritime Satellite Organization, signed at London on 3 September 1976 Union for International Cancer Control (UICC) ‘© Found in 1933 and based in Geneva, Switzerland, UICC has a membership of over 800 organisations across 155 ‘countries, and features the world’s major eancer societies ‘ministries of bealth, research institutes and patient groups, © UICC partners with its members, key partners, the World Health Organization, World Economic Forum and others, {o tackle cancer oma glohal scale. © The ICC sponsors a biannual World Cancer Congress that brings together the world’s Jeaders in the fight to control cancer. World Organisation ENVIRONMENT RELATED ORGANISATIONS Arctic Council © The Arciie Council is ahigh-level imergovernmental forum that addresses issues faced by the Arctic governments and the indigenous people of the Arctic. ‘© Ithaseight member countries: Canada, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Russia, Sweden, and the United States. © The first step towards the formation of the Council occurred in 1991 when the eight Arctic countries signed the Arctic Environmental Protection Strategy (AEPS). Basic Countries © The BASIC countries are a bloc of four lange newly industrialized countries - Brazil, South Africa, India and China ~ formed by an agreement on 28 November 2009 © The four committed to act jointly at theCopenhagen climate summit, including a possible united walk-out if their common minimum position was not met by the developed nations, SOCIAL AND HUMAN RIGHT ORGANISATIONS International Committee of the Red Cross © The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) is a humanitarian institution based in Geneva, Switzerland and a three-time Nobel Prize Laureate. State parties (Signatories) to the four Geneva Conventions of 1949 and their Additional Protocols of 1977 (Protocol 1, Protocol 1D and 2005 have given the ICRC a mandate to protect victims of international and internal armed conflicts, ‘© Such victims include war wounded, prisoners, refugees, ‘and other non-combatants, civilians, © The ICRC is part of the Inernational Red Cross andy Red Crescent Movementalong with the Snecma Federaion of Red Cross and. Red Crescent Soe (FRO) and 190 National Soci. Oxfam , + Oxfainis an international confederaSaOER or €inisations working in apposimaely 94 emmy worlwide 0 find solutions to poverty and whit donsiders injustice around the world, © In all Oxiam’s actio Wiesuteinate goal is t enable people to exerciséttheir rights and manage their own lives. + Oxfam was originally founded at 17 Broad Street in ‘Oxford, Oxfordsiingy in 1942 + Oxfam's programmes address the structural causes of poverty and related injustice and work primarily through Jocal accountable organizations, seeking to enhance their effectiveness + Oxfam’ stated goal isto help people directly when local capacity is insurficient or inappropriate for Oxfam's Pouposes, and to assist inthe development of structures which directly benefit people facing. the realities of poverty and injustice International for Migration (IMO) © The International Organization for Migration (JOM) is an imergovernmental organization. It was initially Organization Free Study Materials Download wea & ferg ermal Gaarge VISIT @t : WWW.SARKARIPOST. established In 1957 as the Intergqvernmental Committee for European Migration (ICEM) fO) sep resettle people displaced by World War IL + As of April 2015, the Moat Orgazaon for Migration has 16a4ilember sles and 9 observer states + 10M is dedicated t@)promoting humane and orderly ‘migration for th@benchit of all, It does so by providing seryicéand adyise to governments and migrants. Be ternational Mlonnestyinemasional (commonly known as Amnesty and Ri iw noc-governmen organisation focased on human ‘is wh ovr lon members wa enpporee around the wor The suted objective Of the organisation is resarch’and gener ifn fo prevent an endl gave “to conduct abuses of human rights, and to demand justice for those whose rights have been violated." © Ammesty Intemational was founded in London in 1961, following the publication of the article “The Forgotten Prisoners” Human Rights Watch © Human Rights Watch (HRW) is an international non- governmental organization that conducts research and advocacy on human rights, © HRW headquarters are in New York City with offices in Amsterdam, Beirut, Berlin,Brussels, Chicago, Geneva, Johannesburg, London, Los Angeles, Moscow Nairobi Paris, San Sydney, Tokyo, Washington, D.C., andZurich. © Haman Rights Watch was founded as a private American NGO in 1978, under the name Helsinki Watch, 10 monitor Francisco, Toronto, the former Soviet Union's compliance with the Helsinki Acconls, World Organisation Friends of Nature © Friends of Narre is an international movement with a background in the Social Democratic movement, which aims 10 make nature accessible to the wider coramunity by INTERNATIONAL NGOS FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATIONS was named as one of the top ten sustainable development research organizations by Globescan Survey of Sustainability Experis. The institute was founkled by Lester Brown in 1974 World Watch's priority programs include © Building » Low-Carbon Energy System that dramatically providing appropriate recreational and travel facilities ‘The organisation began in Austria in 1895 as Naturfreunde among people associated with the emerging Social Democratic movement who enjoyed outdoor activities and began to build their own huts and overnight chalets ‘The International Friends of Nae (IFN), based in Vienna, is the umbrella organisation of the national Friends of Nature federations. World Wide Fund for Nature(WWF) It is an international non-governmental organization founded on April 29, 1961, working in the feld of the biodiversity conservation, and the reduction of humanity’ footprint on the environment. ‘The group's mission is “to stop the degradation of the planet's natural environment and to build a future in ‘which humans live in harmony with nature. Greenpeace International Greenpeace is a non-governmental environmental organization with offices in over forty countries andl witht an intemational coordinating body in Amsterdamgthe Neal cA Founle ty Canaan corneal shia 1H Greenpeace sat is jal = © "arb as Earth to nurture life in all its diversify"and focuses its campaigning on worldwide isues set aStelimate chang deforesation, over fishing. gomeeial, whaling.genstic engineering, and anti-nucled iss. World Watch Institut The World Watch research organization Pas Washington, D.C. Worldwatch DEFENCE ORGANISATIONS © Transforming Economies, Culk reduces the use of fossil fuels and lowers greenhouse gas: © Nourishing the Planet, researches methods that create a sustainable food production system that provides a hicalthy, nutritious diet for all while sustaining the land, water, and biological resources on which Tife depends, ‘The project resulted in the Worldwarch Institute's flagship publication, State of the Workd 2011; Innovations that "Nourish the Planet {3] ‘and Societies that meets human needs, jerity, and is in harmony with nature, Prom Earthwatch fastitite Earthwatch Insinte “is an international non-profit organization that was founded by Robert A. Citron as ageatonal Pxpecitions Inematonal in 1971 near Boston AEA) his one of the largest global underwriters of seientitie Vicia research in archaeology, paleontology, marine life SPiodiversity, econystems and wildlife. “Green Cross International © It was founded by former Soviet Union President and Nobel Peace Prize laureate Mikhail Gorbachev in 1993, building upon the work started by the 1992 Earth Suramit in Rio de Janciro, Brazil. © Iisa global independent non-profitand non-goveramental environmental organisation (NGO) working to address the inter-connected global challenges of security, poverty eradication and environmental degradation through a combination of advocacy and local projects. North Atlantic Treaty Organization Center in New York City and part ofthe Pentagon outside Washington, D.C., killing some 3,000 people (NATO) «Ee ieee eo mera mest Oe ot eee radquatiy = Beusiele, Raglan © The first NATO Secretary General, Lord Ismay, stated in. Free Study Materials Download wea & ferg ermal Gaarge VISIT @t : WWW.SARKARIPOST. ‘The organization constitutes a system of collective defence whereby its member states agree to mumal defense in response to an attack by any extemal party. NATO invoked Anicle 5 for the first time in 2001, afier terrorist attacks organized by exiled Saudi Arabian millionaire Osama bin Laden destroyed the World Trade 1949 that the organization's goal was “to keep the Russians out, the Americans in, and the Germans down."The creation of NATO brought about some standardization of allied military terminology, procedures, and technology, Which in many cases meant European countries adopting, US) practices. The roughly 1300 Standardization Agreements (STANAG) codified many of the common practices that NATO has achieved. World Organisation Warsaw Pact +The Warsaw Pact (formally, the Treaty of Friendship, Co-operation, and Mutual Assistance )[J]was a collective defense trealy among Soviet Union and seven Soviet satellite states in Central and Eastern Europe in existence during the Cold War. ‘The Warsaw Pact was the military complement to the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (CoMEcon), the regional economic organization for the communist states of Central and Eastern Europ. The Warsaw Pact was created in reaction tothe integration of West Germany into NATO in 1955 per thePanis Pacts of 1954, but it is also considered w have been motivated by Soviet desires to maintain control over military forces in Central and Eastern Europe Central Treaty Organization (CENTO) ‘The Central Treaty Organization (CENTO), originally known as theBaghdad Pact or the Middle Bast Treaty Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA) Esablihed + 1899 Members: Worklwide, 119 parties xX Location; The Hague, Netherlands a. © Tei an international organization based a the Palace, $ The Hague, the Netherlands, The Pt A bureaucracy that assists a resolve disputes among inergoveramental organi arising out of international As of November 2018, 219,countries are party to one ar tof eae Cis of te PA Internatior ganization for Standardization (ISO) Established: 1947 Headquarters : Geneva, Switerland Members: 162 Tis an intemational standard-seting body composed of representtves from various national standards organizations The orginization promotes worldwide proprietary, industrial and commercial stindards. itis the world’s largest developer of voluntary international standards and fociittes world trade by providing common standards betwen nations. Nearly twenty thousand standards have been sct covering everything from manufactured products and technology to food safety, agriculture and healthcare. Be exes, b praia a Organization (METO) was formed in 1955 by Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, Turkey, and the United Kingdom. Ik was dissolved in 1979. Formed at the urging of Britain and the United States, the Central Treaty Organization was intended to counter the threat of Soviet expansion into vital Middle East oil- producing regions, Organization for Security and Co- operation in Europe( OSCE) Established: 1975 Headquarters jenna, Austria Members: 57 States Itis the world’s largest security-oriented intergovernmental agonising. is rardeté tide asmok uch, 23 am coo! a ie ron aia eso sn tt dn i ‘The OSCE is concemodhy wevendon, "cisig ce rehabilitation. eP varing, conti and post-conflict joint committees with the International ical Commission (IEC) to develop standards terminology in the areas of electrical, electronic and ed technologies “ternational Classification for Standards (CS) maintained by ISO is an international classification system for technical standards. It is designed 1 cover every economic sector and virtually every activity of the fumankind where technical standards may be used. The ICS uses an hierarchical classification, which consiss af three nested levels called fields (Level 1), groups (Level 2) amdsub-groups (Level 3). ISO 9000 The ISO 9000 family of quality management systems standards is designed to help organizations ensure that they meet the needs of customers and other stakeholders while meeting statutory and regulatory requirements related to a product. 1809000 deals with the fundamentals of quality ‘management systems, including the cight management principles upon which the family of standards is based, ISO 9001 deals with the requirements that organizations wishing to meet the standard must fulfil International Road Federation(IRF) Established: 1948, Location: Washington DC , USA Motto Better Roads. Better World. © tis non-governmental, not-for-profit organization that promotes the development and maintenance of roads, with a focus on safety and sustainability, Free Study Materials Download ea & fey gare aaarge VISIT @ : WWW.SARKARIPOST, © The organization has two key functions, providing expertie on road sues to governments and financial institutions and serving as a network for its members, © The members of the IRF range from national governments to construction firms and environmental groups and are located across six continents Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) © The organization was founded on 8 December 1991 by the Republic of Belarus, the Russian Federation, and Ukraine, when the Jeaders of the three countries met in the Belovezhskay Pushcha Natural Reserve ‘© Teisaimed at being more than a purely symbolic organisation, nominally possessing coordinating powers in the realm of trade, finance, lawmaking, and security. Ithas also promoted cooperation on cross-border crime prevention, © Furthermore, eight of the nine CIS member states participate in the CIS Free Trade Area, and five of these form the Eurasian Economic Union, a customs union and common market of over 180 million people. In addition, six member states participate in a muual defence alliance: the Collective Security Treaty Organization, Mekong-Ganga Cooperation (MGC) +The Mekong-Ganga Cooperation (MGC) was set up on 10th November, 2000 at Vientiane (capital and largest city of Laos) at the First MGC Ministerial Meeting. + It consists of six. member countries, Thailand, Myanmar, Cambodia, Laos and Viemamg ‘© Their four areas of cooperation are tourism, cultdred eteaion, and Espoo inka nora foundation for tue ade and invesimgnt cooperation in the region. L ¢ © The organization derives its nae Saget and the Mekong, two rivers inthe re © The conventgag@@@asist of four treaties, and three intentional lw forthe humanitarian treatment of war © Geneva Coavention usally denotes the agrecments of 1949, negotined in te aftermath of the Second World War (1939-45), which restructured the terms ofthe first three tenis (1864, 1906, 1929), and added a fourth +The Geneva Conventions extensively define the basic Fightsof wartime prisoners and esabiished protections for the wounded ac well ax protections ofthe cvs in and sone warzcee LTBT/PTBT/NTBT/CTBT © The Limited Test Ban Treaty (LTBT) is a treaty prohibiting all test detonations of nuclear weapons except ‘underground. namely India, ) ARMS CONTROL World Organisation East Asia Summit + Fast Asin Summit is @ unique Leaers-ted forum of 18 coumiries ofthe Asia-Pacific region formed to further the abjectives of regional peace, security and prosperity + It as evolved asa forum for strategic dialogue and cooperation on political, security and economic issues of common regional concem and plays an important role in the repional architecture + The first summit vas held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on 14 December 2005, + The membership of EAS consists often ASEAN Member Sues. (ie. Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Intonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Singapore, Thailand, the Philipines and Vietnam), Australia, Chine, Inia, Japan, New Zealand, Republic of Korea, Rassian Federation and the USA. © = The 10th EAS was held in ae 2015 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia International Fe Traffic Controller A: (IFATCA) iat of Air sociations les the professional associations af from around the world. In total, it ver 130 of such organisations, with a combined ‘of over 50,000 air traffic controllers. Be rer sicc iegumrea ts yastanan ects “ apermanent office in Montreal, Canada ‘a The goals of the Federation include promoting safety, efficiency, and regularity of international air navigation, aid in the development of air traffic contol systems, Procedures and facilites and promote Imowledge and professional cfciency among air traffic controliers +The Federation publishes a quarterly, called “The Controller It was developed bath to slow the arms race and to stop the excessive release of nuclear fallout into the planet's atmosphere, The Treaty was signed and ratified by the governments of the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom, and the United States during the autumn of 1963. ‘© Iis officially known as the treaty banning nuclear weapon tests in the atmosphere, in outer space and under water, but is often abbreviated as the Partial Test Ban Treaty (PTBD), Limited Test Ban Treaty (LTBI), or Nuclear Test Ban Treaty (NTBT) ~ although the later also refers {o the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty. Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) + It is an international treaty whose objective is to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons and weapons technology {o promote cooperation in the peaceful uses of nuclear energy, and to further the goal of achieving nuclear disarmament and general and complete disarmament. Free Study Materials Download ea & fey gare aaarge VISIT @ : WWW.SARKARIPOST, World Organisation Opened for signature in 1968, the Treaty entered into force in 1970. A total of 190 states have joined the Treaty, Four UN member states have never joined the NPT: India, Israel, Pakistan and South Sudan. The treaty recognizes five states as muclear-weapon states: theUnited States, Russia, the United Kingdom, France, and China(also the five petmanent members of the United Nations Security Council Four other states are known or believed to porsess nuclear ‘weapons: India, Pakistan and North Korea have openly tested and declared that they possess muclear weapons, whilelsracl has had a policy of opacity regarding its ruclear weapons program. Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zones (NWFZ) A nuclear-weapon-itce zoe (NWEZ) is a specified region in which countries commit themselves not to manufacture, acquire, est, or possess nuclear wespons, ive such zones exist today, with four of them spanning the entire Southern Hemisphere, The regions currently covered under NWFZ agreements include: Latin America (ihe 1967 Treaty of Tlatelolco), the South Pacific (the 1985 Treaty of Rarotonga), Southeast Asia (the 1995 Treaty of Bangkok) Africa (the 1996 Treaty of Pelindaba) and Central Asia (lhe 2006 Treaty of Semipalatinsk) Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START) Stray Union (and, later, Russia) that were aimed at those wo countries? arsenals of muclear ofthe missiles and bombers capable of de weapons i ¥ The talks, which began in 19826 ¥paniBOps period of three eventful decades that g callapse of the Soviet Jan. the major crises of the early 218 centry Strategic Arms Redudighnealy (START) may refer to START 1 eg AG 191 szic Arms Reduction Talks (START), arms coutna Sere de esas Tie GARD me ag © START IL, signed January 3, 1993, © START IIT, never signed © New START, signed on April 8, 2010 Biological Weapons Convention (BWC) © He was the first multilateral disarmament treaty banning the production of an entire category of weapons. © The Convention was the result of prolonged effons by the international community to establish a new instrument that would supplement the 1925 Geneva Protocol, © The BWC has 173 States Parties as of January 2015, with Andorra the mast recent to become a party Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) ic adminiered by he oe im for the Probibition of Chemical. Weaj jitergovernmental organization based "Ti Netherlands © Inergovernmental_gpnsidemation of a chemical and biological wea ban ss wnkined in 1968 within the 18-nation, yn: Committee, which, after ‘numerous of tame and composition, became the Conteres ymament (CD) in 1984, The treaty = eee Bee : ‘main obligation under the convention is to use and production of chemical weapons, as © destruction of all current chemical weapons oS 2018, 192 states have given their consent 5 tb be bound by the CWC. “Arms Trade Treaty(ATT) © Wis a multilateral treaty that regulates the international trade in conventional weapons, It entered into force on 24 December 2014.79 states have ratified the treaty, and a farther $3 states have signed but not ratified it © The ATT is an attempt to regulate the international trade of conventional weapons for the purpose of contributing to international and regional peace, reducing human suffering, and promoting co-operation, transparency and responsible action by and among states. THE COMMONWEALTH ‘The Commonwealth of Nations, normally referred to as the Commonwealth and previously known as the British Commonwealth, is an_intergovernmental organisation of fifty-four independent member states. All except two (Mozimbigue and Rwanda) of these countries were Formerly part of the British Empire. The member sates co-operate within a framework of common. values and goals, These include the promotion of democracy, human rights, good governance, the rule of law, individual liberty, ‘egalitarianism, free trade, multilateralism an world peace. The Commonwealth is not apolitical union, but an intergovernmiental organisation through which countries with diverse social, political and economic backgrounds The symbol of their free association is the Head of the Commonwealth, which is a ceremonial position currently held by Queen Elizabeth Il, ‘© Member countries span six continents and oceans from ‘Africa (19), Asia (8), the Americas (2), the Caribbean (12), Europe (3) and the South Pacific (10), The Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting abbreviated to CHOGM, is a biennial summit meeting of the heads of government from all Commonwealth nations, © Every two years the meeting is held in adifferent member sate, and is chaired by that nation’s respective Prime Minister or President, who becomes the Commonvvealt ‘Chairperson-in-Office, Event: Young Professional Programme 2015) Place: London Agenda: Recruit young professionals in the division such as Economic Policy, Rule of Law, Human Resources and Youth. Free Study Materials Download ea & fey gare aaarge VISIT @ : WWW.SARKARIPOST, SAARC The South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) is an organization of South Asian nations, founded in 1985, Its seven founding members are Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, the Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka. ‘Afghanistan joined the organization in 2007. © Meetings of heads of state are usually scheduled annually; meetings of forcign secretaries, twice annually. Headquarters are in Kathmandu, Nepal +The concept of SAARC was first adopted by Bangladesh ‘during 1977, under the administration of President Ziaur Rehman. ‘Afghanistan was added to the regional grouping on 13 November 2005, © On 2 August 2006 the foreign ministers of the SAARC. countries agreed in principle to grant observer status to the US, South Korea and the European Union The SAARC Secretariat was established in Kathmandu on 16 January 1986 and was inaugurated by Late King Bircndra Bir Bikram Shah of Nepal «The SAARC Secretariat and Member States observe 8 December as the SAARC Charter Day . SAARC Summits No. Tocation Date 1 Ist [Dhaka 7-8 December 1983, 2nd [Bangalore 1677 Novenibor 1986 3ed_—[Kathnandy 2-4 November 1087 ath [lslamabed Sih Male 6th [Colombo 7h [Dhaka 1 tt New Dali ‘nh Malé [otk [Colomiba hak Kathman Tatham Jamar 2008 Bi Dhaka 12:13 November 2008 14th |New Delhi 3-4 April 2007, 1538h_|Colombo 1-3 August 2008 Thimphu 8-39 Apei 2010 17h [Maldives November 2011 [81h Nepal bora To Pakisan Bors Designated SAARC Years 98) JENARC Vear of Combating Drag Abuse and [brug Trafficking Free Study Materials Download ea & fey gare aaarge VISIT @ : WWW.SARKARIPOST, World Organisation 1990___ SAARC Year of Girl Child 1991 |SAARC Year of Shelicr 1992 [SAARC Year of Environment 1993 |SAARC Year of Disabled Persons 1994 [SAARC Year of the Youth 1995___ [SAARC Year of Poverly Eradication 1996 [SAARC Year of Literacy 11997 SAARC Year of Participatory Governance SAARC Year of Biodiversity [2002-2003 SAARC Year of Contribution of Youth to Environment 3008 SAARC Awareness Vear for TB and HIV/AIDS [2005 [South Asia Tourism Year [2006 __|South Asia Tourism [2007 Green South Asia SEATO ‘The Southeast eat Organization (SEATO) was an inwernational n for collective defense which was signed 0 1954 in Manila. The formal institution of SE, ished at a meeting of treaty partners in B ary 1955. It was primarily created to block inist gains in Southeast Asia, The organization's juarters were located in Bangkok, Thailand. SEATO was con June 30, 1977. .TO was planned to be @ Southeast Asian yersion of the jorth Adlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), in which the military forces of each member would be coordinated to provide for the collective defense of the members" country. INTERPOL ‘© Interpol (the International Criminal Police Organization) is largest organization facilitating imerational police cooperation. It was established asthe International Criminal Police Commission in 1923 and adopted its telegraphic address as its common name in 1956, ‘© Its membership of 190 countries provides finance of around $78 million through annual contributions, The organization's headquarters is in Lyon, France ‘* Its current Sccretary-General is Jiirgen Stock. Mireilli Ballestrazzi is the current president. Events: Conference on strengthening law enforcement capacity in the Americas (14-15 December, 2015) Place: Trenidad and Tabago Agenda: Discuss strategic and operational policing issues affecting the Americas region and to identify the ways to strengthen collaborating partnerships. World Organisation SESE 1, Which of the following is not associated with the UNO? @ 1o WHO (© ASEAN (@ Allof the above 2. Which of the following is nota chie? organ of the United Nations Organisations ° (0) International Labour Organisation (6) Security Council (©) International Court of Justice (@) General Assembly 3. Inwhich year “Human Rights resolution’ was adopted by the U.N.2 (a) 1948 (by 1945, © 1946 @ 1947 4, Which of the following organizations brings out the publication known as “World Eeonomic Oudook"? (2) The International Monetary Fund (b)_ The United Nations Development Programme (©) The World Economic Forum (@) The World Bank 5. Which UN body deals with population problem? (a) UNFPA (b) UNDP ) UNI (@) UNESCO; 6 The headquarters of World Intllectal Pi Organisation (WIPO) is located in ~~ % (Paris (b) Madrid >" (©) New York © G 7. Which ofthe following desc a ‘Seven Countries (G-7)? (@) They ate developing (b) They ae indus © They arejoniing ‘Bomb technology @) Theya Who can launch their own satellites 8. Which of the ig countries is not a member of the G8 group? (@) Geamany (b) France © Italy @ Spain 9. Which of the following countries is not a member of SAARC? (a) Nepal (b) Bangladesh (©) Afghanistan 10. The main aim of SAARC is (2) Regional Cooperation (b) Internal affairs (©) Nowatignity (@) Peaceful Coexistence 11. The five permanent members of UN security council are (@) Japan, West Germany, USSR, UK and USA (@) Canada, China, France, USSR and USA (@ Myanmar 2 3 18 18 19, 2. (©) Germany, China, USSR, UK and USA (@) China, France, USSR, UK and USA When was the South Asian Association for Regional Co-operation (SAARC) formed? (a) 1985 (b) 1982 (©) 1986 (@) 1987 ‘The international township built near Pondicherry in India in coloration with UNESCO is called (@) Elbaville (b) Auroville (©) Gayaville (@) Broadway Which of the following isa cultygal organisation? @) UNESCO «© wHo > ‘What is the target of the Millennium Development Goal ofthe United Nation whit respect to Universal Primary Education? @ ¢ 1 bottboys and pirls would complete a mary schooling by 2025 oh boysand git are tbe eae joys should go (o school to complete a full course of primary schooling by 2025 ~ “) ie) Allgiss should be enrolled in primary school by 2015 Which of the following pair is not correct ? @) SAARC — New Delhi (©) ASEAN — Jakarta (©) Inernational Committee of the Rel Cross — Geneva (@)_ INTERPOL — Leon The International Court of Justice is locate at @) Geneva (6) Hague (©) Amsterdam (@ Vienna Which is the Official Language of Islamic Development Bank ? (2) Arabic (6) Engtish (©) French (@ All the above Which of the following pairs of country and the purpose for which U.N. Peace Keeping Force is mainsained is comectly is correctly matched? (@) Cyprus ~ to maimain peace between the wo dominant ethnic groups inthe country (©) Mozambique ~ To supervise a referendum (©) EL Salvador - to deliver humanitarian aid @) Lebanon ~ For supervising a 1992 accord Which ofthe following is Human Rights Organisation? G@)_ The French Community ©) The Organisation of Aft (© The Arab League (@)_ Amnesty Intemational n Unity Free Study Materials Download ea & fey gare aaarge VISIT @ : WWW.SARKARIPOST, a 2. 25, 26 28, czy World Organisation ‘The head quarters of the Intemational Red Cross is 31 situated in @) View () Paris (©) Hague (@) Geneva 2 (On which subjects, individuals get accused by the International Criminal Court: (@) Genocide ib). War-crime (©) Crime against individual @) All the above Which organ of the United Nations has ceased to be ‘operational? 33 (@) Beonomie and Social Council (0) International Court of ustice (©) Trusteeship Couneil (@) Secretariat ‘Which of the following awarded Noble Peace Prize for ie times? 4 (0) Homan Rights Coaneit (b) World Bank (©) Internations! Committee of the Red Cross ()_ UN Peacekeeping forces Which is the frst specialised agency ofthe UN ? (@) UNCTAD @) Lo 38, (© UNESCO (UNDP Which UN body shall exercise all functions of the UI relating 10 strategic areas, including the approva the ferms of the (rusteeship agreements and al alteration or amendment ? (©) UN body 7 In the subject of independenc country, UN. General Assembly. t e-and secured independence from South (India (©) Namibia ‘None of the above Which is not jement ? (a) Peaceks ations are estblished by the Security Cue (b) Peacekeepers ane identified only by a United Nations, red helmet 38, (©) UN has no military forces of its own, (@) Peacekeepers wear their country’s uniform, ‘Which is recently created UN institution as part of the Human Rights Machinery : (High Commissioner for Human Rights () Commission on Human Rights 2». (©) Human Rights Council (@) Human Rights Institute ‘Who is the Secretary General of the UN ? ©) Kofi Anmn (b) Ban Ki Moon (©) Philippe Couveeur —(@)_None of the above Which one of the following is not relaed to disarmament ? (@) SALT () NPT © crer (@ NATO What is the function of the UN Population Fund for developing nation ? (@) Special emphasis on ines reproductive health service Ending the gender discrimination and. violence, formulation of effective population policies (©) Reducing the spread of HIV/AIDS (@) Allthe above Which UN Organization is called as the World Bank ? (@) International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) International Banking Sys International Banking sasing the quality of ©) ) © nt System d) All the above Amnesty Interrationa sation associated with ‘which ofthe folloiiyfe (a) Provect ltyio animals (0) Envigofifentproetion ©) Prov fuman rights @ historic monuments ‘Venezuela, which one among the following America is a member of OPEC? fs) Argentina (by Brazil ) Bouador (@) Bolivia Which ofthe following is not a member of SAARC? (Bhutan (b) Bangladesh (©) Burma (@) Maldives Which one among the following statements about United Nations organs is correct? (2) Decisions of the General Assembly are binding on all members (b) ‘The terms of the non permanent members of the Security Council is tor three year (©) International Court of justice has 20 judges elected for a period of five years (@) The Trusteeship Council has been suspended since November, 1994 Which ofthe following pair is not correct ? (@) Work! Conference against Racism — Durban (©) World Summit for Sustainable Development — Johannesburg (©) Work! Food Summit — Havana (@) Work! Education Forum — Dakar ‘Who was the first Indian to be President of UN General Assembly’ (@) Mrs, Vijay Lakshmi Pandit (©) Ramesh Bhandari (©) Narwar Singh (@) Krishna Menon Free Study Materials Download ea & fey gare aaarge VISIT @ : WWW.SARKARIPOST,

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