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‭-‬‭Shadowing Journal‬‭-‬



‭Place:‬‭Glacial Lakes Vet Clinic‬

‭Total Hours Spent Shadowing:‬‭4 hours‬

‭●‬ ‭Dog Surgery: spay on dog, was in heat so everything was swollen‬
‭●‬ ‭Cat Surgery: lump removal on cat, lasered off the lump‬
‭●‬ ‭Dog Surgery: torn dog acl, went into tendons and femur, secured knee, didn’t fix the actual acl.‬
‭Tied a tube around something so that the knee would feel stable‬
‭●‬ ‭Cat Surgery: spay on cat‬
‭●‬ ‭Guinea Pig Surgery: gallstone in the bladder‬


‭Today was my first day at the Glacial Lakes Vet Clinic. While I was there I got to observe 5‬
‭surgeries. The first surgery was a spay on a dog and at the time the dog was in heat so‬
‭everything was very swollen, and it was quite interesting to learn how they do this. The next‬
‭surgery they performed was a lump removal on a cat and they used a laser to remove the lump.‬
‭On the third surgery Dr. Hennen was fixing a torn acl on a dog, but instead of fixing the actual‬
‭acl itself, she went into the tendons on the dog's leg and tied a tube to keep the knee from‬
‭popping out of place. Then they spayed a cat, and it was very similar to the dog spay. Our last‬
‭surgery was on a guinea pig and they were trying to remove a gallstone from its bladder. Sadly,‬
‭the guinea pig died shortly after the gallstone was removed.‬
‭-‬‭Shadowing Journal‬‭-‬


‭Place:‬‭Glacial Lakes Vet Clinic‬

‭Total Hours Spent Shadowing:‬‭3 hours‬

‭●‬ ‭Cat Surgery: neuter on cat‬
‭●‬ ‭Cat Surgery: neuter on cat‬
‭●‬ ‭Cat Surgery: cat declaw‬
‭●‬ ‭Dog Surgery: neuter on dog‬
‭●‬ ‭Cat Surgery: removal of the cats eye‬
‭●‬ ‭Cat Surgery: spay on cat‬


‭Today we did quite a few surgeries. The first one was a neuter on a cat, and this was the first time that I‬
‭had seen this. I learned that a cat neuter is actually quite simple. The next surgery was the same as the‬
‭first one. For the third one though I got to watch them declaw a cat, it was fascinating. Then they‬
‭neutered a dog, and this one was a little trickier than the cat neuter. There were more steps involved.‬
‭Then I got to watch the removal of a cat's eye, and I was honestly a little disgusted. To finish the day off‬
‭they did a cat spay, but this time I got to put in a few staples on the cat’s incision.‬
‭Shadowing Journal‬‭-‬



‭Place:‬‭Glacial Lakes Vet Clinic‬

‭Total Hours Spent Shadowing:‬‭3 hours‬

‭●‬ ‭Dog Surgery: dog was sneezing blood, washed out the nose and cleaned throat‬
‭●‬ ‭Cat Surgery: spay on cat and found fleas‬
‭●‬ ‭Dog Surgery: spay on dog and dental on her teeth‬
‭●‬ ‭Dog Surgery: tumor removal on dogs leg‬
‭●‬ ‭Rescue Puppy: looked in microscope at a sample of the puppy’s skin and discovered the puppy‬
‭had mange‬

‭When I got to the vet clinic today the first animal that we saw was a dog that was sneezing up blood.‬
‭The owners brought him in to figure out what it was. Dr. Hennen washed out his nose and throat with‬
‭solution water to figure out what was causing the bleeding. Then there was a cat that came in for a spay‬
‭and the vet tech’s found fleas on it. So, I got to see fleas on an animal for the first time. Then there was a‬
‭dog spay and then it got dental done in its teeth. Most of the teeth had to get removed due to decay.‬
‭After that there was a dog that had a tumor on its leg, and Dr. Hennen removed it. Lastly, a rescue‬
‭puppy came in and it was full of dead skin. The vet tech’s took a sample of it’s skin and found that it‬
‭had mange, which is a skin disease where parasites eat at the animal skin, I also got to take a look at it‬
‭under a microscope.‬
‭-‬‭Shadowing Journal‬‭-‬
‭Time:‬ ‭8:30-12‬


‭Place:‬‭Glacial Lakes Vet Clinic‬

‭Total Hours Spent Shadowing:‬‭3 ⅓ hours‬

‭●‬ ‭Cat Surgery: spay‬
‭●‬ ‭Dog Surgery: spay‬
‭●‬ ‭Cat Surgery: neuter‬
‭●‬ ‭Dog Surgery: patella surgery‬

‭Today was a slower day. There were only four surgeries, the first was a cat spay. Then a dog spay,‬
‭followed by a cat neuter. The last surgery was a patella surgery. I found this one very interesting, they‬
‭had to use a small ice cream type looking scoop to carve a dent in the bone so that the patella wouldn’t‬
‭pop out of place.‬
‭-‬‭Shadowing Journal‬‭-‬
‭Time:‬ ‭9-12‬


‭Place:‬‭Glacial Lakes Vet Clinic‬

‭Total Hours Spent Shadowing:‬‭3 hours‬

‭●‬ ‭Cat Surgery: neuter‬
‭●‬ ‭Cat Surgery: neuter‬
‭●‬ ‭Went to the front desk and observed how the receptionist answered the phone and dealt with‬
‭patients and the owners. I also helped get medications ready for some of the animals.‬
‭●‬ ‭Cat Surgery: spay‬
‭●‬ ‭Dog Surgery: Lump removal from the groin area‬

‭Today started out with a cat neuter and was followed by another cat neuter. On the second neuter I got‬
‭to learn how to clean a cat's ear and the area where the surgery was going to take place. After that I‬
‭went to the front desk to observe how the receptionist pursued their jobs. While I was up there I got to‬
‭help prepare medications for some of the animals leaving the clinic. Once I got back to the surgery area‬
‭it was time for a cat spay and I cleaned the abdomen area for it. To end the day was a lump removal on‬
‭a dog in the groin area.‬
‭-‬‭Shadowing Journal‬‭-‬
‭Time:‬ ‭8-12‬


‭Place:‬‭Glacial Lakes Vet Clinic‬

‭Total Hours Spent Shadowing:‬ ‭4 hours‬

‭●‬ ‭Dog came in and got its’ ears clean‬
‭●‬ ‭Helped vet tech take out staples from a dog‬
‭●‬ ‭An emergency dog came in (was hit by a car), I observed how they looked it over and cleaned it‬
‭up. Sent it in for ex-rays to see if had any broken bones‬
‭●‬ ‭An emergency dog came in (hit by a car), dog was taken in for ex-rays, showed no broken bones,‬
‭road rash, and was very sore.‬
‭●‬ ‭Dog Surgery: neuter‬
‭●‬ ‭Cat Surgery: neuter‬
‭●‬ ‭Dog Surgery: spay (was in heat)‬
‭●‬ ‭Dog Surgery: spay and declaw‬

‭Today was my last day at the vet clinic. I came in early and helped wash dog dishes and litter boxes.‬
‭After that the work started, the first animal was a dog that needed its ears cleaned. It was growling and‬
‭biting at the vet techs so they put a mussel around the mouth and partially sat on the dog to get the ears‬
‭cleaned. Then I held a dog so another vet technician could remove staples from its incision area. Once‬
‭we were done with that, Dr. Hennen came in and told us there was an emergency dog coming in. The‬
‭technicians got the room prepped and the dog was then rolled into the surgery room and was checked,‬
‭cleaned, and sent in for ex-rays. The dog had no breaks but multiple lesions so the vet wrapped them‬
‭up and placed the dog in a kennel. After that we had another emergency dog come in that was also hit‬
‭by a car. This dog had no open wounds or broken bones but was in great pain and had a road rash.‬
‭Once things had calmed down the vet was ready for the scheduled surgeries. The first one was‬
‭neutered by a dog, and I cleaned the area. After the surgery I cleaned the surgery instruments and it‬
‭was time for the cat neuter. Following that there was a dog spay and it was in heat so everything was‬
‭very swollen. Lastly, there was a dog spay and then declaw. This declaw was different from the one that‬
‭I saw before, this time it was just on the front feet on the inside claws.‬

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