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Answer Key:
1. Answer: B - A call to action addressing current societal issues. Explanation: The
passage clearly outlines current challenges and calls for action to improve
education and healthcare.
2. Answer: A - The transition from educational to healthcare issues. Explanation:
The passage smoothly transitions from discussing education to health,
maintaining a clear and cohesive narrative.
3. Answer: B - The persuasive appeal to the audience's sense of unity.
Explanation: The use of terms like "our unity and resolve" and "the Filipino
spirit" demonstrates an effective use of language to unite and persuade the
4. Answer: C - Including citations for the provided statistical information.
Explanation: While there are no explicit statistical data provided in the excerpt,
including citations would add credibility to any factual claims made.
5. Answer: D - Directive language urging collective action and resolve.
Explanation: The use of imperative sentences like "Let us channel this spirit"
and "Together, we can overcome" exemplifies the speech's purpose of motivating
collective action.
6. Answer: C - "Every Filipino child now has greater access to education."
Explanation: This is an explicit claim made by a government spokesperson,
directly stated in the passage.
7. Answer: D - Progress in urban areas overshadows rural struggles. Explanation:
This is not directly stated but is implied through the contrast between the
celebration of progress in cities and the struggles in provinces.
8. Answer: A - Doesn't account for regional disparities in literacy. Explanation:
The question raised about the NGO's report suggests it may not fully reflect the
nationwide situation, implying it overlooks regional differences.
9. Answer: C - Educational resources must be equally distributed. Explanation:
The passage implicitly argues that without equitable distribution of resources,
the nation cannot truly progress.
10.Answer: B - Distinguishing between actual progress and claims. Explanation:
The passage requires analyzing the difference between the government's claims
and the reality of educational access across the Philippines.
11.Answer: C - Philippines Explanation: The graph clearly shows the Philippines at
the top of the list, indicating it is the largest importer.
12.Answer: A - 2,475 thousand metric tons Explanation: The Philippines imports
3,800 thousand metric tons and the United States imports 1,325 thousand
metric tons. The difference is 3,800 - 1,325 = 2,475.
13.Answer: C - The EU imports less rice than Indonesia. Explanation: According to
the graph, Indonesia imports 2,500 thousand metric tons of rice, whereas the
EU imports 2,400 thousand metric tons.
14.Answer: A - Asian countries are the top rice importers. Explanation: The top
three importers listed are all Asian countries (Philippines, China, Indonesia),
indicating a high demand for rice in Asia.
15.Answer: C - America has one country in the top 10. Explanation: Only the
United States represents America in the top 10 importers on the list.
16.Answer: B) Social media has both positive and negative impacts on young
17.Answer: B) Young Filipinos use social media to stay informed, entertained, and
18.Answer: C) Cyberbullying, addiction, and the spread of misinformation.
19.Answer: B) They argue that social media has a negative impact on young
20.Answer: A) Young Filipinos primarily use social media to connect with family
and friends.
21.Answer: B) By connecting the ban to coastal communities and their experiences
with pollution.
22.Answer: A) By describing the various ways the Philippines has been affected by
climate change.
23.Answer: A) By highlighting the challenges faced by Filipinos in accessing
healthcare before the UHC Act.
24.Answer: A) By discussing the role of social media in enabling young Filipinos to
voice their opinions.
25.Answer: B) By discussing the role of companies in meeting the demand for
gaming equipment.
26.Answer: A) By setting a daily time limit for each platform based on their user
27.Answer: A) By avoiding sources with lower trustworthiness scores and focusing
on those with higher scores.
28.Answer: A) By focusing on outlets with higher coverage percentages to stay
informed about environmental issues.
29.Answer: A) By familiarizing themselves with false news statistics and adjusting
their usage accordingly.
30.Answer: A) By focusing on outlets with higher coverage percentages of diverse
perspectives to stay informed.
31.Answer: C) Stagnant sales over several months
32.Answer: A) Highlighting the potential benefits of diversifying
33.Answer: B) Paolo is open to considering new ideas, but he's weighing the pros
and cons
34.Answer: B) By acknowledging the costs but emphasizing the importance of
35.Answer: B) Offering solutions and expressing willingness to help
36.Answer: B) It is human-induced
37.Answer: B) It will cause coastal flooding
38.Answer: B) They increase Earth's temperature
39.Answer: A) They are the main cause of greenhouse gases
40.Answer: B) They cannot replace fossil fuels
41.Answer: A - It decreased by 6.3 percentage points. Explanation: The infographic
shows a decrease from 9.7% in January 2023 to 3.6% in January 2024.
42.Answer: B - Areas Outside NCR (AONCR) Explanation: AONCR shows an
inflation rate of 3.6% in January 2024, higher than NCR's rate of 3.4%.
43.Answer: C - Food and Non-Alcoholic Beverages Explanation: The infographic
indicates "Food and Non-Alcoholic Beverages" as the main source of
deceleration at 5.2 percentage points.
44.Answer: A - 3.0 percentage points Explanation: Rice inflation is specifically
noted to have contributed 3.0 percentage points to the overall inflation rate.
45.Answer Key: A. "Let's review the budget line by line to see where we can cut
46.Answer Key: A. Applauding politely and reflecting on personal contributions
toward freedom.
47.Answer Key: A. Creating a schedule to allocate time for each part of the module.
48.Answer Key: A. Picking up trash diligently and encouraging others to do the
49.Answer Key: A. Proposing a weekly physical activity event for the community.
50.Answer Key: C. It maintains thematic elements but adapts to modern delivery
51.Answer Key: B. It utilizes myths to explore possibilities beyond the real-world
52.Answer Key: C. It invites readers to engage more actively with the text.
53.Answer Key: C. It introduces an interactive element that is absent in traditional
54.Answer Key: C. Blogs are typically more personal and less formal.
55.Answer Key: C. Chick lit often introduces a light-hearted and humorous narrative.
56.Answer Key: B. Blogs emphasize subjective perspectives over objective reporting.
57.Answer Key: B. Conventional poems are static, offering a single path to
58.Answer Key: B. Flash fiction encapsulates its narrative in a potent, concise
59.Answer Key: B. Texttula uses modern, abbreviated terms for poetic expression.
60.Answer Key: B. It introduces fantastical elements such as time travel in a real

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