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And every time we remember that we have something against a fellow human being, we

can say the following prayer, thinking of that person:

God, I am willing to forgive, because I am aware that I suffer from my resentment. I am
willing to let go of every false image I have of NAME. In divine Reality NAME is the
holy Christ, as I am. We are one. I now give all my thoughts about that which NAME
was or did in my eyes, to the Holy Spirit. I let go of my interpretation of the situation. I
do not want to see an invented image of him/her. I only want to see him/her as God sees
him/her, for only that is real. That is why I forgive NAME and so I free him/her and
therefore myself. I wish him/her the best. Thank You God, for setting us free. Amen.

When we do not know how to handle a situation, we can pray as follows:

God, I am willing to let go of my ideas about ... (the situation, matter). There is no good
or bad, there is only God. And in my consciousness there is only room for divine
thoughts filled with love, peace and joy. I now give all my thoughts (about the situation,
matter) to the Holy Spirit. I let go of my interpretation of it. I am now open to the insight
I can obtain through this experience. I am willing to release every resistance and
expand my consciousness. Everything in my world of experiences is good, for everything
that happens is in my own best interest; nothing can hurt me. I want to see everything
with the eyes of God, because I am one with God. I now let go of all contrivances and
illusions. Thank You God for setting us free. Amen

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