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How often or how many times per week you train or exercise.
How hard you exercise (how fast you run or how much weight you lift) effort
How long you train or exercise (the amount of time you spend in
The kind of training/exercise you do or choose (to perform for your program)

Moderate physical activity refers to activities equivalent in intensity to brisk walking or

Vigorous physical activity produces large increases in breathing or heart rate, such
as jogging, aerobic dance or bicycling uphill.

Sportsmanship mainly refers to virtues such as fairness, self-control, courage, and

persistence, and has been associated with interpersonal concepts of treating others and
being treated fairly, maintaining self-control if dealing with others, and respect for both
authority and opponents.
The five areas of health-related fitness are:
 Cardiovascular endurance: the ability to perform exercises at moderate-to-
vigorous intensities for a prolonged period of time.
 Muscular strength: how much force your muscles can exert or how heavy
weights they can lift.
 Muscular endurance: the ability of your muscles to sustain exercise for a period
of time.
 Flexibility: the ability to move muscles and joints through a full range of motion.
 Body composition: your body’s ratio of fat mass to fat-free mass like muscle
and bone.
 If you want to improve your cardiovascular endurance then you would choose
an exercise that you could perform for at least 20 minutes non-stop. Some
common exercises to improve cardiovascular endurance are:
· Jogging/Running
· Biking
· Skating
· Swimming
 If you want to improve your muscular strength or muscular endurance then
you would choose resistance training exercises. Some common exercises are:
· Push-ups
· Curl-ups
· Squats
· Arm Circles
· Side Planks
 If you want to improve your flexibility then you would choose stretching
exercises. Some common stretches are:
· Trunk Twist
· Arm Hugs
· Heel-Toe-Raise
· Straight Leg High Kicks
· Knee Hugs
· Toe Touch

Phases of Exercise

During the warmup you ready the body for what's to come. In the middle phase, you
perform the strenuous work. And in the cool down period, you bring your body back to
a resting state.

 Muscle-Strengthening Activity. This kind of activity, which includes resistance

training and lifting weights, causes the body's muscles to work or hold against an
applied force or weight.

 Bone-strengthening activity. With bone-strengthening activities, your feet, legs, or

arms support your body's weight, and your muscles push against your bones.
This helps make your bones strong. Running, walking, jumping rope, and lifting
weights are examples of bone-strengthening activities.

Dehydration - Is a condition that can occur when the loss of body fluids, mostly
water, exceeds the amount that is taken in. Medically, dehydration usually means
a person has lost enough fluid so that the body begins to lose its ability to function
normally and then begins to produce symptoms related to fluid loss.

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