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Theories on the Origin of Life

1. Special Creation Theory

Hany people believed that everything in this world was created by! a Supreme or Divine Boing.
In the Bible, the book of Genesis contains all the information regarding the creation of the
world and of life. The word "Genesis is a Latin word that means giving birth or origin. The book
of Genesis brings birth to everything and gives the origin of everything. In this book, all of the
oration took (seven) 7 days to complete. On the first day. ".... God created the heavens and the
earth.... [Genesis 1:11. Since it was all covered with darkness, God said "... Let there be light...."
and light camo. He then separated the light from darkness calling the light as day and the
darkness as night [Genesis 1:2-61.
On the second day, he, separated the water under the expanse from the waters above the
expanse. On the third day, plant life or vegetation was generated from the separation of earth
from the soars. On the fourth day, there is the appearance of light-bearers-the sun, the moon,
and the stars. On the fifth day. God created all living creatures in the water and in the air. On
the sixth day, He then created all living creatures on the Earth including the animals and men
(Adam and Eve). On the seventh day, "He rested.... from all of His work which he has done.
[Genesis 16-28:2:1-21
The special creation theory emphasizes that the source of all creation is God and with Him
nothing is impossible.

2. Spontaneous Generation Theory

Aristotle, a Greek philosopher, was one of the earliest scholars who have discussed about the
theory of spontaneous generation. It was designed/proposed that life originated as a
spontaneous event. It is a hypothetical process in which life can arise from a nonliving matter.
They thought that frogs developed from falling drops of water and maggots from rotten meat.
Until the 17th Century, some scientists took some experiments to disprove this theory.
Francesco Redi, an Italian physician, conducted an experiment in 1668 to disprove the idea of
maggots spontaneously arising from rotten meat left out in open air. He left the meat in each
six (6) containers in which two of these containers were left open to the air two were tightly
sealed with a cork and two were covered in gause.

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