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 Brief history and background of RSA
 Importance of public-key cryptography
2. Principles of RSA
 Mathematical foundations (modular arithmetic, Euler's totient function)
 Key components: public key, private key, modulus, exponentiation
3. Key Generation
 Prime number generation
 Calculation of modulus and public/private exponents
 Key size considerations and recommendations
4. Encryption Process
 Message representation and padding schemes
 Modular exponentiation
 Encryption algorithm step-by-step
5. Decryption Process
 Modular exponentiation with private key
 Decryption algorithm step-by-step
6. Security Analysis
 Strengths and weaknesses of RSA
 Attacks: brute force, factoring, timing attacks, chosen ciphertext attacks
 Impact of key size on security
 Recommendations for secure implementation
7. Practical Implementations
 Real-world applications of RSA
 Integration with other cryptographic algorithms
 Performance considerations and optimizations
8. Future Directions
 Post-quantum cryptography and RSA's resilience
 Alternatives and improvements to RSA
 Research trends and ongoing developments
9. Conclusion
 Summary of key findings and insights
 Importance of RSA in modern cryptography
 Final thoughts on the algorithm's relevance and longevity

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