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United Nations Organization (UNO) MCQs


26. The President of the Security Council is held for a period of

A. One Year
B. Two Years
C. One Month
D. Six Months
Answer: C

27. Besides all 5 permanent members of the Security Council,all decisions on

substantive matter require
o m
A. 4 votes
. c
B. 5 votes
C. 6 votes
D. 7 votes
Answer: A
q M
28. If a permanent member M
does not agree with the decision,it can exerise a
negative vote and this act has been known as
A. election
B. veto
C. procedure
D. abstain
Answer: B

29. The Security Council is also known as

A. Secondary Organ
B. Recommendation Wing
C. Endanger Organ
D. Enforcement Arm
Answer: D
30. The Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) members are elected for a period
A. Two Years
B. Three Years
C. Four Years
D. Five Years
Answer: B

31. The ECOSOC elects a President from among its members for
A. Four Years
B. Three Years
C. Two Years
D. One Years
Answer: D

32. The Secretary General is appointed for a term of

A. Five Years
B. Four Years
C. Three Years
D. Two Years
Answer: A

33. ICJ elects its own President for a term of

A. One Year
B. Two Years
C. Three Years
D. Four Years
Answer: C

34. The General Assembly’s regular session begins each year on the
A. Third Tuesday in September
B. Second Thursday in April
C. Third Friday in May
D. First Wednesday in June
Answer: A

35. Which one is not a permanent member of the Securtiry Council ?

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A. France
B. Sri Lanka
C. China
D. Russia
Answer: B

36. The first Peacekeeping Operation of the UNO was in the year
A. 1948
B. 1946
C. 1947
D. 1950
Answer: A

37. Who initiated the proposal for the UN Reform ?

A. Ban Ki-Moon
B. U Thant
C. Kurt Waldheim
D. Kofi Annan
Answer: D

38. Who is the present Secretary General of the UNO ?

A. Tryve Lie
B. Antonio Gutterres
C. Javier Perez De Cuellar
D. Dr. Boutros Boutros Ghali
Answer: B

39. The members of the ECOSOC are elected by the

A. General Assembly
B. Security Council
C. Secretary General
Answer: A

40. To ensure equitable geographical representation, the Presidency of the General

Assembly rotates
A. every six months

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B. each year
C. every two years
D. every three years
Answer: B

41. The headquarters of ILO is in

A. London
B. New York
C. Paris
D. Geneva
Answer: D

42. In which year the Noble Peace Prize was awarded to UN Peacekeeping Force ?
A. 1986
B. 1987
C. 1988
D. 1989
Answer: C

43. The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) was established in

A. 11 December, 1946
B. 14 December, 1945
C. 18 December, 1947
D. 21 December, 1948
Answer: A

44. The headquarters of UNICEF is located at

A. San Francisco
B. New York
C. Geneva
D. Canbera
Answer: B

45. The headquarters of the World Health Organization (WHO) is at

A. Kuala Lumpur
B. Manila
C. Tokyo

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D. Geneva
Answer: D

46. Which Article of the UNO deals with the expulsion of members ?
A. Article 4
B. Article 5
C. Article 6
D. Article 7
Answer: C

47. The ILO became the first specialized agency of the UNO in
A. 1946
B. 1947
C. 1948
D. 1949
Answer: A

48. The headquarters of UNESCO is located at

A. Brussels
B. Paris
C. Berlin
D. Melbourne
Answer: B

49. The headquarters of Nations Development Programme (UNEP) is located at

A. Perth
B. Khartoum
C. Pretoria
D. New York
Answer: D

50. The headquarters of United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) is

located at
A. Barcelona
B. Cape Town
C. Nairobi
D. Berne
Answer: C

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