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Considering all the factors mentioned, the research suggests various steps to enhance our

environmental impact positively. It's evident that there's considerable wastage within the
company. Therefore, my foremost recommendation is for the company to initiate a
comprehensive waste assessment across all departments. It's prudent to transition to using only
reusable pens and recycled paper in our offices. Furthermore, we should explore avenues for
recycling unwanted computers and electronic devices, perhaps by collaborating with a local
recycling business.

Additionally, it's imperative to reassess our procurement policies to prioritize sustainable

products free from harmful substances. Whenever feasible, we should refrain from replacing
existing office furniture, opting instead to donate it to charity or refurbish it for continued use.

Addressing our energy consumption is crucial. I propose considering alternative energy sources
such as wind or solar power. Moreover, fostering an environmentally conscious culture among
staff is essential, particularly emphasizing mindful consumption of paper, water, plastic, and

A practical step would be phasing out the use of plastic cups in beverage dispensers and
encouraging staff to bring their own mugs and water bottles. Lastly, promoting the use of public
transportation over individual car commutes would significantly reduce our carbon footprint

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