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Name: Ignis Helvig

Class: Brawler
Element: Fire
Magic Type: Augment
Race: Human
1. Ignition Charge (30% STR) – charges toward an opponent at full speed and unleashes a
devastating Fire Magic-infused strike.
2. Sword of Ruin (30% STR) – jumps into the sky and comes crashing down with such force that
it sends out a massive AoE wave of Fire Magic as contact is made with the ground that launches
back all enemies caught within its range.
3. Chaos Wrath (20% STR)(5x) – unleashes a 5-hit combo of Fire Magic-infused attacks
4. Doom Finale (20% STR) – infuses hands with Fire Magic and performs a wide horizontal
slashing motion that sends out a projectile slash of fire
1. Throughout the Underworld, I Alone Am the Cursed One
- siphons negative emotions from the surrounding area and turns them into Chaos Energy which
can be used to enhance physical capabilities
- Chaos Energy has a total of 100 Chaos Points that can be used during battle and regains 10
points every turn; an additional 5 points is also gained when hit by an opponent
- Chaos Energy can be used on a varying scale:
• 25% Output - x1.25 DMG (costs 5 points)
• 50% Output - x2.5 DMG (costs 10 points)
• 75% Output - x3.75 DMG (costs 15 points)
• 100% Output - x5 DMG (costs 20 points)
• 25% Output - DMG - DMG/5 (costs 5 points)
• 50% Output - DMG - DMG/4 (costs 10 points)
• 75% Output - DMG - DMG/3 (costs 15 points)
• 100% Output - DMG - DMG/2 (costs 20 points)
- once Chaos Points have reached 100, can consume all accumulated Chaos Points to enter Surtr
State that lasts for 5 turns
• Surtr State - in this state, temporarily receives an influx of infinite Chaos Energy; all
damage is quintupled, dispels all current debuffs, and cannot be applied with debuffs
- once HP reaches exactly 1%, automatically goes back to full health
- in the event of absolute death, where HP reaches 0%, all remaining magic forms into a one-
time summon for the entire party which summons a Fire Giant that wields a flaming sword
1. …

CHA: 1 (0) = 1 CON: 0 (+3) = 3
STR: 25 (+5) = 30 INT: 2 (-1) = 1
DEX: 19 (+4) = 23 WIS: 3 (-2) = 1
Armor: 0 (Will obtain on quests)
HP: 100 (Default lvl 1 HP)
Speed: 13

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