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Between adventures, many Warriors come to the local temple to offer up prayers and sacrifice in thanks for
the adventure just completed, and for aid in the next.


There are no restrictions upon who can visit the Temple.

Type of Temple
A Temple found in a Settlement is always of a generic nature.
From the followers of Sigmar or Ulric in the Empire to the Lady
of the Lake and Shallya in Bretonnia, all who visit a Temple
pray to their own god and no one is ever denied entry based
upon their faith. Visitors use private prayer chambers if
requested and therefore a member of a Cult of Chaos may
worship in a room adjacent to one with a follower of Taal and

Payment and Prayers

Each Warrior who attends the temple may give 50 gold in
sacrifice. They are then entitled to one roll on the Prayer Table
on the next page.


The mortal world is watched over by various supernatural
entities and is worshipped by the myriad mortals and cultures
of the world as deities, gods and goddesses in one form or

Perhaps the most important in the Old World are Sigmar, the
patron god of the Empire, the Lady of the Lake, patron
goddess of Bretonnia and Ursun, the patron bear god of
Kislev. But other important dieites include Morr, Shallya, Tall,
Rhya, Ulric, Verena, Ranald, Manann and Myrmidia.

The people of Ind are said to worship ‘a thousand gods’, the

people of Albion are known to worship seven ‘Gods of Light’,
while the people of Araby are known to worship a single
creator god who is manifested in the world by his chosen

Little is known about the religions of Nippon or Cathay,

although many Far Easterners worship a common god who
monks wear orange robes and spend most of their time in

The Dwarfs practice a form of ancestor worship where they

believe that certain famous Dwarfs from early in their history
have ascended to become Ancestor Gods, such as Grimnir,
Grugni and Valaya. This is similar to how humans of The
Empire consider Sigmar, who was a real historical figure and
founder and first ruler of The Empire, to have ascended to

The Elves Pantheon is divided into the Gods of the Heavens

and the Gods of the Underworld and various kindreds of Elves
place a different emphasis on the worship of different deities.
While the High Elves hold the highest glory to Asuryan, the
Wood Elves place the greatest importance on Kurnous and

Although they do not worship openly in the Old World, there

are many followers of Chaos who devote themselves to one of
the daemonic entities of the Realm of Chaos. Some worship
the force of Chaos Undivided itself. There are many minor
Chaos Gods, most of which are not named but the four major
Ruinous Powers of Khorne, Nurgle, Slaanesh and Tzeentch are
known across the mortal world.



The gods are not listening, and your Warrior’s pleas go unanswered.

Once during the next Adventure your Warrior experiences an increase in dexterity and may automatically Escape
from Pinning.

Your Warrior’s heart if filled with courage. For one Turn in the next Adventure, your Warrior is immune to
psychological effects such as Fear or Terror .

Your Warrior’s instincts are sharpened. For any one Attack in the next Adventure, your Warrior gets +1 to their To
Hit roll.

Your Warrior is granted a moment of insight. During the next Adventure, your Warrior may re-roll one missed Attack.

Your Warrior has a vision of things to come and may re-roll one dice roll during the next Adventure.

Your Warrior is empowered by their deep belief. For any one Attack in the next Adventure, your Warrior automatically
hits their opponent.

Your Warrior gains superior precision. For any one Attack in the next Adventure, your Warrior may add +2 to their To
Hit roll.

During the next Adventure your Warrior experiences divine intervention and may ignore the Damage from a single

Your Warrior’s actions are strengthened by their faith. For one Attack in the next Adventure, your Warrior causes
Double Damage.

Your Warrior’s strength is bolstered by an extraordinary force. During the next Adventure your Warrior may roll an
extra 1D6 when rolling the Damage for any one Attack. Your Warrior must declare that they are using this ability
before they roll To Hit. If the Attack misses, the ability wasted.

Your Warrior’s movement is directed by a higher power. For any one Attack in the next Adventure, your Warrior gets
+3 to their To Hit roll.

Your Warrior is protected by a supreme source. During any one Turn in the next Adventure, all Monsters suffer -1 To
Hit your Warrior.

Your Warrior gains resilience due to their faith. For one Turn in the next Adventure, your Warrior gets +1D6

Your Warrior’s hand is guided by powers unseen. During any one Turn in the next Adventure, all of your Warrior’s
normal Attacks are doubled.

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