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Research Title: Problems of Rural Youth, Their Development and

Empowerment, In Case Of Raichow Village

Course code: PA 303

Course name: Rural Development in Bangladesh

Submitted To:
Dr. Amir Mohammed Nasrullah
Department of Public Administration
University of Chittagong
Submitted by:
Group F
Roll No: 20404102-20404124
Department of Public Administration
University of Chittagong
Submission Date: 27/02/2023
1 Md. Raihan Badsha 20404102
2 Tasnim Jahan Tuli 20404103
3 Shah Sadia Jahan 20404105
4 FahedaAlamTasfia 20404107
5 Sumaia Rahman Jemima 20404108
6 Aritra Nag 20404109
7 Md. Faysal Miah 20404110
8 Marjia Mahabin Hia 20404111

9 Md. Sumon Mia 20404112

10 Tajnim Sultana 20404114
11 Tanvir Ahmed 20404115
12 Abdullah Al Noman 20404116
13 Sabrina Nasrin Netu 20404117
14 Alam Mia 20404119
15 Md. Oshim Akram 20404121
16 Md. Roman Miah 20404123
17 Chawity Dhar 20404124
Starting with sincere gratitude for Dr. Amir Mohammad Nasrullah, Professor, Department of Public
Administration, University of Chittagong, who made this possible for the students of the mentioned
department to participate in an attachment program in BARD, Cumilla along with all the faculty members
that made it possible for us to gain new knowledge.

Abstract :
Youth is universally a distinct human developmental stage, a time of transition from dependence to
independence, marked by critical decisions that affect the future of the individual and the broader society
(IFAD). There is no universally agreed international definition of the youth age group. For statistical
purposes, however, the United Nations—without prejudice to any other definitions made by Member
States—defines 'youth' as those persons between the ages of 15 and 24 years.

The findings reveal that rural youth in Raichow Village encounter several interconnected problems that
hinder their development and empowerment. These challenges include limited access to quality
education, inadequate healthcare services, unemployment, lack of skills training opportunities, and social
exclusion. Additionally, issues such as poverty, gender disparities, and limited infrastructure exacerbate
these challenges.

To address these problems, the report suggests a comprehensive approach that involves multiple
stakeholders, including the local government, community organizations, and youth themselves. The
proposed strategies include enhancing educational opportunities through infrastructure improvements and
scholarships, promoting vocational and skill development programs, providing accessible healthcare
services, fostering entrepreneurship and employment opportunities, and strengthening youth participation
in decision-making processes.

Furthermore, the report emphasizes the importance of collaboration and coordination among stakeholders
to ensure the effective implementation of these strategies. It also highlights the need for ongoing
monitoring and evaluation to assess the impact of interventions and make necessary adjustments to
achieve sustainable youth development and empowerment.

Overall, this report serves as a valuable resource for policymakers, community organizations, and
individuals working towards the development and empowerment of rural youth in Raichow Village. By
addressing the identified challenges and implementing the recommended strategies, it is hoped that the
report's findings will contribute to the positive transformation of the lives of rural youth in Raichow
Village and serve as a model for similar contexts.
Introduction :
In recent years, there has been increasing attention on the challenges faced by young people living in rural
areas. Rural youth are a crucial art of society, representing a significant proportion of the population in
many countries. Despite this, they often experience limited opportunities and face multiple challenges,
such as limited access to education, healthcare, and employment opportunities. These challenges can have
long-term consequences, not only for youngpeople but also for the communities they live in.This research
topic aims to explore the experiences, perspectives, and aspirations of rural youth. It seeks to understand
the unique challenges faced by rural youth and to identify opportunities toimprove their well-being and
support their transition to adulthood.

The research will examine various factors that impact rural youth, such as their socio-economic status,
educational attainment, family background, and community context. By examining these factors, the
research aims to provide insights into the needs of rural youth and inform policies and programs that can
enhance their opportunities and well-being. Overall, this research topic is crucial to advancing our
understanding of the experiencesand challenges faced by rural youth.

By shedding light on the issues they face, we can develop policies and programs that address their needs
and support their transition to adulthood.

Scope of the study :

The main purpose of this study is to identify the major problems and opportunities facing rural youth
considering education, employment, politics, and agriculture in Raichow Village.

The study also provides an overview of ethics and morality, manners, social awareness, and social
mobility among rural youth.
The study examines various dimensions of rural youth development and empowerment, including
education, healthcare, employment, skills training, social inclusion, and infrastructure. It seeks to identify
the interconnections between these areas and how they contribute to the overall well-being and
opportunities for youth in Raichow Village.
While the study primarily focuses on the challenges faced by rural youth in Raichow Village, it may also
touch upon broader socio-economic factors and policy implications that influence their development.
However, the primary emphasis remains on understanding and addressing the specific issues faced by
youth in Raichow Village.
The study employs a combination of qualitative and quantitative research methods, such as surveys,
interviews, and data analysis, to gather information and insights. These methods provide a comprehensive
understanding of the problems faced by rural youth, their aspirations, and the potential pathways for their
It's important to note that the scope of the study is limited to the case of Raichow Village and may not
necessarily be generalizable to other rural areas or contexts. The findings and recommendations should be
interpreted within the specific context of Raichow Village, while also considering the unique
characteristics and dynamics of other rural communities.
The study's outcomes and recommendations are intended to inform local stakeholders, policymakers,
community organizations, and individuals working towards the development and empowerment of rural
youth in Raichow Village. The findings may contribute to the design and implementation of targeted
interventions and initiatives that address the identified challenges and promote sustainable youth
development in the village.
The study aims to provide insights into the unique circumstances and issues experienced by rural youth in
Raichow Village, offering recommendations tailored to their specific context.

Objectives of the study :

a. To cultivate youth into moral, forward-thinking, self-respecting, and kind people;

b. To establish favourable circumstances so that children can fulfill their innate potential;

c. To transform youth into human resources;

d. To ensure youth have access to a quality education, health care, and other forms of security;

e. To give youth access to employment and the option to choose a career;

f. To encourage youth-led economic and inventive entrepreneurship;

g. Empowering youth to play an active role in every aspect of national life;

h. Including youth in the decision-making process at local, national, and international levels;

i. To persuade young people to volunteer in environmental protection, disaster relief, and nation-

j. To instill in the young community a sense of responsibility and sensitivity towards those who are
physically, mentally, or otherwise challenged;

k. To protect the rights of young people with special needs;

l. To inspire a liberal, non-communal, humanitarian, and global attitude in youth;

m. To encourage young to avoid ideological extremism and aggressiveness in how they live.
Implementing targeted interventions focusing on education, skills training, healthcare, and social
inclusion will positively impact the development and empowerment of rural youth in Raichow Village.
Explanation: This hypothesis suggests that by implementing specific interventions in the areas of
education, skills training, healthcare, and social inclusion, the development and empowerment of rural
youth in Raichow Village will improve. The hypothesis assumes that providing access to quality
education, equipping youth with relevant skills for employment opportunities, ensuring adequate
healthcare services, and fostering social inclusion will positively influence their overall well-being,
personal growth, and ability to contribute to their community.
It is important to note that this hypothesis is based on the specific context of Raichow Village and the
identified challenges and needs of rural youth in that area. It is essential to gather data and conduct
research within the community to test the validity of this hypothesis and measure the impact of the
proposed interventions on the targeted outcomes.

When considering the limitations of the study on the problems of rural youth, their development, and
empowerment in the case of Raichow Village, several factors should be taken into account:

1. Sample Size and Representativeness: The study's findings and conclusions may be limited
by the sample size of participants involved in data collection. It is important to acknowledge that
the perspectives and experiences of rural youth in Raichow Village may not fully represent the
entire population of rural youth in similar contexts.

2. Generalizability: The specific circumstances, socio-cultural dynamics, and infrastructure of

Raichow Village may differ from other rural areas. Therefore, the findings and recommendations
of the study may not be universally applicable or generalizable to other similar communities or
regions without further research and analysis.

3. Research Bias: Researchers conducting the study may introduce unintentional biases during
data collection, analysis, and interpretation. It is important to employ appropriate methodologies,
maintain objectivity, and ensure that biases do not influence the outcomes or conclusions of the

4. Data Reliability: The accuracy and reliability of the data collected may be subject to
limitations. Factors such as recall bias, participant honesty, and data collection methods can
impact the integrity of the findings. Careful consideration should be given to data validation and
verification procedures to enhance data reliability.
5. Time Constraints: The study's time frame may impose limitations on the depth and
comprehensiveness of data collection and analysis. Conducting an in-depth investigation of all
relevant aspects of rural youth development and empowerment in Raichow Village may be
challenging within a limited timeframe.

6. External Factors: The study may be influenced by external factors beyond the researcher's
control, such as changes in government policies, economic conditions, or social dynamics. These
factors could affect the implementation and effectiveness of the proposed interventions and
impact the study's outcomes.

7. Resource Constraints: The availability of resources, including financial, human, and

logistical, may impose limitations on the scope and scale of the study. Limited resources may
restrict the ability to collect extensive data, conduct extensive fieldwork, or implement large-scale
By acknowledging these limitations, researchers can provide a transparent assessment of the study's
boundaries, potential biases, and areas for further investigation. It is essential to address these limitations
honestly and present the findings and recommendations within the context of the study's constraints.

Literature Review:

The literature review aims to provide a comprehensive overview of existing studies, research articles, and
reports related to the problems, development, and empowerment of rural youth in various contexts, with a
specific focus on Raichow Village. It explores the key themes and findings identified in the literature and
highlights gaps or areas that require further investigation.

Theme 1: Challenges Faced by Rural Youth:

Several studies have identified common challenges faced by rural youth in different regions. These
challenges include limited access to quality education, high rates of unemployment or underemployment,
inadequate healthcare services, lack of skills training opportunities, social exclusion, and gender
disparities. The literature emphasizes the need to address these challenges to ensure the holistic
development and empowerment of rural youth.

Theme 2: Development Needs of Rural Youth

Understanding the development needs of rural youth is crucial for formulating effective strategies and
interventions. Literature suggests that rural youth require access to quality education, both formal and
vocational, to acquire the necessary skills for employment and entrepreneurship. They also need
accessible healthcare services that cater to their specific needs, including mental health support.
Furthermore, social inclusion and community engagement programs play a significant role in nurturing
their overall well-being and empowerment.

Theme 3: Empowerment Initiatives:

Various empowerment initiatives have been implemented in different regions to address the challenges
faced by rural youth. These initiatives include scholarships and educational grants, vocational training
programs, entrepreneurship development support, mentorship programs, and community-based projects.
The literature highlights the importance of participatory approaches, where youth are actively involved in
the design and implementation of these initiatives, ensuring their ownership and sustainability.

Theme 4: Impact and Effectiveness:

Assessing the impact and effectiveness of existing empowerment initiatives is essential for evidence-
based decision-making. Some studies have examined the outcomes of specific programs, highlighting
their positive influence on rural youth's education, employment, income generation, and overall well-
being. However, there is a need for more rigorous evaluations and long-term studies to measure the
sustained impact of these interventions.

Theme 5: Gaps and Future Research:

While the literature provides valuable insights, there are certain gaps that need to be addressed. Limited
research specifically focused on the problems, development needs, and empowerment of rural youth in
Raichow Village was found. Additionally, more studies are needed to explore the intersectionality of
gender, socio-economic factors, and cultural contexts in understanding the challenges faced by rural
youth and tailoring interventions accordingly.

The data collection tool is a structured questionnaire consisting of both closed and open-ended questions
that correspond to the objectives of the study. Before designing the questionnaire, a detailed literature
review was conducted and various questionnaires developed for this purpose were examined. The focus
of the questionnaire is as follows:

1. Demographic Information:
a) Age:
b) Gender:
c) Education level:
d) Occupation (if applicable):

2. Challenges Faced by Rural Youth:

Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with the following statements regarding the
challenges faced by rural youth in Raichow Village. Use a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 represents "Strongly
Disagree" and 5 represents "Strongly Agree."

a) Limited access to quality education.

b) Lack of employment opportunities.
c) Inadequate healthcare services.
d) Insufficient skills training programs.
e) Social exclusion and marginalization.
f) Gender disparities.
g) Limited infrastructure (roads, electricity, etc.).
h) Other (please specify):

3. Development Needs of Rural Youth:

Please rank the following development needs of rural youth in Raichow Village based on their
importance, with 1 being the most important and 5 being the least important.

a) Access to quality education.

b) Vocational training and skill development.
c) Healthcare and wellness services.
d) Employment and income generation opportunities.
e) Social inclusion and community engagement.

4. Existing Empowerment Initiatives:

Are there any existing initiatives or programs in Raichow Village that aim to empower rural youth? If
yes, please provide details of the initiatives and their impact, if known.

5. Suggestions for Empowerment:

What do you think can be done to empower rural youth in Raichow Village? Please provide any
suggestions or ideas that you believe would be effective in addressing their challenges and promoting
their development and empowerment.

6. Preferred Methods of Support:

a) Scholarships and educational grants.

b) Vocational training programs.
c) Accessible healthcare facilities.
d) Entrepreneurship and business development support.
e) Community mentorship and guidance.


Quantitative and qualitative data were collected by conducting a primary survey. The universe for the
survey consists of people (over 15 years old) who live in the village Raicho. The snowball sampling
technique has proven to be useful during general collection of data. In order to interview people with
different socioeconomic characteristics, heterogeneity sampling was maintained under targeted sampling.

Data presentation, Analysis and Finding :

Data which are taken from Raichow village. The sample consists of 25 respondents. The respondents
were more or less evenly divided among men 33 percent, women 35 percent, and students 33
percent.Respondents were interviewed at their residence, at their workplace, at their place of education, at
stores of Raichow village. This variation of location during the collection of data was deemed necessary
to maintain the diversity of perspectives.

Economic Situation: Major source, amount and distribution of income, Government and NGO’s
facilities :
1. Earning
We get to know that the rural youth major source of daily earnings is in this table. Here, we
have shown 42% from Immigrant Workers,30% from Businesses men, 15%from Government Jobs, 8 %
from private Jobs, 5% from self – Employment.

Job sector Percentages are

Remittance worker 42%

Businesses man 30%

Government Jobs 15%

Private Jobs 8%
Self – employment 5%

2. How much do you income?

Daily Earning:

Income Range Number of youth

500-700 09
800-900 06
1000-1200 03

Monthly Earning :

Income range Number of youth

5000-6000 04
8000-14000 07
15000-30000 06


S Problem R R R R R R R R R R1 Tota Ran

L 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 l k
1 Education 2 1 1 2 3 1 2 12 1
2 Health 1 3 4
3 Lack of social 2 3 7
4 Unemployme 3 2 1 1 2 9 3
5 Politics 3 3 2 1 2 1 3 15 2
6 Drug 2 1 1 4
7 Lack of 3 2 5
The survey took into account the protection of all respondents and researchers. Respondents were made
known that their participation was voluntary and were assured of complete anonymity. They were also
advised not to answer any questions they were uncomfortable with.

It can be seen from the observation done above that the primary problems of the youth of rural areas,
education, unemployment etc. However, These problems are losing their significance because of the
contingency plans taken against them. In conclusion, the rural youth of Raichow Village face several
challenges that hinder their development and empowerment. The lack of quality education,
unemployment, limited access to healthcare, inadequate infrastructure and connectivity, and social and
gender inequalities are some of the key issues affecting their progress. Addressing these problems
requires comprehensive strategies and collaborative efforts from various stakeholders.

To promote the development and empowerment of rural youth in Raichow Village, the following
measures can be considered:

1. Investing in the improvement of schools, providing adequate resources, and recruiting qualified
teachers can help improve the quality of education and expand opportunities for the youth.

2. Introducing vocational training programs and skill development initiatives tailored to the needs of
the local economy can equip youth with employable skills and encourage entrepreneurship.

3. Encouraging the establishment of small-scale industries, creating job opportunities in sectors like
agriculture, tourism, and handicrafts, and supporting youth-led initiatives can address the issue of
unemployment and underemployment.

4. Expanding healthcare infrastructure, providing regular medical camps, and creating awareness
about preventive healthcare practices can improve the overall health and well-being of rural

5. Investing in road networks, ensuring reliable electricity supply, and improving internet
connectivity can bridge the digital divide and enable rural youth to access information, resources,
and opportunities.
6. Promoting awareness about rights, gender equality, and social inclusion can empower rural youth
to challenge traditional norms and stereotypes. Encouraging their active participation in decision-
making processes and community development initiatives can enhance their confidence and
leadership skills.

It is crucial for the government, NGOs, educational institutions, and local communities to collaborate and
implement these strategies to create an enabling environment for the development and empowerment of
rural youth in Raichow Village. By addressing these challenges and providing opportunities, we can
ensure a brighter future for the youth, enabling them to contribute effectively to the sustainable
development of their community and the nation as a whole.
Research Question :
1. Give us a perspective about youth.
2. Rule of youth in rural development-
☐ Positive
☐ Negative
☐ Neutral
3. what kind of changes can be seen in rural youth as time pases in
context of Raicho Village ?
☐ Educational development
☐ Educational decrease
☐ No change can be seen
4. How does technological development impact on rural youth's skills
and workforces ?
☐ Positive
☐ slightly positive
☐ Negative
☐ slightly Negative
5. Are youth the main victims of poverty?
6. Does Poverty effect their proper education, training and
development ?
7. Are they derived from having balance diet which lead youth to be
malnourished due to economic hardship ?
8.Is over population the reason behind youth unemployment?
9. Are they satisfied with the jobs they act based on their efficiency
and skills?
10. Does unemployment lead youth to social crimes ?
11. Is frustration another complicated Problem for youth in
Bangladesh ?
12. Are youth being attracted towards politics due to unemployment?
13. Are youth being attracted towards newer form of employment
rather than traditional form?
14. why have the youth of our country developed the idea of leaving
the country for higher studies or career рurpose ?
15. Are the youth aware of different youth policies and institutions?
16. Do you follow religious practice to improve your ethics and
morality ?
17. Do you think that the increment of dowry system is the direct
result of unemployment?

Reference :
1. National Youth Policy 2017, Ministry of Youth And Sports
2. BRAC 2017. Annual Report.
3. Md. Anwar Hossain M. Phil, Associate professor, dept of social work, University of Rajshahi
4. People of different generation people from Raichow Village.

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