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Circle the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from
the others.
1. A. person B. design C. university D. install
2. A. either B. both C. thank D. math
3. A. animation B. abroad C. allowed D. advisor

Circle the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word that has a stress pattern different from the others.
4. A. convert B. decide C. hybrid D. suggest
5. A. apology B. experience C. technology D. engineering

Circle the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the best option for each of the questions.
6. According to the school rules, students _______ bring their smartphones to school except for their
online classes.
A. mustn’t B. must C. can D. do not have to
7. As the colleges are _______, textbooks and notepads are being replaced.
A. changing their courses B. introducing a new rule
C. converting to paperless e-learning D. offering hybrid courses
8. Keeping in touch with other people on _______ is popular nowadays.
A. university courses B. animation programs C. e-learning platforms D. social media
9. People from two different places can send _______ to communicate with each other by using a
messaging app.
A. instant messages B. educational apps C. important things D. important messages
10. To study online, students have to own a tablet or a laptop connected to the Internet and make sure that
the device is fully _______ before each lesson.
A. converted B. charged C. changed D. installed
11. You should take this Public Speaking course if you want to improve your _______ skills.
A. organizational B. communicative C. teamworking D. professional working
12. The students in this online class are not allowed to _______ social media while they are having a
virtual lesson.
A. install B. mark C. download D. go on
13. Mai: Which university do you want to study at: Alfred University or Cardington University?
Nga: I like _______ them, but I will choose Alfred University.
A. either B. neither C. both of D. neither of
14. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, students could not go to school. They had to stay at home and studied
A. in person B. online C. traditionally D. directly
15. My sister is really interested in _______ software engineering and marketing, but _______ them
sound great to me.
A. both / neither B. both of / either of C. neither of / both D. both / neither of
16. Fred: Does _______ of the courses offer evening classes? - Olivia: Yes, _______do.
A. either / neither of them B. either / both of them
C. neither / either of them D. both / either of them
17. A(n) _______ course allows students to study with instructors both in a traditional face-to-face
classroom and on smart devices.
A. hybrid B. online C. advanced D. virtual
18. He wants to be a(n) _______. He is studying _______ at the University of Fine Arts.
A. software designer / software engineering
B. software engineer / computer programming
C. computer programmer / computer science
D. animator / computer animation
19. He has recently _______ a new app on his tablet.
A. installed B. posted C. charged D. converted
20. When he was at university, he spent his last two years working part-time for an IT company. Now, he
has some _______ to work as a software engineer in AZ Hi-Tech Company.
A. communicative skills B. university degrees
C. budgeting skills D. work experience
21. The first-year students can take _____ an online course _____ an in-person course for this semester.
A. neither / nor B. either/or C. both / or D. either/nor
22. Marco: Did you know that _______ the universities have sent their students to study abroad?
Zoe: That sounds great! I would like to go to _______ them.
A. neither of / both B. both of / neither of C. both of / either of D. either of / both
23. As a Technology Club member, you _______ share your membership card with anyone else.
A. must B. can’t C. have to D. don’t have to
24. Mark makes animated movies. He has a university degree in _______. He knows how to _______.
A. computer programming / write computer languages
B. software engineering / develop software
C. computer animation / use some software to create amazing pictures
D. computer science / use the computer to install apps
25. This university offers students two ______: the students can study online, or they can study in person.
A. options B. classes C. courses D. locations
26. In online learning, _______ smart devices _______ latest apps are able to create real social interaction
in class.
A. neither / nor B. both / and C. either/or D. not only / but also
27. She likes e-learning because she _______ wear her school uniform in an online class.
A. can’t B. mustn’t C. have to D. doesn’t have to
28. Jonathan: I’m going to take the mid-term exam next week. - Ramona: _______!
A. Congratulations B. Great! I’m really happy to hear that
C. Well, good luck with the exam D. Wow! I’m very proud of you
29. Maria: I can’t make a choice between studying economics and design, what do you think?
Jessica: I’m interested in both of them. But you are better at math, so you should study economics.
Maria: OK. I think I’ll study economics.
Jessica: _______!
A. Never mind. It’s my pleasure B. I’m happy I could help
C. Well, it’s too bad D. Oh, I don’t think it’s a smart choice
30. What made Vicky interested in e-learning last year?
A. E-learning was paperless.
B. It was much fun and convenient.
C. Only the teachers could communicate with the students.
D. The students could not talk to each other on either
31. What does the notice mean?
A. You have to go to the library for the registration.
B. Everyone can become a user of the library.
C. You need an Internet-connected device to fill in the
registration form.
D. There is a wide variety of printed books and
materials for educational purposes in the library.

Circle the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word / phrase CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined
word / phrase in the questions.
32. Lan studied economics for four years in Vietnam, and then she spent six months studying English
A. in her home country B. in the same country
C. in a foreign country D. nationally
33. The advisor found it inconvenient to talk with the student on the phone, so he asked her to meet with
him in person at 2:30 p.m.
A. directly B. immediately C. indirectly D. urgently

Circle the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word / phrase OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined
word in the questions.
34. In the year 2021, almost all the courses of the school were converted into online learning.
A. designed B. developed C. changed D. kept the same
35. The students were asked to remove the app they didn’t have to use for their e-learning.
A. download B. install C. take away D. develop

Choose the underlined part A, B, C or D that needs correction.

36. As a school rule, students don’t have to use their tablets in class.
A. As B. rule C. don’t have to D. in class
37. You are really creative. I think you should study either art and design.
A. really B. think C. should D. and
38. Which one would you like to study: economic or software engineering?
A. Which B. would C. to study D. economic
39. Do you want to take an online or hybrid course? - I don’t think neither of them suits me.
A. to take B. or C. neither of D. suits
40. One of the school rules says that students mustn’t wear their uniforms to school.
A. rules B. mustn’t C. their D. to


Write the correct form of the given words.
41. With the ________________________ of the new software, e-learning at this school has become
more accessible and effective. (INSTALL)
42. He has dreamed of being a(n) ________________________ since he was a university student.
43. She wants to work as a graphic ________________________ for that company. (DESIGN)
44. Students should take this Public Speaking course to ________________________ successfully in
their study and daily life. (COMMUNICATION)
45. The course of ________________________ in this college has attracted lots of students over the past
three years. (ECONOMY)


A. Choose the options that best complete the passage.
Matt has been a fan of technology since the age of 6. He started using lots of hi-tech devices
during his teenage years. When he had to choose a future career, he realized he was interested in (46)
________ software engineering and computer animation. His parents advised him to choose what he
found more suitable and relaxed whenever he thought about it. Finally, he decided to study for a (47)
________ in computer animation at university. He’s a first-year student now, and he dreams of making
his own cartoons to help educate children to become better people. In order to achieve that dream, he
must become an excellent student. He’s been taking all of the hybrid courses because he doesn’t want to
study in person all the time, and he can make time to gain more (48) ________ by doing a part-time job.
Moreover, in order to work well in a team, Matt needs to have great (49) ________ skills, so he usually
sends instant messages on his tablet to his teammates. Matt’s favorite thing at university is that he doesn’t
have to use paper textbooks or notepads anymore because they are paperless now, so his tablet and laptop
are his best friends. He’s a well-prepared student, so he always (50) ________ his tablet and laptop before
class. Matt strongly believes that the best student will be the best worker in the future.
46. A. either B. between C. both D. from
47. A. lesson B. course C. class D. degree
48. A. life experience B. work experience C. stress management D. time management
49. A. communicative B. budgeting C. survival D. domestic
50. A. turns off B. puts back C. charges D. repairs

B. Read the passage and circle the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the best answer to each of the
following questions.
With the introduction of technology, almost every aspect of our society has undergone a quick
transformation, and the education industry is not an exception. In addition, the Internet has increasingly
developed and played a significant role in education. By providing teachers and students with a wide
range of new tools to work with, future educational technology will change learning significantly.
Due to the use of Internet-connected devices at home and in school, more and more students find
tablets highly convenient to learn. Tablets are beneficial to students in some ways. First of all, a tablet is a
versatile tool for students to play videos, process texts and even play educational games. Second, tablets
are small in size and can be easily carried from place to place, so students can utilize them wherever they
want. Last but not least, for disabled students, these hi-tech gadgets can enable them to learn better. For
instance, tablets equipped with modified keyboard with larger buttons that allow them to control the
gadgets with their lips or feet, and other special features are available as assistive technology devices for
disabled students.
On the other hand, it is thought that tablets will revolutionize the way students learn in the future.
It would be wise for the future generation educators to think about how to integrate tablets into their
curricula-for assigning homework, sharing multimedia or any other variety of uses.
Future education technology will benefit both teachers and students in academic settings. With the
emergence of the Internet and other technological advances in education, teaching and learning have
become better than ever before.

51. Which is the best title for the passage?

A. How to use tablets and other technological devices in classrooms
B. How the usage of tablets benefits students
C. The importance of future technology usage in teaching
D. The introduction of the Internet in education
52. Which of the following is the word “versatile” in paragraph 2 CLOSEST in meaning to?
A. being able to process texts B. being likely to play a video
C. having multiple functions D. having only one use
53. Which of the following does the word “them” in paragraph 2 refer to?
A. hi-tech gadgets B. buttons C. tablets D. disabled students
54. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE according to the passage?
A. Assistive technology devices are tools to provide special educational support for disabled
B. Tablets only help students with disabilities in their study.
C. Some technological gadgets are modified to assist students with impairments.
D. Thanks to the use of technology, there have been some quick changes in education.
55. What can be inferred from the passage?
A. The use of tablets by the next generation of educators will have a significant impact on
B. The technological developments cannot eliminate the gap between normal students and
disabled ones.
C. Teachers who take advantage of technological advancements will not lead the way in future
D. Because of using tablets in class, disabled students can study better than normal students.

C. Fill in each blank with ONE suitable word.

Future education will be quite different from today’s education in Vietnam. University or college
students won’t have to use paper textbooks because they will be converted to (56) __________________
e-learning. As a result, the students could be more interested in taking lessons and doing their
assignments. However, e-learning has (57) __________________ benefits and problems that will require
stricter rules. The first problem is that lots of students will prefer going on social media and sending (58)
__________________ messages to learning in class. Therefore, some students won’t be able to stay
focused in class. The second problem is that many students will feel stressed, and their eyes will be tired
or even damaged because they will have to stare at their laptops or tablets for a long time. Finally, using
hi-tech devices will require students to (59) __________________ their laptops or tablets frequently
before class. In order to deal with the problems of e-learning, there should be new rules. For example,
students (60) ________________________ use their hi-tech devices during breaks so that they can
socialize with their friends and relax their eyes. E-learning won’t be perfect, so we should be ready to
solve any coming problems for a better environment.


Write the sentences using the given words in brackets.
61. We are not allowed to go on social media in class. (MUSTN’T)
62. Marketing seems suitable for me, so does software engineering. (BOTH)
63. The students will have two options of learning: online or hybrid courses. (EITHER)
64. Andrew isn’t keen on economics; he’s not interested in design, either. (NOR)
65. It isn’t necessary that people have work experience to do that easy job. (DON’T)


Listen to a scientist talking about Vietnam’s future education and write NO MORE THAN TWO
66. The future education will certainly bring people __________________ and problems.
67. In the future, students will be offered online and __________________.
68. __________________ will replace paper textbooks and notepads.
69. Studying online, students might be tired and __________________ quickly.
70. Students’ __________________ will be negatively affected because students won’t have enough time
to socialize.

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