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Ezequiel Mejia Gomez

Inglés I

Alexis Antonio Arias Castro


Chapter I. About me……………………………………………..4
Chapter II. Verb To Be………………………………………………………………….5 Chapter
III. story………………………………………………………………………………8 Chapter
IV……………………………………………………………………………………8 Chapter
V…………………………………………………………………………………………10 Chapter
Vl. learning obtained in the subject………………………………………………10

El inglés es el idioma más utilizado en el mundo,hablando por casi mas1.000 millones de

personas.esto lo convierte en una lengua franca que facilita la comunicacion en situaciones
internacinales, tanto comercial y internacional,.

Los temas cubiertos en este trabajo incluyen la conjucion,de verbo to be y sus contraciones
las contruccion de oraciones usando la autodescripcion en ingles, asi como otros temas.

El objetivo de este articulo es poder aplicar practicamente todos los temas tratados en este
mes de clase, y agregar nuevas palabra en ingles, asi como nuevos utilizando todos lo que
hemos a prendido es este mes de clase,

Espero que con este trabajo pueda responder tadas las dudas del lector.
Chapter I. About me

My name is ezequiel mejia gomez, I prefer to be called ezequiel I am 32 years old. I am

Dominican and I live in los girasoles..

My work experience is in a well-known induveca in our country where for more than 7 years I have
promoted to a administrative assistant position.

My dreams and aspirations

My dream is to establish a family

Have my home and have my own vehicle
End my career
Have my own business
Buy my mother a house
Be the boss of the area where I work or of another company

I want to learn how to dance salsa, learn to drive I would like to travel to germany, canada
Chapter II. Verb To Be

Personal and Contractions Personal Personal pronouns

pronouns personal pronouns and contractions in the
verb to be pronouns verb to negative form verb negative form verb
be to be (do not use to be.

I am I'm I am not I'm not

You are You're You are not aren't

He/She/It He's/She's/It's He/She/It is not isn't

We are We're We are not aren't

They are They're They are not aren't

15 negative sentences

1. I am not Eidan.
2. I am not a Little girl.
3. Today is not sun
4. Raul is not pamela's husband.
5. Sofia is not married
6. Luz doesn't want to get married
7. Satarine genes can not be removed
8. I didn t play soccer.
9. We weren t watching tv
10. we aren t playing video games
11. I will not work here anymore
12. I don t love you
13. She doesn t know english
14.she doesn t dance very well
15. we don t have money
15 ffirmative sentences
1. I work as a secretary
2. You call her every day
3. She will be back in a
few hours
4. The doctor can see you
5. I may spend some
money on this.
6. He bought something
for lunch
7. She arrives punctually.
8. They will bring a cake
9. The teacher let us leave
10. You should ask your
My brother had already
seen the movie
12. He eats a lot
13. The ending is
14. My father has been
working at this company
for ten years
15. My boss will have
finished the report by

15 questions using the verb to be and short answer

1. Am I good student
Hi is yes

2. Are we old friends:no we aren t

3. Is the pencil on the desk: no, it isn t
3. Is she absent from class today: yes she is
4. Is the wather good:yes it is
5. Is the sky clear: no it isn t
6. Are they brothers: yes they are
7. Are we cousins: yes, we are
8. Is she sick today:no, she isn t
9. Is he in europ: yes, he is
10. Is the man on the corner waiting the bus: yes, he is
11. Is he a lawyer: yes, he is
12. Is he a businessman: no, he isn t
13. Are he and mary good students:
no, they aren t
14. Are Pedro and Ana Dominican?
Is hi yes
15. Is the child in the garden: no,he
isn t
15 questions using the verb to be and short answer

1. Is Maria tall? No, she's not

2. Is Maria eating rice? Yes, she’s
3. Is Carlos a doctor? Yes, he’s
4. Is Mirian Jose's brother? No, she isn’t
5. Is she Carla? No, she isn’t
6. Is carla here? No, she isn’t
7. Is Mario on the computer? Yes, he’s
8. Is the water cold? Yes, it's
9. Is Ana cooking? Yes, she’s
10. Is Tony a cop? Yes, he’s
11. Are the police working? No, he isn’t
12. Is Anna married? Yes, she’s
13. Is Pedro the husband of Ana? Yes, he’s 14.
Are Pedro and Ana Dominican? Yes, they’re 15.
Are Pedro and Ana happy? Yes, they’re
Chapter III. story

I'm currently doing my final English project and watching my wife prepare dinner. She is

preparing my favorite food which is seafood.

From the window I see that my children are playing monopoly with the neighbors and very

recently they invited me to play.

I have a nephew who is playing with his control car, it is his favorite.

I will continue reading a book later on finance to learn more.

Chapter IV.

personal pronouns Possessive adjectives example

I My My son is 6 years old

You Your I’m your father

He His Barcelona is his


She Her Her dress is blue

It Its My cat doesn’t like to sleep in

its cage

We Our This is our house

They Their Do you know if their

children go to school?
10 affirmative sentences possessive adjective

1.Florida is well known for many of its fruits, notably oranges and avocados 2.Janice

is our youngest daughter.

3.The Golden Retriever is their dog

4.My car is the red one

5.Tom is my older son.

6.Those are my books.

7.Tom will be your partner in the dance contest.

8.This is your new room, Amy

9.I like his new hat

10.My cousin lent me his camera.

10 negative sentences possessive adjective 1. He

does not own his own car.

2. She's not in her bedroom.

3. She does not wait for you outside of your office

4. My boyfriend and I didn't got good marks on our examinations 5. We

didn't got good marks on our examinations

6. Do not take off your jacket

7. He's not in his bedroom

8. You didn't painted my house last weekend.

9. Mr. Green does not work with my uncle.

10. My cat doesn't like to sleep in its cage.

10 Questions in Possessive Adjective

1. Do you know if their children go to school?

2. Is that your dog?

3. What is your name?

4. ¿Have you met his sister yet?

5. Those my note books?

6. Is that her diccionary?

7. Where have I put my glasses?

8. Where is his cat?

9. What is your telephone number?

10. Are these your brothers?

Chapter V

I am an introverted boy I like to go out and share my dream of becoming recognized in the field of
finace. When I graduate in accountig I plan to pursue several ,master s degrees in the field

Chapter Vl. learning obtained in the subject

Al finalizar este tema, puedo decir que tuve la oportunidad de practicar y plasmar algunos de
los conceptos que habia aprendido anteriormente como lo sugeri al inicio del tema con la ayuda
de metodos efectivos, y eficiente y la puntualidad llevada a cabo poel el profesor. El uso del
idima ingles en sus aporte.

Se aprendió mucho en este curso, los conocimientos que adquirí aquí son valiosos, aprendí mucho
en tan solo un mes de clase. Aprovecho para agradecer al profesor por compartir sus conocimientos,
y por tener la paciencia y dedicación para ayudarnos y guiarnos durante todo este proceso.

El idioma inglés juega un papel importante en la comunicacion global, las oportunidades

de empleo, la educacion, el acceso a la informacion, los viajes la cultura, y el
entretenimiento asi como en la diplomacia y las relaciones internacionales a trave de
este trabajo.

A través de este trabajo, hemos explorado conceptos clave como la conjugaclaión del verbo
"tobe" y los pronombres posesivos, que son fundamentales para comunicarse en inglés.
Además, hemos compartido aspectos personales y aspiraciones, demostrando la importancia
de aprender un nuevo idioma para enriquecer nuestras vidas. En este curso, hemos adquirido
valiosos conocimientos que nos han ayudado a mejorar nuestras habilidades en inglés

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