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Crafting a comprehensive literature review on the legalization of abortion is a challenging endeavor

that requires extensive research, critical analysis, and synthesis of existing scholarly works. It
involves delving into a multitude of sources, ranging from academic journals and books to policy
documents and legal statutes.

The complexity of the topic, coupled with the vast array of perspectives and arguments surrounding
it, can make the process of writing a literature review daunting for many individuals. Navigating
through the intricate web of conflicting viewpoints, empirical evidence, and theoretical frameworks
requires a keen understanding of the subject matter and rigorous analytical skills.

Furthermore, compiling a literature review that is both informative and coherent demands meticulous
attention to detail and a systematic approach to organizing the gathered information. Each source
must be carefully evaluated for its relevance, credibility, and contribution to the broader discourse on
abortion legalization.

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Women that are abused by their boyfriend, husband, or ex have reported being afraid to keep the
baby, thinking they will either get hurt by them or use the pregnancy as an excuse to stay in their
lives. Please download one of these browsers for the best experience on Google
Chrome Mozilla Firefox Opera Microsoft Edge Safari. If it was made legal to only perform and
abortion only in the first trimester, it would be gentler according to the religious morals. If abortion is
made legal, nevertheless, a control should be made on who has the right to get an abortion. Starting
Thursday, women in the United States will be able to log onto the website and
send a secure message to a trained counselor based overseas. Joseph Marhoefer, Reston Michael
Gerson was spot on when he pointed out that pro-choice advocates are arguing more for autonomy
than inclusion. Knowing them should have absolutely no impact on the validity of my choice. My
choice. Mine. I am an adult of sound mind and body. If God wants something to happen it is a real
good if however it's the individual's choice and not Gods it's an apparent good. At the same time,
however, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops took direction from the Vatican to oppose
legalized abortion in the United States even though a majority of Americans (and Catholics) believed
that abortion was a medical decision to be made between a woman and her doctor. One additional
factor that contributes to the wide variations in con-. An even more serious problem is that many
studies do not provide a. She, not knowing the father changes the circumstances hugely. If abortion
is made legal, nevertheless, a control should be made on who has the right to get an abortion.
Humanize this act. Let’s do what we must to keep the choice available to those who need it. Because
it is UNCORRECTED material, please consider the following text as a useful but insufficient proxy
for the authoritative book pages. Niswander and Patterson studied a group of women obtaining
abortions. The reason mothers choose to abort from home is because it is their last resort. If they are
forced to keep the child by law, the mothers can become depressed, have mental issues, have eating
disorders or other problems by keeping the baby they did not want or could not take care of. The
only exception to this is if the minor is female and pregnant. This also would use more supplies as
well as take longer procedure time due to the doctor now having to be cautious about the previous
procedure done. Approximately 51 percent of the United States population believes that abortion
should be legal. Effects of Abortion: With Emphasis Upon Immediate Reactions and. This law
forces women to keep the child whether they want to or not if they do not react during a certain
period of time. Somewhat related to the definition problem is the lack of uniform. Some women are
not financially stable to take care of themselves, let alone a child. For example, in Iowa, a law was
passed that stated a woman must report the assault in 45 days or the law could not do anything
about the assault. Certain trends emerge from a review of the scientific literature on. Unfortunately,
this study is flawed by major social and economic. Once an unsafe abortion takes place and it needs
to be corrected, the abortion doctor would then put more risk to the patient’s life by possibly harming
the body even more. For example, as a U.S. citizen, I have the right to refuse lifesaving medical
When a woman is raped and becomes pregnant from the assault they may not want to live with
facing their demons everyday of their life. In a recent study by Levene and Rigney (1970), follow-
up question-. Abortion should be allowed if the family is unstable, the mother does not want a child,
or if the family cannot take care of the child. Early Research on the Psychiatric Consequences of
Legal Abortion. But our hope is Patheos can serve as a platform to encounter others with different
views while encouraging a civil discussion about matters of faith. Please note that the code must be
integrated into the HTML code (not only the text) for WordPress pages and other CMS sites. Some
women take this pill to prevent pregnancy because they know in some states that it is illegal to have
an abortion after a certain time period. Yet much of the research fails to define adequately the
measurement. Wade, the Supreme Court decision that legalized the procedure nationally.
Unfortunately, this study is flawed by major social and economic. Beyond any private distress or
depression, the pregnancy is obvious to. Growth and the American Future, Research Reports 1, 1972.
Please download one of these browsers for the best experience on Google Chrome
Mozilla Firefox Opera Microsoft Edge Safari. This chapter reviews the available evidence on the
psychological. In 1970, Fleck reported that there are some 4,000 documented post-. Advertisement
“I would say for right now, I’m not advocating for women to be doing this on their own in the
current environment,” said Daniel Grossman, a University of California at San Francisco researcher
who has studied self-induced abortion in the United States. Using medication early in pregnancy as
another way of abortion also has a similar safety profile. “Complications from having a first-
trimester aspiration abortion are considerably less frequent and less serious than those associated
with giving birth” (NAF). It could cause stress and anxiety by moving from different schools and
making new friends all the time. Share this article Share “There.?.?. are people who view this as
progress, the evolution of abortion care, and an incredible opportunity to transcend the very
contentious abortion debate,” said Jill E. She was pregnant with her third child and did not want to
continue with her pregnancy. There were no reports of psychiatric hospitalization from those women.
However it could be looked at differently if a pregnant women wants an abortion so that she can
continue to work it is an. Based on feedback from you, our users, we've made some improvements
that make it easier than ever to read thousands of publications on our website. Taken during 24 to 48
hours, the drugs — mifepristone and misoprostol — halt the development of pregnancy and induce
miscarriage. Patients who qualify may receive a significant discount in the price of the procedure if
they meet certain criteria. Natural law can be criticised on several accounts, one reason being our
human nature changes all the time, and also across different cultures and religions. Abortion foes
have sought further restrictions on the medications in the name of safety. Analysis: How America
feels about abortion It also raises questions about the legal ramifications for women using the site,
and whether encouraging women to take matters into their own hands this way is safe. Though more
study is needed, the drugs could one day meet FDA criteria to be offered over the counter,
concluded Grossman and lead author Nathalie Kapp, chief scientist at Ipas, an international women's
health organization. Also, many couples are willing to adopt, who has been waiting for years to have
a child.
For many, there is a profound emotional element in the decision to abort. The other 43 percent of the
United States population believes that abortion should be illegal. It's become increasingly like a fact
of life; abortions will take place so natural law followers would try to educate people to give them a
better understanding of the matter. Pro-life advocates believe that when a woman chooses to abort
she is killing an innocent baby. Here's a look at some amazing space images from 2019 This year,
scientists have recorded and observed galactic interactions, atmospheric phenomena and the first
images of a black hole. Starting Thursday, women in the United States will be able to log onto the
website and send a secure message to a trained counselor based overseas. In
Thailand, parliament voted in January 2021 to make abortion legal within the 12 weeks, although
penalties are still in place for those who terminate later in their pregnancies. Kaltreider noted that a
first-trimester group of ten women moved swiftly. If abortion were to be illegal many children would
grow up in broken homes which typically could bring along many issues down the road. One such
study was conducted in Sweden by Forssmann and Thuwe (1966). Advertisement The abortion pill
approved by the FDA is actually two drugs that may be used in combination through the 10th week
of pregnancy. The agency recommends medical supervision followed by an in-person follow-up
appointment, and it warns people not to obtain the pills over the Internet because they might be
unsafe. Click here to buy this book in print or download it as a free PDF, if available. Some kids
grow up watching their parents become addicts. I’m not going to tell you whether the guy is or is not
still a part of my life, whether it was a one-night stand or a long-term relationship. One argument is
that, abortion should be made legal within the first trimester of the pregnancy. But our hope is
Patheos can serve as a platform to encounter others with different views while encouraging a civil
discussion about matters of faith. You can use essay samples to find ideas and inspiration for your
paper. Such encounters, we believe, can breed tolerance, compassion and growth. Research before the
middle 1960s on the psychiatric consequences. This was the latest step forward for reproductive
rights in Latin America after a Supreme Court decision to decriminalize in Mexico in September 2021
- note that this has not yet gone into effect. Further research on the social and psychological
dimensions of second-. Much of the research on psychological aspects of abortion is limited. The
effects of denied abortion are also not completely documented. Early Research on the Psychiatric
Consequences of Legal Abortion. Please note that the code must be integrated into the HTML code
(not only the text) for WordPress pages and other CMS sites. American Journal of Psychiatry 119:
980-983, April 1963. Natural Law for Abortion To say that natural law is not an effective argument
in the debate over abortion seems a bit ignorant. Such as, teenage girls, families with a low income or
a crime related issues, should be considered. Based on feedback from you, our users, we've made
some improvements that make it easier than ever to read thousands of publications on our website.
Adoption would relieve the conscience of both the mother and father. Such as, teenage girls, families
with a low income or a crime related issues, should be considered. Much of the research on
psychological aspects of abortion is limited. As with all abortion debates whether or not the baby is
classed as a living person at just 8 weeks old, or less, depends on medical facts. Due to a lack of
data, this chapter does not address the effect of. At least 29 states have fetal homicide laws that
apply to the earliest stages of pregAt least 29 states have fetal homicide laws that apply to the
earliest stages of pregnancy When a woman chooses to abort she does what is best for the baby
because she knows she cannot provide the life best for the child. Also women considering having an
abortion should be introduced to the idea of adoption; this could solve the problem of immoral
abortions and give couples a chance of becoming a family. Women that are abused by their
boyfriend, husband, or ex have reported being afraid to keep the baby, thinking they will either get
hurt by them or use the pregnancy as an excuse to stay in their lives. Civil rights rhetoric, which pits
the rights of women against the rights of the unborn, also fails in this respect. In a paper from this
week in the British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Grossman and another researcher looked
at existing research and found that women tend to use the abortion pill appropriately and effectively.
Parental consent is required for minors seeking abortion. Studies in Family Planning 3: 109, June,
1972; and personal. The data collected came from direct interviews with the women or their.
Research before the middle 1960s on the psychiatric consequences. Yet much of the research fails to
define adequately the measurement. Almost all ethical way of thinking must be considered when
looking at varying situations and the outcomes of them. Abortion should be allowed if the family is
unstable, the mother does not want a child, or if the family cannot take care of the child. Obstetrics
and Gynecology 121: 1008-1019, April 1, 1975. I won’t mention whether birth control was used or
whether it wasn’t. Women who choose to abort say that it is a painful and difficult decision to make
for themselves and a the child. Also, you can type in a page number and press Enter to go directly to
that page in the book. I won’t tell you whether I’ve gone on to marry and have kids years or decades
later. Support from family members play a big role in abortion. It could cause stress and anxiety by
moving from different schools and making new friends all the time. In certain circumstances
terminating the pregnancy is the best option for some women. Abortion is one of the safest and most
common types of medical procedures. There were no reports of psychiatric hospitalization from
those women. Furthermore, a female that was a victim in a sexual assault should be granted the right
to have an abortion. One additional factor that contributes to the wide variations in con-. In a recent
study by Levene and Rigney (1970), follow-up question-.
Furthermore, a female that was a victim in a sexual assault should be granted the right to have an
abortion. In defending reproductive rights, we should refrain from framing the argument around the
most extreme and saintly of cases in the hope of converting more supporters. Advertisement Why do
my reproductive decisions fall outside of these other condoned health-care choices. This section
relies primarily on U.S. data gathered since the late. Somewhat related to the definition problem is
the lack of uniform. Medically induced abortions accounted for nearly a third of all non-hospital
abortions in the United States in 2014 and almost half of all abortions before nine weeks' gestation,
according to the Guttmacher Institute, a reproductive rights research organization. Rape victims.
Incest victims. Abuse victims. Unviable fetuses. Potentially fatal complications for either mother or
child. Giving birth has a higher “injury” rate than first trimester abortions. The last two studies
presented discuss certain psychological aspects. A recent study attempted to relate the psychiatric
sequelae of. Support from family members play a big role in abortion. Studies in Family Planning 3:
109, June, 1972; and personal. The launch of the site is likely to add fuel to the debate about
abortion, particularly those that are done using medication. Unsafe abortions are often known as
“back alley” abortions, this is a popular place for medical procedures. Even though this is a common
style of avoiding pregnancy this also comes with its risks as well. They believe that women choose to
get an abortion as a convenience for them or an easy way out. The counselors also will be able to
direct women to clinics or foundations in their communities that can help them pay for abortions in a
clinical setting if they prefer. Beyond any private distress or depression, the pregnancy is obvious to.
Most studies on the psychological effect of abortion are clouded by. I think the answer most
believers of natural law would give in response to should we allow abortion is yes, but try to reduce
them. Some laws are not what is best for the women carrying the unborn child. This was the latest
step forward for reproductive rights in Latin America after a Supreme Court decision to
decriminalize in Mexico in September 2021 - note that this has not yet gone into effect. According to
Tracy Weitz, “most women are having an abortion because they say they cant afford to have a child.”
Broken relationships or unhealthy relationships often cause a mother to want to abort. From a
personal point of view I would struggle to suggest it is anything but an apparent good. Recent data
on the psychiatric complication rate of abortion have. Approximately 51 percent of the United States
population believes that abortion should be legal. Increasing interest in why some women obtain
abortions in the second. Advertisement “There is a lot of fear and worry that, with the current
administration and restrictions that are to the enormous disadvantage of girls and women, that access
to clinical care might further diminish,” said Jelinska, an anthropologist and longtime reproductive
rights advocate from Poland, where abortion is illegal except in narrow circumstances. Allowing
women to have the choice to terminate their pregnancy or continuing it defends all people, giving
them the choice to do what they need or want to do with their body or situation they are in.
Experience. Hagerstown, Maryland: Harper and Row, 1973, p. 203.

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