Chess Plan (2023)

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Chess books to read[30 pgs.


-Chess Opening Essentials series(Vol. 1 = 358 pgs.; Vol. 2 = 290 pgs.; Vol. 3 = 338
pgs.; Vol. 4 = 258 pgs.)

-Chess Strategy for Club Players(413 pgs.)

-The Middlegame in Chess(248 pgs.) -- Done

-Fundamental Chess Endings(418 pgs.)

-Endgame Strategy(679 pgs.)

-Logical Chess(955 pgs.)

-Understanding Chess Move by Move(241 pgs.)
-Calculate like a Grandmaster(258 pgs.)
-Imagination in Chess(145 pgs.)
-How to Reassess Your Chess(212 pgs.)

Total days ¬= 161(5,37 months)

So from May 22nd - Oct. 22nd/Nov. 1st, you should be learning how to do the

a)Play the Opening with understanding, along with their traps, and create your own
b)Recognise positional concepts in the Middlegame
c)Understand and recognise types of positions in the Endgame
d)Immediately recognise tactical motifs/patterns
e)Understand how to analyse, evaluate, visualise, and calculate chess positions

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