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Chess Tutorial with Chess Trainer Raymart Gallo

Session - 1 - June 12
-How to set up the chessmat
-Introduction of Chess Pieces Name
-Movement of Chess Pieces

Session - 2 - June 17
-Review set up the chessmat, name of chess pieces, movement of chess pieces
-Benefits of playing chess
-History of chess
-Value of Chess Pieces
-How to attack
-Checkmate with Queen and Rook

Session - 3 - June 19
-Review checkmate Queen and Rook
-Checkmate with Queen
-Checkmate with 2 Rooks
-Checkmate with Rook
-Chess Opening - Italian Opening/ Ruy Lopez Opening / Spanish Opening

Session - 4 - June 23
-Checkmate in 1
-Files and Rank
-Chess Notation/Chess Recording
-Review Chess Opening - Italian Opening/ Ruy Lopez Opening / Spanish Opening

Session - 5 - June 25
-Review their first Game with Chess Recording
-Teach kids how to think in Chess
-Plan for Material Advantage
-Plan on how to Defend

Session - 6 - June 30
-Guide Principles in Chess
-Middle Game Tactics

Session - 7 - July 2
-How to Self Study and improve in chess from opening, middle game and endgame.

----------------------------------------------------ENJOY PLAYING CHESS--------------------------------------------------------

-------------------------------------------------HARD WORK BEATS TALENT----------------------------------------------------

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