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Riverside School, Year 12


Every single movement I make hurts. I think I am laying down in some cold floor, I can smell
dirt. My hands are below my head, and my whole body is curved into ball. I feel heavy, I cannot
move. Everything makes me feel pain. My legs feel tired, as if I had been running or climbing. Why
would I run? I can’t open my eyes. The dark is keeping me safe. I listen my stomach growling, and
the only thing I can taste is the blood in my mouth. I yearn water. I don’t know who I am. I don’t
know if I am alive. I know everything hurts. I need everything to end.

I have to open my eyes; I must escape that place. My body does not answer to my thoughts.
I open my eyes. Effectible, I was laying down in an apartment floor. I had bands on my wrists and
there were pills splattered besides me. Did I try to kill myself? What have I done?

I looked at my surroundings, everything was messy. I have a terrible headache that is not
letting me think. Even breathing hurts. It is dark outside, but I cannot figure out what time it is. There
is a minimum light in the room. The room smells weird, as if something was burning. I cannot see
very well since the curtains are blocking the sight from the windows. I stand up to see what outside.
I am scared.

My bones hurt. I stood up and slowly peeked from the window. Outside there was a
playground. It was quite, no kids were playing. I sit down on the floor. The headache is killing me.
Would it be because of the pills? What have I done?

I stink, I desperately need a shower. And a cup of water. I am too scared to leave that room.
What if someone is trying to kill me? I look around more. There was an old and dusty tv showing
some weird symbol that I could not recognize. There was a green carpet, it was too dirty and it had a
funny smell. The walls were pinkish and had no pictures. There was not furniture and I could not
imagine someone lived in a so boring space. Did I live there? What am I doing there? Who am I?

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