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ِ ٰ ‫ب ِۡس ِم ہ‬

ِ‫اّلل َّالر ۡ ہۡح ِن َّالرح ۡ ِی‬

Islamic Studies
Hafiz Abdul Aziz Usmani
Assistant Professor
Department of Basic Sciences & Related Studies (BSRS)
Mehran University of Engineering & Technology, Jamshoro
+923332743451 1
Section One
Basic Beliefs of Islam
Belief or Faith is the basis of all actions.
What is IMAN? According to pure
Islamic terminology.
IMAN? According to pure Islamic terminology.
According to pure religious terminology belief is those facts and figures
which are told to us through the messengers of Allah; although they are
beyond the limitations of our senses and instruments of understanding; the
knowledge and guidance brought to us from Allah, we witness them by
accepting those as truth.
‫دین ےک خالص اصطالح مںی امیان یہ ےہ کہ ہللا ےک پیغمرب اییس حقیقتوں ےک متعلق جو ھامرے‬
‫حواس اور آالت ادراک ےک حدود ےس ما ورا ھوں جو کچھ بتالئںی اور ھامرے پاس جو عمل و ھدایت‬
‫تعال یک طرف ےس الئںی ھم ان کو سچا مان کر اس یک تصدیق کریں اور ان کو حق مان کر قبول‬
‫ہللا ہ‬
IMAN? According to pure Islamic terminology.
Believe is Unseen: However, in principle, the Islamic faith
is related to the unseen.
‫یؤمنون ابلغیب ۔ بھرحال اصو اال رشعی امیان اک تعلق امورغیب ےس ھوات ےھ۔‬
Iman is related to Heart and Islam with body
)‫ التصدیق جبمیع ما جاء بہ النیب صیل ہللا علیہ وسمل ( امام غزا یل‬
Testify all those things which surely has been brought by the
Holy Prophet Muhammad (‫)ﷺ‬ 5
Branches of IMAN
‫ الامیان بضع و س بعون شعبۃ‬:‫عن ایب ھریرۃ ریض ہللا عنہ قال قال رسول ہللا ﷺ‬
‫فافضلھا قول ال ا ہلہ الا ہللا وادانھا اما طۃ الا ہذی عن الطریق و احلیاء شعبۃ من الامیان‬
It is narrated on the authority of Abu Huraira (‫ )ریض ہللا عنہ‬that the
Messenger of Allah (may peace and blessings be upon him) said: Faith has
over seventy branches, the most excellent of which is the declaration that
there is no god but Allah, and the humblest of which is the removal of
what is injurious from the path and modesty is the branch of faith.
(The Book of Faith (Kitab Al-Iman) Muslim: Book 1 :Hadith 56)
Basic Beliefs of Islam
IMAN-e-MUFASSAL ‫مفصل‬ ‫ايمان‬
َِ ٰ ‫ہا َمنْت ِاب ِلل َو َم َالئِ َک ِته َو کت ِبه َو رس ِل َوالْ َی ْو ِم ْال ِخ ِر َوالْ َق ْد ِر َخ ْ ِْيه َو‬
‫رشه ِم َن‬
‫ہللاِ تَ َع ہال َوالْ َب ْع ِث ب َ ْعدَ الْ َم ْو ِت‬
I believe in Allah, His Angels, His Books, His Messengers, the Last
Day, and in Predestination (Taqdeer), (that) all good and bad is from
Allah, the Most High and (I believe in) the resurrection after death.
Al Bakarah-285
ٖ‫ َال ُ ََ ٰ ِرُ ب َ ۡ َۡ َا َح ٍد ِ ٰم ۡن ُّرس ِلہ‬.ٖ‫ک ہا َم َن ِاب ِلل َو َم ہل ِئ َک ِتہٖ َو کت ِبہٖ َورس ِلہ‬
‫ہا َم َن َّالرس ۡول ِب َما ا ۡن ِز َل ِال َ ۡیہِ ِم ۡن َّرِب ٰہٖ َوالۡم ۡؤ ِمن ۡو َن ؕ ل‬
Translation: The Messenger (Muhammad ‫ )ﷺ‬believes in what has been sent down to him from his
lord, and (so do) the believers. Each one believes in Allah, His angels, His books and His messengers.
Al Bakarah-177
ۚ َِۡ ٰ ٖ ‫ۡش ُِ َوالۡ َم ۡغ ِر ِب َو ہل ِک َّن الۡ ِ َّرب َم ۡن ہا َم َن ِاب ِلل َوالۡ َی ۡو ِم ۡ ہاال ِخ ِر َوالۡ َم ہل ِئ َک ِۃ َو ۡال ِک ہت ِب َوالنَّب‬
ِ ۡ ‫ل َیۡ َس الۡ ِ َّرب َا ۡن ت َول ُّ ۡوا وج ۡو َھ ُۡک ِق َب َل الۡ َم‬
Translation: It is not Al-BIRR (piety, righteousness, and each and every act of obedience to Allah etc.)
that you turn your faces towards the east and (or) west (in prayers); but Al Birr is (the quality of) the
one who believes in Allah, the Last Day, the Angels, the Book, the Prophets.
An Nisa-78
ِ ‫ک ِ ٰم ۡن ِع ۡن ِد‬
‫ہللا‬ ‫ق ۡل ل‬
Translation: Say (O Muhammad ‫(ﷺ‬: “All things are from Allah”
‫حدیث جربیل ‪Hadith-e-Gabriel‬‬
‫عن معربن اخلطاب ريض ہللا عنه قال‪ :‬بیامن حنن عند رسول ہللا صیل ہللا علیه و‬
‫سمل ذات یوم اذ طلع علینا رجل شدید بیاض الثیاب شدید سواد الشعر ال یرى‬
‫علیه آثر السَر و ال یعرفه منا آحد حىت جلس ال النيب صیل ہللا علیه و سمل‬
‫فأس ند ركبتیه ال ركبتیه و وضع كَٰیه عیل خفذیه و قال‪ :‬اي محمٰد آخربين عن االسالم‬
‫فقال رسول ہللا صیل ہللا علیه و سمل‪ :‬االسالم آن تشهد آن ال اهل ا ٰال ہللا و آ ٰن‬
‫محمٰدا رسول ہللا‪ ،‬وتقی الصالۃ‪ ،‬وتؤيت الزاکۃ‪ ،‬وتصوم رمضان‪ ،‬وحتج البیت ان‬
‫اس تطعت الیه سبیال‪ .‬قال صدقت‪ .‬فعجبنا هل یسأهل ویصدقه!‬
‫‪Hadith-e-Gabriel‬‬ ‫یل‬ ‫رب‬ ‫ج‬ ‫حدیث‬
‫قال‪ :‬فأخربين عن االمیان‪ .‬قال‪ :‬آن تؤمن ابلل و مالئكته وكتبه ورسل والیوم الخر‬
‫رشه‪ .‬قال‪ :‬صدقت‪ .‬قال‪ :‬فأخربين عن االحسان‪ .‬قال‪ :‬آن‬ ‫و تؤمن ابلقدر خْيه و ٰ‬
‫تعبد ہللا كُك تراه فان مل تكن تراه فاُه یراك‪ .‬قال‪ :‬فأخربين عن الساعة‪ .‬قال‪ :‬ما‬
‫املسؤول عهنا بأعمل من السائل‪ .‬قال‪ :‬فأخربين عن آماراهتا‪ .‬قال‪ :‬آن تدل المة ربٰهتا و‬
‫آن ترى احلَاۃ العراۃ العاةل رعاء الشاء یتطاولون يف البنیان‪ .‬مث اُطلق فلبثت ملیا‬
‫‪،‬مث قال‪ :‬اي معر آتدري من السائل؟ قلت ہللا و رسوهل آعمل‪ .‬قال‪ :‬اُه جربیل آاتمك‬
‫یعلٰمُک دینُک‪ .‬رواه مسمل‬
Hadith Gabriel on Islam & Iman
On the authority of Omar bin khatab, who said : One day while we were
sitting with the messenger of Allah there appeared before us a man whose
clothes were exceedingly white and whose hair was exceedingly black; no signs
of journeying were to be seen on him and none of us knew him. He walked up
and sat down by the prophet. Resting his knees against his and placing the
palms of his hands on his thighs, he said:"O Muhammad, tell me about Islam".
The messenger of Allah said: “Islam is to testify that there is no god
but Allah and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah, to perform
the prayers, to pay the zakat, to fast in Ramazan, and to make the
pilgrimage to the House if you are able to do so.” 11
Hadith Gabriel on Islam & Iman
 He said:"You have spoken rightly", and we were amazed at him asking
him and saying that he had spoken rightly. He said: "Then tell me about
He said:"It is to believe in Allah, His angels, His books, His
messengers, and the Last Day, and to believe in divine destiny,
both the good and the evil thereof.“
 He said:"You have spoken rightly". He said: " Then tell me about ihsan.“
 He said: "It is to worship Allah as you are seeing Him, and while you see
Him not yet truly He sees you". 12
Hadith Gabriel on Islam & Iman
 He said: "Then tell me about the Hour".
 He said: "The one questioned about it knows no better than the questioner.“

 He said: "Then tell me about its signs.“

 He said: "That the slave-girl will give birth to her mistress and that you will see the
barefooted, naked, destitute herdsman competing in constructing lofty buildings.“

 Then he took himself off and I stayed for a time. Then he said: "O Omar, do you know
who the questioner was?" I said: "Allah and His messenger know best". He said: "He was
Jibril (Gabriel), who came to you to teach you your religion.” (Muslim) 13
Guidance from Hadith e Gabriel (For Students)
1. Should wear neat, clean and white clothing.
2. Achieve education and skills in the youth age.
3. Student should sit close to the teacher, and have close contact with
4. Ask useful things, because the question is half of the knowledge.
5. Don't be ashamed of ignorance. Make it clear that I don't know.
6. Live a life of anonymity, don't have too many relationships.
Fundamental Basic Beliefs OR
Main articles of the Islamic faith
1. Believe in Allah ‫االمیان ابلل‬
2. Believe in Angels ‫االمیان ابملالئكة‬
3. Believe in Books ‫االمیان ابلكتب‬
4. Believe in Prophethood ‫االمیان ابلرسل‬
5. Believe in Life hereafter ‫االمیان ب ہالخرہ‬ 15
Unity of Allah,
its importance, Types and
Shirk and its types.
Tauheed or Unity Of Allah
To believe in Oneness of Allah is the main principle of Islam. It
is foundation of all beliefs. The whole structure of Islam is built
up on the concept of monotheism (Tauheed). The best known
expression of Divine Unity is contained in Kalima Tayyab:
ِ ‫َال ِا ہ َهل ِا َّال ہللا م َم َّمد َّرس ۡول‬
There is no God besides Allah Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.
Similarly the all prophets
Existence of God
Tauheed according to Shah Waliullah
According to Shah Waliullah , the conception of Tauheed depends on the following
four ideas
i. The essential being is One, Who is God. The existence of this universe depends on
ii. The creator of this universe is One.
iii.The management of all affairs of the universe is made by only God
iv.Only God is worthy to be worshipped.
when above four ideas come in the mind and man feels the greatness and superiority
of God over all the world, then man bows down before the Being who is worthy to
be worshipped. 18
‫‪What is the‬‬ ‫?‪importance of Oneness‬‬
‫‪ The Message of every prophet is Oneness or Tuaheed.‬‬
‫‪ Holy Quran is full of Tauheed.‬‬
‫ہللا َوات َّق ۡوہ ہذ ِل ُۡک خ ۡ ٌَْي ل َّ ُۡک ِا ۡن ک ۡن ُۡت تَ ۡعلَم ۡو َن [العنکبوت ‪]16-‬‬
‫‪َ ‬وِا ۡب ہرہِ ۡ َی ِا ۡذ قَا َل ِل َق ۡو ِمہِ ا ۡعبدوا َ‬
‫ہللا َما لَ ُۡک ِٰم ۡن ِا ہلہٍ غَ ْۡي ٗہ [الاعراف‪]59-‬‬ ‫‪‬لَ َقدۡ َا ۡر َسلۡنَا ُ ۡو احا ِا ہل قَ ۡو ِمہٖ فَ َقا َل یہ َق ۡو ِم ا ۡعبدوا َ‬
‫‪َ ‬وِا ہل عَا ٍد َاخَاہ ۡم ہ ۡو ادا قَا َل یہ َق ۡو ِم ا ۡعبدوا ہللا َما لَ ُۡک ِٰم ۡن ِا ہلہٍ غَ ْۡي ٗہ [الاعراف ‪]65‬‬
‫‪َ ‬وِا ہل ثَم ۡو َد َاخَاہ ۡم ہص ِل احا ۘ قَا َل یہ َق ۡو ِم ا ۡعبدوا ہللا َما لَ ُۡک ِٰم ۡن ِا ہلہٍ غَ ْۡي ٗہ [الاعراف ‪]73‬‬
‫‪َ ‬وِا ہل َمدۡ یَ َن َاخَاہ ۡم ش َع ۡی ابا قَا َل یہ َق ۡو ِم ا ۡعبدوا ہللا َما لَ ُۡک ِٰم ۡن ِا ہلہٍ غَ ْۡي ٗہ [الاعراف‪] 85-‬‬
‫صا ٌ ُّم ۡس َت ِق ۡ ٌی [الزخرف ‪]64‬‬ ‫‪ِ ‬ا َّن ہللا ه َو َر ِ ٰ ۡیب َو َربُّ ُۡک فَا ۡعبد ۡوہ ہه َذا ِ َ‬
‫ِ ِ‬
‫ّلل َر ِ ٰب الۡ ہعل َ ِم ۡ َۡ ﴿﴾ [الاُعام ‪]162‬‬ ‫‪‬ق ۡل ِا َّن َص َال ِ ِۡت َونس ِک ۡی َو َم ۡم َی َای َو َم َم ِ ۡ‬
‫اِت‬ ‫‪19‬‬
The Core Meaning of Tauheed
Believing Allah
Obeying Allah
‫ہللا كوماُنا اور ہللا یک ماُنا‬
IMAN-e-MUJMAL ‫ايمان مجمل‬
ٖ‫َا ۡح ََک ِمہ‬ ِ‫ہا َمنۡت ِاب ِلل َ ََک ھ َو ِ َاب ۡ َسائِہٖ َو ِص ََا ِتہٖ َوقَ ِبلۡت َ ۡی َع‬
ۡ ۡ ‫م‬ ِ ٰ ِ
‫ِا ۡق َر ٌار ِابلل َس ِان َوتَ ۡصدیۡقٌ ِابل َقل ِب‬
I believe in Allah (as HE is) with His names and
attributes, and I accept all His commands, I accept
verbally and endorse this truth from core of my heart.
Names of Allah
‫ َو ِ ِّلل ۡ َاال ۡ َساء الۡم ۡس ہن فَا ۡدع ۡوہ ِبہَا‬
Translation: And (All) the most beautiful names belong to Allah, so call
on Him by them.180-‫االعراف‬
All-Hearer ‫سیع‬
All-Seer ‫بصْي‬
All-Wise‫حكی‬ 22
‫‪Attribute of Allah is‬‬ ‫ہ‬
‫الہ ‪God - illah‬‬‫ِ‬
‫ہللا ۔۔۔ ِا ہلہ‬
‫ال ‪ +‬ا ہلہ = ہللا جےسی ‪The + Book = The Book‬‬
‫ا ہلہ = لغوی معن = وہ ہس ىت جس ےس سب ےس زايدہ بڑھ کر حمبت یک جائے‪،‬‬
‫ایس کوحاصل کرےن ےک ےیلسب ےس زايدہ حمنت یک جائے۔‬
‫الص َمد(‪ )2‬ل َ ْم ی َ ِ ْدل َول َ ْم ی َ ْ‬
‫ول(‪َ )3‬ول َ ْم یَكن َّهل كَ اوا َآ َح ٌد(‪()4‬اخالص)‬ ‫ق ْل ه َو ہللا َآ َح ٌد(‪ )1‬ہللا َّ‬
‫‪( “He is Allah, (the) One. Allah is self-‬ﷺ ‪Translation: Say (Muhammad‬‬
‫‪sufficient master. He begets not, nor was He begotten. And there is none‬‬
‫‪comparable to Him.‬‬ ‫‪23‬‬
The Attribute of Allah: Guardian ‫رب‬
‫ خوف مںی امن دینے والا‬،‫ بھوک مںی کھالےن والا‬،‫پالنے والا‬
)3،4:‫( (قریش‬4)‫) َّ ِاَّلي َآ ْط َع َمهم ِٰمن جوعٍ َوآ َم َهنم ِٰم ْن خ َْو ٍف‬3( ‫فَلْ َی ْعبدوا َر َّب َه َذا الْ َبیْ ِت‬
Translation: So let them worship the Lord of this House. Who provides them with
food against hunger, and with security against fear (of danger).
The Attribute of Allah: Ruler ‫حامك‬
)40:‫ا ِن الْم ُْک االَّ ِّلل َآ َم َر َآالَّ تَ ْعبدو ْا االَّ ا َّايه َذ ِ َ َ ٰ ِالین الْ َق ِ ٰی (یوسف‬
ِ ِ
Translation: The command is for none but Allah. He has commanded that you
ِ ِ
worship none but Him; that is the (true) straight religion. 24
Comprehensively Tauheed
Allah is the provider,
Ask only Allah
‫ہللا ھی دیتا ےھ۔‬
‫صف ہللا ھی ےس مانگو۔‬ 25
The unity of Allah is explained in three categories:
1)Tauheed in Self ‫توحید یف اَّلات‬
2)Tauheed in Attributes ‫توحید یف الصَات‬
3)Tauheed in Works ‫توحید یف الافعال‬
1)Tauheed in Self ‫توحید فی الذات‬
Tauheed in self means there is no plurality of person in
God, and there is no one to be worshiped excepts Allah.
He is one and only one in his Person ‫ذات‬, there can not be
any other God. It is clearly explained in Quran:
ْ َ ‫) ل َ ْم ی َ ِ ْدل َول َ ْم ی‬2(‫الص َمد‬
)‫)(اخالص‬4(‫) َول َ ْم یَكن َّهل كَ اوا َآ َح ٌد‬3(‫ول‬ َّ ‫) ہللا‬1(‫ق ْل ه َو ہللا َآ َح ٌد‬
Translation: Say (Muhammad ‫“ (ﷺ‬He is Allah, (the) One. Allah is
self-sufficient master. He begets not, nor was He begotten. And there
is none comparable to Him. 27
2) Tauheed in Attributes ‫توحید فی الصفات‬
Allah is alone and perfect in all of his attributes.
There is no other being that can have attributes equals to Allah.
He is the one and only one, the only perfect.
Every thing in this universe is mortal except Allah. Man is
dependent on Allah for his necessities of life but Allah is
independent of all.
For example: Allah is All-Hearer ‫السمیع‬, All-Seer‫البصْي‬, All-Creator
‫خلالق‬, All-Provider ُ‫الراز‬, All-Knower ‫العلی‬, All-Oldest ‫القدمی‬
3)Allah is one in Works: ‫توحید یف الافعال‬
Oneness in actions means that no one can do the
works which Allah has done or which Allah will do
in future.
For example: Allah has created this entire universe,
all living things on earth, rivers, oceans and
mountains, but no human being or any other else can
do it. 29
‫‪Tauheed in Holy Quran & Ahadith‬‬
‫‪َ ‬و ِا ہلـہ ُۡک ِا ہلہٌ َّوا ِح ٌد ۚ َال ِا ہلہَ ِا َّال هو (بقرہ ‪)162‬‬
‫‪And your Illah (god) is one Illah (i.e. Allah) there is none who has right to be‬‬
‫‪worshiped but only HE‬‬
‫‪َ ‬ء َا ۡر َاب ٌب ُّمتَ ََ ٰ ِرق ۡو َن خ ۡ ٌَْي َا ِم ہللا الۡ َوا ِحد الۡ َقہَّار (یوسف ‪)39‬‬
‫‪Are many different lords (gods) better or Allah, the One the irresistible.‬‬
‫‪‬من قال ال ا ہلہ الا ہللا دخل اجلنۃ (جامع الرتمذي جزء ‪ ،4‬ص ‪)133‬‬
‫‪‬عن سَیان بن عبدہللا الثقَی قال قلت اي رسول ہللا قل ل یف الاسالم قو اال ال اٴس ئل عنہ احد اا‬
‫غْيک (و یف روای ٍۃ بعدک) قال قل ہامنت ابلل مث مااس تقم (حصیح املسمل‪،‬حدیث ‪،38‬جزء‪ ،1‬ص ‪)65‬‬
‫)معاذ بن جبل ‪ Rights of Allah and Rights of People (narrated by‬‬ ‫‪30‬‬
Effects or Benefits
Self respect / self confidence
Humility / meekness
Broadness / broadmindedness
Firmness and bravery
Hope and inner-satisfaction
Reliability on only one 31
and its types.
Shirk / Polytheism
The opposite word of Tauheed is Shirk, which means “making
partner” i.e. regarding some one as a partner of Allah.
Definition: Shirk basically is polytheism; i.e. the worship of
others along with Allah. It also implies attributing divine
attributes to any other besides Allah. It particularly implies
associating partners in worship with Allah or believing that
source of power, harm or blessing is from others besides Allah.
Shirk / Polytheism
Shirk is the greatest misguidance
)116:‫ۡشكْ ِاب َّ ِّلل فَ َق ْد ضَ َّل ضَ ال اال ب َ ِعید اا ( نساء‬
ِ ْ ‫َو َم ْن ی‬
Whoever ascribes a partner to Allah has indeed gone far astray.
‫جو خشص ہللا ےک ساتھ رشیک ٹھہراات ےہ وہ را ِہ راست ےس بھٹک کر بہت دورجا گرات ےہ۔‬
Shirk is the gravest of all sins.
)13:‫ۡش َک لَظ ۡ ٌمل َع ِظ ۡ ٌی (لقامن‬ ِ ۡ ‫َو ِا ۡذ قَا َل ل ۡق ہمن ِالبۡ ِنہٖ َوه َوی َ ِعظہٗ یہب َ َّن َال ت‬
ۡ ٰ ِ ‫ۡش ۡک ِابلل ِا َّن ال‬
And (remember)when Luqman said to his son when he was advising him: “O my son! Do
not associate anyone with Allah, Surely Shirk is gravest sin.
‫اور جب کہا لقامن ےن اےنپ لڑےک ےس کہ مْيے بیٹے! ہللا ےک ساتھ رشیک ُہ کران بیشک رشک بڑا بھاری ظمل ےہ۔‬ 34
‫)‪Allah can pardon every type of sin except shirk. (without repentance‬‬
‫ۡشكْ ِاب َّ ِّلل فَ َق ِد‬
‫ون َذ ِ َ َ ِل َم ْن ی َ َشاء َو َم ْن ی ْ ِ‬
‫َ‬ ‫د‬ ‫ا‬‫م‬‫َ‬ ‫ر‬ ‫ِ‬
‫َ‬ ‫ْ‬
‫غ‬ ‫ی‬‫و‬
‫ََ‬ ‫ِ‬
‫ه‬ ‫ب‬
‫ِ‬ ‫ك‬
‫َ‬ ‫ۡش‬
‫َ‬ ‫ْ‬ ‫ی‬ ‫ن‬
‫ْ‬ ‫َ‬
‫آ‬ ‫ر‬ ‫ِ‬
‫َ‬ ‫ْ‬
‫غ‬ ‫ی‬ ‫َ‬
‫اّلل َ‬ ‫ا َّن َّ َ‬
‫افْ َ َرتى اثْ اما َع ِظمياا ( نساء‪)48:‬‬
‫‪Allah does not forgive the association of other gods with Him and forgives what is‬‬
‫‪besides that to whomsoever He wills; and whoever sets up partners with Allah in‬‬
‫‪worship, he has indeed invented a tremendous sin.‬‬
‫بیشک ہللا اس ابت کو معاف ُہںی کرات کہ اس ےک ساتھ کیس کو رشیک ٹھہرااي جائے‪ ،‬اور اس ےس مکرت ہر‬
‫ابت کو جس ےک لئے چاہتا ےہ معاف کردیتا ےہ‪ ،‬اور جو خشص ہللا ےک ساتھ کیس کو رشیک ٹھراات ےہ وہ‬
‫ایسا بہتان ابُدھتا ےہ جو بڑا زبردست گناہ ےہ۔‬ ‫‪35‬‬
The punishment of shirk is permanent Hell Fire.
َ َّ ‫ْسائِی َل اعْبدوا‬
‫اّلل‬ َْ ‫اّلل ه َو الْ َم ِس یح ْبن َم ْر َ َمی َوقَا َل الْ َم ِس یح َاي ب َ ِن ا‬ َ َّ ‫لَ َق ْد َك ََ َر َّ ِاَّل َین قَالوا ا َّن‬
ِ ِ
‫ۡشكْ ِاب َّ ِّلل فَ َق ْد َح َّر َم َّاّلل عَلَ ْی ِه الْ َجنَّ َة َو َمأْ َواه النَّار َو َما ِل َّلظا ِل ِم َۡ ِم ْن َآُْ َص ٍار‬ِ ْ ‫َر ِ ٰب َو َربَّ ُْک اُ َّه َم ْن ی‬
They are certainly disbelievers who says, Allah is actually the Messiah (Essa) the
son of Maryam, whereas the Messah had said, O children of Israel, worship Allah
Who is my lord and (also) your Lord, undoubtedly whoever sets up partners with
Allah, then Allah has forbidden paradise for him, his destination is hell, and the
unjust do not have any supporters. ]72 :‫[املائدہ‬ 36
Polytheism & its Various Types
There are two main types of Shirk, namely
1. Ash-Shirk al-Akbar ‫ رشک اکرب‬i.e. major shirk
2. Ash-Shirk al-Asghar ‫ رشک اصغر‬i.e. minor shirk
Major shirk (Examples)
The major and serious polytheistic form has following aspects:
1 - Shirk ad-Dua (invocation): This aspect implies invoking, supplication or
praying to other deities beside Allah.
2 - Shirk al Ibadah (Worship): This aspect implies worshiping to other
deities besides Allah. 37
Major shirk (Examples)
3 - Shirk at-Taah (Obedience): This aspect implies obedience to any
authority against the order of Allah.
4 - Shirk al-Mahabbah (Love): This implies showing the love which
is due to Allah Alone to other than Him.
5 - Shirk al-Ilm (Knowledge): This implies showing knowledge
belonging to Allah Alone to other than Him.
6 - Shirk at-Tasaruf (Utilization): This implies showing control and
utilization of the universal things to other deities beside Allah.
Minor shirk
Ar-Riya (acts performed to show off): Any act of worship or any
religious deed done in order to gain praise, fame or for worldly
benefit, falls under this category.
Concept of Source in Islam
The real concept of source )‫ (وسیله‬is the

Prophet (‫)ﷺ‬ ?
Holy Quran and procedure of the Holy
Difference b/w Rasool & Nabi,
Purpose of Prophethood,
Characteristics of Prophethood, &
Proves of the Finality of Prophethood.


It is the system or arrangement through which Almighty Allah
conveyed His Message to the Mankind.
It is the chain of people who conveyed Message of Allah to the
Prophet: The personality through which Allah conveyed his
Message: The message was ONENESS or towards ONENESS 41
Importance of Prophethood
 It is narrated in the books of Ahadiths, that Almighty Allah
(SW) sent down 124,000 (approximately) prophets for the
guidance of humanity and in few books the number is 200,000.
 26 prophets names are mentioned in Holy Quran.
،‫ سلامین‬،‫ زکراي‬،‫ ذوالکَل‬،‫ داؤد‬،ُ‫ احسا‬،‫ الیاس‬،‫ الیسع‬،‫ ایوب‬،‫ اسامعیل‬،‫ ادریس‬،‫ ابراھی‬،‫ آدم‬
،‫ یوسف‬،‫ یعقوب‬،‫حییی‬‫ ہ‬،‫ ھود‬،‫ ھارون‬،‫ ُوح‬،‫مویس‬‫ ہ‬،‫ محمد‬، ‫ لو‬،‫عییس‬‫ ہ‬،‫ عزیر‬،‫ صاحل‬،‫شعیب‬
 6 prophets names are the titles of surahs. 42
Prophethood in Quran
ِٰ ‫• َّو ِل‬
7-‫ک قَ ۡو ٍم َها ٍد سورۃ رعد‬
Translation: To every nation there is a Guide.
ٰ ِ ‫• َو لَ َقدۡ ب َ َعثۡنَا ِ ۡیف‬
36-‫ک ا َّم ٍۃ َّرس ۡو اال سورۃ حنل‬
Translation: And verily, we have sent among every Ummah (nation,
community) a messenger.
24-‫• َو ِا ۡن ِٰم ۡن ا َّم ٍۃ ِا َّال َخ َال ِف ۡیہَا ُ َ ِذ ۡیر سورۃ فاطر‬
Translation: And there never was a nation but a Warner has passed among
285-‫سورۃ بقرہ‬ ‫• َال ُ ََ ٰ ِرُ ب َ ۡ َۡ َا َح ٍد ِٰم ۡن ُّرس ِل ٖہ‬
Translation: We make no distinction between one another of his messengers
43 .
Difference b/w Rasool and Nabi
‫ رسول‬is from the word ‫ رسالہ‬which means “Message” that is why
known as messenger or message conveyer. Ibrahim, Moosa etc.
‫ ُیب‬is from the word ‫ ُبا‬which means “News” that is why known as
News conveyer or apostle. Idrees, Yuonus, Loot etc.
Rasool = New Shariah + New Scripture (s)
Nabi = No new Shariah + No Scripture, but they preach and
follow the Shariah of previous or existing Rasool.
Rasool used to be “one” at a time but Nabi were more than one.
Purpose of Prophethood OR Need & Necessity of
‫ه َو َّ ِاَّل ۡی ب َ َع َث ِیف ۡاال ِٰم ٖ ٰ َۡ َرس ۡو اال ِٰم ۡنہ ۡم ی َ ۡتل ۡوا عَلَ ۡیہ ِۡم ہایہ ِتہٖ َو ی َزکِٰ ۡیہ ِۡم َو ی َع ِل ٰمهم ا ۡل ِک ہت َب َو‬
02-‫الۡ ِم ۡۡکَ َۃ َجعہ‬
Reciting to them the verses.
Purifying them (from disbelieve and polytheism)
Teaching them the book(the Quran, Islamic Laws and
Islamic jurisprudence) and Al-Hikma (As-Sunnah) 45
Purpose of Prophethood OR Need & Necessity of
To tell Humanity about the purpose of life.
To aware the Humanity about the Allah’s Will and inclination.
To aware humanity about the liking and disliking of Allah.
To eject people from the slavery of slaves to the slavery of
Allah. ‫لوگوں کو لوگوں یک غالمی ےس نَکل کر ہللا یک غالمی اور بندگی مںی الان‬
To make people successful.
3.Gift of Allah.
4.Worthy of obedience.
Characteristics of Prophethood
1.Humanity ‫انسانیت‬
 Who was needy of Guidance ?
 Human  Prophets were also Human or from Humanity
ۡ ِ ‫ َو َما َا ۡر َسلۡنَا ِم ۡن قَ ۡب ِل َک ِا َّال ِر َج ااال ُ ُّۡو‬
)36- ‫ح ِال َ ۡیہِ ۡم (یوسف‬
Translation: And we sent not before you (as messengers) any but men to whom we revealed
)110: ‫ۡش ِٰمثۡل ُۡک ی ۡو ہح ِا َ َّل ( سورت کہف‬ ٌ َ َ ‫ ق ۡل ِاُ َّ َما َا َان ب‬
Translation: Say (O Muhammad ‫“ )ﷺ‬I am only a man like you” It has been revealed to me
As every aspect of prophet’s life is guidance.
How the life of an angel can be the suitable for human to follow?
Example of Hazrat Shah Waliullah.
Prophets are physically human but their teaching is light. 48
Characteristics of Prophethood
2. Innocence ‫معصومیت‬
All prophet are innocent. Only prophets are innocent.
They are free from errors, mistake and crime.
Why we fall into mistake and crime?
ٌۡ ‫﴾ ِا ۡن ه َو ِا َّال َو‬۳﴿‫ َو َما ی َ ۡن ِطق َع ِن الۡہ ہَوی‬
﴾۴﴿‫ح ی ُّ ۡو ہح‬
Translation:He does not speak of (his own) desire. It is only a Revelation
What about Adam, Musa, Ibrahim, Younus?
How we come to know? Recovery prostration? 49
Characteristics of Prophethood
3. Gift of Allah
Prophethood is not an achievable position.
Our prophet is last prophet, but before our prophet none was able to get it through
any mean, say meditation, worship and prayers.
It is a gift or bounty of Allah.
(124-‫ َا ہ ّٰلل َا ۡع َمل َح ۡیث َ ۡی َعل ِر َسال َ َتہٗ )الاُعام‬
Translation: Allah knows best on whom to place / bestow Prophethood.
(105-‫ َو ہ ٰاّلل َ َۡی َت ُّص ِب َر ۡ َۡح ِتہٖ َم ۡن ی ََّشاء ) البقرہ‬
Translation: Allah chooses for His mercy whom He wills.
Muhammad in Cave Hira, Jesus, Moses ? 50
Characteristics of Prophethood
4. Worthy of Obedience
Prophethood is worthy of obedience ?
Teaching or way of Prophethood is easily applicable to the life of common people .
Prophethood is “model to follow”
ِ ‫ َو َما َا ۡر َسلۡنَا ِم ۡن َّرس ۡو ٍل ِا َّال ِلی َطا َع ِ ِاب ۡذ ِن‬
64-‫ہللا نساء‬
Translation: We sent no Messenger, but to be obeyed by Allah’s leave
َ ‫ َم ۡن ی ُّ ِطع ِ َّالرس ۡو َل فَ َقدۡ َا َطا َع‬
80-‫ہللا نساء‬
Translation: He who obeys the Messenger , has indeed obeyed Allah 51
Situations in which Almighty Allah sent prophet(s)
1.In an area or community where never ever any prophet came before, Almighty
Allah sent prophets.
2.To the nations or areas where prophets came, they completed their missions
and passed away. With the passage of time their teachings were violated,
corrupted and became in-applicable to the lives of people so Allah sent the
prophets again.
3.Many Prophets became martyred during their missions. To complete the
mission of the martyred prophet, Almighty Allah again sent prophets.
4.On the request or for the help of a prophet, Allah sent prophets. 52
Proves of the Finality of
Finality of Prophethood
1. Proved from Quran and Hadith
ِ ٰ ‫ َما َاک َن م َم َّم ٌد َا َاب َا َح ٍد ِ ٰم ۡن ٰ ِر َجا ِل ُۡک َو ہل ِک ۡن َّرس ۡو َل ہ‬
ََ ‫اّلل َو َخ‬
ؕ َۡ ٰ ٖ ‫ات النَّ ِب‬
Translation: Muhammad is not the father of any of your men, but he is the
messenger of Allah and the seal of prophets.
‫اان خات الن ٰبۡ ال ُیب بعدی‬
I am the Last prophet, no prophet after me (Last Sermon) 54
1. Proved from Quran and Hadith
(158-‫اّلل ِال َ ۡی ُۡک َ َِج ۡی َعا )الا عراف‬ ِ ٰ ‫ ق ۡل ہ َايیُّہَا النَّاس ِا ِ ٰ ۡن َرس ۡول ہ‬
Translation: Say )O Muhammad ‫“ )ﷺ‬O mankind! Verily, I am sent to you all as messenger
of Allah.
)28-‫ َو َما َا ۡر َسلۡ ہن َک ِا َّال َاکف َّ اۃ ِل ٰلنَّ ِاس ب َ ِش ۡ اْيا َّو ُ َ ِذ ۡی ارا (س با‬
Translation: And we have sent you (O Muhammad ‫ )ﷺ‬except as a giver of glad tiding and
a Warner to all mankind.
)3-‫ َالۡ َی ۡو َم اَ ۡمکَلۡت لَ ُۡک ِدیۡنَ ُۡک َو َاتۡ َم ۡمت عَلَ ۡی ُۡک ُِ ۡع َم ِ ۡىت َو َر ِضیۡت لَُک ۡ ِاال ۡس َال َم ِدیۡناا(املائدہ‬
Translation: This day, I have perfected your religion for you, completed My favour upon
you, and have chosen for you Islam as your religion.
َّ ‫﴾ َّ ِاَّل ۡی َن ی ۡؤ ِمن ۡو َن ِابلۡ َغ ۡی ِب َو ی ِق ۡیم ۡو َن‬۲﴿ َۡ ۡ ‫﴾ ہذ ِل َک ۡال ِک ہتب َال َریۡ َب ۚ ِف ۡیہِ ۚ ھدا ی ِل ٰلۡمتَّ ِق‬۱﴿ۚ ‫الـ ٰم‬
‫الص ہلو َۃ َو ِم َّما َر َز ۡق ہنھ ۡم‬
)۱-۴ ‫﴾ (البقرہ‬۴﴿ ‫﴾ َو َّ ِاَّل ۡی َن ی ۡؤ ِمن ۡو َن ِب َما ا ۡن ِز َل ِال َ ۡی َک َو َما ا ۡن ِز َل ِم ۡن قَ ۡب ِل َک ۚ َو ِاب ۡ ہال ِخ َر ِۃ ھ ۡم ی ۡو ِقن ۡو َن‬۳﴿ ‫ی ۡن َِق ۡو َن‬
2.Quran is safe from all changes
ِٰ ‫ ِا َّان َ ۡحنن نَ َّزلۡنَا‬
۹‫﴾ احلجر‬۹﴿‫اَّل ۡک َر َو ِا َّان لَہٗ ل َ ہم َِظ ۡو َن‬
Translation: Verily, we it is we who have sent down the Zikr (Quran) surely, we
will guard it (from corruption).
 Easy to memorize.
 Share experience.
3.Life History of our Prophet )‫ (ﷺ‬is
completely available and safe 56
4.“To Convey the Message of God”
is the responsibility of every believer
‫َولۡ َتک ۡن ِٰم ۡن ُۡک ا َّم ٌۃ ی َّ ۡدع ۡو َن ِا َل الۡ َخ ۡ ِْي َو َ ۡايمر ۡو َن ِابلۡ َم ۡعر ۡو ِف َو ی َ ۡنہَ ۡو َن َع ِن الۡم ۡن َک ِر َو‬
(104:‫او ہل ِئ َک ہم الۡم َۡ ِلم ۡو َن ( ہال معران‬
Translation: let there arise out of you a group of people inviting all that is good (Islam),
enjoining Al-Maroof (i.e. Islamic Monotheism and all that Islam orders one to do) and
forbidding Al-Munkar (polytheism and all that Islam Has forbidden) and it is they who
are the successful.
‫ت مںی ےس ایک جامعت اییس ہون چاہیئے جو بھالیئ یک طرف بالئے اور ُیک اکموں اکحُک کرے اور برے‬
‫ اور یہیی لوگ فالح و جنات پاےن واےل ہںی۔‬،‫اکموں ےس روےک‬ 57
4.“To Convey the Message of God” is the responsibility of every believer
)110:‫ک ۡن ُۡت َخ ۡ َْي ا َّم ٍۃ ا ۡخ ِر َج ۡت ِللنَّ ِاس اتَ ۡ مر ۡو َن ِابلۡ َم ۡعر ۡو ِف َو تَ ۡنہَ ۡو َن َع ِن الۡم ۡن َک ِر َو ت ۡؤ ِمن ۡو َن ِاب ِلل ( ہال معران‬
Translation: You are the best people ever raised up for mankind, you enjoin Al-
Maroof (i.e. Islamic Monotheism and all that Islam orders one to do) and forbid Al-
Munkar (polytheism and all that Islam Has forbidden), and you believe in Allah.
ِ ‫ق ۡل ہھ ِذ ٖہ َس ِب ۡی ِ ۡیل َادۡع ۡوا ِا َل‬
)108-‫ہللا عَ ہیل ب َ ِص ۡ َْي ٍۃ َا َان َو َم ِن ات َّ َب َع ِ ۡن (یوسف‬
Translation: Say )O Muhammad ‫“ ) ﷺ‬This is my way; I invite to Allah with true
knowledge, I and whosoever follows me (Also must Invite others to Allah)
Caliph of Allah, Second to prophet and Inherit to Quran.
Which Methodology to be adopted for preaching ?

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