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Title: Navigating the Challenges of Writing a Pulmonary Tuberculosis Research Paper

Crafting a thesis on pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) is a formidable task that demands meticulous
research, critical analysis, and eloquent articulation. Delving into this intricate subject matter requires
a comprehensive understanding of medical intricacies, epidemiological trends, and the socio-
economic impacts of this infectious disease. However, amidst the complexity lies the opportunity to
contribute to the body of knowledge surrounding TB and potentially influence policies and practices
aimed at its eradication.

One of the primary hurdles encountered in writing a thesis on pulmonary tuberculosis is the extensive
research required. From historical perspectives to current treatment modalities, the breadth of
literature available can be overwhelming. Moreover, staying abreast of the latest advancements and
breakthroughs in TB research adds another layer of challenge to the process.

Another significant challenge is the synthesis of diverse perspectives and data sets into a cohesive
narrative. A well-crafted thesis on pulmonary TB not only presents empirical findings but also
contextualizes them within broader public health frameworks. This necessitates critical thinking and
the ability to draw connections between seemingly disparate pieces of information.

Furthermore, the technical aspects of writing a research paper, including adhering to citation styles,
structuring arguments logically, and maintaining academic rigor, can be daunting for even the most
seasoned scholars.

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In conclusion, while writing a thesis on pulmonary tuberculosis presents numerous challenges, it also
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Surgery on the lungs may be indicated to help cure TB when medication has failed, but in. PLoS
One 2009; 4: e4220 CrossRef MEDLINE PubMed Central. American Lung Association).In the
United States, concern about the spread of. NOTE: We only request your email address so that the
person you are recommending the page to knows that you wanted them to see it, and that it is not
junk mail. Persons with chronic renal failure and also on hemodialysis have an increased risk. The
trend towards increasing global migration is raising the profile of TB in our country, to the point
where every physician should have basic familiarity with the prevailing recommendations for the
diagnosis and treatment of this illness. Most adverse effects, however, are milder, such as
gastrointestinal effects (nausea, vomiting) or exanthema ( 32 ), and should initially be treated
symptomatically ( 20 ). Diagnosis of active TB is based on chest X-rays, as well as microscopic
examination and culture of body fluids. In a more recent before-after observational study, found that
use of the MTD test reduce. Control and Prevention state that whereas Quantiferon Gold is not
affected by BCG. Granuloma - a mass of chronically inflamed tissue usually associated with
infections. In 2018, a total of 5429 new cases were documented, corresponding to 6.5 new cases per
100 000 persons. However, when the accrue multiple arrests and are arrested or incarcerated before
the age of 24, white-collar offenders face the same obstacles to emp. To the Editor: The diagnosis of
pulmonary tuberculosis (pTB) in young children often relies on clinical diagnosis because young
children are usually unable to produce a sputum sample. This also allows MTB to spill into other
airways and. Immunosuppressed persons, the elderly, and the very young are at elevated risk of
miliary TB. In the investigating cases for suspected tuberculosis (TB), chest radiography is not only
the key techniques of diagnosis based on the medical imaging but also the diagnostic radiology.
Although the sensitivity and specificity of the nucleic acid techniques in smear-positive. Children
with bacteriologically confirmed tuberculosis were aged between 3?months and 13?years (median
3.2?years). All children diagnosed with TB were started on antituberculous treatment. TB control in
Jordan has made considerable progress during the last few years. AIDS worldwide also have TB),
hematologic and reticuloendothelial diseases, such as. Although this study was performed in a
tertiary care hospital, the stool processing method can safely be applied at lower healthcare levels, as
no biosafety cabinet or complex, expensive or difficult-to-obtain equipment is needed, although PBS
is not available everywhere in Indonesia. Many non pathogenic mycobacteria are components of the.
Of the two, Pulmonary Tuberculosis is most common cause of death in the developing and under-
developed countries. A person with a positive skin test along with an abnormal chest X-ray and
sputum. In Europe, deaths from TB fell from 500 out of 100,000 in 1850 to 50 out of 100,000 by.
The involvement of anyone other than the authors who 1 has an interest in the outcome of the work;
2 is affiliated to an organization with such an interest; or 3 was employed or paid by a funder, in the
commissioning, conception, planning, design, conduct, or analysis of the work, the preparation or
editing of the manuscript, or the decision to publish must be declared. NOTE: We only request your
email address so that the person you are recommending the page to knows that you wanted them to
see it, and that it is not junk mail. When airborne phlegm contaminated with the bacillus
Mycobacterium tuberculosis is inhaled, nodular lesions, called tubercles, may form in the lungs and
spread through the nearest lymph node. If TB is suspected, the doctor may require the patient to
undergo a complete medical evaluation.
Therefore, it is vital to provide accurate and valid phone numbers. For many of these substances the
degree of risk for reactivation of latent TB is not yet known. The following people are at higher risk
for active TB. Copyright and Permissions Authors retain the copyright of their manuscripts, and all
Open Access articles are distributed under the terms of the, which permits unrestricted use,
distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided that the original work is properly cited.
Richard Morton in 1689, due to the variety of its symptoms, TB was not identified as a single. The
downward trend started in 19 th century with solid economic development, but after the Second
World War the decline increased drastically, coinciding with the introduction of anti-tuberculosis
chemotherapy. Initiative by lowering the incidence rate of smear positive new cases to 7 per 100,000.
In tuberculosis involving the central nervous system, CT and MR. Mercury lamps have peaks of
intensity at 313, 334, 365, 406, 435, 546, and 578 nanometers. The rate of inconclusive test results
was higher for stool samples (six out of 40 tests, 15%) than respiratory samples (one out of 30, 3%);
for two (6%) out of 36 stool samples, repeating the test on the remaining mixture did not lead to
interpretative results. A tuberculin test conversion is defined as an increase of 10 mm or more within
a 2-year. Tuberc Res Treat 2017; 2017: 1702578 CrossRef MEDLINE PubMed Central. Because
XDR TB is resistant to first-line and secondline drugs, patients are left with. Upload Read for free
FAQ and support Language (EN) Sign in Skip carousel Carousel Previous Carousel Next What is
Scribd. The infection may stay asleep or inactive (dormant) for years. No specific clinical description
of Pulmonary Tuberculosis is referred. Neural network can be used as a classifier tool for the same.
In the other 25% of active cases, the infection moves from the lungs, causing other kinds of. Anyone
can contact TB but certain factors may increase a person predisposition to the disease such as the
following: weak immune system, close and extended contact with patients who have untreated or
active TB, long term drug or alcohol abuse, poor diet, and lack of access to medical care, the risks
also increase with age (Mayo Foundation, 2009). QuantiFERON-TB Gold In Tube uses an ELISA
format to detect the whole blood production of. Nahid et al recommend these more recent
diagnostic tolls because of their greater specificity, accuracy and reliability (2006). These findings
were more recently confirmed by a series of studies in South Africa. Specific. In addition TB spreads
through air and a person may be exposed when in contact with a TB patient who coughs, sneezes, or
talks (Mayo Foundation, 2009). A significant drawback of AFB smears is that they cannot be used to
differentiate M. His or her immune system may destroy the bacteria completely. However, the
smaller droplet nuclei may reach the small air. As stated previously, only a very small percent of
MTB infections result in disease, and even. After 15?min, 2mL of this mixture was transferred into a
cartridge for Xpert testing. At the moment the favourable trend has changed in some of these
countries (USA and Japan). Evaluation of molecular tools for detection and drug susceptibility
testing of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in stool specimens from patients with pulmonary tuberculosis.
In postprimary tuberculosis, the earliest radiologic finding is the. Current TB diagnostics are still
suboptimal in their performance for childhood TB, smear-negative TB, extrapulmonary TB, HIV-TB
and drug-resistant TB. Upload Read for free FAQ and support Language (EN) Sign in Skip carousel
Carousel Previous Carousel Next What is Scribd. It is imperative that the drugs are administered as
per the health care providers’ instructions, when tuberculosis medications are not taken as instructed,
the TB bacteria may become more resistant to medications, and the infection becomes more difficult
to treat. For example, tuberculosis cases in Britain, numbering. BMC Infect Dis 2014; 14: 148
CrossRef MEDLINE PubMed Central. World Health Organization Press 2010. (last accessed on 1
September 2019). At the moment less than 5 percent of tuberculosis cases in the world are associated
with HIV infection, but these cases are concentrated in ten African countries, where the AIDS
epidemic is running tuberculosis control programme. Mycolic acids are unique alpha-branched lipids
found in cell walls of Mycobacterium and. In many cases, TB can be preventable and treatable under
the right conditions. The definitive test for TB is the identification of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in
a clinical sputum or pus sample, which is the current gold standard. The Mantoux test for TB
involves intradermally injecting PPD (Purified Protein Derivative). It is at this stage that the
individual becomes tuberculin-positive. GERIATRIC PHARMACOLOGY Geriatric pharmacology is
a specialized field focusing. Before the Industrial Revolution, tuberculosis may sometimes have been
regarded as. In the United States, there are approximately 10 cases of TB per 100,000 people.
However. You can download the paper by clicking the button above. Six of the seven inconclusive
test results had error codes (2008, 5006 or invalid) suggesting solid particles were blocking the
cartridge. Figure (1-6) Tuberculosis begins when droplet nuclei reach the alveoli. The bacterium is a
facultative intracellular parasite, usually of macrophages, and has a slow. This paper illustrates that
Pulmonary Tuberculosis is caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Introduction Of Klebsiella
Pneumoniae Is A Gram Negative. Although manifestations of tuberculosis are usually limited to the
chest, the disease can. SUNSCREEN, definition, classification, SPF value, history, mechanism,
develop. Results: Tuberculosis involves the lungs in almost 75% of patients but can generally involve
any organ. Abhinav S Approach to maternal collapse and cardiac arrest.pptx Approach to maternal
collapse and cardiac arrest.pptx KTD Priyadarshani Recently uploaded ( 20 ) Tolerance Hydra10P
Avene trainings blink Tolerance Hydra10P Avene trainings blink Artificial Radionuclide Generators
in Medicine Applications in Radiotherapy.pptx Artificial Radionuclide Generators in Medicine
Applications in Radiotherapy.pptx Namburi phased spot test - NPST To identify bhasma and
sindhura - A Qualitat. However, when the accrue multiple arrests and are arrested or incarcerated
before the age of 24, white-collar offenders face the same obstacles to emp. TB, collectively denoted
extrapulmonary tuberculosis. To test for drug resistance, molecular beacons (detection of mutations
associated with drug resistance), line probe assays (DNA strip test that reverse hybridization
method), and phage-based assays (amplification of phages) are used (Nahid et al, 2006). OpenUrl
CrossRef Nicol MP, Spiers K, Workman L, et al.
Medicine (Baltimore) 2017; 96: e7219 CrossRef MEDLINE PubMed Central. Overall, we found that
white-collar offenders are better able to rebound following contact with the criminal justice system.
Hindrance to this is improper diagnosis at initial stages. RELATED TOPICS Public Health See Full
PDF Download PDF About Press Blog People Papers Topics Job Board We're Hiring. People with
diabetes mellitus are at increased risk of contracting tuberculosis, and they. Figure (1-6) Tuberculosis
begins when droplet nuclei reach the alveoli. We show that testing stool samples with Xpert can
increase the number of children with a bacteriological confirmation of tuberculosis, with three
additional tuberculosis cases detected. Acknowledgements Heda Melinda Nataprawira (Pediatric
Respirology Division, Dept of Child Health, Hasan Sadikin General Hospital and Faculty of
Medicine, Universitas Padjadjaran, Bandung, Indonedia) is thanked for recruiting children, and Ida
Parwati (Dept of Clinical Pathology, Hasan Sadikin General Hospital and Faculty of Medicine,
Universitas Padjadjaran) for her supervision and support of the laboratory work for this project. The
unique mycolic acid pattern associated with the species. Other clinical conditions that have been
associated with active TB include gastrectomy with. Cavitation or consolidation of the apexes of the
upper lobes of the lung may be discernible. Peer J 2017; 5: e4165 CrossRef MEDLINE PubMed
Central. This is achieved by specific history taking, physical examination, and review of at least a
chest radiograph ( 20 ). BMC Infect Dis 2014; 14: 148 CrossRef MEDLINE PubMed Central. Per
the standard of care, caretakers were asked for informed consent for each of the procedures and
subsequent samples taken for diagnosing pTB in the children. NAAT-based methods are
characterized by their swiftness, relatively good sensitivity, and very high specificity ( 22 ). In
tuberculosis involving the central nervous system, CT and MR. This bacterium spreads rapidly from
person to person by a simple cough or sneeze. Mycobacterial growth indicator tubes (MGITs), which
presently are used as a research tool. Open Forum Infect Dis 2018; 5: 174 CrossRef MEDLINE.
However, as technological advances progressed, this seemingly ferocious viral disease became a
primal, insignificant thing of the past. This interpretation was supported by the finding that the most
down-regulated gene, mbtD, is involved in biosynthesis of the siderophore mycobactin. IGRA are
not suitable for diagnosis of clinically manifest TB, because they do not distinguish between latent
TB and active disease. Following a positive IGRA result, clinically manifest TB must be excluded
before initiation of chemoprophylaxis. The growing use of immunosuppressive drugs to treat various
illnesses broadens the spectrum of persons at risk. This essay provides some facts concerning the
pulmonary tuberculosis disease. The first page of the PDF of this article appears above. Thoracic
Society and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Therefore, it is vital to provide
accurate and valid phone numbers. Current TB diagnostics are still suboptimal in their performance
for childhood TB, smear-negative TB, extrapulmonary TB, HIV-TB and drug-resistant TB.
In order to detect Mycobacterium tuberculosis in a sputum sample, an excess of 10,000. A person
with a positive skin test along with an abnormal chest X-ray and sputum. Mostly tuberculosis is
transmitted to individuals by respiratory droplets but some people develop active tuberculosis disease
after infection. Use of this website is subject to the website terms of use and privacy policy. In non-
immunocomprised adults the disease advances only slowly, in contrast to children and
immunocompromised persons, who may experience fulminant TB with abrupt onset. The first
genuine success in immunizing against tuberculosis was developed from. Extra Pulmonary
Tuberculosis accounts for 15-20% of the active cases of the disease. Niacin production, nitrate
reduction, pyrazinamidase, and susceptibility to thiophene-2-. They also protect extracellular
mycobacteria from complement deposition in serum. Conventional methods include the Ziehl-
Neelsen staining. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your
website. In Germany and other highly developed countries, however, TB occurs relatively seldom
and can almost always be treated successfully. Most children also submitted one respiratory sample
obtained pre-prandially by gastric aspiration for children aged up to 5?years or by sputum induction
using a nebuliser for older children. Similarly the tubercle may invade an artery or other blood
supply. BMC Infect Dis 2014; 14: 148 CrossRef MEDLINE PubMed Central. Under the US
recommendations, diagnosis and treatment of latent tuberculosis infection. However, the stool
sample processing methods described so far are complex and often mirror culture processing,
requiring equipment for decontamination, neutralisation and centrifugation. The increase in free oleic
acid concentration could be due to the decrease in tuberculostearic acid seen during the total fatty
acid analysis, since oleic acid is the substrate for tuberculostearic acid biosynthesis. Detection of
lipoarabinomannan (LAM) in urine is indicative of disseminated TB with renal involvement in
patients living with HIV and advanced immunodeficiency: evidence and implications. The first page
of the PDF of this article appears above. Humans are the only known reservoirs for M tuberculosis.
Peer J 2017; 5: e4165 CrossRef MEDLINE PubMed Central. Mycobacterium tuberculosis and
atypical mycobacteria Mycobacterium tuberculosis and atypical mycobacteria Tuberculosis
Tuberculosis Tb paru Tb paru Mycobacterium tuberculosis by Sikander ali Sumalani Mycobacterium
tuberculosis by Sikander ali Sumalani Tuberculosis ( Tb ) Is Caused By Mycobacterium Tuberculosis
Tuberculosis ( Tb ) Is Caused By Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Introduction Of Klebsiella
Pneumoniae Is A Gram Negative. Other clinical conditions that have been associated with active TB
include gastrectomy with. Policy update. Geneva, World Health Organization, 2013. ? Walters E,
Scott L, Nabeta P, et al. An even simpler and safer variant of the method presented here, the KNCV
Simple One-step Stool Method for Tuberculosis Detection, omits the PBS step as ?1?g stool is
directly added to the sample reagent. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you
wish. Gold and T-SPOT.TB have good sensitivity but reduced specificity for diagnosing active TB.
Thus, there is room for further optimisation of the processing method, e.g. by providing clear
instructions on every critical step in the process, from the volume of stool (by type of stool sample)
to be picked, to mixing of stool and buffer, and transfer of supernatant into the Xpert cartridge.
Simon foci are also visible upon chest X-ray and are often the site of disease reactivation.

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