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Pengemasan (IMP)
#11 Cold Chain and Cold Storage

Cold Chain Logistics
• Cold Chain Logistics: bagian dari rantai pasok yang bertujuan
untuk menjaga suhu agar produk tetap terjaga selama proses
pengumpulan, pengolahan, dan distribusi ke tangan
• Cold Chain Management: pengelolaan seluruh aktivitas rantai
pendingin yang dianalisis, diukur, dikontrol,
didokumentasikan, dan divalidasi agar berjalan secara
efektif dan efisien baik secara teknis dan ekonomis (products
in transit, in process, in storage, and in display)

Elemen Cold Chain
• Cooling systems. Bringing commodities such as food to the
appropriate temperature for processing, storage, and
• Cold storage. Providing facilities for the storage of goods over a
period of time, either waiting to be ship to a distant market, at
an intermediary location for processing and distribution, and
close to the market for distribution.
• Cold transport. Having conveyances available to move goods
while maintaining stable temperature and humidity conditions as
well as protecting their integrity.
• Cold processing and distribution. Providing facilities for the
transformation and processing of goods as well as ensuring
sanitary conditions. Consolidating and deconsolidating loads
(crates, boxes, pallets) for distribution.

Cold Chain Technology

Cold Chain Logistics

Temperature standard
• Deep freeze (-25 to -30 Celsius): This temperature range is
used mostly for transporting seafood (particularly shrimp,
which is the world’s most consumed seafood) and ice cream.
• Frozen (-10 to -20 Celsius): transporting frozen meat,
including beef, poultry, and pork. Frozen bakery (cakes,
bread) also falls within this temperature range.
• Chill (2 to 4 Celsius). transport fruit, vegetables, and fresh
meat as it confers optimal shelf life without freeze damage.
• Pharmaceutical (2 to 8 Celsius; not shown). The temperature
range at which most pharmaceutical goods, like vaccines,
are transported. However, pharmaceuticals are rarely
transported in ISO reefers, but in smaller refrigerated
packages for van and air transport.
• Banana (12 to 14 Celsius). This temperature range is chosen
for one of the world’s most-produced fruit that usually has
its ripening controlled during shipping. It is also used for
most tropical fruits (oranges and pineapples) and vegetables
(tubers such as potatoes).

Cold Chain Management

Food Cold Chain

Vaccine Cold Chain

Cold Storage

Cold storage ini merupakan ruangan yang telah dirancang khusus dengan kondisi
suhu tertentu yang digunakan untuk penyimpanan bahan makanan agar tetap
segar, sesuai dengan kebutuhan suhu dan lingkungan. 10
Penyedia Cold Storage


Inventory Method
• FIFO (First in First Out):
• Produk yang lebih awal masuk ke Gudang akan dikeluarkan terlebih
• Benefit: nilai inventory lebih update, book record untuk net
income lebih tinggi karena discrepancy pada nilai HPP.
• Cost: beban pajak lebih tinggi
• Perishable products, consumer goods, and fashion products
• LIFO (Last in First Out)
• Produk yang lebih akhir masuk gudang akan dikeluarkan di awal:
• Benefit: data performa perusahaan lebih update dan beban pajak
• Cost: nilai inventory tidak update
• Chemical products, petroleum, and metal products
Inventory Method
• FEFO (First Expired First Out)
• Produk yang lebih awal expired datenya akan dikeluarkan dari gudang
lebih awal:
• Benefit: meminimalisir terjadinya produk yang habis nilai
• Cost: perlu effort untuk klasifikasi produk berdasarkan expired
• Perishable product, pharmacetical product, and consumer goods

Yang harus diperhatikan sebelum penyimpanan

Layout system Cold Storage

Peraturan Direktur Jenderal Penguatan Daya Saing Produk Kelautan dan Perikanan
Tentang Petunjuk Teknis Pengelolaan Bantuan Pemerintah Pembangunan Cold Storage
Tahun 2017

Layout system Cold Storage
Refigeration system

Cold Storage types

Cold Chain in Transportation view
Caused by: duration of transit, the size of the shipment, and the ambient or outside
temperatures experienced

• Dry ice. Solid carbon dioxide is about -80°C and is capable of keeping a shipment
frozen for an extended period of time. It is particularly used for the shipping of
pharmaceuticals, dangerous goods, and foodstuffs and in refrigerated unit load devices
for air cargo. Dry ice does not melt. Instead, it sublimates when it comes in contact
with air.
• Gel packs. Large shares of pharmaceutical and medicinal shipments are classified as
chilled products, which means they must be stored in a temperature range between 2
and 8°C. The standard method to provide this temperature is to use gel packs or
packages that contain phase changing substances that can go from solid to liquid and
vice versa to control an environment. Depending on the shipping requirements, these
packs can either start off in a frozen or refrigerated state. Along the transit process,
they melt to liquids, while at the same time capturing escaping energy and maintaining
an internal temperature.
• Eutectic plates. They are also known as “cold plates”. The principle is similar to gel
packs. Instead, plates are filled with a liquid and can be reused many times. Eutectic
plates have a wide range of applications, such as maintaining cold temperatures for
rolling refrigerated units. They can also be used in delivery vehicles to keep the
temperature constant for short periods of time, a process that can be suitable for
deliveries in noise-sensitive areas or for night deliveries.
Cold Chain in Transportation view
Caused by: duration of transit, the size of the shipment, and the ambient or outside
temperatures experienced
• Liquid nitrogen. An especially cold substance, of about -196°C,
used to keep packages frozen over a long period of time and
mainly used to transport biological cargo such as tissues and
organs. It is considered as a hazardous substance for the
purpose of transportation.
• Quilts. Insulated pieces that are placed over or around freight
to act as a buffer in temperature variations and to maintain the
temperature relatively constant. Thus, frozen freight will
remain frozen for a longer time period, often long enough not
to justify the usage of more expensive refrigeration devices.
Quilts can also be used to keep temperature-sensitive freight at
room temperature while outside conditions can substantially
vary (e.g. during the summer or the winter).
• Reefers. The generic name for a temperature-controlled
transport unit, which can be a van, small truck, a semi-trailer,
or a standard ISO container. The term reefer increasingly
applies to refrigerated forty-foot ISO containers with the
dominant size being 40 high-cube footers (45R1 being the size
and type code). 20
Cold Chain Tools
Warehouse, Transportation,
Packaging, Tools
Cold Storage


Transportation for Cold Chain

Packaging for Cold Chain

Safety Tools

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