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English Reviewer by: Ashley:>

Fake News Testimonial

Strategies to avoid fake news: -The use of celebrities as credibility
 Consider the source evidence can be considered testimonial in
-Are you familiar with the source? nature.
-Is it legitimate? -Good or bad, when a person chooses a life
-Has it been reliable in the past? path that takes them into public light, there
will be many others out there who want to
 Read beyond the Headlines emulate the celebrity
The headline doesn’t always tell the -Can also be collected from experts and
whole story. authorities in a given field
-Proactive headlines suggest you need to Anecdotal
read further - When storytelling is involved as
 CHECK THE AUTHOR evidence, then anecdotal is being
-Check the byline- even when it has, used
some authors are not real. - It is not extremely strong
- Storytelling but based on fact, can
include quite a bit opinion, thus
making it less objective
-News might be distortions of real Analogical
events - When information is sacre about
 IS THIS SOME KIND OF A JOKE? something and little is known
-Check whether it is satire or just even - It is often used in a formal argument
a funny joke but not the news. to increase the credibility of the
-Do not discount information that Tips for Validating Evidence
does not match your belief.  Credentials of the source
 CONSULT THE EXPERTS  Publication Date
 Check for Biases
 Check Evidence
Evidence Listening
>Is the ability to accurately receive and interpret
It refers to the facts, documentation, or
testimonies used to strengthen a claim, messages in the communication process
 Types of Listening
support an argument, or reach a conclusion.
Appreciative Listening
Types of Evidence
- Listening for pleasure and enjoyment
as when we listen to a comedy,
-The strongest type of evidence in
routine, or to an entertaining speech
formal writing
Emphatic Listening
-This ranges from true, hard data - This is listening to the hurts or pains
presented as a percentage or number of another individual and providing
to survey-type data support and understanding
-Can be proven as fact Comprehensive/Active Listening
- Is the understanding of the meaning
of the message, and little more of
seeking the meaning of the message.
Critical/Analytical Listening
- The process a listener goes
through using careful, systematic Participle- is a verbal formed from verbs by
thinking and reasoning to see adding “-ing” “-ed” “-d” or even “-en” which
whether a speaker’s message functions as an adjective.
makes sense in light of factual Present Participle
evidence - Is a verb that ends in -ING which
functions as an adjective in a
Validity of materials listened to sentence
Is the evidence sufficient? Past Participle
-Is there enough of it, or do you need - Is a verb that ends in “ED”, “D”, and
more to feel convinced? “EN” which functions as an adjective
Is the evidence relevant? in a sentence
- Is it really about the point the Participial Phrase
author wants to prove, or did they - Is a phrase headed by a participle
that modifies a noun or pronoun in
go off on a tangent, providing
the main clause of a sentence
facts that don’t have anything to
do with the point?
- Are special forms of verbs that can be
Is the evidence representative?
used as a noun, adjectives and
-This is the hardest one to understand,
but also the most important. - They are usually made by adding the
Representative evidence is evidence word “to” before the base form of
that accurately represents the whole the verb
topic, not just a select piece Functions of infinitives as noun
-when used as a subject or direct object
Gerunds in a sentence, an infinitive phrase acts as
- Any verb ending in -ING and used a noun
as a noun is a gerund Functions of infinitives as an adjective
Functions of Gerunds - An infinitive acts as an adjective if it
Gerunds as a subject modifies or describes as a noun in a
- Because gerund is a noun, it can sentence
be the direct object Functions of infinitives as Adverb
Gerunds as a Direct Object -It provides additional information
- Because a gerund is a noun, it can regarding an adjective, verb, or adverb.
be the direct object also At times it can answer the question
A Direct Object is the noun or pronoun “why”
being acted upon by a verb(i.e., it receives the
verb’s action) Quoting
Gerunds as object of Preposition -means copying a passage of someone
-Because a gerund is a noun, it can be else’s words and crediting the source
the object of a preposition in a Paraphrasing
prepositional phrase -involves putting a passage from source
material into your own words
- Putting the main idea(s) into your
own words, including the main points

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