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Mouqawamah Music




by Jonathan Azaziah

I can’t for the life of me understand how American Muslims are

“fearing for their lives” in the wake of Donald Trump ascending to
the presidency. My brothers and sisters… Chill out and get a damn
grip on yourselves. Seriously. What the hell is wrong with you? Y’all
aren’t just being completely delusional and totally Judaized but an
excessive combination of both. You know when it was bad? Like…
STUPID bad? Like… Blood-spilling-in-the-streets bad? After Mossad
and its allied criminal network of Jewish supremacists in New York
City knocked down the Twin Towers. THAT was a scary time. The
neocon-run Bush regime had all types of Americans ***actually***
believing that every Muslim was in league with “Al-Qaeda” and there
were beatings, robberies, aggressions, mass arrests and even
killings–in other words, REAL hate crimes–all over the country. Hard
to find a Muslim in the United Snakes of IsraHELL who didn’t deal
with some form of sanguinary Islamophobia, including myself.

My pops, my mentor, my comrades and their fathers too were all

harassed not only by an emboldened NYPD that was already hateful
and piggish but the feds also. My Palestinian-Egyptian homie
Muhammad Aziz was beaten to death in BK Borough by bat-
wielding Italian thugs who did a few years in Juvie and that was the
end of it. We’re talking about the full power of the state-security
apparatus unleashed on top of our heads and the perpetrators of
“hate crimes” being protected left and right. It was then
transmogrified into a more “respectable” oppression, i.e. nonstop
surveillance from the FBI, NSA and even some police departments,
chief among them the ‘Israeli’-aligned NYPD. From this 1984-like
state of affairs, FBI (and Mossad) false flags were manufactured,
fears and suspicions were increased, innocents were locked up and
tortured, not only in Gitmo but other Black Site prisons on top of it.

But now? What do we have now exactly? A few White supremacist

thugs popping up here and there throwing some slurs like “Muzzie”
and “Kebab” at us? So that’s gonna make you whine and cry like
gaggles of pantywaists who run and hide and demand “the
authorities” to “do something” about it? The very same “authorities”
who have been spying on you and oppressing you since 9/11? Word?
Let’s not pussyfoot around the mulberry bush, okay? If anyone of
these cracker goons violently comes at you and you feel threatened,
or insults your wives, your daughters, your sisters, your mothers,
your grandmothers or your aunts, you know what you do? Break
their faces. No questions asked. Just break their faces. It’s called
self-defense and y’all know damn well it’s Sunnah.

Y’all also know, ’cause you like to quote him so much, though you
must’ve missed the parts in his autobiography about how slippery
and slimy the Jew actually is, that Malcolm X (R.A.) famously said,
“Be peaceful, be courteous, obey the law, respect everyone; but if
someone puts his hand on you, send him to the cemetery.” But you
would ignore this wisdom and go running to the racist Blue Bacon
who don’t give a hoot about us anyway instead. Or maybe you
choose to hit social media to garner sympathy from other like-
minded weaklings–an embrace of the ego and thus a contradiction of
Islamic principles in too many ways to make note of here. And who
are we kidding? Are police reports and tweets gonna deter violent
racists? Or will empowered, fearless Muslims who refuse to put up
with any nonsense do the job?

All of this bitching and moaning is not becoming of any Muslim.

Know who it is very reminiscent of however? The Yahoud. Yeah.
That’s exactly what a large swathe of these “progressive”, “activist”,
“anti-racist” Muslims are behaving like: Jews. Y’all are talking about
“Donald Hitler” getting to ready round up Muslims and throw us all
in concentration camps just like the Jews when they start
hysterically shrieking and gnashing their teeth about an “impending
holocaust” every time they see a leader who opposes ‘Israel’ or the
Jewish Power Configuration at large. “Hitler” is back from the dead
every two seconds when it comes to the “chosenites” and this
paranoid delusion has now infected Muslim activists vis-a-vis
Trump. This is from years of allowing Jews, whose interests lie solely
in protecting Jews and the wealth, power, influence and status
they’ve criminally and parasitically attained in America, to invade
the ranks of the Palestine Solidarity Movement and radically change
its platform, its goals, its targets and most importantly, its language.
This applies to like-similar “Muslim” groups as well.

Muslims are being browbeaten in their own organizations to talk

about Islamophobia, but not mention the Jews funding and fueling it,
to criticize the ‘Israeli’ entity but not to call for its liquidation and
making damn sure they avoid speaking on the relationship between
the tumor and World Jewry, to never mention the malevolent
fraudulence of the Holocaust, to never discuss the
‘Israeli’/Jewish/Zionist role in 9/11, to never, EVER criticize Judaism
or Jewish “culture”, and perhaps most stomach-turning of all, to
accept evangelical homosexuals as allies. Following this browbeating
comes the brainwashing, like little unsuspecting children in a yeshiva
thinking they’re getting a “religious” education but are actually
being molded into haters of “Goyim”and soldiers for the rabbinate.
This turns into Muslims adopting causes only that the Jews approve
of, hence why these “Islamic” SJWs not only bounced to outer space
on the destabilization of Libya, Syria and Yemen but have actively
cheered it on.

Muslims have been led to believe that Jews are our best friends
instead of the supremacist thugs that they really are. Muslims have
been convinced Jews respect our religion when they absolutely
despise us and it–see all Halakhic-Talmudic teachings on Isma’il
(A.S.) and Hajar (A.S.), what’s written about Muhammad (S.A.W.W.)
in the Zohar, what the Talmud says about Christ (A.S.) and Maryam
(A.S.), and the “Epistle To Yemen” from maniacal, disgusting, hateful
Jewish “saint” Maimonides. Running parallel to what’s noted here,
Muslims are also being swayed to think that they are in the same
boat with Jews and that this boat is sinking in waters swimming with
“Nazi” predators. Oy Gevalt! The sufferink! Call Mendel, Shlomo and
Chaim and tell them to bring extra-kosher scuba gear! This too is off
the wall.

Jews also want Muslims to think that they and their deviant
homosexual comrades are Muslims’ real allies, not Christians, a
blatant aversion to the Qur’anic essence of our very beliefs.
Additionally, in what flipping universe are Jews oppressed in the
same manner that Muslims are? In fact, in what reality are the Jews
oppressed at all anywhere on this planet? All throughout the West,
Muslims continue to be spied on, marginalized, repressed and just
downright degraded while Jews expand their wealth and influence
inside capitals such as Washington, London, Paris, Canberra, Berlin
and elsewhere. Jews aren’t just oppressors… They’re the
OPPRESSORS of the oppressors; the “kings” of this predatory,
plutocratic system; those you will not speak of, nor criticize, nor
expose, for any such action will result in the loss of blood, treasure,
sanity and even life.

The way Jews are cozying up to Muslims to ensure their interests

continue prospering is no different than Jewish involvement in the
Civil Rights Movement (see Israel Shahak in “Jewish History, Jewish
Religion” break THAT down). Not about liberation. Not about a true,
brotherly, strategic partnership in the face of a common enemy.
Because contrary to their hasbara, we can NEVER be brothers with
such people. It’s about domination. It’s about muzzling us and “fixing”
us before we get outta control and pose a threat to their hegemony.
In this attempt to “fix” us, Jews are driving us away from quoting the
Holy Prophet (S.A.W.W.), the Imams (A.S.), the righteous
Companions (R.A.) and the Saints (R.A.) before cornering us into
quoting figures that they approve of in a “social justice” context,
people like Chomsky, Zinn, Marx, Lenin, Goldman, Trotsky, the
perverted Jews of the Frankfurt School like Marcuse, Fromm,
Horkheimer, Adorno and other degenerates. This comes in spite of
the fact that there is nothing that personifies social justice on Earth
quite like Shari’a when it is applied by the righteous. Jews are also
shaping Muslims into focusing on civil rights instead of radical,
globalized, Anti-Imperialist consciousness based on the Holy
Prophet’s famous Hadith, “He who is not concerned with the affairs
of my Ummah is not of my Ummah.”

Y’all are even taking on a lot of the chameleonic characteristics of

the Yahoudlings, i.e. claiming “oppressed and persecuted” status
while carrying out PLENTY of oppressing yourselves, most
especially in the ghettos and projects. Y’all know exactly who the hell
you are. Indeed, a lot of you “Muslims” preaching about “social
justice” got daddies with liquor stores in the projects–persons so
corrupt that they stop Salat to point out to depressed brothers and
sisters where the forties are at. Here’s looking at you Southside
Chicago. A lot of you “Muslims” running your mouths about drone
strikes and US interventionism got daddies who work in the Defense
Department, the CIA, the FBI and more than one Zionist-funded
think tank. Here’s looking at you Washington DC. And a lot of you
“Muslims” claiming you’re “against extremism” got fathers, brothers,
uncles and close friends who are intimately connected to the Saudi-
Qatar-Emirati petrodollar nexus and have, more or less, remained
mum on the growing phenomenon of weaponized Takfirism… Unless
of course it’s to accuse people who criticize Wahhabism and the
“Muslim” Brotherhood, particularly Muslims, of “Islamophobia”.
Here’s looking right the hell at you CAIR.

CAIR has indeed been transformed into a sort of “Muslim” ADL that
perniciously labels anyone who condemns Takfirism, exposes Saudi
Arabia’s ubiquitous funding of mosques worldwide–eroding of Sunni
thought and replacing it with Wahhabi-Salafi poison–and criticizes
these hate-preaching “sheikhs” who support terrorist gangs, as an
“Islamophobe”. Not to mention back American ZOG-led aggressions
post-“Arab Spring”. This is to silence dissent on the one hand and
keep the hysteria in the air on the other so Muslims continue
running around like paranoid chickens with their heads cut off as if
we don’t have a disease in our midst–crypto-Jewish Wahhabism–
that needs to be cured. Not even slightly different from the ADL
which accuses anyone and everyone who speaks about Jewish
power and/or ‘Israeli’ criminality of being an “anti-Semite” as if
Jewish power and/or ‘Israeli’ criminality aren’t very real things…
And very real, very big problems. The main problems on Earth, in

And this narrative of “imminent persecution” is already coming

unraveled anyway with some of these so-called “hate crimes”
allegedly committed by Trump supporters turning out to be
fabrications, like the Muslim woman from Louisiana lying about
having her hijab ripped off. This mirrors the felonious behavior of
Jewish tribal activists who claim that “anti-Semites” painted
swastikas or “hateful language” on their synagogues, cemeteries or
businesses but after investigation, it comes to light that it was Jews
themselves who did the dirty work. It’s happened so often, in recent
times especially, that it’s rather hard to keep track of. Are there hate
crimes against Muslims being committed? Absolutely. Is there an
uptick in open bigotry towards Muslims? Maybe. But are 3.3 million
Muslims gonna be marched into pork-grease and alcohol-gas
chambers to be exterminated in a “Final Solution for the
Muhammadans” and then converted into Islamic human soap and
lampshades? No… Just… NO. Exactly like immigrants and Muslims
didn’t get massacred in some kind of “pogrom” after Brexit.

Muslims need to stop looking at the world from the Judaized “social
justice” vantage point and begin to see things through the lens of our
great Deen. This is global, not national. This is political AND spiritual,
not just the former. We’re battling Dajjal, not just a handful of
“racists”. And the chief agents of Dajjal are those who forged lies
against the Prophets (A.S.) and who are extracting obscene amounts
of interest from the world through usury–what the Holy Qur’an calls
“Satan’s touch”. We need the patience of Muhammad (S.A.W.W.) in
dealing with all the challenges on our plate, yes, but we also need his
strength, as well as the strength of who he held most dear, Imam Ali
(A.S.) What we don’t need is the parasitism and victimhood
narratives of Jews. We don’t need the heroes of the Jews either,
who aren’t heroes at all but deceptive subversives who, their
universalist-humanist rhetoric aside, actually desire to see us, our
“goy” people, our “Amalekite-Ishmaelite” religion and our
“backwards” homelands all get destroyed.

We have our own heroes – Hizbullah, which crushed ‘Israel’ not

once but twice, and Ansarullah, which is epically defeating Saudi
Arabia as we speak. Muslims should learn a thing or fifty from the
Lebanese Islamic Resistance and its ideological counterpart in
Yemen, for this is how you deal with bullies. If it wasn’t for Hizbullah
and the Houthiyeen, Lebanon would belong to the Zionist tumor
today and Yemen would have become a Saudi colony in mere weeks
following the invasion. And yet these “Muslim” SJWs would rather
model themselves after “nonviolent” Jewish atheists than genuine
moujahideen who foiled the schemes of Zio-Imperialism and have
set an example to be followed by all anti-colonialist movements
worldwide. Shukr’ALLAH that you “Muslim” SJWs weren’t around in
the time of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.W.) because if you were, I can
just imagine how things would’ve went at Badr and Khaybar. If it was
up to you, the soldiers of Islam wouldn’t have fought to defend our
rights and our religion but found “safe spaces” to hide in so they
could have debates about “trigger warnings”.

Truly, it’s a globalized Islamic Liberationist vision or bust via

blindness. As children of the Diaspora, and in the face of this
shaytanic empire, we must see things from the following
perspective: Anyone and anything that will lessen the burden on our
brethren abroad should be welcomed, i.e. Trump, whereas anyone
and anything that will heighten our peoples’ suffering abroad should
be rebuked, i.e. Psychopath Pythoness Clinton. So if it means having
to deal with a few more White supremacists on the streets so our
brothers and sisters in Syria and Lebanon don’t get bombed as the
first target of an all-out global nuclear war between the US ZOG and
Russia, then that’s gravy. Line the cracker supremacists up and
should they step outta line, we knock ’em out like Muhammad Ali,
Bernard Hopkins and “Prince” Naseem Hamed. At least we’ll still be
here to fight and resist because WW3 will have been averted. Get
your priorities the hell in order Muslims. And do so now before you
wind up as nothing but a notation in the history books under the
title, “Muslims Who Became Jews”.


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Six Nigerian States Have Effectively Banned Shi’a Islam: Ring The Alarm And
Raise Your Voice Against This Injustice


Zaynab, 8 Months Old, Among The 100 Nigerian Shi’a Martyrs Of The Kano
City Massacre



Leila Abdelmeguid
NOVEMBER 17, 2016 AT 10:55 AM

I have used the very same phrase, “an ‘Islamic’ version of the
ADL” to describe CAIR, an institution created to neuter and
humiliate Muslims. The only experience I have had with CAIR is
once, many years ago, I attended their annual banquet in
Philadelphia, which some senator was the key note speaker. He
used this opportunity to ramble on about how much he loves
Israel. Only about ten or so out of the hundreds in attendance
felt the need to boo him, myself being one of them.
Subsequently, everyone surrounding me turned to give me dirty
looks, as if I was the one who was being innapropriate and rude.
I was hummiliated, not because of what this man said, but
because I have to be associated with a bunch of sissies who will
sit by and listen to this garbage, have no dignity, and shame our
entire ummah. Later, I found out that the executive director of
CAIR Philadelphia is none other than a Jew. Was I surprised?
Not really.


NOVEMBER 17, 2016 AT 10:57 AM

I’ve told my Muslim friends: If I want to have my ass kissed, all I

have to do is put on a yamulka and visit my local mosque.

DECEMBER 8, 2016 AT 12:25 AM




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