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Good morning MRS NGA

As a student, I've always believed that education extends beyond the confines of textbooks and
classrooms. It's about embracing the world around us, recognizing the needs of others, and
stepping up to make a difference, no matter how small .Today, I'd like to share with you a
heartwarming experience from my childhood, a memory that still holds a special place in my
heart as a positive contribution I have that has indelibly shaped my understanding of compassion
and the power of human connection..

when I was five years old, I used to visit my great-grandmother, a kind and gentle woman who
had been born mute. Despite the barrier of communication, we shared love and happiness . One
particular afternoon, I recall my great-grandmother struggling to thread a needle. Her hands,
weathered by time, trembled slightly as she attempted to guide the thread through the tiny eye of
the needle. Without hesitation, I stepped forward, offering my assistance.From that day on, I
made it a daily ritual to visit my great-grandmother and play with her.

Everyday,after going to the kindergarten,I would help her with simple tasks, threading needles
for her sewing projects or carefully turning the pages of a newspaper as she followed the news.
In that moment, I realized that our connection transcended the spoken word. Our bond was
forged through acts of kindness, through the unspoken understanding of love and support.

As I grow up, I realize that my great-grandmother taught me a valuable lesson that day – the
power of communication, not just through words but also through gestures, expressions, and the
unspoken language of love. Her kindness reminds me of the simple joys of connecting with
others and the profound impact of doing good deeds.

Currently, I am also dedicating myself to learning sign language on a daily basis as a personal
habit, inspired greatly by my grandmother.I hope from this story, we will appreciate every small
activity that help our community because charity begins at home.

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