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Be Gratefull

All praise be to Allah, The Lord of The world the master of the creators of everything in the
universe who has giving us mercys and blessings, so we can attend this program without any
trouble in this occasion.
Peace and salutation be upon to most honorable our prophet Muhammad SAW, who has giving
us from the darkness in to lightness.
The honorable leader of …………………
The honorable all of the teachers of ………(conditional)…….
And the honorable the audience of …………………

Language gratitude,
‫الثناء على المحِس ن بما َأْو الَك ُه من المعروف‬
"Gratitude is a compliment to the man who gives good, for that kindness" (see ash shahhah fil
lughah by al jauhari). Or in English, to be grateful is to be grateful.
The sweet fruits of gratitude
1. Gratitude is a trait of the faithful.
A man of faith is sure to be grateful, if only muslims, not necessarily for all that god has given.
Messenger of god shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam say,
‫ َو ِإْن َأَص اَبْتُه َض َّراُء‬،‫ َو َلْيَس َذ اَك َأِلَحٍد ِإاَّل ِلْلُم ْؤ ِم ِن ؛ ِإْن َأَص اَبْتُه َس َّراُء َش َك َر َفَك اَن َخْي ًرا َل ُه‬،‫َع َج ًبا َأِلْم ِر اْلُم ْؤ ِم ِن ِإَّن َأْمَرُه ُك َّلُه َخْيٌر‬
‫َصَبَر َفَك اَن َخْيًرا َلُه‬
"A mukmin is amazing, because everything is good. Yet that would not be so except for a real
mu 'min. If he gets pleasure, he is grateful, and it's good for him. "If he was troubled, he was
patient, and it was good for him" (h.r. Muslim)
2. Save one from the doom of Allah
God ta 'ala says,
‫ما يفعل هللا بعذابكم إن شكرتم وآمنتم‬
"God will not judge you if you are grateful and faithful. And truly god was shakir again pious
"(qs. An-nisa: 147).
3. Signs of a grateful servant
A grateful man always turns his back on every favor he gets to god ta 'ala. He had always
recognized that only by fate and god's mercy could such favors be obtained. Whereas people who
favoured kufur always forget this. From ibn abbas radhiallahu 'anhuma, he said,

‫ذِه‬GG‫الوا ه‬GG‫ُمِطَر الَّناُس على عهِد الَّنبِّي صَّلى ُهَّللا عليِه وسَّلَم فقاَل الَّنبُّي صَّلى ُهَّللا عليِه وسَّلَم أصبَح مَن الَّن اِس شاكٌر ومنهم كافٌر ق‬
‫رحمُة ِهَّللا وقاَل بعُضهم لقد صدَق نوُء كذا وكذا‬
"When it rained in the days of the prophet shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam, then the prophet said,
'for this rain, there are grateful humans and there are delicious ones. A grateful person says: 'this
is god's mercy. 'the one whom kufur favours said,' oh no wonder there have been such and such
signs' "(h.r. Muslim no.73.)

Tips on being a grateful servant

1. Always thanking someone else.
One way to express gratitude for god's favor is by thanking the human middleman who reached
the point of god's hand.
2. Meditate on god's blessings.
In the qur 'an often god stirs the human heart that so many favors has he bestowed since we came
into this world, that we come to our senses and thank god.
3. Qana'ah
Always feeling sufficient for the favors we have in ourselves makes us grateful to god. On the
other hand, a person who is constantly dissatisfied, lacks enough, feels that god never gives him
any enjoyment.
4. Rationalizing
Rationalizing and praising god are forms of our gratitude to god. There are certain dzmiseries
taught by the messenger of god especially expressing our gratitude to god.
So friends, from now on, to always accept what we have received and gained today. Always
grateful for what we received yesterday, today or tomorrow.. Because if we are always grateful,
then god will always add enjoyment to our lives.

I think enough for today, Im sorry if I make mistake for everyone. So thank you.. wassalam..

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