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Assignment #3


D3392-Ir. Togar Alam Napitupulu, M.S., M.Sc.,


Session 08
To be Submitted Week 10

RSCH8086– IS Research Methodology

EXAMPLE : Breaking down Concept into Dimensions
TELADAN : Membagi Konsep menjadi Dimensi
(See Sekaran, 2010, page 131 - 134)

Achievement motivation is a concept variable. It might be easier to first find the broad characteristics
of people with high achievement motivation. People with high achievement motivation might be
characterized by behaviors such as (1) driven by work; (2) unable to relax; (3) impatience with
ineffectiveness; (4) seeks moderate challenges; and (5) seeks feedbacks. Here we try to break down the
achievement motivation concept variable into four dimensions. Notice, it is now appears to be a lot
easier to formulate indicators that characterized these dimensions. For example, we might create three
indicators to represent “driven by work” with (a) I tend to constanttly working, (b) I am very reluctant to
take off for anything, (c) Persevering despite setbacks. While operational variables for “unable to relax”
might be (a) I always think of work even at home, (b) I don’t have any hobbies.


Try to formulate indicators for the rest of the dimensions in EXAMPLE #6.

Rumuskanlah indikator-indikator untuk masing-masing dimensi lainnya pada TELADAN #6.


(3) a) saya tidak suka terjadwal, b) saya tidak pernah mengecek sesuatu 2 kali , c) saya selalu bertindah

(4) a) saya mempelajari sesuatu jika diperlukan, b) saya lebih suka menyimpulkan inti dari beberapa

(5) a) saya berteman yang dapat mengerti saya, b) melakukan sesuatu harus menghasilkan, c) saya
senang jika orang memuji saya, d) saya selalu mencari benefit dari orang lain

RSCH8086– IS Research Methodology

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