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Hunting Snake

— Judith Wright
class iX| Bengali
English| Chapter NameSnake


The poet is captivated by the beauty of a snake, which generally takes up an image of a
dangerous animal. The snake’s beauty evokes terror, as he is out in search of its prey, yet it
seems graceful. The attitude of the poet indicates a simple message. Although we should be
alert after seeing such a wild animal, but we should not attempt to kill it. These wild animals
are also a part of our biosphere and their life is precious as well. They are beautiful yet ferocious
creation of the same God who has made us as well.

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Judith Wright was an Australian poet and environmentalist, who involved a message
concerning environment in many of his works. She was born on 31st May, 1915 and had died
on 25th June, 2000. She draws attention to rare many natural phenomena and depicts their
beauty. Some of her notable works are – 'The Moving Image', 'Woman to Man', The gateway
and many other. She had received the Australian National Living Treasure Award in 1998 for
her literary contributions.

The poem is set in a pleasingly warm day of autumn. The poet was walking through a field
with someone. In the middle of their way, they were stopped by a dangerous snake, which
was gliding through the field making its way through grasses. Although dangerous, the body
of the snake was glazing in the sunlight like diamonds. The poet and his companion became
frozen being aware and conscious. The snake was fierce in its way of hunting. We know that
we should not make any move if a snake is passing by, otherwise it will attack us. The poet
has used two kinds of adjectives to describe the beauty of the snake, which are ‘splendid’ and
‘fierce’. After the snake had passed away, the poet and his companion went off as well.

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Central idea of the poem
Judith Wright's actual intention behind this poem seems like, creating awareness among the
readers about the wild animals. We generally think that wild animals are always ready to
attack us, without any reason and so without thinking once, we kill them the moment we
see them. But we need to understand that the life of the wild animals is also important. They
are also a part of the animal kingdom on our earth, created by the same God who create us.

class iX| Bengali
English| Chapter NameSnake

Whenever we see a snake, generally we get scared and we try to kill that. We should consider
the fact that they play an importance role in our biosphere. If we kill them unreasonably, the
ecosystem might be disbalanced. If we have an eye to appreciate, we will be able to find out
beauty in the dangerous creature as well. May be after reading this poem, we will be able to
show compassion towards all the animals.

Sun – Warmed: pleasantly warm weather Œ’þz£kŠ
Grace – Beauty Œö¤ïr˜ëÅŠ
Gentlest – As soft as possible Œö†þyô¡•þôþŠ
Pace – Speed Œˆ!•þŠ
Reeling – Windingly moving Œ‰%îûþ›y†þ ‡yGëûyþŠ
Flickering – Shining unsteadily ŒVþ¡†þy!lŠ
Trail – A long thin line stretched behind Œö¡?Š
Quested – Search for something Œö‡„y? †þîûyŠ
Parting – To be divided Œèþyˆ ¥GëûyŠ
Glazed – Shine brightly Œ‹þ†þ‹þ†þ †þîûyŠ
Scale – Small, thin, horny and bony plates protecting the skin Œˆyöìëûîû x„y¢Š
Track – Path Œþ›íŠ
Fierce – Something which evokes terror Œèþëûy
Intent – Motif of someone of something Œ’þzöìj¢ÄŠ
Scarcely – Hardly, in a very less amount ŒlyéŸé~îû îîûyîîûŠ
Splendid – Wonderful Œ¤%r˜îûŠ
Prey – The object of someone’s hunt Œ!¢†þyîûŠ

Textual Questions with answers
Exercise 1
l Tick the correct answer from the given alternatives :
1. The poet was sun-warmed under the gentlest sky of
a) summer ¨ b) winter ¨
c) autumn þ d) spring ¨
2. The colour of the snake was
a) black þ b) grey ¨
c) green ¨ d) yellow ¨
3. The tongue of the snake was
a) still ¨ b) flickering þ
c) dangling ¨ d) hanging ¨
4. The shape of the snake’s scale was like
a) star ¨ b) kite ¨
c) diamond þ d) pyramid ¨
5. According to the poet, the intent of the snake was
a) malicious ¨ b) greedy ¨
c) timid ¨ d) fierce þ

class iX| Bengali
English| Chapter NameSnake

6. The snake finally disappeared into the

a) sand ¨ b) grass þ
c) rock ¨ d) stream ¨

Exercise 2
l Answer the following questions within twenty-five words :
i. How did the snake appear as it was moving through the grass?
The snake looked glazing as the sunlight was flickering upon its diamond shaped scales on its
sleek body. It was searching for its prey.
ii. What did the poet and her companions do when the snake was gone?
The poet and his companions, who were holding their breath, released that in relief when the
snake passed them by and they went on.


l Choose the correct option and complete the following sentences: (1 Mark Each)
1. The time of the year, the poet is speaking of, is –
a) summer ¨ b) winter ¨
c) autumn þ d) monsoon ¨
2. The sky in the autumn is –
a) wild ¨ b) stormy ¨
c) dark ¨ d) gentle þ
3. The poet was frozen in –
a) fear þ b) cold ¨
c) beauty ¨ d) awkwardness ¨
4. The snake was in the field to –
a) enjoy the weather ¨ b) go to his home ¨
c) search for his prey þ d) enjoy the sun ¨
c) search for his prey
5. The poet found the snake –
a) graceful þ b) filthy ¨
c) nasty ¨ d) pitiful ¨
6. Which of the below mentioned adjective was not used to describe the snake –
a) fierce ¨ b) horrible þ
c) splendid ¨ d) dark ¨

l Answer the following questions in one sentence: (1 Mark Each)

1. Why did the poet stop in the middle of his walk?
The poet saw a snake gliding through the field, 50, stopped in the middle of his walk.
2. How did the snake look?
The snake was black in colour, cold yet graceful.
3. Where did the poet see the snake?
The poet saw the snake in the field, amid the grass.
4. What was the snake up to?
The snake was out to search for his food.
5. When did the poet feel relaxed?
As the snake passed by, the poet felt relaxed.

class iX| Bengali
English| Chapter NameSnake

l Answer the following questions briefly:

1. Describe the poet’s reaction after he saw the snake.
The poet and his companion or companions were moving through a field, while they came
across a wild snake. Their breath was stopped after seeing the beautiful yet dangerous creature.
They could not move or think about anything else but only saw its movement until it was gone.
The poet was captivated by the beauty and charm of the snake. So he was unmoved. Also to be
safe, he did not dare to move.

Grammar in Use
Exercise 3
l Rewrite the following sentences as directed:
a) How happy we are here! (Change into an assertive sentence)
We are very happy here.
b) Everybody knows the name of Tagore. (Change into an interrogative sentence)
Who does not know the name of Tagore?
c) The painting is very beautiful. (Change into an exclamatory sentence)
What a beautiful painting it is!
d) Can we ever forget our childhood days? (Change into an assertive sentence)
It is impossible to forget our childhood days.

Exercise 4
l Rewrite the following sentences as directed :
a) We are proud of our heritage. (Use the noun form of ‘proud’)
We take pride on our heritage.
b) We should have sympathy for the poor. (Use the adjective form of ‘sympathy’)
We should be sympathetic to the poor.
c) His success was due to his labour. (Use the verb form of ‘labour’)
As he had laboured, he got his success.
d) The song of the nightingale is very sweet. (Use the adverb form of ‘sweet’)
The nightingale sings very sweetly.

Textual Grammar
l Do as directed :
1. Sun-warmed in the late season’s grace under the autumn’s gentlest sky we walked and froze
half-through a pace. (Split into simple sentences)
a) We walked.
b) We had been frozen half-through a pace.
c) The sky was very gentle in autumn.
d) The sun was warm in the late season.
e) The season was graceful.
2. He quested through the parting grass. (Use the noun form of ‘quested’)
His quest was through the parting grass.
3. Sun glazed his curves of diamond scale. (Change the voice)
His curves of diamond scale were glazed by Sun.
4. We lost breath to see him pass. (Turn this sentence into a complex sentence)
As we saw him pass, we had lost our breath.
5. He was gone into the grass that hid his prey. (Make it a simple sentence)
He was gone into the grass, hiding his prey.
6. We took a deeper breath of day, looked at each other and went on. (Turn into a simple sentence)
Taking a deeper breath of day, we went on, looking at each other.

class iX| Bengali
English| Chapter NameSnake

Exercise 5
l Write a Newspaper Report within 100 words on a Boat Capsize. Use the following hints :
Place – date – number of people in the boat – cause – casualties – rescue operations – steps
taken by the Government
Boat capsized in the Ganges
— By a Staff Reporter
Kolkata, 23 June, 2019 : A horrible incident took place yesterday abreast river Ganges in
broad day light. Due to a boat capsize, two people had died and one was seriously injured.
Around 12 PM yesterday a boat was returning through Ganges after fishing and suddenly
it collided with a launch. The boat turned upside down and all the loads on it had also gone
inside the water. There were three people on the boat, among whom was a fourteen year old
boy. The young boy had gone for fishing with his uncle and another one was the boatman. The
boatman was saved but injured. Other two people had died on spot. Police was able to rescue
the dead bodies and the boatman was sent to the state hospital.
The family of the affected people was notified about it and the Chief Minister had promised to
take some quick action for the damage control of the family.

Exercise 6
l Write a summary of the following passage within 100 words :
Where and how should children learn values? We know that they need to learn them because
values from the beliefs and attitudes that will determine how they live their lives and function
in society. To function effectively in society, children need to be taught how to be honest,
kind, courteous and considerate. Any society that does not teach children these values would
soon fall apart. Similarly, one would expect a nation to be made up of citizens who know how
to respect other people and their property. These citizens should also understand the value
of humility and self-control. They should appreciate courage and be willing to care of those
weaker than themselves. Any nation whose citizens do not practice these values would soon
become a nation not worth living in. teaching these values to children cannot be delayed.
This is because, unlike young animals, whose instincts are often highly developed at birth,
human babies are totally dependent. Human beings have emotional needs, desires, thoughts
and feelings which determine action. This is precisely why they must learn values, not just
survival skills as do animals. These values will help control the natural responses that result
from satisfying purely selfish needs and desires.  (202 words)
Children must learn values for the sake of their nation and themselves. Values determine one's
lifestyle and behaviour. A good citizen knows self-control and values the strong and the weak
equally. So, children who are our future citizens must be taught to be honest, kind and well-
mannered. They should be humble and respectful to others. Lack of values among citizen can
only make a nation worth not living in. Human beings, unlike other animals need be taught
values at a young age to control their emotion and to make a successful state.


The poet has shown a dangerous creature from a beautiful point of view. We often forget to
see wild animals with the eye of compassion while protecting ourselves, even if the animals
have not done any harm to us. Like this many innocent animals die and become extinct. So,
the poet gives a thoughtful message to save and love all animals equally.

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