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After World War Two, USA and the USSR were the two superpowers and were conpeting to
be the stronger country in the world. Therefore, USA decided to create the NATO in order to
create a strong bloc against the USSR and its allies.
It was created the 4th of April 1949 in Washington D.C., USA. At a beginig, the NATO was
formed by eleven countries, which were USA, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Iceland,
Luxembourg, Italy, Norway, Netherlands and United Kingdom, but it would expand in a
future. The countries that have joined th NATO are:

 1955: Geermany, Greece and Turkey

 1982: Spain
 1999: Hungary, Poland and Czechia
 2004: Bulgaria, Slovakia, Slovenia, Estonia, Letonia, Lithuania and Rumania
 2009: Albania and Croatia
 2017: Montenegro
 2020: North Macedonia
 2023: Finland
Its main objectives were to defend themselves in case of invasion of the USSR, and it is
achieved thanks to the 5th article which says that if one country of the alliance is attacked,
all the other members will have to defend the attacked one. However, this article has been
used only onced when the 11th of September 2001 the USA was attacked by muslim
In February 1981, the spanish president Leopoldo Calvo Sotelo said during a speech that
Spain would join the NATO and in December of that year Spain officially applied to join te
coalition. In may 1982, Spain joined the NATO becoming the country number 16 to join the
alliance. Then, in 1984, spanish population voted some aspects of Spain in the coalition.
Finally, 52% of the population voted in favour and Spain bacme a member of the NATO in all

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