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Submitted By:_ Bilal Mustafa 1709

Submitted To:_ Dr. Somia Asad
Class:_ MA History (iii)
Department:_ History And Pak Studies Topic:_
The war on terrorism & NATO Role in Afghanistan
An Overview:,

NATO the North Atlantic Treaty Organization was founded by 12 countries on 4 April 1949
to protect the Europe from Soviet Aggression during the cold war. But after the cold war NATO changed
the policy and decided to stand against the global terrorism. The NATO took it's first stand against
terrorism out of Europe in 2003 against Afghan Taliban after the 9/11 incident. The war against
terrorism was started by American president George Bush into the turn of terrorist attack on world
trade center through the UN security council resolution 1368 under the article 51 of the United Nation
charter. The American and British armed forces start the operation on October 7,2001 named by
Operation Enduring Freedom(OEF) with the objectives To oust the Taliban government ,To dismental
the terrorist network and To bring Osama Bin laden and his associates to justice in the united states of

After the oust of Taliban government the American and Britain called a meeting in Bonn(Germany)on
November 27,2001 which gave birth an interim government for six months headed by Hamid Karzai. It
also established the a international Security and Assistance Force (ISAF) under the four Resolution
1386_1413_1444 and 1510 of UN Security Council. The total twenty eight 28 countries were the part of
ISAF which only 14 were the members of NATO which was leaded by Britain first then Turkey and

No doubt 14 members states joind the ISAF but in the earlier years of war against Taliban NATO did not
participated as an international organization. But later when it felt the threat of war on the Europe Door
it held a summit on emergency bases on 22_23 November 2002 and raised armed forces of 20,000
personal and took over the command of ISAF in Afghanistan on August 11,2003(complete command of
ISAF in 2006) under the objectives of:-

i_ To Combat the insurgencies.

ii_ To strengthing the Afghan security institutions.

iii_ To Curraling the Opium.

In the years 2007-8 NATO a strong resistance From Taliban who has again gained a lot of power through
Foreign support and anti government had started to penetrating the North. NATO proposed Taliban for
peace talk in 2008 tu put the war to end and to maintane peace in Afghanistan.

To fulfill its second objective NATO provides Afghan forces both training and weapons. As the
Afghanistan did not had a regular army to itscsecurity needs the NATO a national army and police as
part of nation building process in Afghanistan. The he NATO members states trained 82,000 police
personal by the march 2011. By August 2005 Afghanistan National Army(ANA) recruiting centers had
become operational in all 34 provinces of Afghnistan. By the end of 2007 NATO raised the strength of
Afghanistan national armed forces to 41,000.
The third objective of NATO is to cruiling the opium trade which was the main source of funding for
Taliban. It was the 40% of Afghanistan Gross Domestic Product(GDO). NATO try to stop it's cultivation
but failed due to the corruption in system and lack of rule of law.

NATO invasion in Afghanistan did not turned fruitful as the war against Taliban took a dramatic turned in
2007. Instead of a stabilized Afghan government , peace and NATO control over Afghanistan theTaliban
increase attacks on government supporters, US and NATO forces. September 11,2008 marked the
seventh yerar of attack on the world trade center but the Afghanistan still remaind the battleground of
the US led war on terrorism. In 2008 the US death toll reaching 112 and Britain lost 120 soldiers which
deprived the NATO members states. In January 2009 the new US president Obama requested the NATO
to send more troops in Afghanistan the European country except British refused to send their soldiers to
die. After increasing a number of US troops in Afghanistan Obama also adopt the troops exit policy.The
NATO command and diplomats even began to think on the lines that negotiations are the just way to
bring war to the end.

History is the witness of fact that the Afghanistan is the graveyard of many
great powers either it is ancient Macedonia,British or Soviet Unoin. Now the question is that would it
take NATO down to the same road???

Countries of NATO:

North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), military alliance established by the

North Atlantic Treaty (also called the Washington Treaty) of April 4, 1949, which
sought to create a counterweight to Soviet armies stationed in central and eastern
Europe after World War II. Its original members
were Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg,
the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, the United Kingdom, and the United States.
Joining the original signatories were Greece and Turkey (1952); West
Germany (1955; from 1990 as Germany); Spain (1982); the Czech Republic, Hungary,
and Poland (1999); Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Slovakia,
and Slovenia (2004); Albania and Croatia (2009); Montenegro (2017); and North
Macedonia (2020). France withdrew from the integrated military command of NATO
in 1966 but remained a member of the organization; it resumed its position in
NATO’s military command in 2009.

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