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Title: The Challenge of Writing a PTSD in Soldiers Research Paper

Writing a research paper on PTSD in soldiers is undoubtedly a daunting task. It requires meticulous
research, thoughtful analysis, and a deep understanding of both the subject matter and academic
writing standards. The complexity of the topic coupled with the emotional weight it carries can make
the writing process even more challenging.

Exploring the intricacies of PTSD in soldiers involves delving into the psychological and emotional
impact of combat experiences, as well as examining various factors that contribute to the
development and manifestation of the disorder. From understanding the neurobiological mechanisms
involved to exploring the effectiveness of different treatment approaches, the breadth of knowledge
required is extensive.

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format demands careful planning and organization. Finding relevant scholarly sources, synthesizing
information, and presenting findings in a logical manner are essential components of producing a
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PTSD in Soldiers PTSD in Soldiers This image is used under the cc license of 2. Dr. Charles M. Vest
is president of the National Academy of Engineering. For instance, adult nonsexual assault was
usually not differentiated between chronic (e.g., intimate partner violence, with female victimization
more likely) and acute (such as robbery, with male victimization more likely). There has not been a
systematic effort to explain the worth of combining medication with psychotherapy. However, Papa
and colleagues highlight research on Viet Nam combat veterans that indicates Viet Nam combat
veterans endorsed higher grief symptoms than civilians who had recently lost a spouse. Accordingly,
the hypothesis of this brief research is that posttraumatic stress disorder, and all of its various
exhibitions, is the most prevalent form of psychological damage that is exhibited upon the returning
soldier. Soldiers who have returned from Iraq or Afghanistan are increasingly showing evidence of a
connection between PTSD and MTBI. In contrast, Dohrenwend used the full range of service dates
to identify unit exposures from records and other archival sources. Cognitive processing therapy
(CPT) has been found on many occasions to be effective for the treatment of PTSD in war veterans
or victims of sex crimes. However, actually accessing that care is wrought with challenges due to
logistical and stigma-related barriers to care. The intent of the workshops was to gather information
regarding issues related to posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) compensation; in particular, the
conduct of compensation and pension examinations, the evaluation of PTSD claims, and the granting
of compensation by the Department of Veterans Affairs VA). An article titled Veterans prone to
suicide in the London Metro issue on 28th January 2010 noted that according to the Mental Health
Foundation, many Afghanistan war veterans plunged into problems such as alcoholism, suicide and
crime upon their return (Burnam, Lisa, et al. 776) This situation is not unique to the UK as US war
veterans also encounter similar difficulties. But improvements in both groups were maintained for
the follow-up after six months. In terms of PTSD pharmacology, clinical trials focus on selective
serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI) medications, commonly used in the treatment of depression and
anxiety. Find out what's happening in Gloucester Township with free, real-time updates from Patch.
Military PTSD is a lot more common than some people realize and can have a significant impact on
someone’s life if they are not able to get the help they need. The data needed to evaluate the
determinants of outcomes in long-term programs are lacking, though, and it is not possible to draw a
firm conclusion on this issue. Thus, while considerable research has been conducted to date, it is not
as consistent or comprehensive as it needs to be if it is to provide reliable answers to questions
regarding how large a role compensation plays in malingering or symptom overreporting or, if it is, to
help identify a clear direction or policy. Both women and men can experience MST, which can occur
in peacetime, training, or even war. This book will be of interest and importance to policy makers,
veterans affairs groups, the armed forces, health care organizations, and veterans themselves. These
patterns persist long after the occurrence that elicited the fear, making the individual extremely
responsive to potential fearful occurrences. Such figures are astounding; partly due to the fact that it
is admitted by the military that nearly 70% of PTSD cases remain undiagnosed. The study by King
and colleagues (1998) also found that hardiness and additional negative life events postwar were
additional factors affecting recovery. To the committee’s knowledge, no further work has been done
with the data to explore this critical issue. This depression can also be brought on by a lack of sleep.
These kinds of numbers indicate a “bureaucracy” for veterans trying to seek help for their problems.
Although the Congress and federal government have doubled the budget of the Veterans
Administration since the beginning of the Iraq war, the agency still cannot satisfactorily process this
new influx of patients. Paper presented at the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Health Services
Research and Development national meeting. Ithaca, NY: Rehabilitation Research and Training
Center for Economic Research on Employment Policy for Persons with Disabilities, Cornell
University. However, neither of the last two studies offered any comparison with combat trauma, and
it is unclear how much combat exposure those cohorts experienced. Additionally, Rozanov and Carli
(p. 2505) offer a clearly different dimension to the debate on experiences and trajectories, noting that
biological and social factors could be equally important in determining the trajectories of individuals
relative to committing suicide.
Currently, a fundamental incapacity exists in the system established to address the mental and
physical health of returning soldiers, which is overwhelmed by the number of veterans maimed or
wounded by combat. Intense feelings of distress when reminded of a tragic event Extreme physical
reactions to reminders of trauma such as a nausea sweating or a pounding heart Invasive upsetting
memories of a tragedy. In a follow-up study using stricter criteria for exaggeration, Gold and Frueh
reported that “extreme exaggerators” were much more likely to be compensation-seeking and scored
much higher on self-report measures of various symptoms, despite having lower rates of PTSD
diagnoses and similar rates of comorbid disorders (Gold and Frueh, 1999). People with PTSD often
have intense, frightening thoughts and memories of their ordeal and feel emotionally numb,
especially with people they were once close to. Most of them, for instance, examined veterans
seeking treatment through specialized PTSD programs, and these samples have generally been small.
While some beneficiaries will undoubtedly understate their improvement in the course of pursuing
compensation, the scientific literature suggests that such patients are in the minority, and there is
some evidence that disability payments may actually contribute to better treatment outcomes in some
programs (Fontana and Rosenheck, 1998a). This section looks at some of the principal difficulties
encountered by war veterans after returning to the US. Those awarded benefits had more severe
PTSD symptoms and poorer functioning than those denied benefits, both at the time of claim
initiation and after notification. Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) has been one of the most
prevalent conditions affecting the U.S. military lately. Not that this problem is particularly new;
however, it has gained greater relevance in society due to increased sensitization and growing
awareness across the country. Research shows that disabled individuals on Supplemental Security
Income (SSI) who reenter the labor force tend to work at jobs that are lower paying and held for
fewer hours per week than the jobs they held prior to becoming disabled (Schechter, 1999). The
study by King and colleagues (1998) also found that hardiness and additional negative life events
postwar were additional factors affecting recovery. Such effects might, though, reflect maturation or
cohort effects rather than recovery related to treatment. According to experts, nearly 11-20% of war
veterans from Afghanistan and Iraq wars suffer from PTSD (Keane and Barlow 254). The review
comments and draft manuscript remain confidential to protect the integrity of the deliberative
process. It would have helped me better understand the true intensity of how PTSD can be for many
patients and I feel as though my understanding would have been greatly increased if i had chosen to
do it. Research examining the full range of reasons why beneficiaries discontinue seeking mental-
health care in the VA system—including access to services, degree of satisfaction with VA services or
treatment outcome, and pursuit of treatment in non-VA venues—would make it possible to carry out
a more informed and less politically charged consideration of this topic. Second, the rate of provider
participation is similarly low. Therapy For Military PTSD There are many different types of therapy
that can be helpful for those suffering from military PTSD. The second—and by far the most
common—type of research consists of studies that focus on the detection of misreporting or
exaggeration of PTSD and other symptoms by veterans seeking or receiving compensation. This is
because of the government’s desire to ensure constant recruitment into the armed forces. Based on
feedback from you, our users, we've made some improvements that make it easier than ever to read
thousands of publications on our website. The National Academy of Engineering was established in
1964, under the charter of the National Academy of Sciences, as a parallel organization of
outstanding engineers. Holtzheimer and colleagues (2005) evaluated the records of 587 persons
hospitalized for PTSD and comorbid depression and a matched cohort with depression alone. One
study showed that a PTSD diagnosis increased the probability of being unemployed by 150%
among US adults (Kessler, 2000). For example, after my first tour in Afghanistan, a Soldier in the
company took his own life. As there is no single fix for the problems that have been noted, this
proposal will seek to discuss some of the most salient ways in which the underlying causal factors
for these problems can be adequately addressed and minimized over time. Seeing a therapist for
military PTSD is important, so do everything in your power to encourage this. But with support,
treatment, and lifestyle changes, people can overcome their PTSD and live happy, healthy lives. It
should be noted, though, that if these or other such measures were ever to be used as the sole source
of information for detecting and screening out potential malingerers, motivated claimants would
quickly learn how to respond to these items to avoid detection (Bury and Bagby, 2002). PTSD
symptoms can arise simply from observing these horrific circumstances.
Self Care For Military PTSD Military PTSD can often be debilitating and leave veterans feeling
isolated. PTSD is perhaps the most prevalent disorder among war veterans as it stems from the
veterans’ traumatic experiences in combat. Interestingly, there are conflicting accounts of research
findings on whether males are more likely to commit suicide than do females. The Institute acts
under the responsibility given to the National Academy of Sciences by its congressional charter to be
an adviser to the federal government and, upon its own initiative, to identify issues of medical care,
research, and education. The tickets are redeemable for 5 years of vocational services from providers
of the beneficiaries’ own choosing (Cook et al., 2006). In addition, Ticket participants were offered
free benefits and entitlements counseling to help them gauge the effects of employment on their cash
benefits and other unearned income. Similarly, Tolin and colleagues (2004) found compensation-
seeking status associated with extreme elevations across clinical and validity scales, but, in contrast
to previous findings, compensation-seeking veterans were also found to be more likely to receive a
PTSD diagnosis. Complex post-traumatic stress disorder or Complex PTSD is a separate yet closely
related psychological disorder that results from repeated trauma over a period of time instead of a
single event. An estimated 30 percent of Vietnam veterans have had PTSD in their lifetimes. The
event will take place from 10:45 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 10. It will be held in Civic Hall,
which is located inside the Connector on the Blackwood Campus. Such effects might, though, reflect
maturation or cohort effects rather than recovery related to treatment. Conclusion War veterans offer
immense services to the nation with regard to the maintenance of national, as well as global peace.
Social Support Social support provides tremendous benefits for veterans living with PTSD such as
reduced anxiety and improved quality of life. Returning to the neurological basis of PTSD, it may
be the case that prolonged amygdala hyper-activation leads to a protraction of that excess arousal
even long after the combat environment has gone. It is autonomous in its administration and in the
selection of its members, sharing with the National Academy of Sciences the responsibility for
advising the federal government. Attention has increasingly shifted to the more subjective ailments
and injuries, such as chronic pain (Sullivan and Loeser, 1992; Rohling et al., 1995) and mental
disorders (Estroff et al., 1997), particularly PTSD (Rosen, 2004, 2006; Mossman, 1994; Guriel and
Fremouw, 2003). While certain of these veterans would be exempt by regulation from reexamination,
any periodic review policy would still entail significant numbers of beneficiaries and put additional
strain on the system. Not only is it keeping you from having to shoulder that burden by yourself and
holding in all that pain. PTSD is differentiated from a so-called “normal” response to an abnormal,
or traumatic situation, insofar as the subject does not begin to feel better in time. RTM practices a
short visualization procedure to repossess and change memory. The research reviewed and cited in
this section often used return to work as the specific measure of recovery. Experts estimate that
PTSD affects 11-20 percent of veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, according to the National
Center for PTSD. The difference in reported MSA in females between the Kang (3.3 percent) and
Murdoch (71 percent) studies is striking, and it can be partially explained by the difference in
samples (a representative cohort sample versus females filing claims for PTSD) and partly explained
by the Kang use of MSA “in theatre” while Murdoch used MSA in the more generic sense (any
sexual assault while in ADM service). Such a regimen could be conducted during a few brief hours
of training every month as a reminder that such services exist for the soldier and are put in place for
their health and benefit. War veterans facilitate peace across the globe, but the ironic truth is that they
usually have no peace in their lives after returning from missions and combat. Studies have shown
that PTSD negatively impacts families. Presentation to the Committee on Veterans’ Compensation
for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, July 6, 2006. Ithaca, NY: Rehabilitation Research and Training
Center for Economic Research on Employment Policy for Persons with Disabilities, Cornell
University. Tolin and Foa (2006) concluded that sex differences in the prevalence of adult and child
sexual abuse may account for some of the disparity in PTSD rates between men and women but that
the variance they found in the meta-analysis was not completely due to this difference. Additionally,
Rozanov and Carli (p. 2505) offer a clearly different dimension to the debate on experiences and
trajectories, noting that biological and social factors could be equally important in determining the
trajectories of individuals relative to committing suicide. Conversely, people are at relatively lower
risk for developing CG if they had advance notice to prepare for the loss, and a strong social support
network and higher technological connectedness (such as use of email) 8.
Further, while workplace accommodations may extend the average duration of employment for
disabled individuals (Burkhauser et al., 1995), there is evidence that some injured workers who
receive job accommodations also receive lower wages so that they, in essence, “pay the price” of their
own accommodations (Gunderson and Hyatt, 1996). The National Research Council was organized
by the National Academy of Sciences in 1916 to associate the broad community of science and
technology with the Academy’s purposes of furthering knowledge and advising the federal
government. A veteran, or a representative acting on her or his behalf, can file an appeal to a
disability determination or rating by requesting a reexamination. And the authors of the one study
that does show significant differences conclude that. Such figures are astounding; partly due to the
fact that it is admitted by the military that nearly 70% of PTSD cases remain undiagnosed. Valid
sufferers would persevere, seeking alleviation of their suffering; malingerers would not (p. 280). For
instance, one biological distinction when reviewing prevalence of suicide is the gender of the
individual. An article titled Veterans prone to suicide in the London Metro issue on 28th January
2010 noted that according to the Mental Health Foundation, many Afghanistan war veterans
plunged into problems such as alcoholism, suicide and crime upon their return (Burnam, Lisa, et al.
776) This situation is not unique to the UK as US war veterans also encounter similar difficulties.
There were no differences in treatment outcomes by compensation status for inpatients in moderate-
stay programs (30 days). The research revealed the three sessions therapy timeline has proved to be
amazingly effective. By accepting more claims, the VA is taking on more financial responsibility,
which could make everyone wait longer (Martin, 2010). The National Research Council was
organized by the National Academy of Sciences in 1916 to associate the broad community of
science and technology with the Academy’s purposes of furthering knowledge and advising the
federal government. This might seem scary at first, but confronting these difficult memories head-on
and being aware of how they came across during critical points in combat will help your loved one
process his or her thoughts and experiences. 3) Validate the traumatic event(s) Your military veteran
might not be ready to talk about their time in service just yet, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t
listen to them when they’re finally ready. For instance, adult nonsexual assault was usually not
differentiated between chronic (e.g., intimate partner violence, with female victimization more
likely) and acute (such as robbery, with male victimization more likely). PTSD Warning Signs
Symptoms do not usually just pop up out of the blue. However, VA does not code the information
needed to evaluate how often this happens. While having them continue this treatment, he also
provided them with a flexible dosage of CBD oil. A multivariate analysis of employment among a
nationally representative group of adults with mental illness in the National Health Interview
Survey: Disability Supplement found that education was a significant predictor of employment in
general as well as, specifically, of employment in executive, administrative, or professional specialty
occupations (Mechanic et al., 2002). Re-experiencing, emotional avoidance, and increased arousal
symptoms are the mostly clearly identified hallmarks of the condition. Another mechanism permitting
individuals to work above SGA level while retaining Medicaid benefits was the Medicaid buy-in
state plan option under the Balanced Budget Act of 1997 (Public Law105-33). On the other hand,
several researchers have noted that this response pattern—the reporting of a wide range of
symptoms and overreporting of symptoms in general—is part of the overall profile of PTSD, a
disorder characterized by the presence of a heterogeneous set of symptoms, high rates of
comorbidity, and, quite often, extreme symptom severity (APA, 2000; Elhai et al., 2000, 2001;
Fairbank, et al., 1983; Hyer et al., 1988; Keane and Wolfe, 1990). There also may be sex differences
in willingness to admit symptoms because of differences in gender role expectations or in pretrauma
psychiatric history and trauma exposure during military service. Demographically, I will reach out to
the white, middle class, to Latinos and to blacks. In a follow-up study using stricter criteria for
exaggeration, Gold and Frueh reported that “extreme exaggerators” were much more likely to be
compensation-seeking and scored much higher on self-report measures of various symptoms, despite
having lower rates of PTSD diagnoses and similar rates of comorbid disorders (Gold and Frueh,
1999). V101 (93) P-2155 (VA 6096) between the National Academy of Sciences and United States
Department of Veterans Affairs. This research begins with the statement that PTSD has been one of
the most prevalent conditions affecting the US military lately. Homelessness among war veterans
emanates from inadequate support networks, abject poverty and dismal living conditions in
substandard housing upon returning to the US (Durboraw 78). The Automated Medical Information
Exchange worksheet for review evaluations for PTSD (reproduced in Appendix C ) does provide a
template for the information to be gathered when such examinations are conducted. The Soldiers
think they can handle the symptoms on their own or that they will go away over time. Take care of
yourself by practicing self-care and staying informed on how you can best support your military
veteran through their struggle with PTSD symptoms. For more information, please contact
Post- traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) refers to a type of psychiatric disorder resulting from
witnessing or experiencing traumatic or distressing events. While certain of these veterans would be
exempt by regulation from reexamination, any periodic review policy would still entail significant
numbers of beneficiaries and put additional strain on the system. The recent war returnees from Iraq
and Afghanistan are such examples. Therefore, improved training of military medical and nursing
personnel on how to document and collect evidence regarding sexual assault is needed. Reaching out
might be just what a person needs to finally seek out the help they need. Demographically, I will
reach out to the white, middle class, to Latinos and to blacks. A 2005 analysis by the VA Office of
the Inspector General (OIG) focused on the claim files of 2,100 veterans receiving disability for
PTSD and found that 25 percent had no compelling evidence that they had been exposed to any
traumatic event whatsoever, thereby raising the specter of questionable compensation payments
(DVA, 2005b). The members of the committee responsible for the report were chosen for their
special competences and with regard for appropriate balance. However, leadership within the units
still need more sensitivity training on PTSD and more funding is needed for treatment, the second
group therapy participant claimed. Earlier this year, the federal government announced positive
changes to the process veterans must go through in order to get their treatment (Martin, 2010).
However, after his counselor told him to snap out of it, he gave up on the idea of getting help. Dr.
Ralph J. Cicerone is president of the National Academy of Sciences. It offers a number of
recommendations for changes that would improve the fairness, consistency, and scientific foundation
of this vital program. There are no easy solutions: experience with civilian benefits systems has
shown that the problems will be difficult to remedy. Anita Huggins hired as new CCSD
superintendent Which Valentine’s Candy Are You. Currently, a fundamental incapacity exists in the
system established to address the mental and physical health of returning soldiers, which is
overwhelmed by the number of veterans maimed or wounded by combat. Conflicts in Iraq and
Afghanistan have increasingly exposed more women to combat situations that cause PTSD to rise.
Click here to buy this book in print or download it as a free PDF, if available. Dive into MOH and
enrich your journey with captivating insights and inspiration. PBS, 11 Nov. 2009. Web. 6 May 2010..
This article allows me to read some experts words about PTSD in war vets. The research revealed the
three sessions therapy timeline has proved to be amazingly effective. This was also the case in a
2006 study of cognitive processing therapy by Monson and colleagues. The committee understands
that records researchers typically bracket their search by also checking the months before and after
the dates provided. Unfortunately, there are huge barriers to women being able to independently
substantiate their experiences of MSA, especially in a combat arena. Veterans primarily receive
disability compensation for injuries and diseases acquired while in service or exemplified by such
service. The purpose of this independent review is to provide candid and critical comments that will
assist the institution in making its published report as sound as possible and to ensure that the report
meets institutional standards for objectivity, evidence, and responsiveness to the study charge.
Washington, DC: Congressional Research Service, 2014. PDF. A 2005 analysis by the VA Office of
the Inspector General (OIG) focused on the claim files of 2,100 veterans receiving disability for
PTSD and found that 25 percent had no compelling evidence that they had been exposed to any
traumatic event whatsoever, thereby raising the specter of questionable compensation payments
(DVA, 2005b). A recent, well-conducted meta-analysis of more than 200 studies meeting reasonable
inclusion criteria and including military as well as civilian samples found that PTSD was twice as
prevalent in females as in males, even controlling for potential confounders, including study methods
(Tolin and Foa, 2006). The samples are fairly small, are limited to one VA region, and include only
those already using VA medical services (including, in many cases, mental-health services) prior to
initiating a disability claim for PTSD.
Veterans also receive free services for PTSD at Veterans Affairs (VA) medical centers across the
nation. My main question was whether one trauma was essentially worse or more difficult to live
with than the other. Find out what's happening in Gloucester Township with free, real-time updates
from Patch. Another mechanism permitting individuals to work above SGA level while retaining
Medicaid benefits was the Medicaid buy-in state plan option under the Balanced Budget Act of
1997 (Public Law105-33). Unfortunately, there are huge barriers to women being able to
independently substantiate their experiences of MSA, especially in a combat arena. However, if
claimants exaggerate symptoms or malinger for the purpose of obtaining compensation they are not
entitled to, one would instead suspect that these persons would tend to drop out of treatment for
PTSD (Burkett and Whitley, 1998) or use VA services less often (Campbell and Tueth, 1997) once
they achieve the benefits level they seek and no longer need such services to help validate their
claim. Here are the most common symptoms. Medication such as antidepressants is often prescribed
to combat veterans for treating PTSD symptoms. Signs and Symptoms of PTSD 1. Soldiers may
view behaviors associate with PTSD as merely being emotionally frail. Martin, D. (2010, July 12).
PTSD treatment access to get easier for veterans. The intent of the workshops was to gather
information regarding issues related to posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) compensation; in
particular, the conduct of compensation and pension examinations, the evaluation of PTSD claims,
and the granting of compensation by the Department of Veterans Affairs VA). It is important not to
take these things personally and remain patient with your loved ones during this time; they really do
need your support. If the dynamics behind the use of post-service-connection mental-health services
are to be better understood, both larger and more diverse samples will need to be examined.
Research shows that disabled individuals on Supplemental Security Income (SSI) who reenter the
labor force tend to work at jobs that are lower paying and held for fewer hours per week than the
jobs they held prior to becoming disabled (Schechter, 1999). Third, there is some research that
examines how seeking or receiving compensation affects treatment-seeking or the use of mental-
health services. According to experts, nearly 11-20% of war veterans from Afghanistan and Iraq
wars suffer from PTSD (Keane and Barlow 254). The tickets are redeemable for 5 years of
vocational services from providers of the beneficiaries’ own choosing (Cook et al., 2006). In
addition, Ticket participants were offered free benefits and entitlements counseling to help them
gauge the effects of employment on their cash benefits and other unearned income. If these reactions
do not go away or get worse, they might be symptoms of PTSD. Those who do successfully
overcome their disability and maintain employment—and thus lose their cash benefits and related
health insurance—often experience relapses of their illnesses due to their inability to get access to
health and mental-health services. There are several resources on base available to service members
experiencing, or who suspect someone is experiencing PTSD and needs some extra help or support.
They concluded developmental capacities from early childhood before age 11 increase risks of
trauma exposure and adverse reactions to trauma. Mental-health service utilization increased after
disability benefits were awarded, from an average of 2.5 mental-health appointments during the
preclaim period to 5.6 after the award, and the proportion of veterans using mental-health services
more than doubled, increasing from 25 to 52 percent. Most homeless veterans are single, reside in
urban areas and suffer disorders such as mental illnesses, substance abuse and co-occurring disorders.
On the other hand, several researchers have noted that this response pattern—the reporting of a wide
range of symptoms and overreporting of symptoms in general—is part of the overall profile of
PTSD, a disorder characterized by the presence of a heterogeneous set of symptoms, high rates of
comorbidity, and, quite often, extreme symptom severity (APA, 2000; Elhai et al., 2000, 2001;
Fairbank, et al., 1983; Hyer et al., 1988; Keane and Wolfe, 1990). Hoggaett, Heather Walters and
Marcia Valenstein. “Suicide Mortality among Individuals Receiving Treatment for Depression in the
Veterans Affairs Health System: Associations with Patient and Treatment Setting Characteristics.”
American Journal of Public Health 97.12 (2007): 2193-2198. PDF. As some of the relevant research
on the topics comes from nonmilitary populations and civilian compensation programs, the chapter
reviews literature in these areas. Setting a long-term minimum level of benefits, as suggested above,
would be one way to address this issue. Some of the most common difficulties that affect war
veterans include PTSD, physical injuries and disabilities and substance abuse as a result of these
disabilities and disorders (Ronald 84). The earlier your loved one starts receiving treatment for his or
her symptoms of military PTSD, the better chance they have at recovering. Research Triangle Park,
NC: Research Triangle Institute. While some beneficiaries will undoubtedly understate their
improvement in the course of pursuing compensation, the scientific literature suggests that such
patients are in the minority, and there is some evidence that disability payments may actually
contribute to better treatment outcomes in some programs (Fontana and Rosenheck, 1998a).

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