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uh among different uh things here

particular this model orange rib the

reason why I like it is it's balanced

here okay it's not too heavy on this


so and then as you swing now this is

heavier so it's a lot more difficult to


swing ah no sliding no opening here

again to so in the back swing just what

you need to do is just a full rotation

here nothing more than that wait until

this is completed in one action Let It

Go and then make it a


yes yes now you can use now you're using

the force at the right time yes yes yes

that's it so initially you're sliding in

later stretch my back lot and then this

one here because heavier you can feel

the the motion better you have more

inertia okay going back yeah yeah yeah

yeah Happ with it yeah when you give it

enough speed then automatically it has

more inertia okay and then at the end of

the voring minimize the

bending of this yeah if you have a how I

minimize just just wait wait wait until

so I don't go like that right

right if the head is going this way you

already try to go that way yeah you

create a lot of bending okay it will

have a little bending because you are

slowing it down so you're bending but no

more than that okay so wait until this

is completed and then start the down

swing then you can really use your Force

to accelerate the body and

Club if you go early then you lose the

timing slide

it kick the ground drop the left knee

and kick the ground and throw yes kick

yes kick yes

yes it's a lot more a lot more unified

motion yeah that feels different so the

same thing particularly the advantage of

this is because it's heavier yeah you

can feel the motion easier okay now

let's use your light club here yeah man

you need to change the grip here I know

do he's not my CL guy so the same thing

but again because this is not as

flexible as these things

so you have to let the wrist to go a bit

more at the top yeah do not hold it

tight but again here you are moving the

clip head around your body so throw the

clip head around your body and then wait

until this is completed and in one


throw y throw kick the ground and

throw yes

yes yes now the timing is better yeah so

now you are using the low body to throw

this and so overall the pattern is

changing initially you had is the best

way for me to practice it with the

continuous swings like that yeah but you

use the momentum on this side okay then

it will automatically give you a large

swing here do not try to hold it here

let the club will go more okay and then

also for the club try to use a different

weight heavier you can have a heavier

Club lighter club and then play with

those okay but heavier ones are easier

to F yeah yeah and then actually you can

use the bues better with the heavier

ones okay because so use use different

ways to train theing yeah yeah so have

maybe two or three uh uh drivers with

different weights and then practice it

you will you will feel which one is the

best for you okay okay so again

swing and then have active back then let

the C go all the

way yes


yes yes now now the the timing Chang

okay you're not opening P early this is

good always you had this here yeah yeah

this year but now you wait until this is

completed in that let okay this is

really good let me record this and then

try to keep it a bit flatter with the

plane yeah a bit flatter and then but

keep the hands a bit closer instead of

instead of the you know lifting the arms

too high here yeah


ready okay


go back swing can be a bit faster Let It

Go wind up Let It Go wind up let go yes

okay let take a

look Pi can be a bit faster Let It Go

wind up Let It Go wind up Let It Go

yes now the leg action and then better

yes it's a a lot better time here

my back got way longer yeah because

you're using the momentum here yeah and

when you have a larger back

automatically you have more time more

time yeah because you cannot reverse it

because you're not fighting you're not

fighting Let It Go and they have enough

point up here wait and then start the

ding that's why you can time it better

okay if you rush what happens is as

you're going up your already turning

this way go this way here you lose the

time here but wait the wind is completed

and throw by kicking the ground okay

that way you can use the low body lot

better okay

so again let's go to the uh rope and

then let's let's alternate all this rope

and then the orange rib and then Club


so start





yes now you really have throwing action

because you are your legs are working

better with that throw



mhm wind up and the throw

yes yep


mhm you're tired yeah those were some

bad swings but but now the time is too

much now one thing you want to always

experiment is the the angle here okay so

currently in general you are leaning too

much forward here okay from

here because you try to use your arms a

lot that's why the pelv slide quite a

bit okay but if you make a bit more

upright pessure and then swing around

here instead of go here and then do this

here yeah swing around then it's easier

to turn here turn turn here so try to

have a bit more upright body posture but

that doesn't mean when you try to

flatten the swing plane it doesn't mean

the arms are going out here rather the

body rather the

body Ms a little bit more upright

posture but the hands are actually

coming down here with a comfortable uh

posture here swing so let's try to use

the club you don't have to swing hard

okay but don't let the shoulders still

down as much so have slightly upright

body pure and then try to uh swing the

club head

around while keeping hands reasonably

close to the


better you can tell me now this time

this time the pelvis went a bit

early so one thing you have to remember

is that when the pelvis CA flat here

that always cause trouble because here's

your swing plane here okay so basically

you are trying to swing a fast turn

faster along the swing plane and if your

pelvis goes this way here then pelvis

turn is moving away from the swing plane

instead of following the swing plane

here okay the same thing the back swing

as you're moving the club this way along

the sing plane let's say then your P has

to also move along the swing plane more

or less instead of if the right hi goes

backward too much the your pelvis is

turning flat while your AR arms and C

going this way so we have a mismatch

here okay so in general the idea is as

you swing back and forth your pelvis

will turn but at the same time L

together so your pelvis is mainly

turning still along the swing plane like

this yeah so particularly on this side

you also have to turn this this way

bring the hip higher here and then turn

and then throw here instead

of and then turning this way quite a bit

so almost like a um in your image you

are turning too

much too much particularly in this

direction so instead of uh thinking you

are turning around here rather you are

drawing the hands and Club toward the

target in the down s you throwing the

hands and Club toward the target instead

of turning this

way a lot of cases I see excessive


really mhm better but that transition

that transition is quick

so give enough enough

back so from now on always when you

practice this keep this initial trigger

motion this way from here

start mhm

again so in this you're just throwing

the hands and C head this way right does

that look better

yeah so instead of turning around and Al

instead of dragging you're throwing it

and then see if you are generally

extending your arm at impact try to

extend left or right this way here on

the way down yeah and when you were

dragging you were you here now when you

try to throw your arm should be more

extended so feel that see if you are

actually doing it to me this is really

good but really good throw the hands yes

throw the hands and uh Club toward me

yeah when you let it go and just hold it

here natur arms will be extended okay

instead of dragging it okay currently

you're throwing the the club quite


mhm yes

yes better

yep so the motion now is you are really

letting it go instead of draging it in

here yeah okay then you can really feel

the head is moving faster here okay and

then here the I'm turning this way


of so let me let me record this that one

was really good so try to have the image

of throwing the hands and C head toward

the target

okay you ready yeah so repeat the swing

maybe about three times ready go



this is called the stage three of the

two step DRS yeah I've seen that

on you go


mhm as you repeat this more and more you

will find yourself not moving the hip

backward that much because I'm still

moving the head to far back because you

because you ini pass

my initial portion because you are

leaning you tend to lean forward quite a

bit Yeah but uh as you repeat this stage

three again and again eventually you

will start eliminating this backward let

me record from

here all right ready



go see the the the size of the backing


it's way

longer and then the second second one

here look at this yeah because you you

using the momentum here yeah so uh this

is important when you have this much

motion this much motion and then on the


down on the way down try to pull the

club along the shaft instead of cutting

something drawing a sword from so

you try to do that so the hands get

further from me this way so you go up go

up here instead of trying to cut

something here

yeah then you'll be to keep the col a

bit closer to the bed and then go here

so here and then let it go okay so here

and then you have this pet here of the

clip head bring the clip head down and

then here Let It Go

oh so try to draw the draw a sword from

the instead of cutting

something like that yeah yeah yeah is


better we have to see is in continuous

motion yeah continu a good trigger and

then give a bit more time at the top

okay yeah that was better and then also

in the back swing use your right leg so

as you throw here kick the ground and

throw exactly the same to this motion

here in this motion you use the left leg

right in this motion you use the right

leg and throw then throw

mhm uh the the trigger is a bit too

quick too quick trigger to back swing

the transition is too quick this is also

transition instead of here wait here and

then start give more time

here you have to you have

to yeah again and

then have active back swing faster back

swing yeah so when you have active back

swing automatically down swing becomes

active for sure so when you have to put

the effort that it's got to be down

swing the back swing so again good

trigger and a bit more time here and

then active back swing and let it go

give me three three


again yes the second one was really

good yes

yes okay so practice this a lot practice

that since you're not that far away from

here okay so practice this a lot and

then when you feel comfortable send me

some video clips okay and I'll will see

and then if that's you have to come down

again yeah I can yeah but uh you

eliminate the early opening still you

tend to move the backward you know quite

a bit but you change the timing so now

you are really putting effort swinging

leg is pushing and then turning okay and

and I want to see the same thing in the

back swing here Awakening right right

yeah but the the timing is elate now

okay perfect

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